January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety that Will Calm You When Panic Sets in

– January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety –

So many uncertainties abound in our world. Our brief existence is bogged down by numerous cares and concerns. Thus, we need serious August 2021 prayers for anxiety and worry. January 2022 Prayers for anxiety are very helpful. They can diffuse many tensions.

Frequently saying August 2021 prayers for anxiety grows our faith and nourishes our hope in the providence of God. Truly, not everyone has the proper August 2021 prayers for anxiety. Many do not even subscribe to the act of praying when they are having issues with anxiety.

However, one very useful thing we can apply in quenching our fears and worries is saying August 2021 prayers of anxiety in any disturbing situation. This way, we will be able to adequately express our cares to God while also drawing strength and comfort from Him. In this article, you are going to find great August 2021 prayers for anxiety you can pray at all times.

Special January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety

So that you will not be wanting in options, you have listed below nice and deep January 2022 prayers for anxiety that is suitable for all situations.

1. I come before You to lay my panic and anxiety at Your feet. When I’m crushed by my fears and worries, remind me of Your power and Your grace. Fill me with Your peace as I trust in You and You alone.

I know I can’t beat this on my own, but I also know that I have You, Lord, and You have already paid the ultimate price to carry my burdens. For this, I thank you, Amen.

2. Please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can’t seem to find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly. Amen. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

3. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you’ve laid out for me. I trust your Love God and know that you will heal this stress. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night. Please bring me clarity with the light of God. In your name, I pray, Amen.

4. Father, You have called me to be still before You, to rest in Your love, and to patiently bear the cross that is set before me, knowing that You are not only at my side every moment of the day, but dwelling deep within my heart.

5. Help me to depend on You in all things, knowing that nights of sadness will soon be turned into mornings of joy when You are by my side. Keep me from fretful thoughts and foolish imaginings, knowing that You are my best and heavenly Friend, my Shepherd, my Provider, my Defender, and the Rock of my salvation.

6. Draw me ever closer to Your heart of love. Quiet my spirit, still my soul, and instill in my inner being Your perfect peace that passes all understanding. Help me I pray, to be still and know that You are God, my God in Whom I trust. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

7. Times are hard Lord Jesus, and my soul is getting troubled and afraid, and yet I know You told us never to be dismayed or troubled. Keep me I pray from thoughts that vex my mind, for I know Lord that they are destructive to my soul and serve no positive purpose.

8. Lord Jesus, I know that only You can bring true peace to our troubled hearts. Thank You for the precious gift of peace that You have promised to Your children. Your peace is so different from what the world has to offer 

You have promised that You will keep all in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. Keep the eyes of my heart firmly fixed on my Lord Jesus. I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour, Amen. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

9. Heavenly Father, as I read the newspapers and watch the breaking news headlines on the TV screen, I recognize that troublesome times are here, and men’s hearts are failing for fear of what is taking place in the world.

10. Lord, I know that unless my hope is in You, I too will find that worldwide events that are currently taking place will cause me to faint from fear. Keep my heart fixed on You I pray, and keep me looking to You each moment of the day and help me to trust implicitly in Your Word. Amen. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

11. Overshadow me and all those I love with Your love and grace, and draw each one of us into an ever-deepening relationship with Yourself and an ever-deepening desire to know You more and to serve You better with each passing day. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

12. Heavenly Father, lately I’ve been so worried about things that are out of my control. Help me to trust that you are working every little detail of my life out and that I have nothing to fear or worry about. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

13. Dear Loving Lord, I am feeling stress, I am worried. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me? Show me, Lord, your order and your plans, are eternal. Let me trust in your will alone. Your word tells me where there is love, there is no fear.

Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved. I can do all things through you. You Strengthen me. In Jesus name, Amen

14. Dear Lord, I thank you that I can come to You always for any reason. I’m grateful that when I pray to You, You answer me. Help me to come to You at the beginning of my fears and anxieties instead of waiting until I can’t stand them anymore.

