January 2022 Heartfelt Farewell Message for Friend, Family and Colleague

– Farewell Message –

For any person, saying a Farewell message to a loved one is the hardest thing to do, but acknowledging the fact that we have something that makes saying goodbye so hard makes it easier.

One should cherish the best times spend with loved ones and pray for their success.

Table of Contents

Heartfelt Farewell Message

If you are scratching your head about the right farewell message, then do not worry. Below is a list of heartwarming messages that your parting employees, friend, family member, loved ones and colleagues will cherish forever. So scroll down and pick the one that resonates the best with you.

1.  I have learned a lot from you during your time here. I wish you all the success for the future and I know you will rock in that new position. Thank you and farewell!

2. I am seriously going to miss you here. Best of luck with your new endeavour and the never-ending adventures. See you soon!

3. Besides being a colleague, you have been a great friend at work. I am lucky that we worked together. Let’s be in touch always!

4. This is a whole new and exciting opportunity for you. We still cannot believe that you will leave us. Good luck out there and please keep in touch.

5. Your decision-making skills have always inspired me to be at your level. Farewell and good luck, sir!

6. Working with a colleague like you was so much fun. We are going to miss you here. Farewell, friend!

7. Thank you for making the workplace a fun place to be. It has been a pleasure to work with you. Farewell, and wish you all the success in your new job!

8. The knowledge that you shared with us and the learning you bought cannot be compared with anything. You have been a true and amazing leader to us. Thank you so much for everything. Your new coworkers are going to gain a truly wonderful person. May all the success give to you!

9. Having a friend like you in the workplace is a gift. Bidding farewell is one tough part today!

10. You always did a great job here in the organisation. Your contributions and dedication will always be a prime example for others. Farewell!

11. We would like to thank you for helping us achieve our and making us a better organisation. Farewell, and may success follows you everywhere!

12. You have contributed to this company personally as well as inspired others to make a difference. This organisation will always remember you as an exceptional employee!

13. You have always been so much fun to be around. Thanks for being with the company through its difficulties. Goodbye and all the best! “Farewell Message”

14. I have never come across someone so intelligent as you during my job life. You were great to work with and you have given us tons of memories to relive with. Wish you all the best for your future!

15. You were one of the best colleagues I had and thank you for being by my side during those hectic days. It has been a pleasure!

16. Under your guidance, I learned more than I could have ever expected! Thanks to you, I’ve got this amazing new opportunity. Thank you for setting me up for success—best of luck in the next stage of your career.

17. [Insert boss’s name]. Thank you for your kindness, patience, and advice. I’ve grown so much since I started working here. Good luck with your new job!

18. Not only have I enjoyed working with you, but I have also gained a lot of experience and now know how a well-functioning department should be run. My time with you has prepared me for the position that you’re vacating.

19. You can definitely look forward to new opportunities on the path ahead. Farewell, boss!

20. You’ve been an inspiration to all of us, and we’ve enjoyed working with you. We wish you success wherever you go. Farewell, boss!

21. It has been a with a boss like you. Thank you for making the workplace a fun place to be. I hope for your success in your new role. Good luck, and farewell.

22. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. You’re a wonderful boss. It’s so sad to hear that you’re leaving. I’ll never forget you. Farewell, boss, and I hope to see you again soon.

23. The most difficult and trying part of you leaving will adjust to a new boss who likely won’t be half the leader that you are.

24. If I was asked to describe what kind of boss you’ve been, words like encouraging, kind, patient, inspiring, influential, helpful, and a slew of other wonderful adjectives come easily to mind. Your new coworkers are gaining a truly leader. “Farewell Message”

25. Sometimes goodbyes are good. Happy for you, have a great start!

26. Going on a new voyage with excellent experiences and memories is good. Have a great new start!

27. All my wishes for you, do your best and achieve what you want in life. Have a great beginning!

28. The beginning is tough until you take the first step. With lots of wishes for your bright future, we wish you a happy farewell.

29. With a very heavy heart, we are saying goodbye and all the best for the future. Your presence we are going to miss always. “Farewell Message”

30. No matter you are going to stay in the office or not, we will always feel your presence. Parting with a heavy heart.

31. Wherever you go, stay in touch and be together always. Happy Farewell.

32. Never thought will have to do this one day. But now that this is happening, all the best is what I want to say.

33. Well, a part of me will always miss you. I don’t know why goodbyes are always hard, but they are (just like breakup). I will miss you, man!

34. Farewell is good and bad, good because we get to party and free but bad because this will be last. You will meet us. Hope you have a bright future!

35. You will be missed! You were a true partner who always backed me up, so thank you for your support and best luck with new beginnings!

36. When you leave one place, you grow when you join another place; you grow and I wish you keep growing always and forever. Missing you!

