Thank you Letter After Interview Sample – Sample Notes for All Jobs

– Thank you Letter After Interview Sample –

Knowing how to write a thank you letter after an interview is an added advantage if you tend to impress your employer. Check out our letter samples to guide you while writing.

You can portray yourself as a strong candidate for the job during a job interview.

After the interview, you can continue to make a positive impression on the possible employer by writing a thank you letter.

When considering what to put in your note, keep in mind that you want a compelling letter that impresses the recruiting staff.

We would teach you how to write a professional thank you email or note after your interview

Let’s dig in!

Thank you Letter After Interview Sample

These are examples carefully selected to help you see how to write an effective thank you letter. These can also be sent as a typed or handwritten note, your choice to make!

1. Short Thank You Note

A short thank-you note goes thus;

Hello Gab,

Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about working with the marketing team.

It sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for collaboration and advancement. I think my master’s in marketing and marketing experience would make me an excellent candidate for the role.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need additional information about my references.

Thank you,

Susan Paul

[email protected]


2. Detailed Thank You Note

If you want to add more information to what you discussed during the interview, think of sending a more detailed thank you letter.

Hello Gab,

Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about how the role works.

The way the marketing and advertising teams work together sounds ideal for reaching goals and optimizing performance.

The Marketing Manager position sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for leadership and advancement.

I think my master’s in marketing from Edison University and more than seven years of experience leading marketing teams would make me an excellent candidate for this position.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

Thank you,

Susan Paul

[email protected]


Sample 2

Hello [Interviewer’s Name]

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and talk about the position of Senior Digital Marketing Specialist with ABC Inc. yesterday.

It was a pleasure to learn more about your approach to growing organic traffic.

Our conversation made me even more excited to join ABC.

What interested me, in particular, was how sharply your efforts are focused on the actual reading experience, not just technical SEO issues.

I was thinking about what you said regarding your plans to expand the email subscribers base by offering free bonus content downloads in the upcoming quarter.

In my current role as Content Marketing Specialist with EFG, I found that using contextual click-triggers for bonus downloads within blog posts increased the subscription rate by 35% compared to regular pop-ups. I hope that helps!

I’m sure my experience can translate into similar success as your new Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

If you need any additional information from me at this point, please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to hearing back from you next Friday, as discussed.

Thanks again for your time!

Best Regards!

Susan Paul


Sample 3

Hello [Interviewer’s Name]

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and talk about the position of the [Position Name] yesterday. It was a pleasure to learn more about your business approach.

Our conversation made me even more excited to join the [Company Name]. What interested me, in particular, was [something specific you discussed during the interview].

I was thinking about what you said on [the upcoming challenge your interviewers mentioned]. In my current or previous role as [your current position], I found that [a quick explanation of how you tackled a similar problem].

I’m sure my experience can translate into similar success as your new [the name of the position you’re applying for].

If you need any additional information from me at this point, please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to hearing back from you on [the specific date established during the interview].

Thanks again for your time!

Best regards!


3. Informal Thank You Note

If you apply for a job in an industry that prioritizes casual communication, or you are interviewing for an internal position and you know your interviewer, an informal thank you note may be appropriate.

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for your time yesterday. I enjoyed the interview and it was interesting to hear about how the team is expanding and the new types of customers you’re trying to attract.

I’m confident that I can take what I’ve learned at [Current Employer’s Name] and step into your role and be successful, so I’m eager to hear your feedback when you have a chance.

Don’t hesitate to contact me in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Susan Paul


Sample 2

Dear Gab,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about the staff writer position with Business News Daily.

It was a pleasure meeting with you, and I truly enjoyed learning more about the role and the company.

I especially loved hearing about your in-office MVP vote, it sounds like a great way to boost employee morale!

After our conversation, I am confident that my skills in business writing and experience as a copy editor are a great match for this opportunity.

I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and would greatly appreciate a follow-up as you move forward with the hiring process.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone. Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Best regards,

Susan Paul

4. Formal Thank You Letter

When you apply for a role in an industry that relies on more official conversations, do well to send a formal thank you letter.

Hello [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure talking with you, and I enjoyed learning more about the opportunity.

The information you shared about [Something specific about the job that interests you] sounded particularly interesting.

I am confident that my skills will allow me to come in and succeed in this role, and it’s a position I’d be excited to take on.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you about the next steps, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime.

Thank you.