The quicker I come to You the better. You want to free me from ALL my fears. Help me look to You for help more often so that I can be radiant with Your joy. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

15. Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm; still me, Lord, keep me from harm. Let all the tumult within me cease, enfold me, Lord, in your peace. Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm; still me, Lord, keep me from harm. Let all the tumult within me cease, Lord, enfold me in your peace. Amen

16. Father, my heart is heavy. I feel like I have to carry the burden alone. Words like overwhelmed, distraught, exhausted seem to describe where I am. I am not sure how to let you carry my heavy load, so please show me how. Take it from me. Let me rest and be refreshed so that my heart won’t be so heavy in the morning. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

17. Dear Father, in this space of total anxiety, I’m praying to you, the God of all. Jesus, I need you so much. The weight of this world consumes my heart and my spirit is confused.

I know you are not the god of confusion; you are the God of order, love, and peace. I pray you would restore order right now in me. Thank you for the relief of an unburdened heart. Amen.

18. Lord, you know me. You made me. You love me. Meet me where I am at this moment. You knew I’d be here. Do what You want with my churning insides and my spinning mind and my blown-up fear. Don’t waste a minute of my anxiety. Heal it. Use it. Change it.

Instead of begging for something specific, I give myself to You. What do you want from me and for me? Thank you for understanding me when no one else does and loving me anyway. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

19. Dear God, help me know You love me. Help me feel Your caring arms around me today, even in the dark. Help me hear Your voice singing over me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

20. Father, in the midst of my stress and panic, please open my eyes. Show me what You are doing. Remind me that You are greater than all those who are against me. Help me see where You are at work and give me Your joy and encouragement. In the Name of Jesus, who is for me, I make this prayer, Amen.

21. Lord, Today I pray that You would help me exchange my attempts at escape and relief for Your perfect peace. I pray that You would give me wisdom in my decisions, and use them to bring a harvest of righteousness in my life.

Today Lord, I choose to trust You and Your peace as my guard. Teach me to cast all my anxiety on You because I know You care for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

22. Heavenly Father, Thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us. As your daughters walk through valleys and experience painful anxiety, heal us completely if that is Your will. If You have a different plan for our lives, give us Your strength, love, and courage and walk with us each day. We love You dearly.… In Jesus’ Name, Amen

23. Father, thank You for being good and kind to us. You are loving and faithful beyond all reason. Thank You for the gift of faith. Thank You for reminding us that You are our provider and it is Your delight to do so. You call us beloved. You shower peace in our hearts and rest in our souls.

May we seek You above all the cares of this world. May we tune every other voice out in order to hear Your whisper. We thank You for the work You’re doing even when we don’t understand or can’t see it. May our lives trust You at all times, in every way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

24. God, I know that You are strong and mighty. You can carry the weight of all the burdens that I am struggling to carry. I am casting off my worries and tossing them onto You. Thank You for bearing my burdens for me. Amen.

25. Lord Jesus, I have carried this burden far too long. My present sin is disabling my heart. My past guilt has paralyzed my future obedience. Anxiety over things I can’t control has taken siege over my soul. I am worn out. I cannot continue on my own. Right now, I come to You. In Your name. Amen. “August 2021 Prayers for Anxiety”

26. Dear God, help me wait well. Help me know what to do and when to do it. Then, help me do the holy work of rest, even when I would rather work and worry. Give me peace, and teach me to trust You as I wait for You to answer my prayers. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

27. Father God, I thank You that You are compassionate, merciful, and faithful in Your love for me. I thank you that You know every thread of every thought I have. You care deeply when I hurt and You care deeply when I am joyful.

Help me to come to you in prayer with all my worries, pain, and anxiety and trade them for Your peace that passes all understanding. Help me to come to You with all of my joyful moments and rejoice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

28. Heavenly Father, You alone are my secret keeper and know the darkest places within my heart. Lord, I feel tired, overwhelmed, and unworthy of Your love. Help me to truly surrender the things that keep me imprisoned inside my heart. Replace my struggle with Your joy. I want my joy back.

