January 2022 Rest in Peace Messages and RIP Quotes

– Rest in Peace Messages –

Death is one of the saddest and most unfortunate events in life. It leaves friends, family, and loved ones in shock and pain and sometimes they might never recover. There is no right way to mourn or express condolence. Still, it is just too necessary for us to send rest in peace messages and condolences to the bereaved.

No one is meant to live forever. We have to say goodbye to every last one of our beloved friends, family members, and dearest ones. This is the saddest truth of life.

However, showing our feelings and sympathizing with those who mourn through rest in peace messages usually prove to be very helpful in condoling the sorrowful.

Yet, it is usually hard to find words to communicate our feelings when our nearest one withdraws forever. We become so stunned and pained that we fail to find some words for saying them a last farewell or to petition God for a peaceful afterlife for them. Hence, we all need to learn how to handle these difficult times and how to pay proper tribute to the dead through rest in peace messages.

Mournful and Sympathetic RIP Messages

Both in expressing your grief and paying homage to a lost soul, these rest in peace messages below are great samples to draw inspiration from.

1. Who will ever believe that I saw and conversed with you a couple of hours ago? How could you do this to me, leaving me with sad memories of you till the end of time? I only have a few words for you: rest in peace.

2. We have only but a short time to spend on earth. That’s the hard reality and I really wished it wasn’t true for you. Rest in peace.

3. The moment I heard about your death, it dawned on me that my lonely days have been fully ushered in. I miss you so much that it hurts.

4. The pain deep inside my heart is quite cruel, evidence of how wicked death is, to have snatched you away from me. Is it possible that you come back, even if it’s for some hours? I am in deep pain.

5. Just when I needed you close by, to help me navigate through this unruly life, you took off on an infinite journey, never to come back. Rest in peace.

6. There is a special lesson your death has taught me, and that is simply to live every day as though there’s no tomorrow for me. You gave your all to humanity, never minding how much is ripped off you. It is time for you to rest; rest in peace. “Rest in Peace Messages”

7. So soon! Why were you in a hurry to leave me, your dear family members, and well-wishers? How did you expect us to cope with your loss? Do I wish you to rest in peace, or to return if possible?

8. All my life, I had thought that death is a distant event only found in fictional books. Your demise has mocked me with the truth of the matter, that death is as real as daylight. May your soul rest in peace.

9. If I could turn back the hand of time, I would have found myself with you again, holding you fondly and laughing heartily. I would have told you more often that I love and cherish you. Rest in peace, darling.

10. Your departure from this world means that there is no other who I can call my dearest friend. It also entails that there is a vacuum you’ve left in me which nobody or nothing else can fill. I miss you. Rest in peace.

11. A few persons on earth have the capacity to passionately affect lives in what could be termed reforming radicalism. You are one such person. I wished I had known you earlier. Rest in peace.

12. I don’t desire to take my mind back to the time I met you because it breaks my heart to do that. If only I knew you would leave me this soon, I wouldn’t have ever opened my heart to you. Rest in peace.

13. Good a thing, I had the chance to know you through and through; a loving heart you were. I am stupendously proud of the life you led. Rest in peace, dear friend.

14. Wherever death is right now, shame on it! It is a shameless thing for death to snatch away a budding life as yours. There’s no amount of tears I will shed that can bring you back, I know. That’s why I would want you to rest in peace.

15. A lot of thoughts crisscross my mind. One stands out from them all – why would you die at this point in time? You may not be able to answer me openly, but I hope I get the answer someday. Rest in peace.

Brief and Concise Rest in Peace Messages

In times of grief, we may need to be more economical in our use of words since it is not many people that will love to read an extensive rest in peace message. 

1. May the Almighty Lord bestow his mercy and love on you and your family in this sad and difficult juncture of life. I offer my condolences to you and your family.

2. You came, lived and loved your kind and strangers. You stood when others were afraid to stand, and soared when the wind was revered as sacred. Rest in peace.

3. Like a sapling, yours was a fragile life, tender and wilfully vulnerable to the scorching force of empathy. Your demise proves us wrong; you lived a champion. Rest in peace.

