Imagine creating your own, economy no matter what your country’s economy looks like.  Imagine accomplishing all your goals and dreams in the shortest possible time, taking full control of your life no matter where you are now ,Start your own fish business, snail farming, pig farming, bee farming, grass cutter farming and

 have your feasibility study for your business. today and smile with others.

 For help and consultancy call 08032861326. Or visit our website on.


Take look at this; Feasibility study on 1,000 fingerlings of highbreed catfish from day one to harvesting stage using

 a mobile tarpaulin fish tank to  pond for the culture system

 Two tanks were used for the purpose of sorting the fish to avoid mortality due to cannibalism. Catfishes are

 cannibalistic in nature and therefore the jumpers are been sorted out to avoid eating others in the culture process

  Input: One fingerling of highbreed catfish sold at 30 naira per one is preferred.

 30 x 1,000=30,000.                     

Tanks, two tanks of #40,000 one each. =#80,000.

 Feeding: 50 bags of foreign feed coppens is  preferred and is sold at 5,000 naira each. 5,000 x 50= #250,000.

 Water treatment and drugs = #5,000.

 Transportation; #5,000.            

 Aerator used in supplying oxygen 20,000.

 Pvc pipe and inlet and outlet facility; 5,000.

 Tatal 395,000. naira. Output:

 After 5 months of culture, the average weight of one fish will be 1.5 kg and one kg is sold at 600 naira.

Then 1.5kg is  sold at 900 naira per one fish.                        

 After mortality encountered 950 fishes survived.

 950 x 900 naira =855,000

 855,000-395,000 =460,000 profit made after 5 months of.

 culture. So for the next culture, cost for aerator and tank will be excluded

call 08032861326 for help and consultancy.

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