Job Evaluation as a Tool for the Determination of Salaries and Wages

 – Job Evaluation as a Tool for the Determination of Salaries and Wages – 

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Organization is the most significant and integral point of administration.  Without proper organization, administration is not possible.  Thus organization is important to every administrative action. For no administrative action can be implemented without an organization.

Therefore, no organization can exist without people or human resources to pilot its affairs.  People or human resources have been identified as the core element in an organization.

The concept of organization has been variously defined, for instance, Waldo (1978) defined it as “the structure of authoritative and habitual personal interrelations in an administrative system”.

Organization has also been defined as “social units deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek specific goals” (Quoted in Make and Pitt. 1980).

Gulick (1937) defines organization as a formal structure of authority through which work sub-divided are arranged, defined and coordinated for the designated objective or goal.

As it were, individuals who created an organization in order to achieve some specific aims and objectives in turn, the organization attract individuals who wish to become members for the purpose of their own need for money, interest status and symbols


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