I want to stand beside You and celebrate this life that You have paid so dearly to give me. Thank you, Lord. You truly are the greatest gift of all. Consume me in Your joy, for I believe that the Joy of YOU Father, is where my strength is found. Thank You, Lord … In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

29. Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge.

Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my “overwhelmed” and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

30. Father, please forgive me when I give in to fear and worry instead of stepping out in faith and believing You. Help me learn how to capture my thoughts and train them to focus on You. I want to become a woman who trusts You – no matter what. My faith is small, but I now choose to place it in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

31. Dear God, I need Your peace today. I know that in order to be at rest I have to stop juggling fear with faith. So I ask for Your wisdom. Help me to be brave. I come now and hand over these concerns.  Fill me with Your love, joy, and peace instead, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

32. Dear Lord, help me trust You, consent to Your healing, and spend time in Your Word and in prayer. Rescue me from my distress and from the grave. Thank You for caring about my life and that I can be free from stress. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

33. Heavenly Father, even when it feels like there’s a delay, help me to never doubt You have my best interest in mind. Give me divine wisdom in handling whatever situations are weighing me down, and help me release my cares to You. Thank You for Your unconditional love. I love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

34. Heavenly Father, I come before you full of fear and anxiety. Thank you, Lord, for all that you have and will do for me, amen

35. Dear Lord, Your word tells us that we are not slaves to fear. You have given us many promises that tell us to rest in you and your word. In Romans 8: 15-17 you tell us,

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him, we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

Thank you for this wonderful promise. I will remember these words during the difficult times that I am tempted to give in to fear but instead will decide to completely trust in you. May you keep your words in my heart and mind, and help me to dwell on them throughout the day. Thank you, Lord.

36. God, help me to stand when I feel I’m about to fall; Help me to carry on when I feel I can’t take another step. Lead me gently in the direction that I should go; Lead me into a place of peace and security. Even while the world around me is full of turmoil, Bring me closer to you. Amen

37. Dear Lord Jesus, in John 14:1 You have told us,  “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me.”  I believe your words and take comfort in your promises.

I’ll trust in you to calm my heart and relieve my fears. This day I will choose to believe in you and trust in your words. In Your Beloved Name, amen “August 2021 Prayers for Anxiety”

38. Dear Lord, the stress of everyday life has become overwhelming. My life is confusing and sometimes even fearful. Forgive me where I have doubted and given in to fear. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and provide me with incredible peace. I thank you for who you are and all that you have done. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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Prayers for Strength in any Trying Time

39. Dear God in Heaven, I remember your promises in Psalm 55:22. Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Your words are power and strength, You alone give me the hope to carry on. According to your words, I ask you to sustain me and provide all that I need. Amen

40. Dear Father, it seems as if my life is in constant turmoil. I often feel stress, anxiety, and fear of what tomorrow may bring. I need to be reminded that you are greater than all my fears and anxiety and that you hold everything within your hands.

Embrace me and surround me with your love and peace. Thank you for always hearing me and being there when I need you. I know that you will continue to guide me and provide all that I need. Amen

41. Dear Lord, I come before you seeking peace and calm.  When I am overwhelmed with fear and worry I am reminded of who you are and how much you care for me.

In Luke 12:6,7 we are told, Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Speaking these words out loud brings me peace and comfort during trying times. I will rest in the fact that you know more about me than I know about myself. You know what’s best for me and I will ultimately trust in your plan for my life.

Knowing that all of creation is held together by your power and love, will give me the strength to trust in you more. Thank you for these incredible promises. In your name, amen.

42. Father in Heaven, I am weary and tired. The world around me has become difficult and hard to bear. I lay all these burdens down before you. You are my strength and rock in times of trouble.  Amen

43. Dear God, when life is overwhelming, I come to you. I will release my fear and anxiety and rest in the knowledge of who you are. Amen

44. Dear Lord, I come before your presence looking for relief from worry and fear. Lift me up and surround me with your great peace and love. Carry me through another day. Bring me safely through the struggles I’m dealing with. I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer, in Jesus’ name, amen.