Best regards,

[Your First and Last Name]

Sample Thank You Letter After Interview Via Email

Below are samples of thank you letters you can send via email

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview me

I enjoyed our conversation about [specific topic you discussed] and it was great learning about the [Job Title] position overall.

It sounds like an exciting opportunity and a role I could succeed and excel.

I’m looking forward to hearing any updates you can share, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns in the meantime.

Best regards,

[Your First and Last Name]

You don’t need to be sending a lot of detail in your thank you letter; you simply want to give thanks and reaffirm your interest.

Sample 2

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday]. I’m very excited about the opportunity to work at [Company Name].

The [Job Title] role sounds exciting and is a position that I’m confident I’d excel in due to my prior experience in [experience or skill that would help you succeed in this job].

I look forward to hearing feedback as soon as you have any updates and would love to continue discussing the opportunity with you at that point.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime.

Thank you again, [Interviewer’s Name].

Best regards,

[Your First and Last Name]

Why is it Important to Write a Thank You Letter After an Interview?

Some employers indeed expect a thank you letter after an interview. It’s a gesture that reinforces your interest in the role, while also showcasing good manners.

When you write a thank-you note after an interview, you gain yet another opportunity to influence your potential employer’s decision.

If you write a thank you note, you can reiterate your interest in and qualifications for the position.

What to Include in a Thank You Letter After an Interview

To make your thank-you note as effective as possible, make sure to use a few standard elements. Most thank you notes have the following features.

1. Contact Information

Include your own contact information, as well as the contact information of the person you’re writing to. It can also be beneficial to include the date.

2. Subject Matter

If you email your thank you note, you need a subject matter that easily conveys your message.

A short and straightforward subject line like “Thank you for your time” can work for most post-interview thank-you notes.

If you plan to write a more informal message, try something like “Great to meet you today.”

3. Salutation

Rather than starting to type your message right away, always begin thank-you emails with a salutation.

“Hello, [Interviewer Name]” or “Dear [Interviewer Name]” is ideal for most thank you notes.

Remember to use the name that your interviewer provided during the interview

4. Note of Appreciation

When you begin writing the body of the message, start with an expression of your gratitude. Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you.

Include the job title here for clarity, as many hiring managers may be considering candidates for multiple positions at once.

For example, you can state, “Thank you for taking the time to discuss the marketing manager position with me today.”

5. Remind them that you’re interested in the Job

During the interview, your future employer wants to make sure you’re the right fit for the company.

They also want to know you’re genuinely eager to join. Make sure to mention that in your thank you email.

If the interview made you realize the job is not right for you, clearly state that in your thank-you email. The hiring manager will appreciate your honesty, plus, you’ll help them save time.

6. Refer to Something you Discussed during the Interview, Bring your Idea about it

Identify what’s particularly interesting to you about the position and explain why. This way, you’ll make your email after an interview feels personalized.

Refer to your skills and experience and show how you’re going to use them to help your future employer get what they want.

7. Your Qualification

The interviewer should already be aware of these qualifications after reading your resume and meeting with you, so this section should be brief.

Connect your qualifications to the position and its unique requirements to express why you are such a strong candidate for the job.

For example, you can write, “My social media and digital marketing expertise would make me an excellent candidate for this branding role.”

8. Closing Note

To close the thank you note, encourage your employer to take the next step in the hiring process

Talk about what you learned during the interview to complete this section since you may need to provide references or complete a second interview to get the job.

9. Signature

You can use a typed signature if you are emailing a thank-you letter, but paper letters should always include a handwritten signature.


It is recommended that the thank you note should be 80 to 150 words.

After a day full of interviews, when your interviewer opens their email and sees a page-long block of text, they’re probably not going to read it.

Sample Thank You Letter After Bad Interview

You will not always get the job you want. It’s hard to fit perfectly into a company’s needs. So don’t take it personally if you are contacted following a job interview and told you didn’t get the job. Instead, treat this as an opportunity to learn

When a recruiter contacts you with the bad news, thank him or her again for the consideration but also ask a couple of questions.

Firstly, explain that you would like to improve your interviewing skills and ask for suggestions on how you can interview better in the future.

Furthermore, ask if there are any qualifications or experiences that would make you a more appealing candidate.

More Information!!

You may or may not get specific feedback, but there’s a chance you will learn something valuable for future interviews.

