User Interviews Guide 2022: See How And When to Conduct Them

 – User Interviews Guide –

Get ready for an intensive guide into all there is to know about conducting efficient user interviews. 

Table of Contents

What is a User Interview

A user interview is a UX research method during which a researcher asks one user questions about a topic of interest (e.g., use of a system, behaviours and habits) with the goal of learning about that topic.

Unlike focus groups, which involve multiple users user interviews are one-on-one sessions (although occasionally several facilitators may take turns asking questions).

UX interviews are a quick and easy way to collect user data, so they are often used, especially in Lean and Agile environments.

More Information

I closely related them to journalistic interviews and to the somewhat narrower and more formal HCI method called the critical incident techniquewhich was introduced in 1954 by John Flanagan.

Although you may feel that doing a UX user interview is simple and straightforward, there is more to a good interview than many people realise. Here, I distil some of the best practices.

Why Do User Interviews?

Interviews give insights into what users think about a site, an application, a product, or a process.

They can point out what site content is memorable, what people feel is important on the site, and what ideas for improvement they may have. I can do them in a variety of situations:

1. before you have a design, inform personas, journey maps, feature ideas, workflow ideas

2. to enrich a contextual inquiry study by supplementing observation with descriptions of tools, processes, bottlenecks, and how users perceive them

3. At the end of a usability test, collect verbal responses related to observed behaviours. Defer the interview until after the behavioural observation segment of the usability study.

Also, if you ask questions before the participant tries to perform tasks with your design, you will have primed the user to pay special attention to whatever features or issues you asked about.


When to Conduct a User Interview

While user interviews can be helpful during any phase of the product development process, there are three particular times when interviews are especially valuable. These times are:

1. At the beginning of a project, before a clear concept has been defined. You interview people to get a better understanding of your potential users and their wants and needs. The information you collect during the interview will help you think of a solution.

2. During the early stages of product development. When a product team has an early model of their concept, showing it to users can provide valuable feedback.

3. After the product has shipped. They can interview in combination with observation. Such interviews are called a contextual inquiry, and are conducted using a product. These give users an opportunity to show you how they interact with your product.

How to Conduct a User Interview

There are three steps in the interview process: preparation for the interview, conducting the interview, and analyzing results after the interview. Below, we look at how you should conduct each step of a successful, insightful interview.

Step 1: Before the Interview

Some people believe that conducting an interview is just like having a conversation with other people, and that it doesn’t require a lot of preparation.

But while interviews obviously share similarities with everyday conversations, a good interview requires significant preparation. Otherwise, your chances of getting valuable insights are limited.

Below are the six things you should prepare before conducting a user interview.

1. Set a clear goal

It’s crucial to start each new interview project with a clear understanding of the purpose of your research. It’s vital that you know why you want to conduct the interviews and what you want to get out of them.

For example, learn why 50 percent of users who reached the product checkout phase in your eCommerce app abandon the checkout flow.

The following questions will help you plan a goal for your interviews.

‣ What do I need to know about our users to improve our app?

‣ How will that knowledge inform our design process?

Tip: Involve the key stakeholders in defining a purpose for your research. You’ll add more weight to this activity by getting buy-in from them.

2. Make sure the Interview is the Right Tool for the Problem you Want to Solve

Interviews are not a universal answer to all design challenges. It’s vital to know when an interview will work best and when it’s better to use other tools.

For example, an interview might not be the best tool for finding what colour scheme you should choose for your app. It’s much better to use user testing for this purpose.

3. Decide who to Recruit

Recruitment is a vital part of the interview process. It’s essential to recruit a representative sample of your target audience. Start with your user personas and try to find interview participants that match them.

Decide whether you want to have only one particular group of users or users from many groups.

When it comes to the number of people you should interview, there are no hard and fast rules. You can apply the principle established by Jakob Nielsen for usability testing and start out by interviewing five participants.

If you notice that by participant number five you’ve stopped getting any new insights, you probably don’t need to recruit any more participants.

4. Design your Interview Questions

If you want, just one piece of advice for your interview, this is it: don’t start an interview without a prepared discussion guide.

