Law of Giving and Receiving Quotes

Our world is governed by laws that are as true as the law of gravity and the law of giving and receiving is one of these universal laws. When we think about this law, it seems obvious that the more we give, the more we will receive. However, if we are not aware of how this law works, we can easily sabotage the flow of abundance in our lives.

We’ve all heard of the Laws of Attraction, right? How about a cool little but not so little law called the law of giving and receiving. A lot of people use this law to manifest things in their lives.

The law of giving and receiving is a gift that works! It works in every area of our lives, especially when manifesting money. The key to getting the best results is understanding and using this law correctly, which many people get wrong. With these law of giving and receiving quotes down here, you can change your life forever by attracting everything you want.

If you want to receive more, then give more. The universe will match what you put out there. It doesn’t matter if you are giving money, time, friendship or any other type of energy. You must give before you can receive and that’s what the law of giving and receiving is about.

1. If you want to receive a positive message from the universe, send out a positive message. When we ask for love, we must love in return. When we ask for money, we must give money in return. When we ask for help, we must help others in need. Take action and make things happen!

2. Your mind is your tool for creating what you want in life. It is your most powerful tool, but you must use it properly to manifest your desires. You must believe that the Law of Giving and Receiving works in all areas of your life. If you are not receiving wealth but giving money away, it is because this law is in operation in some other area of your life. The Law of Giving and Receiving has no preferences; it just works!

3. The law of giving and receiving is an important law to understand and apply in your daily life. Balance is the name of the game when it comes to this law. You can only get back from the universe what you give out yourself. To get more love, give more love. To get more wealth, give more wealth. To get better health, give better health. To get a better relationship with God, make sure that your relationship with Him improves every day!

4. You cannot receive with closed hands—the law of giving and receiving states that what you give out, you receive in return. If you give love, you will receive love. If you give service, you will receive service. If you give forgiveness, you will receive forgiveness.

5. The law of giving and receiving is not just about money; it’s about generosity with your time and energy. It’s about giving without expecting something in return. When we are truly grateful for what we have, we naturally want to share our blessings with others.

6. There is a difference between being generous because of our abundance and giving out of pressure or obligation. When we feel “forced” to share our resources, there will be a negative consequence (karma) associated with that action. On the other hand, when we freely share what we have because we are genuinely grateful for it—with no expectation of return—we receive more gifts from the Universe in response as a reward for following this Universal Law.

7. Giving from an open heart is one of the greatest expressions of gratitude and love experienced in life. Wealth is whatever you want it to be. The universe has provided for you in abundance and will continue to do so. You have the power and ability to create wealth, health and happiness.

8. The Law of Giving brings a sense of satisfaction and contentment. It is truly better to give than to receive. But, to fulfil your Life Purpose, to live up to your full potential and shine brightly, you must be able to receive.

9. As you give, so shall you receive! You cannot give to someone without receiving something back in return. It may not be the same form as what you gave out, but it will come to you and you must believe that it will work and that what you are giving is coming back to you. This is a very important point, when people do not believe in this Law; it does not work for them.

10. Give, and you shall receive. Give what you wish to receive. Whatever you give comes back to you. Whoever gives more gets more back. As you give, so shall you receive. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. You reap what you sow. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

11. The law of giving and receiving states that the more you give, the more you will receive. This is true for love, money and all forms of abundance. By giving what you seek, whether it be love, friendship or money, you will attract more of it to you.

12 When you seed your life with acts of kindness and generosity towards others, you will soon see that your act has come back to you multiplied many times over. Your generosity puts energy into motion which returns to you unexpectedly when you least expect it. You reap what you sow!

13. You can put this law of giving and receiving into action by committing to bring joy to others through your words and actions today. Every time you make someone feel special in some way – with a kind word or deed – feel truly good about it because what

14. It is important to remember that the act of giving doesn’t necessarily mean you have to donate money to charity or something like that. If you give someone support, friendship, love and attention, you will get back exactly what you put out into the world.

15. The law of giving and receiving says that when you give to others, you will receive in return. When you are generous with your time, love, attention, or resources, you give. When someone is generous toward you, they are giving.

16. The law of giving and receiving is the law of cause and effect. When you give something positive to someone else—a gift, a smile, a compliment—you will receive the effects of that positive energy somehow. You may receive it right away or later on.

17. It is a law of the universe that whatever we give out, we get back. There are two ways we can give away our energy. One is by giving it away and not getting it back. The second way is by giving it away and getting more than we gave back in return.

18. The Law of Giving and Receiving states that the amount of energy you put into anything comes back to you multiplied. If you put energy into loving your life and being whom you want to be, you will receive all this back multiplied.

19. If you’re not giving your best, then if it comes back to you multiplied, what you get will not be good enough. You have to give everything you’ve got to make sure that what comes back is great.

20. The law of giving states that when you give, you will receive. When you give, it activates the “Law of Circulation”, which means things must flow to grow. If we stop giving, everything stops because, without circulation, growth is impossible.

21. The law of giving and receiving is a part of the cycle of prosperity. This law reminds us that to receive, we must first give. We are all parts of the whole, and each one of us plays an integral role in the cycle.