This is the type of thank you note you send when you are very sure you fumbled during the interview

For example, You were late, gave a bad answer, forgot to include something important in an answer, or made some other major error.

In this note, apologize for your poor performance, bad behavior, or missing information, and try to recover. You might be reconsidered or probably not.


Here are Samples to Guide you when Writing such a Letter

Dear [Interviewer’s Name]

Thank you very much for your time interviewing me for the position of [job title].

I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about this position, meet you and other members of the team [or, if only one other person, include that person’s name], and see your facility [or office, building, location, whatever is appropriate].

After our interview, I realized that I neglected to include something you would probably find useful

[Now, add a short but clear paragraph that shares the information you mentioned in the paragraph above.]

I hope to remain in consideration for this position because I have [years] of experience with [the technology, tools, or qualification you have that is important to the job] in my position

I look forward to the opportunity to become a contributor to your team.

I know that your time is very valuable, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your name] [Phone Number]

Sample 2

Dear [Interviewer’s Name]

My sincere apologies for being late for the interview today. [State whatever happened]

Unfortunately, I was unable to contact you.  whatever happened that doesn’t make you look like you would be a bad employee.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to interview again. I have [years] of experience with [technology, tools, or qualification you have that is important to the job] in my position.

I believe that I could become a useful contributor to the team very quickly.

I know that your time is very valuable, and I promise not to waste it if you will allow me another opportunity to interview for this job. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your name] [Phone number]

Sample 3

Dear [Interviewer’s Name]

Thank you very much for your time interviewing me for the position of [job title].

I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about this position, meet you and other members of the team [or, if only one other person, include that person’s name], and see your facility [or office, building, location, whatever is appropriate].

Unfortunately, [state what happened] so I was not at my best during the interview. Consequently, I need to clarify what I said about [whatever it is that you feel needs clarification or correcting.] [Then, make your clarification short and specific.]

I have [years] of experience with [technology, tools, or qualification you have that is important to the job] in my position. I believe that I could become a useful contributor to the team very quickly.

I know that your time is very valuable, and I promise not to waste it if you will allow me another opportunity to speak with you about this job. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your name] [Phone number]

After sending the letter out, you might be lucky to be rescheduled for another interview, or probably not!

Pros and Cons for Bad Interview Follow Up Notes

Please read this paragraph with understanding, we want to make sure that you are properly guided


1. Send this message very soon after the interview, as soon as you are sure it is necessary particularly if you haven’t already sent a standard interview thank you note.

2. Use email since this is considered the best and fastest method to reach your employee. If the organization is anti-technology or feels extremely traditional, a letter that is delivered directly to the office does it well.


1. Do not make the message long or include too many details or apologies. Be brief. Make your point, and end the message.

2. Do not send this message so quickly that you make errors in grammar or facts. Do well to proofread before sending.

3. Avoid misspellings and sending them to the wrong person. If possible, have someone else proof it for you.

Importance of Thank You Notes

There are reasons why sending thank you notes are important. It also allows you to express your interest in the position and demonstrate that you are a good listener.

1. They help you stand out

A thank-you email should be sent within 24 hours of the interview, while you’re still fresh in the interviewer’s mind.

Keep the content of the email brief no more than two or three paragraphs and reference particular points from the conversation.

2. They showcase business etiquette

Sending a note shows that you know other proper business etiquette, like standing when a client enters the room, conducting yourself in front of the CEO, holding doors open for others, arriving at meetings on time, and dressing appropriately.

3. They demonstrate your interest in the role and organization

A thank-you note is a great way to reiterate your interest in the role and organization.

Firstly, it is a basic appreciation of the time the interviewer spent with you,” Smith said.

Also, it is a signal to the interviewer that you are aware of higher-level interpersonal skills.

Lastly, the thank-you note expresses your ongoing interest in the organization and the job opening.”

Sample Thank You Letter After Panel Interview

A panel interview is an interview format with several interviewers and one candidate.

In a panel interview, each interviewer will ask questions about their unique background that pertains to their role at the company.

Sending thank-you letters after a panel interview is a great way to impress a potential employer.

This effective strategy shows your interest in the position and can set you apart from candidates who didn’t follow up.

How to write an impressive panel interview thank-you letter

A panel interview thank-you letter allows you to provide more clarity on issues you did not elaborate upon and show your passion for the role.

Here are examples of panel interview thank-you letters to guide you.