A discussion guide is a document in which you plan the questions you want to ask your participants.

Your discussion guide should be closely tied to the purpose of your research, and they should select the questions according to your learning goal.

Just because you have a discussion guide doesn’t mean you need to ask all the questions in it during the interview.

Think of it more like a reference document, a “skeleton” for your discussion, rather than a script. During the interviews, the guide should serve as a reminder of the questions you want to ask or topics you want to cover.

Discussion guides typically comprise two types of questions—general and product-specific. General questions are questions you ask during the introduction part. These might include:

1. Could you tell me about your habits?

2. What apps/websites do you use on a regular basis?

Product-specific questions are focused on getting specific details about user behavior. These questions might include:

1. What’s the hardest part of [the task]?

2. What can we do to make [the task] easier?

Tips for Preparing a Question Script

Keep the following tips in mind when preparing a question script:

1. Keep the script reasonably short. Write all your questions and read them out loud. If it takes over ten minutes to read through them, your script is too long, and you need to cut it down.

2. Write clear questions. Don’t use terms in your questions that might be unfamiliar to the user.

3. Avoid long questions. The questions you ask should be relatively brief and easy to understand. People can’t keep a lot of information in their short-term memory, so avoid long sentences with a lot of details.

4. Don’t ask questions about the future. When you ask questions like, “When we release [product] on the market, will you purchase it?”, people are likely to say yes just to make you feel good. In reality, they simply don’t have any idea.

5. Test your discussion guide. Conduct a trial run for your interview with one of your peers and ask them the questions from your guide. This will help you understand whether you can get valuable insights based on the answers you get.

6. Iterate your discussion guide. Refine the guide based on the results of real interview sessions.

5. Create a Good Environment

When it comes to in-person interviews, the physical space you choose to use for the interview will have a direct impact on the results of your interview session. People often behave according to their environment. 

Just imagine an empty room with white walls, two chairs, a table, and a mirrored wall which shields the observers on the other side.

Such a room looks more like a place for interrogations rather than a place for discussions. It will be hard for an interviewee to relax in such an environment.

6. Don’t Conduct the Interview Alone

It’s best to conduct an interview with a partner. There are three significant benefits of having two people facilitating the interview together:

1. Distribute responsibilities. One person can ask questions while the other takes notes.

2. Support each other in real time. The person who takes notes can also think about any questions that the first person forgot to ask, and remind them about it.

3. Gain even more valuable insights. When two people conduct an interview together, they can share and discuss their thoughts and impressions after the interview.

Step 2: During the interview

Once you’ve prepared, the next step is to ensure that the actual user interview goes according to plan. Below are 14 steps to take to ensure that you get the valuable insights you’re looking for.

1. Put yourself in a positive mood

Before you step into the meeting room, take a deep breath and smile. It’s a proven fact that smiling creates a more positive attitude, and since positive attitudes are contagious, your interviewee will likely feel better, too.

2. Stick to the semi-structured interview format

When it comes to selecting a format for interviewing people, there are two extremes:

1. Completely structured interviews. This is an interview where all questions are pre-scripted. Such interviews look very much like a survey.

2. Completely unstructured interviews. This is an open dialogue between people, and which rarely brings valuable insights. As Steve Portigal, author of the book Interviewing Users says, “To learn something new requires interviewing, not just chatting.”

Semi-structured interviews lie between the two extremes.

They’re a type of interview where you prepare a set of topics you want to cover (recorded in your discussion guide), but where you can change the order of questions depending on how the conversation evolves.

The semi-structured interview approach has two significant advantages:

3. It feels natural to people. Unlike a scripted interview, the semi-structured interview doesn’t create the feeling of a police interview.

4. Flexibility for topic flow. It gives the interviewer an opportunity to explore topics that they had not previously thought relevant. It’s possible to gain additional valuable insights by elaborating on answers and asking follow-up questions.

3. Build Rapport with Interviewee

The quality of the interview will suffer if you aren’t able to put the interviewee at ease and earn their confidence.