37. Stay in touch and I will keep trying to disturb you every weekend so we can hang out together. Achieve it. Will miss you!

38. I didn’t realise how these days just passed by with you. It felt no more. Difficult, now it’s time for you to leave. You will be missed! “Farewell Message”

39. For all the good days, you made it best. Thank you for being there. I hope you could be here and not leave. I will miss you.

40. Wish you the best for your future; this is your time to own everything in your life which you wanted. Hoping the best for you to cheer for our days!

41. Well, missus too only then we will miss you. To all the gossiping together and late night stories, I love you and I will miss you!

42. The time flies super fast. It feels like you came yesterday and you are already leaving. You will be missed. All the best for your future!

43. And the time is here when you are going to go; you gave me the best time of my life which I will cherish forever. Thank you for being there. I will miss you!

44. The good times have ended and, with a heavy heart, I have to say farewell to you.
All the best for the future.

45. It hurts to say goodbye. But I am optimistic that one day we will meet again.

46. Saying goodbye is difficult. But I am happy for you as you are leaving for a new pace which offers you more opportunities. Farewell, my friend! “Farewell Message”

47. May your future be bright and prosperous and may you continue to make new friends. Farewell!

48. With tears in my eyes and pain in my heart, I bid goodbye to you. But I know that someday we will meet again. Farewell!

49. Today we part, but it does not mean we are no longer friends. You will always remain there in my heart. Farewell, my friend!

50. Today we say goodbye to one another, hoping we will meet once again.

51. Farewell my friend. I hope good people may always surround you.

52. Sometimes I have been rude to you. Today, as we part, I want to tell you how sorry I am. Farewell, my friend.

53. I know that this parting is only temporary because soon we are going to meet again. Farewell for the time being.

54. Every beginning has an ending. So, the day has come when we say goodbye to each other. Farewell my friend, I will miss you.

55. Today we say goodbye, hoping we would meet again someday. Farewell!

56. Farewell my friend. May it always fill your life with happiness and joy. If fate permits, we would meet again soon.

57. Today we are saying goodbye to each other. But there is no reason to feel sad. Think about all the happy moments that we shared and a smile would surely come across your face. Farewell!

58. Dear friend, for me, saying farewell is just a formality, for I know we will meet again soon. Goodbye for now.

59. Forgive me for all the hurt that I have caused you. Farewell, my friend. Hope to see you soon.

60. Today I am saying farewell to you, but I am not at all sad. I know you are going abroad in search of new opportunities. Goodbye and all the best for the future.


100 Farewell Messages and Goodbye Messages for Friend

90 Romantic and Sweet Good Morning Messages for Him

97 Good Morning Texts for Her to Brighten Her Day and Inspire Her

100 Farewell Messages and Heartfelt Farewell Wishes

61. May your journey be a pleasant one. Farewell and hope to see you soon.

62. May the journey ahead be a comfortable and pleasurable one. Farewell and have a wonderful journey.

63. You joined as a colleague but over the years became my best friend. We shared so many fond memories, but nothing lasts forever. The time to say farewell has come. Wishing you a bright and prosperous future.

64. Farewell dear son. Your absence will really pain us, but we know that this parting is for your greater good. Farewell and do well in your studies.

65. I had really grown fond of you and do not know how I will spend the days without you. Farewell, may this parting be a short one? “Farewell Message”

66. Saying farewell is tough, but for me, it is a moment of happiness because I know you are going away for a better and more prosperous future.

67. Alas, the time has finally come to say goodbye. You have been an exceptional colleague and a great friend.

68. Wishing you all the best for your future. Farewell.

69. The most dreaded day has finally arrived. The day to say goodbye has come. Hoping that these months pass by soon and we meet again. Farewell, my friend.

70. We met as colleagues but as the years passed by we became the best of friends. But now the time parts. Farewell, my friend and all the best for your future.

71. I will always remember the good times we spend together. Those precious moments were the best times of my life. Farewell, my friend; hope to see you soon.

72. I had never thought saying goodbye would be so painful. Today, as we part, I am forced to say goodbye. But, I know, that we would meet again soon. Till then, goodbye to my friend.

73. Today is the saddest day of my life. I had never imagined that one day I would have to say farewell to my best friend. Goodbye dear friend, hope to see you soon. “Farewell Message”

74. Just consider this farewell a temporary phase, because we are part and will meet again soon.

75. May you have a wonderful journey. Under your guidance, I learned more than I could ever have comprehended. Farewell!

76. Saying goodbye is tough because very few good people come into our lives. Farewell, my friend; wishing you a bright and prosperous future.

77. I have met many people in my life but have come across a few good ones. You are one of those precious people who fill other’s life with happiness and joy. But, the time to part has come. Farewell, my friend.