45. God Almighty, I come before the throne of God seeking calm and comfort. I will remember Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Thank you, Lord, for being near me and protecting me at all times, amen

46. Dear Lord in Heaven, my heart is racing and I’m overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. Help me to remember that you are greater than all the craziness that I’m caught up in now.

You are my calm in the midst of the storm. I ask for you to relieve my anxiety, stress, and fear. Empty me of all these negative emotions and fill me with peace, joy, and love. In your name, I pray, amen.

47. Father and Lord, in Philippians 4: 6,7 I read,  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

48. I will stay focused on you, not on the world around me. I will look to you Lord, and not be consumed by my problems and fears. You alone will bring me peace in heart and mind. I thank you for this comfort in the midst of all the turmoil. Amen

49. Dear God, I am currently feeling scared and confused. I am asking you to give me your wisdom and direction. Guide me in the right way to go. Life is so confusing and I’m afraid of making the wrong choices. So I lay my fear at your feet and trust in your love and guidance.

50. You tell us that you will direct the paths of those that commit all unto you and trust in you. I give you the problems and stress that are in my life. With your strength, I will completely trust in you. Amen. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

51. Lord, during these stressful times I remember the words of Jesus in John 16:33. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Right now I’m going through great tribulation. I am struggling with so many things that are weighing me down all at once. I’m asking you to calm my mind and to slow down my racing thoughts.

Bring me to that place of peace that you can provide. You overcame the world and I trust that you will overcome all the trouble I’m currently dealing with, amen.

52. God Almighty, I am worried about my job, my family, and my ability to help and support them. I need you to guide me in the direction I should go. I’m asking you to help me make the right decisions for myself and those I love. I can’t control what happens at my job or the choices that other people make.

But you God hold all things together and know the end from the beginning. Give me the strength to hand over all my worries to you and to rest in your goodness. Help me to trust in you through these difficult times. Amen

53. Our Lord in heaven, Your peace and comfort I desire. May I remain calm and bask in your presence. May I be surrounded with your peace and joy. As dark as life may seem, I know you are near. One touch from you and I believe peace will flow throw me.

Surround me and calm me as only you can. I come before you and rest in your care. I’ll trust in your love for me. While I may not understand everything happening around me, I know that you do and that you are in control. Amen

54. Dear Father in Heaven, I lay all my worries and cares upon you, because I know how much you care for me. You know me better than I know myself. You have known me and understood me before I ever existed.

Because you know and understand all my needs, I’ll trust you and wait on your provision. Help me to stay calm, rest in your words, and come to a place of joy and peace. Amen

55. Lord, may your love surround me, comfort me, and protect me. May I trust more and worry less. May I always call upon you when I’m feeling fear or anxiety. In Your Name, Lord, Amen. “August 2021 Prayers for Anxiety”

56. Dear Heavenly Father, the anxiety within me is consuming me. I feel powerless to stop it. The despair makes me feel helpless, trapped, and so alone. I know You’re with me, but I can’t feel it over my anxiousness.

Please show me You’re here. Give me a sign. Quiet my anxious heart. The consolation of knowing You’re near will bring me great joy. I pray this in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen.

57. Dear Lord, my heart is heavy with anxiety. It’s a weight that drags me down and paralyzes me. It’s hard to find You or enjoyment in my life when my mind is so consumed with worry. I know You didn’t intend me to live my life this way.

Give me the strength to find kind words to say to others around me, to be able to extend kindness to others even during my dark days. Help me see and hear the kindness of others and allow it to help wash away this darkness. I ask this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

58. God, I feel hopeless. Give me the strength to banish anxiety from my heart. Help me find a place where my mind can rest easy and appreciate and enjoy today without fretting. With you all things are possible.

I can’t banish the stranglehold of anxiety on my own, but I know and trust You will help me overcome. Help me free my heart and mind and turn my focus to You instead. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ for your mercy. Amen.

