January Best Baby Name Combination Using Father and Mother’s Names

Choosing a name for an infant is a special, fun-filled process. A baby name combination with parents’ names can help spur ideas for a creative or meaningful name. A long-standing tradition was to name a son (typically the firstborn) after the father.

In modern times, however, daughters are often named after mothers as well.

Parents are increasingly choosing to name a child, whether male or female, with a blended name that reflects one or both parents.

What are Names Combination?

Combination names are baby names that are made by combining two or more names. Parts of the mother’s and father’s names are merged to create a combination name.

But the names of other family members such as the grandparents can be the starting point as well.

There are different ways that a couple can combine their names to create a new baby name.

Most often a syllable or more from each parent name is taken and merged together. Sometimes, parents have a common syllable in their names.

If that happens, you can choose a name starting with the common syllable.

Why are Combination Names Given?

Parents love the idea that just as their baby was created by their genes coming together, their baby’s name is created by joining their names. If the grandparents’ names are used, it’s a wonderful way of honoring them.

Names that start with a common syllable of the parent’s names have a poetic story too because the beginning of the name is from the parents, just like the child’s life.

But the rest of the name is unique to the child, just as your baby will grow into an adult and lead his or her own life.

Easy Steps to Create a Combination Name

Looking for a name combination becomes easy if you follow these easy steps:

Find the names that you want to create a combination name from. In our example, we will use two names saying the mother and father Priya and Aditya.

Break each name into syllables: Priya gives us Pri and Ya. Aditya gives us Ad, It, and Ya.

Notice that these two names have a common syllable – Ya.

Put one syllable from each name, as well as a few others unique to the new name if necessary, to create a name that you like.

Or you can choose a name that begins with the common syllable. In this example, some nice combination names from Priya and Aditya include: This is a good baby name combination

Pritika, Aadya, Yashi or Yadavi, for a girl, and

Prithvi, Pritam, Adyant, Yash, or Yaduvir for a boy.

What if I can’t Combine our Syllables to Make a Baby Name?

It might not always be easy to combine syllables of two different names. But there are no rights and wrongs when it comes to creating combination names.

So you can get more creative and use letters from the parents’ names instead of syllables. They don’t even need to be in the same order.

So for example, if the parents’ names are Priya and Aditya, pool all the letters together to draw a name from there. In this example, we have the letters P, R, I, Y, A, D, and T.

With different combinations of these letters, you get names like Riya, Diya, Tara, or Radiya for girls and Yara, Atri, or Atit for boys.

Despite having completely different sounds from the original parent names, these new names have gotten their letters from the parent names. And this way of finding a name makes it easier.

I Need Help Creating a Combination Name

If you’re feeling uninspired and can’t think of names that have the syllables or letters you want, use our baby name finder for help.

In the search options, select ‘Indian’ in the origin field so that the results show you names of Indian origin. In the ‘starts with’ or ‘ends with’ fields or both, enter the syllables or letters you want to see in the name. This is a good baby name combination

The tool will throw up all names that start or end with the syllables or letters you entered for boys and girls. You can then browse through these and save a shortlist of names you like.

What Should I Watch Out for When Creating a Combination Name?

If your names lend themselves easily to combination names, there are some common naming traps to keep in mind. Avoiding them can make your or your child’s life easier one day:

Sharing initials with your child. So long as your child is a baby, this won’t matter much. But the day he or she starts receiving mail, it can get confusing knowing who it is for.

Having too similar-sounding names. Giving your child a name with the same number of syllables as yours and a few shared syllables means that people might often confuse your names.

to choose a combination name that sounds different from both your and your husband’s name. This will also help your child feel like his or her name is really theirs.

If you want more than one child, consider whether you’ll opt for a combination name for all of them.

When your children are older, they’ll want to know how you chose their names and it’s worth thinking about what you tell them if you have a combination name for one child and not the other(s).


If you choose to name more than one child with a combination name, make sure your children don’t have too similar-sounding names. Not only will you always muddle the names up but acquaintances will confuse them often as well.

More Baby Name Generators Using Parents’ Names

For couples looking to name their baby after one or both parents, a name generator with parents’ names can be the resource of choice.

These tools can help parents-to-be by giving creative options for names. Parents may want to use this for either a first name or choosing a middle name.

Be aware that while some generators have a program that mixes the letters or parts of parents’ names for the generated name, some sites may choose names at random, and they may not reflect any element of the parents’ actual names.

A few baby name generators that analyze parents’ names include:

Web Blazonry Name Generator

This simple generator simply asks for input of one or both parents’ names and the baby’s gender and gives a resulting first and middle name.

The results are random and do not reflect the actual parents’ names. The generator is fun and can be used multiple times because each time you enter parents’ names, new names are generated.

Baby Name Scramble

This name generator combines two names to make one blended name. It asks for the names of both parents and combines the two names to make one for a baby name combination

Based on the names you enter, it provides a list of female and male name results that were created from a database and used one letter from each of the parents’ names.

Best Little Baby Generator With Parents’ Names

This tool asks for the names of the mother and father, the baby’s gender, and desired origin (English, Greek, Hebrew, Indian, etc.).

The result is a fairly large list of names that use at least one letter of each parent’s name in the resulting name.

Choosing different origins yields an entirely different list of names, so there are plenty of name ideas to look through.

Generating Your Own Baby Names Using Parents’ Names

If you’re not satisfied with the results from online baby generators, you can create your own unique baby name lists utilizing parents’ names.

This isn’t as difficult as it may seem – sometimes all it takes is a little creativity. Sit down with a pen, paper, and a book of baby names or an Internet listing of characters, and get ready to be creative.

Strategies to Generate Names Using One Or Both Parents’ Names Include:

1. Browse through listings and highlight those that have one letter from each parent’s name. (For example, if the parent’s names are Jason and Amy, the child’s name might be James (male) or Jamie (female).

Browse through names that begin with the same letter as one parent’s name.

2. Name the child after a version or variant of the name of the parent of the opposite sex (For example, dad’s name is Michael, names daughter , mom’s name is Julie, name son Julian; dad’s name is Ryan, names daughter Riana).

3. Come up with an original name that combines parts of both parent’s names in the name. (For example, Dad’s name is Dan, mom’s name is Sherri, daughter’s name is Sheridan; dad’s name is Joseph, Mom’s name is Melanie, daughter is named Lanie Jo).

These exercises will allow you to come up with unique baby names from which to pick a lovely name for your child that combines elements of the mother’s and father’s names. It’s one of that popular baby name combination

Thinking Outside the Box for a Unique Baby Name

Giving babies blended names made by combining elements of the mother’s and father’s names is a popular baby name trend, but there are other ways to incorporate parents’ names into deciding what to call your baby.

Whether you decide to ultimately go with a blended name for your little one based on a name generator that uses parents’ names, using these tools and thinking outside the box will surely inspire some wonderfully unique name options.

If nothing else, having fun with these name-generating tools and ideas can help make the baby naming process more fun!

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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