4. Everything that reflects life and living isn’t worth holding onto with tenacity because it is futile to do so. May your gentle soul rest in peace.

5. I salute the life of the mighty, the hero of many. I want to congratulate you on a valuable life well lived. Rest in peace! “Rest in Peace Messages”

6. Our journey together comes to an end today. You will remain in my heart forever. May your soul rest in peace.

7. Your untimely demise has created a vacuum in my life that none can fulfill.  I will miss you a lot mom. May your soul rest in peace.

8. You fulfilled all your dreams before you left every one of us. You died as a satisfied soul. Your soul shall rest in peace forever.

9. The heart of man is as a powerhouse where emotions are let out and information stored. I weep bitterly because your exit has dismantled the essence of my heart. Life won’t be the same without you.

10. We live to die. That is factual, legal, and doctrinal. I hope to meet you again where there’s no fear of death. Rest in peace.

11. There are momentary memories, those that pass with time. Then, there are memories that stay glued with us till time passes. Such are of yours and mine. Rest in peace.


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12. Down to the time when it was certain that you had drawn your final breath, I yet wished that you would blow your cover and have us shaking in pained laughter. May your soul rest in peace.

13. In the sweet by and by, my fingers shall brush your beautiful face, never to tremble or pull away. Rest in peace.

14. I can hardly stop myself from crying, I never expected that our friendship will end so early in this way. You will remain in my thoughts forever. Rest in peace.

15. Other than the promise of a better place than this wicked world, there was nothing within my powers I wouldn’t do to keep you from bowing out from this planet. Rest in peace.

16. You are observing us from heaven, we will try our best to live happily so that your soul remains happy and rests in peace.

17. I can forget everything, but I can never forget you. Goodbye, rest in peace.

18. The road that leads to death is steep, an oblivious path too complex for the human mind to comprehend. Rest in peace.

19. Your memories will remain fresh in my mind forever. It is really a very painful moment for me and your family. Goodbye, rest in peace.

20. I treasured, and will always treasure the gift of your company. You were a friend whose ears and kind lips brought succor to my burdened heart. Rest in peace.

21. Nothing can bring you back to us. We will miss your love, guidance, and support for the rest of our lives.

22. You were the best thing in my life, the only truth in it. I will miss you a lot dear. Rest in peace. “Rest in Peace Messages”

23. It will be really difficult for me to stay without you for the rest of my life. I was not at all prepared for this. I pray to God to give me the strength to go through this emotional situation. May your soul rest in peace.

24. We will meet again; that I am resolutely sure of. Rest in peace.

25. Of all things I wished for you, death wasn’t even implied nor stated in them. How then did you give up to death, and now? Rest in peace.

26. I can’t even cry because you never liked to see me crying. I will still ask God, why did he punish me in this way? Rest in peace, my love.

Heartfelt Rest in Peace Messages

Oftentimes, grief usually dwells deep in the heart. Thus, it requires us to say words that come right through us. You can use any of these rest in peace messages to console a friend who is mourning.

1. Words come to me in stutters; it is unbelievable that you are dead. We shared a friendship that defied every ugly circumstance; the respect that we had for each other was as mutual as it was gracious. With all these beautiful things going for us, you still chose to leave. Rest in peace; it is hard to let go of you.

2. To every one of your friends, you were the epitome of selflessness. There was never a day you sat with anyone and didn’t look for something good to offer them.

You lived life to the fullest; not for wanton pleasure, but to leave bits of yourself in many. It is an uncommon privilege to be counted among the beneficiaries of your many blessings. Rest in peace.

3. For someone like you, instead of sand, laureates should be thrown onto your casket. Rather than cry helplessly, I join the host of heaven to welcome you into your place of rest. What else is of life without honor? You lived a worthy life. Rest in peace, dearest. “Rest in Peace Messages”

4. Part of the hidden truth about you is that it was certain you knew that you were living a rented life. Testimonies abound on how you didn’t afflict yourself with the worries and cares of this world, and you had your reasons. Wonderfully enough, your borrowed life was fruitful till the end. Rest in peace, mortal man!