That’s why your goal at the beginning of an interview is to make the interviewee feel comfortable. It’s not that hard to achieve this goal. Here’s what you need to do:

Make them feel welcome. Greet your interviewee by name, offer them a drink, and initiate friendly small talk before moving to the main topic of discussion.

Learn a little bit about the interviewee. Ask questions like, “Can you tell me about yourself,” and let them freely talk about their background, lifestyle, or technology habits.

Such questions are both ice-breakers and a great way to get some context about your interviewees. The information you get might be helpful for future analysis.

Use positive body language. Use non-verbal cues to make them feel comfortable, such as maintaining eye contact and smiling. Watch your body language for negative cues, such as fidgeting or crossing your arms.

Explain the purpose of the interview. Describe what you are trying to achieve and explain how you plan to use the results.

The point of this is to give the interviewee more context about why you want to speak to them, and what sort of questions they might be asked so they don’t feel confused during the interview.

Keep it about the product. Make sure the interviewee doesn’t feel like they’re being tested. If you plan to test a prototype of a product during the interview, make it clear to the interviewee that you’re testing the prototype, not them.

4. Resist the urge to Judge or educate your Interviewee

The foundation for conducting a good interview is to keep an open mind and be truly curious about the participant’s perspective.

Your interviewers are there to teach you something, not the other way around! It’s counterproductive to judge your interviewee or try to educate them during the interview.

You have a limited amount of time for the session (usually, only one hour) and your goal is to use it effectively. Elicit as much information as you can during this time.

5. Ask Permission Before Audio or Video Recording

While the most common form of data collection during interviews is note-taking, audio or video recording can also be an excellent way to collect information.

Of course, any time you want to record your participants, you need to ensure that they are okay with that.

Always ask for permission before starting the recording and be ready to abandon it at any point during your interview if your interviewee feels uncomfortable.

6. Start off With the Easy Questions

Start each interview session with simple questions. These might be three to five lightweight questions from the general section of your discussion guide that you ask before moving to the main topics you want to cover. 

We intend such questions to act as a warm-up for the interviewee, and make it easier for the interviewer to create a connection. But make sure that the questions apply to the broader theme of the session.

7. Prioritize Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allow the interviewee to respond in their own words and allow them to share richer qualitative details.

Closed-ended questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” It’s hard to imagine any great discussion that only comprises closed-ended questions.

You’ll have a better chance of getting valuable insights by asking open-ended questions. Such questions start with who, what, when, where, why, and how. Here are a couple of examples to help get you started:

1. What was your experience with [product]?

2. Where did you get stuck?

3. How would [product] fit into your workflow?

4. Who did you turn to when you needed help? Why?

8. Ask Follow-Up Questions

Don’t settle for the first answer you get. Always try to dig deeper to understand the interviewee’s point of view. Try to ask follow-up questions when users describe a particular case or problem.

Tip: Use the “Five Whys” technique. This technique is called “Five Whys” because you literally ask “why” five times to understand the interviewee’s intention or point of view.

For example, imagine you ask a question like, “Why do you like this e-commerce app?”. Your interviewee may respond, “Because it offers the products I need.”

You can stop here and mention product range as a primary reason for using a product, but you won’t have the whole story.

In fact, without asking “why” again, your ideas about the interviewee’s motivation might be completely incorrect.

Maybe a user likes a specific type of product that she can find only in this app, or perhaps she loves the price of the product. The only way to know the right answer is by asking another “why?”

9. Use the Critical Incident Method

It’s a well-known fact that people are terrible at recalling situations that happened in the past.

Human memory is fallible, and people are notorious for adding details to make the story more compelling. But when you need to collect accurate information about user experience, the critical incident method can help.

The critical incident method is to ask users to recall a specific situation from the past in which they faced a terrible or excellent experience.

Unlike general situations from the past that the user might easily forget, the extreme cases are often more vivid in users’ minds, meaning they can remember some specifics that will be valuable for you.

Therefore, the critical incident method is especially great for exploratory interviews.

10. Avoid Leading Questions

Leading questions are questions that frame the interviewee’s mind around a particular answer.