78. You have been an exceptional employee, a great coworker and a dear friend. Wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Farewell!

79. I am thankful to you for spending your precious time and energy on me. I have learned quite a lot under your guidance. Thanks for everything, boss. Farewell!

80. Saying goodbye to such a dear friend as you are really painful. But, I am sure that we would soon meet again. Farewell, my friend.

81. Life has been a wonderful journey for both of us. But, the time says goodbye. Farewell.

82. Do not get sad at the thought of parting. We will meet again my friend. Farewell!

83. I made silly mistakes and I am paying the price for them. Never wanted our friendship to end this way. Farewell my friend. I hope someday destiny may bring us back together.

84. Goodbye is the toughest word, especially if it has to be said to such a wonderful friend like you. May we soon meet again. Farewell!

85. I feel privileged I had time to work under your supervision. All the best!.. Fare thee well!

Funny Farewell Message

86. When it is the last day of your friend in the office, one should think of making it the most memorable. It should become the day which he/she truly remembers forever after leaving the office.

Bring a smile on the face of your friends, colleagues or co-workers by sending them the most humorous messages which are full of wit. Send them the messages and shower your care and love on them. Finally, you are leaving!… Thank God!!… What a relief…

87. Hope you continue sucking the blood of your new employer buddy… Goodbye.. and remember I am going to miss you here!

88. Hey buddy, I know you are leaving… Just wanted to tell you. Now, there will be no one to give you free advice, as they will pay my pieces of advice for. Fare thee well!!

89. Farewell to the guy for whom every day was Sunday!!… I am going to miss your procrastination, bro!

90. I wish you get a lot of money, a little work, and a dangerous boss!!…. Farewell, buddy!!.. Gonna
miss you!

91. Now when you are finally leaving us, farewell to you. I was waiting for this day; you don’t know since when.

92. Farewell to you, finally we are getting rid of you. Enjoy your life. I know you will always be happy.

93. Except you, no one is sad because you are leaving us. Farewell.

94. Hey, we are going to miss you a lot for lunch you used to bring. Farewell to you.

95. You’ve been so https://innaija.com.ng/message/farewell-wishes-messages-quotes/dependable, supportive, encouraging, and honest during your time here. Your new place is incredibly lucky to have you. Keep doing great things.

96. Thank you for all the support and goodwill you have shown to me over the years. The sweet memories of working with a coworker like you will be hard to forget. Farewell, mate.

97. Take care of yourself in your new job. I wish I could be your coworker there too. The people you’re going to work with are in for a real treat. Goodbye, and keep in touch.

98. Thanks for all those times when you helped me in the tasks I wasn’t able to do on time. It will be difficult to fill the void created by your absence. I am really going to miss you. Best of luck.

99. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same.

100. Your decision-making skills are an asset that have always inspired me to be like you. I appreciate all your words of encouragement and everything I have learned from you. Farewell, sir.

101. This is such an exciting opportunity for you, but we still can’t believe you’re leaving. Please keep in touch.

102. It’s time to move on and scale new heights. But we wish that you don’t forget the old friends who have loved you always. “Farewell Message”

103. Thanks for training me. I’ll do my best to make sure I uphold the work ethic and commitment that you’re known for. Thanks for the motivation and for the on-the-job training I have received from you. Goodbye, mate.

104. Thank you for your help and kindness. I wish you the best of luck and continued success wherever you may find yourself.

105. You’ve been a friend, colleague, and mentor whom I have treasured so much. However, you’re bound for improved things. Goodbye, mate. “Farewell Message”

106. Thanks a lot for all your support and . You are the best colleague I have ever met. Bye, and keep in touch.

107. Your one smile undid the troubles of miles of commute. Do well.

108. Your resignation is a cruel reminder that all good things in life must end. You may have stopped being a colleague, but you’ll always remain my friend. Farewell.

109. The most difficult and trying part of you leaving will adjust to a new boss who likely won’t be half the leader that you are.

More wishes

110. You may no longer be my coworker, but you’ll continue to be my friend. Good luck with your new job.

111. It has been an honour working with a wonderful colleague like you these past years.

112. Saying goodbye to a staunch friend is really tough. But I bid you goodbye, hoping we would meet again one day.

113. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. You’re a wonderful boss. It’s so sad to hear that you’re leaving. I’ll never forget you. Farewell, boss, and I hope to see you again soon.

114. You moved to greener pastures, but your departure will leave our grounds barren and dry. Farewell.

115. It has been a pleasure working with a boss like you. Thank you for making the workplace a fun place to be. I hope for your success in your new role. Good luck, and farewell. “Farewell Message”

116. You’re moving away; this office is going nowhere. However, if you need someone to help proofread your work, get in touch with us. Here’s wishing you the best of goodbyes.