5. You may have been nothing to the world, but to us, you were our everything. Rest in peace!

6. Your memories will always be with us until we meet. Rest in peace my dear one.

7. I am so saddened that you are no more; you were a blessing to us. RIP.

8. I am sending my heartfelt sympathy to your family and you. My heart goes out to you on the loss of your beloved. RIP!

9. Life sometimes can be cruel. You taught me to be myself, to be happy and laugh, but today I am crying for you. Rest in peace!

10. Only God knows why it happened, teardrops cannot stop running on my face. RIP, we will see each other again in heaven.

11. I never knew how painful it is to lose someone until death took you away from me. RIP, my dear!

12. A life of excellence is depicted by the true fun with which it is lived, not necessarily the rigid principles followed to the letter. I admired everything about your life and the happiness that you never sucked in but freely gave. My prayer is that I live half the way you excellently lived yours. Rest in peace.

RIP Message for Friends

1. It was always an honor to be your friend. Your memories will always stay with me. RIP!

2. No matter what I do, your memories will always be within me. I will forever cherish you. RIP!”Rest in Peace Messages”

3. It was an honor to have such a friend until the last moments. His memories will forever remain in me. Rest in peace, my friend.

4. I ask why, why so soon. I believe you are now singing with the angels. We will dearly miss you. Rest in peace, my dear friend.

5. I remember the first day we met, your generosity and kindness. I can’t believe that you are no longer with us. Now I am only left with sorrow in my heart. Rest in peace, my friend!

6. Words alone cannot explain the void that you have left in your life. We will forever remember you. Sleep well best friend.

7. You were one of a kind, May the Almighty open the gates of heaven for you, my friend. RIP!

8. Your memories will always be with me. I will never forget you. Rest in Peace, my friend!

9. I don’t know why you left so soon, I can still feel your presence. Rip my best friend!

10. I believe you are in good hands, with the angels. RIP!

11. Life has shown us again its hurtful side by taking you away from us when we didn’t see it coming. There’s no way to make up for time lost and now gone but I hope wherever you are, you know that you are truly loved and we hope you find peace and Joy.

12. We always thought we would have you and losing you has reminded us of the cruelty of reality. A world without you is unimaginable yet we are now forced to face it. Sleep now our dearest and pay your pains to be gone forever.

13. Today the world mourns the departure of a legend who has left behind shoes no one can fill. It will be very difficult to live without you. We pray you find peace wherever you are.

14. This is one of those moments I wish rebirth was possible because I wish more than anything to know and meet you again because one lifetime with you is simply not enough. Sleep in peace and rest now our dearest.

15. Death may have taken you away from me, but it could never take your memories away. You will always be in my heart in your own special place. RIP!

RIP Messages for Grand Parents

1. It’s funny how life works, you remain the strongest person we know, weathering everything life threw at you with such bravery you almost seemed invincible. You have touched the lives of countless lives and today you leave a void in our hearts no one can fill. Rest in peace our hero.

2. I can only imagine what you must be feeling, Dad. Truly, this is an irreplaceable loss for our family. I hope she’s in a better place now.

3. My grandmother was an exceptional woman. I still recall those delicious cookies she’d bake for me. I can’t believe she’s no longer here with us. May her departed soul rest in peace.

4. Having to part ways with you was one of the most painful moments in my life. See you in heaven grandma! I miss you a lot. “Rest in Peace Messages”

5. Dear grandpa, your death has left an irreplaceable void in my heart. I miss our deep conversations and I miss playing chess with you. I hope you are in a better place now. Rest in peace.

6. It breaks my heart to come to terms with your absence in this world, grandpa. It was an honor to have shared some of my years with you. Rest in peace.

7. Not many people can accomplish in three lifetimes what you did in one lifetime. You are indeed a legend and we will try our best to uphold your legacy. Rest in peace.

8. Not many have a chance to meet their heroes. I was lucky to have known mine and for that, I am truly grateful, I only hope to do the best I can to make you proud. Sleep in peace, my hero.

9. You may be gone for now but I have hope we will meet again. In a world where darkness and pain will be no more. You have closed your eyes to rest and I pray for your peace.