It’s essential to avoid or at least minimise the number of leading questions you ask, otherwise, the results of your interview sessions will be too biased and you’ll hear only what you want to hear.

“How often do you watch Netflix?” is an example of a leading question. By asking such a question, you assume as a fact that your interviewee is an active Netflix user. It’s much better to ask questions in a neutral manner.

So, if you want to know about user preferences regarding video streaming services, you can start by asking a question like, “Do you have any experience with any video streaming services?”

11. Clarify Interviewee Responses in Real-Time

When you’re not sure what an interviewee is talking about, ask them for clarification.

Don’t leave clarification questions until the end of the user interview session, because it’ll be hard to recreate the original context. Don’t be afraid to ask interviewees to elaborate on their responses. This pairs well with asking to follow up questions.

12. Minimise note-taking

Written notes are one of the common artefacts we get from an interview session, and they are extremely valuable in analysing the results of an interview.

So it might sound strange to suggest minimising your note-taking. But there’s a good reason for it—it’s almost impossible to pay full attention to your interviewee and take notes at the same time.

If you ask questions and take notes there’s a good chance that you’ll have a hard time managing the interview.

Also, when you focus too much on note-taking, such behaviour creates a strong sense of an authority interview, not a regular conversation.

Try to note only the most important information or questions you want to ask for further analysis.

Therefore, it’s a great idea to have an interview partner taking notes and managing any recording devices while the other person is conducting the interview.

13. Don’t Be Afraid of Silence

When you conduct an interview, try not to fear silent pauses in the conversation. It’s natural for people to fill the silence with words, but don’t fall into the trap of trying to fill the pauses yourself.

Instead, give the interviewee the opportunity to provide additional information.

14. Finish with a Wrap-up Summary

At the end of the interview, give your respondent a sense of closure. Don’t just stop the conversation abruptly when you reach the last question in your interview guide.

Instead, give an interviewee an opportunity to ask questions. After that, thank your interviewees for taking their time.

Step 3: After the interview

Once you’ve completed your interview, it’s time to analyze your responses. This is when the insights from your interviewees will become especially clear. Below are three steps you need to take.

1. Conduct a Retrospective

Ideally, after each interview you conduct, try to reflect on how well you managed it and what you can do to improve the quality of your interviews in the future.

2. Structure the Information

The next step is to analyze what your users have told you. You’ll probably have a massive amount of data—dozens of notes, video recordings, and personal impressions. Most of this data will be qualitative rather than quantitative. As a result, it might feel overwhelming.

Hopefully, two common tools can help you structure the data:

A report with Specific Sections. The goals you stated at the beginning of your user interview project and the discussion guide you prepared can be good foundations for your reports—they will help you filter through the key data.

Mind maps. This type of diagram can help you structure and present your data in a visual and easily accessible format. It can help you to quickly identify links between topics and spot connections that may not have been obvious before.

3. Combine Interviews with Other Techniques

After analyzing the interview results, you might feel you have a pretty good understanding of what you need to do with your product.

However, it might tempt you to implement your insights right away. But it’s better to resist this temptation because it’s essential to first validate your results.

The great thing about user interviews is that we can combine them with other research methods, such as usability testing or user surveys.

By combining interviews with other techniques, you’ll be able to either validate or disprove your hypothesis while also gaining additional insights into your aim results.

User Interview Example Questions Guide

The following are sample questions for a user interview. Please note that your questions need to be tailored to each individual project.

Questions for Getting to know the user:

1. Please tell me about yourself and your relationship with Yale.
2. If they are students ask — major, year, school?
3. If we employed them ask — what type of employment, and for how long?
4. Please tell me about your relation to the [project topic]?
5. Describe your typical day at [role environment]?
6. When you are on a computer and the internet, are there any challenges you face accessing information?

