Basic Computer Skills Definitions and Effective Internet Use

– Basic Computer Skills –

Learn the following basic technical skills and add them to your resume to better organise your work and stay up-to-date in the job market.

This article covers the basic computer skills you need to have when applying for a job or basically anywhere you find yourself. Read down for more information.

This basic computer skills course will provide you with an understanding of the most popular, current technologies used at home and in the workplace.

Subsequently, you will become computer literate in this hands-on course while you learn to access, create, save and manage documents, spreadsheets, and emails and use the Internet effectively.

What Are Basic Computer Skills?

Basic computer skills courses cover the most common usages of a computer, including a majority or all of:

1. Understanding the basic notions of computer manipulation managing computer files, word processing, using spreadsheets and databases; creating presentations;

2. Finding information and communicating using computers, and being aware of social and ethical implications of Internet use.

As we swiftly move towards paperless workspaces, every function requires at least some level of interaction with computers. 

However, after putting some effort into getting acquainted with the applications, you will start experiencing much more efficient workdays.

Examples of Computer Skills

Many jobs require fundamental computer skills to perform well for that job.

Similarly, basic computer skills include knowing how to type, understanding social media, and having general web skills. There are several more to consider, such as.

1. Productivity software

2. Operating systems

3. Presentation software

4. Digital marketing

5. Computer programming

6. Graphic design

7. Communication tools

8. Database management

9. Accounting software


Productivity Software

These are software that helps create information in various formats, such as documents, graphs, worksheets, and presentations.

However, with the help of productivity tools and software, an employee’s job is easier. Here are several types of productivity software:

1. Word processing software

2. Spreadsheet software

3. Presentation software

4. Email management

5. Data entry

6. Digital calendars

7. Video conferencing

8. Social media management

9. Instant messaging

Computer Programming

Computer programming involves the creation, design, and building of computer software and applications to perform a wide variety of tasks.

Furthermore, to test and develop software, you will need basic computer programming knowledge. This involves understanding software and hardware as well. Here are some basic computer programming skills:


2. Java

3. Operating systems

4. UI/UX

5. Python


Operating Systems

Operating systems are programs that help a computer run its most basic functions. This is an important skill to know since computers need an operating system to work.

Typically, computers come with pre-installed operating systems. Because of this, it’s important to have a general knowledge of a variety of operating systems, such as Windows.

It can be helpful to use your resume and cover letter to list how particular operating systems allowed you to perform your job.

Communication Tools

It’s important for companies to have continuous communication and collaboration with one another.

Having a streamlined system in place will help ease communication, increase productivity and make the company more efficient overall.

Therefore, it’s highly beneficial to have knowledge of a variety of computer communication tools. Computer communication skills you can list on your resume include:

1. Instant messaging

2. Video conferencing

3. Email management applications

Database Management

A database is an electronic collection of data that is accessed on a computer. Databases store a variety of information, such as payroll accounts. To successfully manage data, you’ll need a variety of skills, such as:

1. Spreadsheets

2. SQL

3. Data analytics

Working with Programs

1. Running multiple programs

2. Desktop icons and creating a desktop shortcut

3. Managing programs from the taskbar

4. Closing programs

File Management

1. Managing Windows Explorer

2. Creating, moving, renaming, and deleting folders and files

3. Understanding file extensions

4. Viewing storage devices and network connections

5. Managing USB flash drives

Word Processing

1. Creating documents in Microsoft Word

2. Typing text, numbers, and dates into a document

3. Easy formatting

4. Checking the spelling in your document

5. Making and saving changes to your document

Graphic Design

Graphic design is creating visual content through typography, illustration, and photography to convey a particular message.

Below are some of the graphic design illustrations you can add to your computer skills.

1. Illustration software

2. Photoshop

3. Design software

4. Desktop publishing

5. Video creation software

Presentation Software

Presentation software refers to programs used to create slideshows made up of audio, text, photos, and videos. Having general knowledge of presentation software is important for a variety of roles.

However, depending on your job, you may need to create a presentation to show data analysis or make a pitch.

To do so, you will need to understand the various presentation software and how to use it to create a dynamic presentation.

How To Improve Basic Computer Skills

Here are a few ways to improve your basic computer skills:

1. Take classes: One great way to improve your basic computer skills is to take classes in the area you wish to improve.

For example, if you want to understand digital marketing better, consider taking an online class on the subject.

2. Understand how computers work. Before you improve your skills, it’s important to understand how computers work.

Furthermore, learning the fundamentals of computers can give you the foundational knowledge to build upon. You can also consider taking a class in this area.

3. Get practical experience. To improve your computer skills, it’s important to apply what you know.

However, if you are interviewing for a job where you will need to use a specific email management system, take the time to learn how to use it beforehand.

Showcase Your Skills in Your Job Applications

When you’re working on your resume and cover letters, take the time to mention the skills you have that are listed in the job posting.

Show the employer that you have the skills the company needs. Here’s how to match your qualifications to a job description.

Learning is a lifelong process. And in the current age, tech-oriented learning is extremely important for everyone. The more updated you keep your skills, however, the higher will be the chances of landing your dream job.

FAQs about Basic Computer Skills

Below are the frequently asked questions about basic computer skills.

1. What are the five basic computer skills?

5 Computer Skills Everyone Should Master


1. Keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts have been specifically put in place to enhance the overall computer usage experience. …


2. Internet basics. …


3. Computer security best practices. …


4. Sending and receiving emails. …


5. Touch typing.

2. What are the four computer skill?

These tasks are all related to the four basic computer operations: input, output, processing and storage

3. How do I teach myself computer?

Try these tips to get started:


Find out how much they know. …


Ask them about their goals. …


Talk through the hardware. …


Introduce new vocabulary terms. …


Ensure a safe workstation. …


Adjust the display and audio settings. …


Encourage practice with the mouse or touchpad. …


Go over the keyboard.

4. Why is basic computer skills important?

Computer literacy is considered a very important skill to possess. Employers want their workers to have basic computer skills because their company becomes ever more dependent on computers.


However, many employers try to use computers to help run their company faster and cheaper.

5. What are the 3 main things a computer does?

At a fundamental level, computers operate through these four functions: input, output, processing, and storage.


Input: the transfer of information into the system (e.g., through a keyboard). Output: the presentation of information to the user (e.g., on a screen).

More FAQs about Computer Skills

6. How can I learn basic computer skills for free?

Here is a list of some free online computer skills lessons that you can start with:


Computer Basics for Absolute Beginners – from GCF Learn Free (Free)


Internet Basics for Absolute Beginners – from GCF Learn Free (Free)


Computer Science 101 – from Stanford University (Free)

7. What is a basic computer skills test?

The Computer Skills Placement Test (CSP) is designed to assess the computer literacy skills that. you need to be successful in your college career.


However, it comprises 60 questions over six. Areas (10 questions per area): Basic Concepts.

8. What are computer skills called?

Computer skills can be categorised into two groups: software skills and hardware skills. Software skills involve using computer programs like Microsoft Office.


whereas hardware skills relate to building and fixing a computer and its various parts.

9. How long does it take to learn basic computer skills?

Most coders agree that it takes three to six months to be comfortable with the basics of coding. But you can learn coding faster or slower depending on your preferred pace. Let’s get into the specific skills you’ll need to learn.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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