10. Our God has called you home, if only we were forewarned so we would have made the most of the time we had and tell you how much you made our lives better. A world without you is a reality we are not ready to face. Rest in peace.

11. You will always be remembered no matter what. Your presence, love, and kindness will forever be with us. Rest for now until we meet again.

12. You are irreplaceable and treasured in our hearts forever. To say we will miss you does no justice for what we feel, no amount of tears can express the pain we feel in losing you but then again thank you for the honor of sharing a lifetime with you. Rest in peace.

Rest in Peace Messages for Loved One

1. Today as you are gone, I feel like I have lost my smile forever. I don’t know how my life will be without you. I will miss you forever! Rest in peace!

2. You gave me the truest form of love, care, and affection. I hope as you join god up in the sky, he accepts you with the same love, care, and affection.

3. You had a pure heart and a beautiful mind. Today I have lost the person I loved most in this world. You were a treasure for me. Rest in peace!

4. I don’t want to cry because I know you can see me still. You never wanted to see me crying. All I want to say is that I love you. Death can never erase you from my heart!

5. For the first time, it feels like life has betrayed me. It has taken away the person I cared for most. I can never forget the memories of you. RIP!

6. I would trade anything from my life to bring you back again. But some things in life are one-way. You can never rewind them back. Rest in peace my love.

Rest In Peace Messages for a Sibling

1. Dear Brother, my heart aches to learn that you are no more with us. You were my biggest inspiration and you will be missed so dearly!

2. Dear sister, you may not be with us today in blood and flesh, but your footsteps can never be erased. You will always live in our hearts!

3. In loving memory of my sister, who was the kindest, purest, and most amazing woman that I had ever seen, may her soul rest in peace.

4. It’s hard to see someone lifeless whose smile made our everyday great. The pain we are feeling cannot be described. We love you. RIP!

5. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your brother. My family’s hearts are with you and your family.

6. There is nothing in this world that hurts more than losing someone close to us. Brother, rest well. I pray that you are in peace now.

7. Time can never fade the memories of you. You have touched our lives in so many ways that it’s impossible to not remembering you even for a moment. RIP!

Rest in Peace Quotes for Uncle/Aunt

1. My dearest uncle, I still fondly recall your positive approach to life. Death may have taken you away from us, but you’ll always remain alive in our hearts. Rest in peace.

2. You and your family are in my heart and mind. My condolences on the passing of your father.

3. It’s terrible to hear about your loss and I express my sincere sympathy to you and your family

4. I am deeply saddened by the loss that you and your family have encountered. My condolences.

5. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. May God give you the peace that you seek.

6. May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease the pain of this loss. “Rest in Peace Messages”

7. I offer you my thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes during this dark time in your life.

8. I extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. May the soul of your mother be at peace with our Heavenly Father.

9. I am deeply saddened by the news of your loss. I pray that God will grant you the strength. My most sincere condolences.

10. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now, but I want you to know that we are just a phone call away. My heartfelt condolences.

11. Please accept my condolences, just know that I am here for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out, especially during this difficult time.

12. May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. My most sincere condolences.

13. I hope that our Lord brings you and your family much-needed peace during this sad time. My condolences to you and your family.

14. I am honored and blessed to have known your uncle. He was truly a blessing in my life and I will miss him. My condolences.


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Condolence Messages and Tribute for a Close Person

Truly, dealing with the loss of a close and dear person is not cool. It takes a whole lot of strength from us. Whenever we wish to express this level of grief and pain, we can make use of any of these rest in peace messages below.

1. Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly departed. My most heartfelt condolences.

2. Remembering her wonderful and gentle soul will forever remain in our hearts. May she rest in peace!

3. I will never forget his kindness. May God give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain.

4. May God put her in a special place where she will be watching us, the people who loved and cherished her!

5. We will never forget you. We will pray for him as he prayed for us. May God give him eternal rest. “Rest in Peace Messages”

6. I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you.

7. May God forgive and accept her soul into the Garden of Eden, near the throne of whom she seeks and loved!

8. A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. We part with our beloved grandfather in pain.

9. I loved too much and I lost. Today you’re not where you were, but you will always be in my heart. God rest you in peace, our dear mother.

10. Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that I feel for the passing of your mother. Please accept my condolences.

11. May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept my sincere condolences.

12. Condolences to the bereaved family. My tears are flowing for a friend, a great girl. God rest her soul in peace!

13. Despite the loss of the physical presence of your father. We know that God has assigned him to watch over you throughout your life.

14. In this sorrowful time, we would like to extend to you our heartfelt condolences. May our Lord comfort you and your loved ones.

15. Our condolences to you and your family on the passing of your aunt. May our friendship and prayers ease you through this difficult time.

16. We are terribly sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. May our condolences bring you peace during this painful time.

17. We just want you to know that we are really sorry to hear about your father, he was a wonderful man. May he rest in peace.

18. With a heavy heart, I pray for the eternal repose of one who was a woman of distinguished humanity. “Rest in Peace Messages”

19. In these moments of loss, words are useless. God rest her soul in peace and the angels to always be there with you!

20. A beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, away from us, but closer to God, leaving loneliness and sadness.

21. Words cannot describe what I am feeling. I give my condolences to the entire family. God rest her soul.

Simple Rest in Peace Messages

1. Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow.

2. A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family.

3. Our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy. “Rest in Peace Messages”

4. Sharing in your sorrow with love and friendship. Our condolences.

5. No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss.

6. Words fall short of expressing my sorrow. My condolences.

7. I’m always there in your hour of need. May her soul rest in peace.

8. Someone so special can never be forgotten.

9. I will be thinking of you in this moment of pain.

10. Thinking of you, at this time of loss.

Short Condolence Text

Without writing too many words, these rest in peace messages can touch the heart of any grieving friend.

1. I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. Your mother was a great woman and she will be truly missed and will always be remembered.

2. A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts, through us, they live on. My condolences.

3. Your father will be terribly missed. He was loved by all of us and he will be cherished in our memories forever. Our condolences.

4. Flowers and prayers go out for our dear grandfather and great-grandfather that left us too soon. “Rest in Peace Messages”

5. We are deeply saddened by your loss, may our prayers guide his soul to our Heavenly Father. Sincere condolences!

6. We are deeply saddened by the news of John’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

7. Mother is the most expensive being on earth. No one and nothing can fill the void created by the loss of our dear mother.

8. May the love and mercy of our Lord be bestowed upon you and your family during this unfortunate time. My most sincere condolences.

9. The good Lord called to her last night our beloved mother and aunt. Mau God rests her soul in peace.

10. I am deeply saddened by the loss of your brother. He will be truly missed and I will include him in my daily prayers.

11. We pray that the Good Lord caress the souls of those left desolated after the tragic disappearance. Our condolences.

12. May the soul of the dearly departed rest in peace, may my prayers help guide her on her journey to our Creator.

13. Nobody can understand how hard a separation is… It remains only the eternal memory in our hearts of our dear grandmother.

14. May fond memories of your mother bring you comfort during this hard time in your life. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

15. When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches over us. Our most sincere condolences to you.

16. Sincere condolences to the families grieving the immeasurable loss they suffered. Please accept my condolences.

17. At this difficult time in your life, we pray that God will grant you the peace that you need to get through this. Sincere condolences!

18. Our souls are hardened of pain on hearing of the unfair disappearance, we knew, appreciated, and admired! God rest his soul.

19. No one can prepare you for a loss; it comes like a swift wind. But take comfort in knowing that he is now resting in the arms of our Lord.

20. We are deeply pained and words are of no help in expressing the sorrow we feel at this moment. Sincere condolences!

21. Please accept my heartfelt condolences, words cannot begin to express the sadness you are feeling right now, God rest his soul.

22. Condolence quotes are fantastic to share on Facebook to show your sympathy in any situation, you can find a unique set of sympathy quotes here online on this condolences’ portal. “Rest in Peace Messages”

23. A flower bucket is beautiful and holds quite long, but a digital candle is forever lasting. You can light a candle for your beloved ones online and keep it as memorial wherever you are.

24. I cannot even begin to understand what you’re going through right now, but I would like to offer my prayers and condolences.