59. Lord, I’ve tried so many times to stop letting anxiety take hold of my heart and mind, but it’s a powerful beast that I can’t overcome on my own. I now turn it all over to You – all the obsessiveness, despair, worry, and fretting that push my family and friends away. I know You always remain near me because You care for me and want me to come to You with my needs.

So I’m bringing this to you now. I lay my anxiety at Your feet, Lord. You can handle it and I can’t. Each time I feel it start rising, I will hand it over to You and I know You will take it from me. I love you. Thank you for helping me. Amen. January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety

60. Dear Lord, You know my every thought. Nothing is hidden from You. When You search me, I hope You feel all the love in my heart for You. When I’m tested with the challenges of life, You know my anxious thoughts and how they consume me. Please help me trust you. Help me overcome the anxiety that controls me.

Help me see it’s the devil who feeds my mind the thoughts that keep me from enjoying life to the fullest and from embracing You as I should. I’m turning to You now, Lord. With You, all things are possible and I know there’s nothing that can happen to me that I can’t handle with You by my side. Thank you for being my Lord and my God. I need you. Amen.

61. Dear Heavenly Father, You’ve given me the precious gift of life and I’m wasting it on anxiety, rather than seeking You and living my life for Your glory. Open my eyes to the things that really matter. Help me focus on loving others the way I should instead of being self-consumed. Help me shine Your light for those around me and to live as an example of Your amazing grace and love. Amen.

62. Lord, I don’t thank You enough for the many blessings I have in my life and for Your constant love. You are my Lord and the One True God, worthy of eternal praise.

I know I can count on You to be by my side through these anxious times. I turn over my anxiety to You and know You will help me through anything that comes my way. 

I’m bringing my current struggle to You today, Lord. I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

63. Dear Lord, You sent your Apostles into the world without food, clothing, or shelter, and they trusted You. Their paths were filled with challenges and they were probably fearful, but they still trusted. I pray to have that same trust. Help me stop worrying about having enough. I know You will always provide.

Help me stop idolizing possessions of this world and realize that earthly possessions only distract me from following You. Lord, You will not forsake me and You will always provide.

Help me trust in Your goodness so I can focus my remaining days on following Your will and never waste another minute in worry about not having what I need. I ask this as Your loving servant. Amen.

64. Dear Lord, You have given us such beautiful examples in nature of the way You provide for Your creation. I worry about my current problems and the future but help me learn by the examples You’ve put in front of me. The magnificent wildflowers are given all the nourishment they need to bloom, through no act of their own. You provide for them.

When I let anxiety take hold of me, remind me that You provide for the tiniest wildflower. How could I ever doubt that You will provide for me? Help me to live my life for You instead of being consumed in my worry. I trust that You will never forsake me. I ask for Your help in the name of Jesus, my Lord, and Savior. Amen. January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety

65. Dear God, Thank You for the amazing gift of life. Help me learn to appreciate it more and not squander it on anxiety and worry. Help me live in each moment and trust that You will never forsake me, so I have no reason to fret over the future.

Remind me to recognize the beauty around me and the gifts I already have. Help me discern Your will for my life. Teach me to live my life for You so nothing else matters. I’m ready to trust You and lay my worry at Your feet. I love You. Amen.

66. Almighty God, You know what I need before I even ask and You know how ignorant I am. Please release me from these anxious thoughts and help me see Your gifts. Aid me in reaffirming my faith so that I can serve You as You first intended. In Your Name, Amen.

67. Dear God, I come before You to lay my panic and anxiety at Your feet. When I’m crushed by my fears and worries, remind me of Your power and Your grace. Fill me with Your peace as I trust in You and You alone.

I know I can’t beat this on my own, but I also know that I have You, Lord, and You have already paid the ultimate price to carry my burdens. For this, I thank you, Amen. January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety

68. Dear Lord, at this moment, I find myself struggling with worries. When I find myself falling to my knees, let it be in front of You, with Your name on my lips, dear God. You will ease my burden and let me live free. In Your Name, Amen.

