Keep Your Feet on the Ground Quotes

In today’s world, it can be tempting to let your head get in the clouds. When we’re constantly bombarded with the latest and greatest — from newly released gadgets to the newest fad diets — it’s easy to get swept up in chasing after instant gratification.

Therefore, staying grounded is one of the many processes of staying focused and not getting lost in the world of illusions. It is also about being realistic with your goals and expectations and making sure that you don’t let them get out of hand.

In the era we are where there are new trends every day, the possibility of being carried away abounds, so it is necessary to be disciplined and principled. The phrase ‘keep your feet on the ground‘ means resisting getting too caught up in fantasies, daydreams, or delusions. As such, it’s a fairly common piece of advice given to people who may be prone to getting overly enthusiastic about things.

So, if you are looking for some quotes to send to someone as a piece of advice over getting caught up in the exhilarating trends of life, here below are some amazing and inspiring always keep your feet on the ground quotes.

No matter how successful you are or how beautiful things are around you, always keep your feet on the ground because it is easier to get carried away. Always remember to be humble and keep your feet on the ground no matter how successful you are.

1. No matter how fast you became successful or how big you have grown, always be yourself, keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground.

2. Always keep your feet on the ground, and behave appropriately. Be sensible in everything you do! Ceaselessly, in all aspects of your life, no matter how enthusiastic you are about making progress, don’t be carried away by satisfaction or defeat. You have to learn from the past and bring it into the future. This way of thinking is the beginning of success.

3. Stay humble, and never let go of your feet from the ground. You won’t know what will happen to you because sometimes you must remind yourself to keep your feet on the ground. Take a walk with someone who inspires you.

4. Keep your feet on the ground, and never forget that they are there to walk on because success may be fleeting. The sky’s the limit. Maybe but not very likely. Keep your feet on the ground, and never forget that they are there to walk on because success may be fleeting.

5. You will be ready to take flight when you keep your feet on the ground. Success is fleeting; if you run after it, it will never return. Always keep sight of the ground under your feet because you never know when you may need to reach down for something.

6. Don’t get caught up in the moment. Keep your feet on the ground, and you’ll always be able to land where you want to go.

7. Remember to keep your feet on the ground when you’re riding a roller coaster. Too many people let the excitement of a new idea or opportunity distract them from what’s important: refining their product and staying focused on their goals.

8. Keep your head in the clouds, but remember to plant your feet firmly on the ground. In the long run, success depends on the work you put in, not luck. Always keep your feet on the ground and be grateful for everything you have.

9. It’s easy to lose touch with reality when you live in a world of wealth and luxury. Keep your feet on the ground and be grateful for everything you have.

10. It is easy to get carried away when things work well for you, but always remember to keep your feet on the ground. Stay humble and positive. Never lose what makes you a human, be respectful and kind to others, and always stay humble and positive.

11. Feel free to try out new things. You’ll learn from your mistakes and grow from your experiences. Stay humble, practice kindness, and always strive to better yourself and those around you.

12. Stay positive, work on yourself, and progress daily, regardless of the situation. Keep your feet planted in reality and appreciate everything you have been given.

13. Always stay humble. The world has enough people with big heads, without you adding to it. No matter what you do, keep success from going to your head. Always remember to keep your feet on the ground.

14. When the going becomes interesting, keep success from going to your head. Always remember to keep your feet on the ground.

15. It’s easy to think that you’ll never be able to do something as amazing as ever again. The truth is that fame is fleeting even if you never repeat that success. There will always be a way for you to make your mark on the world. Be positive and always keep your feet on the ground.

16. Success isn’t easy, nobody said it was. But each step you take forward is a step closer to achieving your dreams. Whatever you go to do, don’t forget where you came from – or that which got you here.

17. Be sensible in everything you do; keep your feet on the ground, and don’t misbehave because you are in a good mood.

18. Keep your feet on the ground, stay focused and do not get carried away by the rush of joy. When new and exciting things are happening around you, remember that acting sensibly and practising is best. Keep your feet on the ground.

19. When new and exciting things are happening around you, remember the most important thing – to be always responsible and keep your feet on the ground.

20. It’s a good thing to make plans and be optimistic. See what is happening around you. Be sure to use your common sense. You should be patient and try to stay focused. If you’re unsure where to go and what to do, take a step back and consider what is important to you.