25. We lost a great friend, but the universe received a new beautiful star. My condolences to you and your family.

26. In this tough time in your life, may our friendship, sympathy and heartfelt condolences bring you comfort.

27. Sent with love and remembrance to get through this tough time. Our most sincere condolences.

28. Hearing about your loss has deeply saddened me, but I know that this is far from what you are going through right now.

29. Please accept our condolences on the passing of your sister. It was an honor to have known such a great person. Sincere condolences.

Solemn Condolence Messages and Words

1. May her soul rest in peace, I believe that God will accept her with open arms for all the good she has done while she was on this earth.

2. Losing someone we love is nothing easy, we can realize that we are blessed to have been able to share in his life. My condolences.

3. Nothing is more painful in life than the separation of a jewel. God rest his soul. My most sincere condolences. “Rest in Peace Messages”

4. We join our friends with thoughts of comfort in helping them get over the immense void left behind by the loss of their beloved father.

5. His kind face remains forever in our image. You retired quietly, the same way you live in the world of good and righteous.

6. We would like to express our sorrow and condolences to you and your family. She will be a part of our prayers from now on.

7. Wishing you peace to bring comfort and the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.

8. Our hearts are filled with sorrow upon hearing the news about your father’s passing. Our most sincere condolences.

9. We were coworkers of Martin. Words cannot express our sorrow. The office won’t be the same without him. Martin will be missed.

10. After the tears have dried and the goodbyes have been said, all we have is happy memories that we’ve shared with our loved ones.

11. I cannot believe you are no longer with us… I have to believe that God has bigger plans for you. Sincere condolences.

12. My sincere condolences to you on your great loss. You and your family would be in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay strong!

13. May God give you the strength to deal with your loss. Sending my condolences to you and your family, dear.

14. I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Please accept my condolences.

15. I am deeply saddened by the loss of your mother. God rest her soul.

16. It’s an honor to remain your best friend until your last moments. Your memories will always stay with me no matter where I go and what I do! RIP!

17. Please accept our condolences on the passing of your brother. He will live on in our memories forever.

18. Your sister will be missed and he will never be forgotten. May her soul rest in peace!

19. My deepest condolences to those who lost their loved ones. May you all Rest in Peace.

20. No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.

21. I don’t remember when was the last time I cried this much. You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from my heart. Rest in peace!

22. Deeply saddened and affected by this tragedy. Our hearts go out to you. RIP

23. Nothing is more painful in this world than losing someone you love so dearly. I am so much broken but I will pray for your departed soul in every moment of my life.

24. The tragedy of your death has left a deep wound in my heart. May your soul rest in peace.

25. Dear please accept my deepest condolence for your mother’s death! May she rest in peace. “Rest in Peace Messages”

26. No matter what I say, I can never bring you back in life. I just want to pray to God so he keeps you in the best place in heaven. Rest in peace.

27. No one could ever take your place in my heart. Today I am crying because I have lost a person who occupied a very special place in my heart! RIP.

28.  I feel truly saddened that you are no more with us. May God bless you.

29. Life can be so illogical at times. Today I am crying for the person who taught me how to laugh. You meant everything to me. Rest in peace, my dear!

30. You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of the great person that you were. Rest in peace up in heaven!

31. Very few people have influenced my life the way you did. Thank you for being there. Rest in peace.

32. Sudden departure of your father is making my heart cry. Sending my heartfelt sympathies. May Lord give you all the strength to bear this tough time.

33. Sending my deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. My heart goes out to you on the passing of your brother.

34. Working was fun with him/her. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of such an amazing person. My thoughts are with you.

35. With teardrops running down my face, I bid you farewell. See you in heaven, partner.

36. Your son was a charismatic young man. It’s heartbreaking to think that he’s no more. Please accept my sincerest sympathy to you and your family.

37. I never knew just how painful goodbyes were until death took you away from me. Rest in peace, my dear!

38. Death may have removed you from me, however, it would never remove your memories. You will consistently be in my heart in your own special place. RIP!

39. Today as you are gone, I sense that I have lost my smile forever. I don’t have the foggiest idea how my life will be without you. I will miss you forever! Rest in peace!