69. Our Heavenly Father, today is a difficult one and I come to you as a broken and humbled servant. I’m unable to bear the burden of my worry and fear alone, and I turn to You to help me. Your sacrifice has set me free and I yearn to follow Your path, Lord.

Help me live in Your grace. You have forgiven me and You have erased my cares. Everything I have is because of You and I ask that You help me trust in You, Lord. Amen. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

70. Lord, You know my heart and my innermost thoughts. You see the struggle within me, the battle between mind and heart. I beg of you, O Lord, release me from this anxiety.

Let me bask in Your Holiness and remain calm, knowing that You are Lord and Savior. You died for my sins and You will not leave me alone in this dark place. I thank You for Your everlasting love, Amen.

71. Dear God, the heaviness of the world weighs on me and while I know You are in charge and You have my best interests at heart, I am struggling. My worries and the worries of the world crush me and bear me to the ground. O Lord, help me understand that You are the one holding me up and that You will prevail against this darkness in me.

Deliver me from the Valley of Death. Your love can heal all and I ask that you lift me from this pit of despair and surround me in Your incredible love and light. Let me see You in everything, Lord, that I may rise above this, in Your arms, and serve You. In Your Name, Amen.

72. Heavenly Father, I fall before you, pleading for Your understanding and forgiveness. I have faltered in my faith, Lord. I feel fear and anxiety where I should feel faith and strength in Your arms.

Forgive me, Father, and banish these thoughts from my head. Sweep away the fears that threaten to overcome me and make me new again, in Your Holy Spirit. This I ask, Amen.

73. Father, I come to You now and I am filled with anxiety, worry, and fear. The “what ifs?” are taking charge of my thinking. I woke this morning with fear of the unknown. Father, I ask You to please calm my body and mind. Give me the peace that only You can provide.

Remind me to rest in Your love and comfort. God, please take away these awful feelings. Renew my soul. Give me strength. Thank You, Father. I love you. Amen. January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety

74. Dear Heavenly Father, My body and mind are filled with turmoil. I’m worried about situations in life that I can’t control. I’m concerned about my family, friends, and strangers.

I worry that the world is falling apart and there are people who don’t know You. From medical tests to strained relationships, to my long “to do” list, I am filled with stress.

Please release me from these worries. Remind me of Your love. Please cover me with Your peace and calm. Allow my body and mind to find rest with You. God, thank You for always listening and hearing prayers. I pray for inner peace and calm for every person. In the name of Your Son, Amen.

75. Dear God, my friend is afraid and filled with anxiety. My friend needs Your help. I don’t know all the reasons for their anxiety. You know what is happening in their life.

I lift up my friend to You and ask You to cover them with a spirit of peace and calm. Remind them that You have a plan for their life (Jeremiah 29:11).  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

76. Dear God, When I first learned that my feelings of anxiety were causing many physical and mental problems in my body, I was embarrassed. I was ashamed to let anyone know I had “anxiety.” I tried to handle things on my own. Friends and family asked if I was okay and if they could help me in any way. “January 2022 Prayers for Anxiety”

Too embarrassed to let them know that I had been diagnosed by a medical professional as having “anxiety disorder,” I held my feelings inside. Father, thank You for guiding me through anxiety. Thank You for showing me that there is no need to be embarrassed. Many people have anxiety.


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The more I share with others, the more I learn about people who need help with anxiety. When I go to you in prayer, I find rest and calm. Please cover us with Your hedge of protection.

Please take away anxiety. Help us to know when anxiety comes, we are not alone. You are with us. We can find help through praying and in reaching out to others (Psalm 136:1-9). I am thankful for Your love. Amen.

Though many people believe in God, some do not quite tap into the blessings that He provides in all areas. There is virtually no sphere of our lives that prayers cannot impart.

So, we can make use of January 2022 prayers for anxiety to cheer ourselves up and be more hopeful. I would love to believe that you have picked out a unique August 2021 prayer for anxiety for yourself on this list.

Do well to share this article with your friends and loved ones.

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