21. 21Stay grounded and keep your feet on the ground. Just because you’re successful doesn’t mean that you’re invincible. You have to keep yourself in check. It would be best to keep your feet on the ground and not get too full of yourself. Nothing is more dangerous than a person who doesn’t know their limits.

22. Certainly, you’ve accomplished many great things, but to continue to succeed, you need to understand why you’re successful.

23.  Successful people can sometimes develop an egocentricity that leads them astray. The more successful they become, the less they listen to others, and the more they grab onto their success. This is why it is important for you always to keep your feet on the ground.

24. Don’t let your status get in the way of building a meaningful relationship because nothing will ever compare to the feeling of being yourself around the people you care about.

25. Be yourself around the people you care about because building meaningful relationships and friendships is much more important than making sure everyone sees you as a certain type of person.

26. When things get too exciting, keep your feet on the ground. You’ll be on a much better path when you pay attention to what’s real, not ideal.

27. Remember always to keep your feet on the ground. Stay grounded and make sure you’re focused on what’s important while always keeping your eyes on the prize.

28. Always keep your feet on the ground and keep your head up because life is full of opportunities, and success may be fleeting.

29. To keep your feet on the ground is always to remember to stay humble, knowing that exciting things happen, but we shouldn’t be carried away.

30. Life can take unexpected turns. To keep our feet on the ground, we should always remember to stay humble and take things daily. We shouldn’t forget where we came from or who made us who we are today.

31. We should never forget how exciting things can get and how we should always remain humble because this is what it means always to keep your feet on the ground.

32. Remember to stay humble because we may get as high as the moon. Stay in touch with the ground by keeping a grounded perspective on your goals. If you do, you may get away with the happening of the moments and miss out on the goal.

33. Success is a journey, not a destination. You can always walk away from failure, but you can never walk away from success. It would be best to keep your feet on the ground and not let high expectations get you down.

34. When the world is going your way, and you are getting everything you want, remember that a little wind can lift you higher than ever. So, always keep your feet on the ground.

35. The world is full of wonders, but you can’t appreciate them if you keep your feet on the ground. Stay humble and be sensible in everything you do because exciting periods do not last.

36. Just because new opportunities are knocking at your door doesn’t mean you should forget where you came from. Always keep your feet on the ground and do what you know is right for your future.

37. Keep your feet on the ground because you don’t know where you will end up. Life is too short to spend too much time in the clouds. Embrace what life offers you, but always keep your feet on the ground and don’t forget to enjoy your blessings.

38. Always keep your feet on the ground, and stay grounded when you get the chance to fly high. Keep your feet on the ground no matter how high you fly.

39. Don’t let your high heels get in the way of your future. It’s important to keep your feet on the ground. Stay high enough. Stay true to yourself and do what makes you happy. Always treat yourself well because if you don’t, no one else will.

40. Getting caught up in the excitement of a new opportunity is easy. But remember, it’s not about being ahead of the curve or jumping ahead in time. It’s about staying grounded and centred, always remembering where you came from, who you are, and what you’ve got to look forward to.

41. Don’t let people tell you where you can and cannot go. Don’t let the world dictate your dreams; rather, your dreams will tell you what to do. Stay grounded; keep your feet on the ground. Always remember to stay focused, keep calm and follow your dreams.

42. Keep your feet on the ground, but don’t lose sight of the stars. Keep your feet on the ground, and you’ll be able to feel the air you breathe.

43. You never want to let your feet touch the ground because if you do, you risk things crashing down. Always keep your head and your feet in the air. Your feet on the ground are a stronger foundation than your head in the clouds.

44. Always keep your feet on the ground when new and exciting things are happening around you. You’ll be wise about it in the end.

45. Keep your head down when casting new goals and dreams, but keep your feet on the ground. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you to be great.

46. Always keep your feet on the ground, even when you’re flying. Keep your feet on the ground, and always appreciate everything that happens to you. You can never know enough about life.

47. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of change, but remember that it’s best to keep your feet on the ground and stay focused on what needs to be done.

48. It would be best to keep your feet on the ground, not because it’s a good idea or fair practice, but because it will keep you safe.