Susan Paul

102 Graceland Avenue

Rochester, NY 221341

[email protected]

May 19, 2022


Gab Sawyer

Sales Manager

Suite 15, Diamond Towers

Shakespeare City, NY 32671

Dear Gab,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me regarding the Assistant Sales Manager position in your company

Your explanation of the firm’s new market research strategy, including the steps you are taking to use video and immersive technologies to deliver a store-like experience to online shoppers, has deepened my interest in joining your team.

In my current position, I helped design and implement the company’s social media campaign

And I created a system for the adoption of 3D video for the display of our gift and jewelry merchandise, resulting in a 53% increase in sales in the last quarter of the first year.

I am grateful to you and your team for taking the time to meet me and discuss your division’s plans for the future.

You can contact me with questions about the position at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

Susan Paul

Sample 2 [ If you are sending it via email]

Dear Gab,

I appreciate the time you spent with me yesterday to explain the marketing manager position.

It provided me with the opportunity to learn about how your team designs and optimizes its digital marketing campaigns.

I loved hearing your explanation of the innovative ways you are using voice search to increase content visibility.

Our discussions furthered my interest in joining your team. I believe this role is the best move for my career, as the position fits my expertise and career goals.

I have extensive experience with multimedia marketing and successfully organized 12 product launches that exceeded the sales department’s projections.

I can also manage large teams and coordinate multiple projects from ideation to delivery. I believe my skills would add immense value to the division.

Thank you again for your time. Please feel free to contact me for any information at your convenience. I hope to hear from you soon.


Susan Paul



FAQs on Thank you Letter After Interview Sample

Below are frequently asked questions on thank you letters after the interview sample

1. What to say in a thank-you note after an interview?

Hi [Interviewer Name],
Thank you so much for meeting with me today. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the team and position.
And I’m very excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and help [bring in new clients or develop world-class content or anything else awesome you would be doing] with your team.

2. How do you write a thank you email after you interview someone?

Express thanks for the interviewer’s time. Briefly reinforce why you’re interested in the job and why you’d be a good match.
Consider adding something that you and the interviewer discussed while getting to know each other that makes the thank-you email more personal.
Offer to answer any questions they might have

3. How soon should you send a thank you email after an interview?

Sending an email immediately after or within 24 hours of a job interview is crucial if the hiring manager will be making a quick decision.
Ideally, your note will reach the interviewer prior to a hiring decision and while your meeting is still top of mind.

4. How do you write a professional thank you note?

a. Address the person appropriately. At the start of the letter, address the person with a proper salutation, such as “Dear Mr. …
b. Say thank you
c. Give (some) specifics
d. Say thank you again
e. Sign off
f. Send it as soon as possible
g. Be positive but sincere
h. Personalize each letter

5. How do you say thank you professionally in an email?

a. Thank you so much.
b. Thank you very much.
c. I appreciate your consideration or guidance or help and time.
d. I sincerely appreciate
e. My sincere appreciation or gratitude or thanks
f. My thanks and appreciation
g. Please accept my deepest thanks

More FAQs on Thank you Letter After Interview Sample

Still on frequently asked questions on thank you letter after interview sample

6. How do you say thank you in a unique way?

a. I’m so grateful
b. I appreciate it
c. Thanks for your hard work on this
d. I couldn’t have done it without you
e. I owe you one
f. Much obliged
g. Thanks for having my back
h. Please accept my deepest gratitude

7. What can I say instead of thank you?

a. “I appreciate you.”
b. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
c. “Couldn’t have done it without you”
d. “You made this easy.”
e. “You’re so helpful.”
f. “What do you think?”
g. “I’m impressed!”

8. How do you say thank you and express gratitude?

a. I cannot thank you enough.
b. Words cannot express how much you mean to me.
c. I am more grateful to you than you’ll ever know.
d. I’m eternally grateful.
e. You have my deepest thanks.
f. I’ll never forget your support and kindness.

9. What is a good sentence for gratitude?

a. He smiled at them with gratitude.
b. Would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work
c. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for her.
d. She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service.

10. How do you say thank you without sounding cheesy?

a. Be Blunt
b. Make Sure It Doesn’t Look Like You Have an Ulterior Motive
c. Mention Them Casually In a Group Setting
d. Tailor it to the Person You’re Thanking.

Reading through, we believe you have learned all you need to know about thank you letter after interview sample. Keep following, commenting, and sharing our posts on all social media platforms.

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