Joint Admission Medical Program 2021 Pre-Med Careers

The Joint Admission Medical Program is a statewide approach to expanding medical education and career opportunities for disadvantaged students. In this article, we’ll review the Texas JAMP and other information you may need to help your application process.

About JAMP

The Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) is a special created by the to support and encourage highly qualified, economically disadvantaged Texas resident students pursuing a medical education.

Funded through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating , JAMP is a unique partnership between eleven Texas medical schools and seventy public and private four-year undergraduate institutions.

Since 2003, JAMP has been helping Texas students achieve their dreams with guaranteed admission to one of the state’s eleven , financial, and academic support to help them get there, and access to resources that allow them to excel.

What is the Joint Admission Medical Program?

  • JAMP is a unique partnership between Texas students, undergraduate institutions, and medical schools that makes medical school affordable for Texans.
  • It provides services to support and encourage highly qualified, economically disadvantaged students to pursue a medical education.
  • It awards undergraduate and medical school .
  • It provides for the admission of those students who satisfy both academic and nonacademic requirements to at least one participating medical school.
  • A list of participating universities and medical schools can be found on the JAMP website at .

Criteria for JAMP Program

  • First, the student who graduates from high school or a home-schooled program must enroll, for the fall semester immediately following graduation, at one of the participating colleges or universities.
  • As a senior in high school, the student must: apply for admission to one of the participating universities; take the SAT or ACT and earn a score not less than the mean for the state of Texas, with no section on either the SAT or ACT below the mean attained in the state, and provide the scores to the participating university; complete and submit the and be eligible to receive a Pell Grant or an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) of up to $8,000.00 in the student’s freshman year of college.
  • As a freshman in college, the student must: Meet with the JAMP Faculty Director (JFD) at least once per month and complete at least 27 hours of undergraduate credit during the freshman year with a 3.25 GPA or higher and 3.25 GPA in science courses (no more than 3 hours of AP credit can be counted toward this requirement). JAMP defines “freshman year” as the first fall and spring semesters after graduation from high school.

JAMP Provisions

  • Support through undergraduate scholarships and summer stipends
  • Placement into JAMP Summer Internship experiences
  • Hands-on experience through clinical enrichment opportunities
  • The comprehensive, multi-phase preparation program
  • Personal and professional development through dedicated mentoring
  • Guaranteed admission to a participating Texas medical school if all criteria are met
  • Scholarships to attend medical school

Participation in JAMP (Medical Student)

Students must remain in good academic standing as defined by their medical school

Probation and Dismissal

  • A student admitted to the program who fails to meet the above academic or conduct standards may be:
    • placed on probation with appropriate counseling and academic assistance required, or
    • terminated from the program at the end of the semester during which the student failed to meet the requirements.
    • A student’s participation in the program is automatically terminated if the student fails to meet the above requirements for two consecutive semesters without good cause as determined by the JAMP Council.
    • The semester is defined to also include the JAMP summer internship program.
    • For purposes of probation and dismissal, compliance with academic standards will be evaluated at the end of the fall and spring semesters only. The evaluation will begin with the spring semester of the sophomore year.

When to Apply for Joint Admission Medical Program

Applications must be submitted by the beginning of the fall semester of a student’s sophomore year and are available online at The deadline for applying is October 1 of a student’s sophomore year.

Read Also:

Steps to Take to Apply for Joint Admission Medical Program

  • Complete the JAMP online application.
  • Submit a complete copy of the student’s application for admission to the undergraduate school, including a high school transcript and SAT or ACT scores.
  • Submit a transcript from an undergraduate school.
  • Provide two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the JAMP Faculty Director at the undergraduate institution.
  • Provide documentation to qualify as an economically disadvantaged Texas resident applicant.

Joint Admission Medical Program Expectation From Students

  • Sign an agreement with the JAMP Council which specifies the requirements of the program.
  • Attend on a full-time basis, the undergraduate institution to which the student has been admitted.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative and science GPA of 3.25 with all medical school prerequisite courses taken at the home university.
  • Take courses that lead to a degree and graduate in four years.
  • Take the MCAT in the spring of the junior year.
  • Complete the summer internships at a minimum of two medical schools, beginning after the sophomore year.
  • Meet with the university JAMP Faculty Director at least once per month.
  • Apply for admission to a participating medical school before the beginning of the senior year.
  • Satisfy both academic and nonacademic admission requirements of the medical schools, including an interview with the Admissions Committee.

For more information visit the website

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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