49. Never lose your perspective on who you are and what you’re capable of achieving, no matter the pace. Keep your feet on the ground! New and exciting things are happening, but remember to stay grounded in what is true.

50. When you’ve had enough, say stop. When you’re ready, go. And when it’s time to take the next step in your career and life, remember always to keep your feet on the ground. Always keep your head on the ground when you feel new and excited.

In a world that seems to go faster by the minute, take a deep breath and reconnect with your inner voice. Stay on the ground and never be caught up in the moment. The excitement of the moments may not last, and success may be temporary, so stay humble.

51. Stay your feet on the ground and focus on making progress instead of being carried away by the fun and excitement of the moment. When you are successful, it’s time to stay humble.

52. Stay your feet on the ground. You’ll only know what will come in the next minute if you get too excited and make irrational decisions based on trends. Be calm and reasonable in all you do.

53. Never let your feelings take hold of your senses. Please keep your feet on the ground. Ina l you do, only take a decision when you are overly excited.

54. Stay on the ground and remember that you only have one life to live, so stay humble and positive. 

55. When new things happen, and you need to stay grounded, remember that this is just the beginning. You can get lost in the clouds, or you can get down to business. Head down and keep your feet on the ground.

56. One day you can be on top of the world, and the next day you’re just as happy to be where you are now. So, stay your feet on the ground. Be reasonable in all you do, and live humbly.

57. The best way to keep your feet on the ground is to plant them firmly in reality, not in the moment’s excitement. If you think it’s going to be easy, you’re in for a shock. If you think it’s going to be hard, you’re in for a thrill.

58. Stay high, and don’t get too low. Stay your feet on the ground and enjoy the ride! The best way to remain calm in the face of excitement is to do nothing. Stay your feet on the ground, never stop exploring and never give up on your dreams.

59. Stay your feet on the ground. You’ll need them later. You’re only as good as the last thing you did, so stay your feet on the ground. Always keep an open mind, and always be ready to let go.

60. Always keep your feet on the ground, and never forget that you’re an ordinary person with ordinary dreams. Remember to keep working hard for your goals.

61. Life is full of opportunities. Let’s make the most of it by keeping our feet on the ground and believing in ourselves. Stay your feet on the ground, and it will save you from reckless mistakes.

62. Remember to keep your head down and your feet on the ground. You never know what’s coming next. Stay your feet on the ground, and never forget where you came from.

63. Remember, the ground is always there. Always stay on the ground and take things one step at a time.

64. Stay your feet on the ground, not because you’re a wimp—but because you’ll land where you belong. There’s no place to run and hide when the earth is shaking under your feet. Keep your head high, eyes open. Enjoy the ride!

65. When you walk, keep your feet on the ground. Don’t be afraid to get your feet in the sand. It is always challenging to stay grounded in a world where the horizon lines up with a different horizon.

66. Never forget that the world is made up of many unexpected turns, and life’s journey is never-ending. But always stay your feet on the ground; it’s where you belong!

67. Stay your feet on the ground, and don’t let anything get in the way of your dreams. Stay your feet on the ground, and you’ll never know what you’re missing.

68. Stay your feet on the ground, and you’ll always be able to see what’s around you. Stay your feet on the ground, but let it all sweep you away.

69. Stay on the ground, and you can see farther and higher. Don’t be afraid to get your feet on the ground. Even when your feet are on the ground, keep sight of where you’re going.

70. When you have those thoughts of grandeur, remind yourself that you are a simple being whose greatness is in your capacity to love and be loved. Stay your feet on the ground.

71. Stay your feet on the ground when decisions are to be made. Conventional wisdom is great, but miracles don’t happen to anyone. It’s great to believe in something with passion, but if that something doesn’t put food on the table, you’re better off being practical.

72. Keeping your feet on the ground may be difficult, but it is what we need most of the time. Let’s quickly accept that life is a giant zero-sum game where one person wins at someone else’s expense. That way, when misery strikes your neighbour, you don’t even have to feel guilty about it because you already gave up on trying to make things different!

73. Think about what you need to do your job and make your work a little bit easier. You’ll be able to get done with things faster and won’t have to worry about choosing between practicalities and getting the job done right.