40. You gave me the truest type of adoration, care, and affection. I trust as you join god up in the sky, he acknowledges you with the same love, care, and affection.

41. You had a pure heart and a beautiful mind. Today I have lost the person I cherished most in this world. You were a fortune for me. Rest in peace!

Sorrowful Rest in Peace Messages from the Heart

Among a host of feelings, grief happens to be a very deep one. As such, it requires very sincere and direct expressions to be able to reach down and heal the bereaved. Consider these sorrowful rest in peace messages below.

1. I would prefer not to cry since I realize you can see me still. You never needed to see me crying. All I need to state is that I love you. Death can never delete you from my heart!

2. Just because it feels like life has betrayed me. It has removed the person I thought about most. I can always remember the memories of you. RIP!

3. I would exchange anything from my life to bring you back again. Be that as it may, some things in life are single directions. You can never rewind them back. Rest in peace my adoration.

4. I can just imagine what you should feel, Dad. Genuinely, this is an irreplaceable loss for our family. I trust she’s in a better place now.

5. My grandmother was an exceptional lady. I still review those delicious cookies she’d bake for me. I can’t believe she’s not, at this point here with us. May her departed soul rest in peace.

6. Having to go separate ways with you was one of the most painful moments in my life. See you in paradise grandma! I miss you a great deal.

7. Dear grandpa, your death has left an irreplaceable void in my heart. I miss our profound conversations and I miss playing chess with you. I trust you are in a better place now. Rest in peace.

8. It makes me extremely upset to come to terms with your absence in this world, grandpa. It was a respect to have imparted some of my years to you. Rest in peace.

9. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on this unfortunate event. Praying for the deceased soul.

10. May God grant peace to the deceased and extend blessings to his family.

11. A man may die but his legacy will continue through his deeds. Today the pain of losing you is difficult to bear because this world needed you for some more years.

12. We have always been together in good times and bad times. Today you may be leaving this earth without me, but someday I will meet you there. May God rewards you with a peaceful afterlife!

13. The loss of a friend like you is something that can never be recovered. You have always been an important part of my life. Now you are gone. I pray for your departed soul!

14. Dear friend, no word can express how sorry I feel towards your unfortunate death! May you rest in peace. You will always be in our loving memories.

15. Dear, you left everything behind in such a short time! We will miss you greatly. You will always be in my prayers and thoughts!

16. Everyone has to go one day or another. But some departures are too much to bear. This world deserved people like you but I guess heaven deserved you more!

17. Why does God send the angel on earth if he does not allow them to stay here forever? I can’t believe you are no more on this earth. Rest in peace!

18. I have always thought this life is so beautiful. But I didn’t know someday It would be this cruel to me. I wish I could bring you back to life.

19. It’s difficult to believe that you are no more. You have always been my inspiration. It’s an honor to be part of the same family that you are also a part of. RIP!

20. You had your duties done. You kept your promises and led a very honest but elegant life. Your memories will always guide us to the right path. RIP!

21. Coming to terms with your passing away has been incredibly tough for me, Dad, I want to thank you for being the best Dad ever. Rest in peace.

22. I still think about you every day, Dad. I hope and pray that you are now in a better place. “Rest in Peace Messages”

23. You have always been a hero to me. I always wanted to be a great human being like you. Your legacy will never fade Rest peace.

24. Mom, I don’t think I’ll ever recover from the inescapable tragedy of your sudden death. Thank you for being my ray of light in life. See you in heaven.

25. Still trying to recover from the shock of losing you, Mum. I pray that your soul finds peace and I hope to be reunited with you in heaven.

26. Please accept our sincere condolence for the death of your mother! May her soul rest in peace. My deepest sympathy to you and your family!

27. My dear wife, you were the light of my life and I cannot express the grief I feel at your sudden departure. May God bless your soul.

28. My love, it is hard to believe that you have left this beautiful world behind, but I am sure you are in a better place now.

29. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your wife. May you be able to find strength in this tough period of your life.

30. I would like to offer my sympathy on the sudden death of your wife. It’s not easy to lose your spouse, but I pray for you to stay well.