Questions for gathering user behaviour:

1. What are the most important tasks you or other people need to perform in using [project website or application]?
2. How would you describe your past and current experience with [project topic, website or application]?
3. How often do you use or see yourself using [project website or application]?
4. How do you normally get to the project website or application? If by direct URL? – Do you use a bookmark for this?
5. If by web searching, what terms do you typically search for?
6. Through a link on another site, ask? Ask what sites?
7. If the answer is a bookmarked link ask – Do you remember how you first got the URL?
8. What devices do you typically use when visiting [project website or application]?
9. Do you or did you in the past use other websites and resources for the same purpose as [project website or application]?
10. Is there anything you or your users often look for on [project website or application] that is missing or hard to find?
11. Is there any way [project website or application] isn’t supporting your needs currently?
12. If you had a question regarding [project topic] do you know who to contact?
13. If yes – how do you know?
14. If not, how would you go about contacting someone?

Questions for Gathering Opinion:

1. What do you see as the primary function of the [project topic]?
2. What do you see as the primary function of the [project website or application]?
3. What do you like about the current [project website or application]?
4. What don’t you like about the current [project website or application]?

Questions for Gathering User Awareness:

Are you aware that the project topic, website, or application offers a particular feature?

Questions about the Project Goal:

1. What is your main goal when visiting the project website or application?
2. Ask follow-up questions – Do you have any secondary goals?
3. What would prevent you from achieving [project goal]?
4. What improvements we could make to make [project goal] easier or better?

Questions for Projects that Provide Information:

1. How do you use the information on the project website or application?
2. Would you ever need to share these metrics with others? If yes – who, what format, and method of sharing?
3. Would you ever need to export information or assets in the project? If yes – when, why, and in what format?

Questions for a Project that has a Process:

(ex: purchasing, submitting a request, or creating assets)
1. How long do you expect the process in the project to take?
2. Do you remember the communication or any follow-up after you performed the process in the project?
3. Under what circumstances would you want to receive an alert in process in the project?

Questions for Closing out the Interview:

What haven’t we asked you today that you think would be valuable for us to know?
May I contact you if we have questions or for possible further research for this project?

Best Practices for Creating User Research Questions

Conducting an effective and thorough interview takes hard work and planning. Here’s the good news. When you know how to create your questions your results will be beneficial.
Here’s a quick 5-step formula you can follow every time you need to create questions for UX research.


1. Start by Defining Broader Themes

The first step is to identify what you want to learn from the interview. The best way to figure out what you want to know is to brainstorm themes of interest.

Since you will ultimately share your results with your market research, product, and marketing teams, it’s helpful to have a representative from each of these teams in the brainstorming session.

2. Break Down your Questions to Make them Answerable

Once you have identified possible and broad themes, it’s time to delve deeper. As you browse through your list of ideas, you’ll notice there are several differences between each one.
Break down each theme and identify questions that align with the overall goal of the research.
Write any question that comes to mind, even if you don’t think it’s a good question.

3. Don’t Ask Questions Will Influence the Answer

The next step in the process is to inspect your questions and throw out questions that aren’t working.
It’s especially important to get rid of questions that are biased or that influence the answer. Remember, you want to get raw and honest answers from your research participants, so don’t ask questions.
For example, you may want to know how a customer felt when using a particular product or exploring an interface. A proper question would be, “how did you feel when adding items to your shopping cart?
An example of a leading question would be “how happy/anxious did you feel when adding items to your shopping cart?”
Good questions don’t make assumptions. They elicit honest answers.

4. Ask about Specific Examples

Sometimes it’s difficult for research participants to communicate how they feel about the usability of a product, service, or user interface.
Prepare a series of questions that will help you overcome this potential obstacle. Asking participants to talk about a specific experience in the past that relates to your question will help them remember and provide more accurate answers to your questions.

5. Ask Open-ended Questions

With interviewing participants, it’s essential to remember that all customers’ opinions and experiences are valuable. But not all customers are comfortable in an interview setting.
For some participants, you may ask a question. They will understand the general idea and offer a complete example. Other participants may be more comfortable with yes/no responses.
To avoid the yes/no responses, craft your questions so they are open-ended. Prepare a list of follow-up questions to open-ended answers that help guide less talkative respondents to open up more.
It doesn’t matter what you are trying to learn from your customers. If you follow this format when creating your questions, you’ll increase your chances of getting excellent customer feedback.