74. Don’t let your imagination run away with you. If you can dream it, you can do it. Attitude is a little thing that makes big things happen.

75. It is a common belief that your attitude will make the difference between you achieving success or failure. So if you want to achieve success, keep pushing your limits. Stay focused on your dreams, and don’t forget to spread some kindness along the way!

76. Life is more enjoyable if you are practical. We highly recommend that you take a practical approach to everything in your life to avoid misery and enjoy life. The key to staying humble without being too humble is to find a healthy balance between self-confidence and humility.

77. The key to success is simple: Be Humble. Understand that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but learn how to use these to your advantage. You don’t have to forfeit inspiration, either. Keeping certain aspects of your life private is fine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t maintain a sense of curiosity.

78. After you have achieved success, it can be very easy to allow your new lifestyle to go to your head. It is challenging to develop a good sense of perspective. Perspective is an attitude – a way of seeing things.

79. The importance of keeping your feet on the ground is that it’s no use trying to fly if your wings aren’t strong enough. There’s always room for improvement. There’s always something we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

80. Enjoy life and be practical. Do your best to ignore the negative. It would be helpful if you learned how to take risks. The world is full of wonder and danger, but what else besides misery? Life is worth living!

81. Sensible is the cornerstone of life. We encourage you to be practical as often as you can to make your life happier. Life is more meaningful if you are passionate. Let this inspire and encourage you to live a life of passion that leads to fulfilment.

82. When you make practical choices, life can be more enjoyable. The most important thing is to think about the future and plan for it to prepare when something happens.

83. Be smart as well as practical. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds. Keep thinking outside of the box. Don’t get so caught up in what everyone else tells you that you lose sight of what you need to do next

84. Stay your feet firmly planted on the ground, but let your heart be drawn to the sky. Daily success is made up of small wins, so celebrate those victories with a huge grin! By the way, huge grins come easy once you get the hang of it.

85. It’s important to have a healthy perspective on life. We are here to help you see the world realistically and positively so you can make the best of your life. There are thousands of ways to get what you want. Some are practical, and some are a waste of time.

86. If the world tells you your dreams are too big, don’t listen. Every dream begins with a dreamer. The person who follows his dreams is closer to success than the person who gives up on them. The closer you get to your dreams, the more obvious there are no limits.

87. The key to a happy life is to enjoy it. If you prefer to avoid daily activities, find new ones. There is no reason to be miserable simply because that is what some other person has convinced you of. Happiness is your right and your choice.

88. Stay in style no matter where you go. Life is better when you’re practical. Practicality is about cultivating the sensible, mature side of yourself so that you can make the most of every day and not sweat the small stuff.

89. Stay your feet on the ground and keep your head in the clouds because you need balance to make the impossible possible. Success comes to those who think big and dream bigger.

90. Stay your feet on the ground in every situation, it may appear not easy at first, but you will find it easier as you persist.

91. People of the world respect pragmatic people; they will know you for who you are even though it may not be convenient for them.

92. If you do not learn to stay your feet on the ground, you will be tossed here and there by every wind that blows. Remain firm and be positive.

93. Staying your feet on the ground is the ability to make a wrong decision and stand by it; learning from the experience and accepting responsibility for the failures.

94. When you learn how to keep your feet on the ground, you will be more respected and looked upon as someone with a proper mindset for success.

95. Are you currently known for letting self-interests stand in the way of what is best for those around you? Or are you seen as someone with a firm grasp of life’s realities? Replace your feet on the ground mindset with an ambition-driven lifestyle and watch how doors start to open that were once closed to you.

96. Keep your feet on the ground in matters of life; people will see you in a very good or wrong light when it comes to this.

97. Stay your feet on the ground even when you are tempted to sway in the mood of the moment.

98. Be sensible and reasonable with your actions; you will face the consequences late. Stay your feet on the ground.

99. When everything is fine, you may lose touch with reality. When you keep your feet on the ground, you keep yourself in check.

100. Too many things happen in the world every time; some can easily carry us away and swerve us away from the path we choose. The ability to keep your feet on the ground would save you from making bad decisions.

And that’s it! I have complied these keep your feet on the ground quotes to tell you or someone close to you that in the midst of all the excitement around, you should hold yourself to the most sensible way. I hope you like them. Please share across your social media pages.


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