117. It didn’t take long for me to see you as my friend, rather than my colleague. I’m lucky to have worked with you, and I’ll miss you. Let’s keep in touch.

118. I’ve learned a lot working with you these past years. I know you’ll be successful in your new position. Thank you and farewell, friend.

119. While you might no longer work here, let’s keep working on our friendship. I’d love to stay in contact with you.

120. I’m seriously going to miss you here. Best of luck in your new endeavour. See you soon.

121. I’ll miss you and think of you. Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that we shared.

122. I will miss my colleague and best friend, but the sweet memories we shared will stay in my heart forever. You are the best staff I have ever worked with. Bye.

123. While it pains me to bid you farewell as you start a new phase of your career, I sincerely wish you continued success in all your future endeavours.

124. I want to hunt down the head hunter who hunted you and tell him he has scored his best hunt ever. Farewell.

125. We wish you success wherever you go.

126. I like the feeling of finding it difficult to say goodbye to someone because it only means that I have found a genuine friend.

127. Working in this office without you will be so boring. We’ll miss having a wonderful colleague like you. Good luck in your future endeavours.

128. I know you are going to get an exceptional salary in your new job, but there is no guarantee that you will get exceptional colleagues like us, too. Do you still want to go? Farewell.

129. I hope the next place that you work will rival the joy that you’ve had working here.

130. Wishing you much joy and happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life.

131. I hope that your new place is full of fun and happiness. Take care, and wishing you all the best.

132. Every once in a while, you meet a person who you instantly click with. You’re definitely one of those people for me. I’m so happy that we got to spend the time we did together. Enjoy your new position.

133. Our teamwork hasn’t been the same since you left the office. We’re really missing your valuable contributions.

134. You were the best colleague that I have ever worked with. I wish you all the best for your future. Farewell.

135. Dear office mate, you are an exceptional staff member dedicated to promoting excellence and making the workplace a fun place to be. We will definitely miss you, and we hope you will keep in touch with us from time to time. “Farewell Message”

136. I’ve really enjoyed working with you. Good luck at your new job.

137. Go ahead, enjoy your new job. We are friends forever!

138. Good colleagues are the people you can rely on to get along with, share a joke or two, and ask for help. You’re definitely these things. I’m sure your new coworkers will think the same about you as well.

139. Having outstanding colleagues is a bad habit because it’ll be impossible to work with someone else now that you’re leaving. Goodbye.

140. Wishing you the best in this next of your career. Congratulations, and best of luck.

141. Having fun and being happy here won’t be as easy without a wonderful person like you around. The whole workplace will miss you. Goodbye, and all th
e best.

142. Having the privilege of working with you has been the highlight of my time here. Best of luck in your new position.

143. Monthly targets and performance appraisals will come and go, but the memories of working with a colleague like you will stay in my heart forever.

144. Let me take this moment to acknowledge the deep gratitude I have for your many kindnesses and unwavering support during all the years that I worked with you. I wish you all the best. Goodbye.

145. Having you as a partner at work was one of the best professional experiences in my career. Farewell.

146. Working with you was always learning new things in the office every day. I wonder if I’ll ever have a colleague like you! Goodbye dear!

147. It is sad to see you leave. The office won’t be the same without you. Wishing you all the best. Farewell!

148. When you love the work you do, it can get you anywhere you want to be. You are a perfect example of this. Best wishes for your new life.

149. Having you as a colleague was a true blessing! For me, saying a farewell is just a formality for I know we will meet again, soon. Take care and goodbye for now.

150. Working with you is one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you for being and friendly to me all these years. Goodbye and best of luck with your new job.

151. I’m lucky to have an amazing co-worker like you in my workplace. Thank you for all the things you’ve taught me and helped me with my work. Farewell and best wishes for your new position. “Farewell Message”

152. Thank you for making my tiring days into a good ones. You’re a helpful and kind colleague. May you succeed in your next chapter of life. Goodbye!

153. Your enthusiasm always inspired me to work hard. My hectic days were fun because of you. It’s time to say goodbye to you. May you achieve your goal.

154. I have never known a colleague so intelligent but so down to earth. You’re leaving a of glorious memories for each one of us! “Farewell Message”

155. You were a lot more than a co-worker. Because of you, this office always seemed like a family. Today our hearts weep to say you goodbye!

156. I will not lie, but the office will not be the same without you. I am seriously going to miss you so much, dear friend.

157. Thank you for always spreading your positive energy among us. Thank you for all the splendid memories that we shared. Please keep in touch!

Be it for your friends or colleagues, your boss or teacher, these are the best farewell wishes and messages you could ever find!

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