Basic Question Formats

A typical interview lasts between 30-60 minutes and comprises a series of different questions.
Below, I summarize the basic questions you should ask in your interviews and some on-point examples, many provided by research from Sarah Doody.

1. Customer Introduction Questions

You will probably already have the demographic information on your participants, but that doesn’t mean you know everything you need to know about your customers.
You’ll also want to ask questions that help you understand things you need to know that you didn’t get from the screening application.
Questions include:
1. What does your typical weekday look like?
2. When do you usually first use the (product/user interface in question) on a typical day?
3. Tell me about your role in your company? In your family? Etc.
4. How is this (product/user interface) relevant to your life daily?
5. Tell me about (any hobbies that may relate to your questions).
6. Any lifestyle questions that are related to your topic/product?
Asking customer introduction questions can help you further segment your customer responses and get a better idea of who your customers are. It can also help them open up and get more comfortable in the interview setting.

2. Topic-specific Questions

These questions will take up the bulk of your interview. They will help you understand the motivations, needs, and wants of customers as well as learn more about the problem you are trying to solve.
Questions include:
1. What’s your relationship like with (topic)?
2. How do you currently go about (problem/task)?
3. How much time do you typically spend on (problem/task)?
4. How much time would you be willing to spend on (problem/task)?
5. How important is saving time for you on (problem/task)?
6. Do you experience any obstacles with (problem/task)? Tell me more.
7. Tell me about the last time you tried to (problem/task)?
8. Do you like anything about how you currently (problem/task)? If so, what? If not, why?
9. What are you currently doing to make this (problem/task) easier?
10. How does this (problem/task) impact other areas of your life/work?
11. What other products or tools have you tried out to help with (problem/task)?
12. Have you paid for any of these other products or tools?
13. How did you hear about these other products or tools?
14. What is the most significant pain point related to (problem/task)
15. Why do you keep doing (problem/task)?
16. Why is (problem/task) important to you?
17. Have you created any workarounds that have helped you? Tell me more.
18. What are the hardest and easiest parts about (problem/task)?
19. What do you like or dislike about these other products or tools?
20. Are you looking for a solution or alternative for (problem/task)? 
You don’t have to ask these questions, but ask the ones that will give you a better idea of how you can adjust your product or solution to meet user needs more effectively.

3. Product Opportunity Questions

Once you know how a customer interacts with your product or interface or what problems they are experiencing, it’s time to get more specific feedback. If you plan to demo a product or interface, these questions will help you understand user reactions.
Questions include:
1. What do you think of this product?
2. How do you think you would feel if you had to navigate this product alone?
3. What appeals and doesn’t appeal to you visually?
4. Do you notice any potential problems with this product? If so, what?
5. Do you think someone would use this product?
6. Why do you think someone would/would not use this product?
7. Can you see yourself ever using this product? If so, why? If not, why?
8. Do you think this product is going to help you? If so, how?
9. Would you use this product today?
10. Do you think you can trust this product? Why or why not?
11. What might keep people from using this product?
12. What’s the most you would pay for this product?
13. What do you think is a fair price for such a product?
14. Does this remind you of any other products? If so, which ones and why?
Don’t be afraid to ask respondents to elaborate on answers to these questions. Answers to these questions are the meat and bones of your research.

4. Product Reaction Questions

Sometimes it is valuable, even necessary, to have your respondents use your products and then ask questions after they have done some exploring.

Questions include:
1. What’s most appealing/least appealing about this product?
2. What’s the easiest/hardest part about using this product?
3. Was there anything surprising or unexpected about this product?
4. Was there anything missing from this product that you expected?
5. Would you keep using this product after what you saw today? If not, what would need to change so that you would use it?
6. How would you improve this product?
Again, don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions until you clearly understand what your customers think, value, and want.
From this article, we hope we’ve been able to answer your questions and guide you on user interviews, how and why to organise one and questions to ask.
We hope this will assist you in making a great interview. So, make sure to check the page for details like this. Also, share the information with your friends and family.
StudentsandScholarship Team.

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