31. Dear husband, I never thought I would lose you this early, but you will forever be in my heart. I pray that you find peace and solace in your afterlife.

32. My precious, not even death can break the bond we had. You were the most amazing person in my life! May you rest in peace.

33. My heart broke down hearing the sad news. He may have died but his love for you will stay forever. Take care of yourself, please.

Assuring Words of Sympathy

Death or any form of loss is not the end of the road for the leaving… and even the dead. Thus, assuring rest in peace messages can help anyone retain hope and courage for better days.

1. You were the protector and the shelter of this family. Today you are gone but you left your footsteps here so we can follow them for the rest of our lives. RIP!

2. The bonds I shared with my aunt can never be severed. While her breath may have left her body, she will continue to live on in our memories.

3. Dear Brother, my heart yearns to discover that you are no more with us. You were my biggest inspiration and you will be missed so dearly!

4. There is nothing in this world that harms more than losing someone near us. Brother, rest well. I ask that you are in peace now.

5. Nothing breaks our hearts more than having a world that no longer has you in it. You weren’t one in a million but just you and it was an honor to have shared this life with you. Rest in peace our dearest.

6. It always seems like we have all the time in the world, only to realize how fleeting it really is. I wish we had more time to do and say the things we saved for later which along with you is gone forever. I promise to keep you alive in my memories. You were more than a sister, Rest in peace.

7. In loving memory of my sister, who was the kindest, purest, and the most amazing lady that I had ever observed, may her spirit rest in peace.

8. Dear sister, you may not be with us today in blood and flesh, yet your footsteps can never be erased. You will in every case live in our hearts!

9. It’s hard to see someone lifeless whose smile made us consistently great. The pain we are feeling can’t be described. We love you. RIP!

10. My dearest uncle, I still fondly recall your positive way to deal with life. Death may have removed you from us, yet you’ll generally remain alive in our hearts. Rest in peace.

11. We are never ready to say goodbye forever even though we know it is a part of life. On this day our hearts are heavy for losing someone so special, but as we mourn your death, we also celebrate your life. Rest in peace.

12. Roses are red, skies are blue, you can leave us, but we will not forget you.

13. You have left a void no one can fill. They are not many in the world like you and today the earth mourns the loss of an angel. May you rest in peace.

14. Even in death you are still loved and forever will be. You have touched the hearts of so many who owe you a lifetime of gratitude. We are not saying goodbye forever but goodbye for now. I pray you find peace and rest wherever you are.

15. As tears flow from our eyes with hearts heavy with the weight of losing you, we will also celebrate your life because you have taught us the true meaning of living. Rest in peace, my dear.

16. You were and are still an inspiration to all, with a heart that radiated love and warmth through all our lives. You will truly be missed and forever remembered.

17. You left us too soon and we wish you’d stayed with us a little longer, we hope we meet again someday to say and do the things we couldn’t, That’s why we say bye for now.

18. God has now a precious and loving friend, the one we have lost. Your company will even regale angels of death and make them smile.

19. Why is it that you have to go, why is life so cruel? I wish you could stay with us forever.

20. There is nothing that is invincible for a soul as spirited as you… yet you bowed down to death to honor God and his will. Rest in peace.

21. Here lies a man who never rested till he did a good deed every day. His kind and sweet memories will be with us always stay.

22. There are some who rule this land and think themselves to be kings. You ruled the hearts of people around you and will do so in paradise too.

23. Something which we cannot control is called fate before it bows the poor and the great. Today it may have snatched you from us, but for you, we shall still wait.

24. As we lay you to rest, we know that you have gone to a better world, and pray that you may get peace, love, and greatness there. May angels watch over you!

25. The body is but an outer covering for the soul. The reality is the soul which never dies but just changes form. So, we know that in some way, you will always be there around us.

It is absolutely impossible to take away sorrow and pains caused by death from our lives. Certainly, from time to time, we are going to lose one dear person or another.

However, we need to know how to use rest in peace messages and other condolence wishes to encourage one another in these trying times. Thus, the rest in peace messages contained in this article can be so helpful to anyone who has lost someone. 

Do well to share this article about rest in peace messages to friends and loved ones who are grieving. 

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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