Labour-Management Relations in Public Organization

Labour-Management Relations in Public Organization.

Table of Contents


This study seeks to examine labour-management relationship in Enugu state PHCN hence it examines the relationship between the management and the informal groups within Enugu state PHCN.

Ascertains how the neglects of the psychological and social needs of the workers has affected labour-management relation in Enugu state PHCN; and finds out the role of industrial democracy in cordial labour-management relationship.

This is based on the observations that have proven from pre-independence in 1960 to date that Nigeria has witnessed chains of industrial actions as a result of trade disputes.

Which has adversely affected the socio-economic development of the country in general as there has been continuous decline in workers commitment to work.

Change of profession and complete nonchalant attitude to work occasioned by flagrant abuse of office occasioned by non-adherence to the tenets of human relations theory.

Leading to the dilemma of weak relationship between labour and management that has resulted to the labour force not satisfied with their management behavior, wages and welfare items.

In achieving the set objectives, the secondary source of data generation was utilized hence the work is a descriptive qualitative research depending on the human relations theory and content analysis approach for analysis.

Based on these three hypotheses: there is a relationship between the management and the informal groups within the Enugu state PHCN;

Neglect of the Psychological and social aspects of workers do affects the productivity levels in the Enugu state PHCN; and Lack of industrial democracy can mar labour-management relation within the work environment, it was found that there is a relationship between management and the informal groups within a formal organization;

Neglect of the Basic Needs of Workers Affect Organizational Productivity adversely; and lack of industrial democracy mars labour-management relationship.

Hard copy materials procured at the PHCN office added more colour to the entire work. Thus, the work was concluded with recommendations amongst which both labour and management should respect the agreement they entered into.


Background of the Problem

Labor-management relations, according to Hailey (2000) are the interacting relationships between labour (employees) and management (employers).

Management and labour’ are the English term used in English Common (EC) law to refer to organizations representing workers and employers.

The equivalent term used in other language versions is ‘social partners’ (Willmot et al, 2003). It connotes the relationship existing between employers and employees and their dealings with each other (Gerard, 2007).

In most industries, wages and conditions are determined by free collective bargaining between employers and trade unions.

Some European and American countries have worker participation through profit-sharing and industrial democracy. Another solution is co-ownership, in which a company is entirely owned by its employees.

The aim of good industrial relations is to achieve a motivated and capable workforce that sees its work as creative and fulfilling.

A breakdown in industrial relations can lead to an industrial dispute where one party takes industrial action. Such situations necessitated the enactment of the 1947 Federal law which was designed to protect employers, employees, and the public.

It governs union activities and provides an arbitration mechanism for strikes that cause national emergencies.

Demand for experts in labour-management relations continues to grow as new legislation and court rulings continuously update standards for employment conditions.

Leading to the clamour for more scientific study of human relations, but the volatility of human behaviour stands a threat to scientific study that heralds exact prediction.


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