Labour Management Relations and Its Effect on Labour Productivity

 – Labour Management Relations and Its Effect on Labour Productivity – 

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Labour-management relations connote a relationship between workers as individuals in their collective entity with their employer.

In this study, a number of factors seem to be responsible for job dissatisfaction among workers.  These include poor salary, poor condition of service, lack of promotion etc.

This study revealed that when the relationship that exists between labor and management is not cordial, it will affect productivity and this could be in form of poor communication.

This study is designed to find out the effect on workers’ productivity in subsidy removal strike action in January, 2012 through the relationship that exists between the labor and management, and among staff.  The study will be of benefit to the labor, workers, management and the entire masses.


Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE Introduction

  • Background of the Study
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Research Question
  • Objective of the Study/Purpose
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Definition of Terms

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

  • Introduction
  • Effect of Mutual Relations Between Workers and Management
  • Effects of Communication
  • Effect of Labor Participation in Management Decision Making
  • Effect of Leadership Style
  • Effect of Motivation
  • Summary of Literature Review

CHAPTER THREE Research Design and Methodology

  • Introduction
  • Research Design and Methodology
  • Sources of Data
  • Method of Data Collection
  • Sampling Method/Techniques
  • Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument Validity
  • Method of Data Analysis

CHAPTER FOUR Data Presentation and Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Presentation and Analysis of Data According to Questions

CHAPTER FIVE Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Summary of Findings
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations




Basically, there are two categories of groups that exist in an organization namely; labor and management.  These groups formed the pilot upon which major actions or activities revolve.  It is obvious that labor is made up of groups of individuals that come from different backgrounds. They have different ideologies.

The management on the other hand form the policy making body of the organization.   This conflict may affect the worker as an individual or as a member of a group in the organization.   The organizational goal therefore becomes a great task for the management.

Their ability to manage the situation creates a good atmosphere for growth both for the individual and the organization. If on the contrary the relationship is strained, the efficiency of the workers is seriously jeopardized.  The above assertion necessitates the study of the effect of labor management on workers’ productivity.

According to Ugbo (2003:2), management is the process of integrating resources and task towards the achievement of stated organizational goals.  Management could be summarized from two perspectives namely, management as a process of organization.


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