22. The same goes for love. If you love someone else, your love will be felt by them even if they don’t know it consciously yet, and they will respond with their loving actions toward you or someone else in need of love at just the right

23. Be careful of the messages you are sending out to the Universe. What you give out comes back. When you send negative messages, you will get back negative results. When you send positive messages, the result will be positive results. It is that simple. The only way to change your life is to change the messages you are sending out every day. You may feel like nothing is changing in your life, but I can assure you that there is a huge difference between how your life was two months ago versus today.

24. The whole concept behind the law of giving and receiving is that you cannot create wealth without giving value first. You cannot expect to receive money without first offering something of value in return.

25. It’s a simple concept, but one that many people struggle to grasp. It means that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and the only way to get anything for free is by adding value first. This can refer to any transaction you expect to receive something in return.

26. The Law of Giving and Receiving is a key to living a happy, fulfilled life. The law explains how we create the circumstances of our life and the world around us. It states that to receive, one must give first. This can be applied to anything, such as receiving love, good health, friendship, wealth and abundance.

27. If you want friends or a loving partner in your life — be a friend and love first. If you need help or inspiration — help someone else or inspire someone else with your words or actions first. And if you want to feel happy — make other people happy! You can’t receive anything if you are not open and ready to receive it. Be open and receptive. Allow the natural flow of life energy to move through you.

28. Everyone should be aware of the Law of Giving and Receiving. When we give what we do not need, we receive more than we have lost. In this way, our giving is an investment in our future. In fact, giving what you do not need is the best investment you can make in your personal development.

29. The Law of Giving and Receiving. You can get something for nothing, especially when it comes to messaging and marketing. If you want a message to spread, you need to give your audience a reason to listen, share, or buy. It could be a promise of a benefit or reward.

30. Imagine a law of giving and receiving that says “when you give love, you get love back.” Now imagine the same law applied to everything else in your life. The more you give of anything, the more you get.

31. The law of giving states that when you make a gift out of pure generosity, with nothing expected in return, it comes back multiplied. When you give something out of obligation or guilt, it is diminished.

32. The law of receiving says that when someone gives us something, we must receive it graciously and with gratitude. If we cannot receive a gift freely given, it is as if we are pushing away part of the gift.

34. Not to be confused with the law of attraction, the law of giving and receiving has a lot to do with your energy. It says that whatever you give out comes back to you, so if you give out positive energy (like being kind to others), you will likely receive it back somehow.

35. The law also says that whatever you give out will come back to you multiplied. So if you always put in a lot of hard work and dedication towards your own goals and dreams, this will come back to you in the form of success in life.

36. This law is all about building good karma. If you want good things to happen in your life, then you need to be willing to pass on the good vibes. Do something nice for someone, or speak kindly to them; when this person is feeling down or having a bad day, they might think back on what you said or did for them and return the kindness.

37. The more good deeds you do for others, the more likely it is that people will notice and return your generosity with their kindness. The positive energy that is created by these actions can help a lot of people feel better about themselves and the world around them.

38. Giving gives you a sense of fulfilment because what goes around comes back around. You wouldn’t want to be selfish and always expect people to give you things that you like or need without giving things back.

39. Every good deed will always come to you in the most unexpected time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 100% return of your good dee; what matters is that it came from the heart and that it did not disappoint you.

40. You have to give first if you want someone to give you something. Even if it’s just a little money, you gave it without expecting anything in return means a lot. Please don’t be selfish, don’t act like everything is all about yourself,f and nobody else matters because they are more important than you are. You can’t just let people do things for you without returning them a favour. There should be an equal balance between giving and receiving; only then will everything turn out well.

41. The law of giving and receiving states that the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe, and in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.

42. It is because we have a lack of mindset. If you think that you are worthy of only a certain amount or level of abundance, then you will unconsciously keep yourself from receiving even more than that. Therefore, take some time today to meditate on this thought: “I am worthy of all good things coming into my life.

43. When you are in the flow state, you are in a state of receiving. You can give and receive simultaneously; it is not either/or. If you want to receive more, then give more. If you want to be wealthy, then help others become wealthy. You have to give before you can get. You cannot receive what you do not give. Outflow determines inflow.

44. If you are stingy, if you hold back, and if you don’t share your money, your time, your ideas or yourself with others, then eventually, there won’t be anything left to come back to you. If you’re afraid of giving too much away and not having enough for yourself, that fear will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. As long as the supply is endless, there’s no need to fear running short.

45. The law of giving and receiving is not just about material things; it also applies to love and friendship. When we are generous with our love, when we express our appreciation for other people and tell them how important they are to us, our lives become richer and fuller. By giving love and support to others, we open ourselves up to receiving love and support in return.

46. The more you give, the more you receive. There is a natural law of reciprocity that governs all life. In physics, this law is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. It states that the amount of energy in any system remains constant. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only transformed from one form to another.

47. The Law of Conservation of Energy teaches us that our ability to give to others depends on how much we have received. This applies both to material and non-material things. When you receive something from somebody, you should reciprocate in kind or cash. That’s why I always say that a big part of success is about being able to ask for help when needed and about having the humility to accept it when it’s offered.

48. “It’s better to give than receive.” That may be true in some cases, but not in all situations. Sometimes you need to receive before you can give. Receiving is a two-way street, where giving and receiving are partners on the same journey towards success.

49. “The more you give, the more you get. To receive the approval, appreciation and support of others, you must first give it. To feel belonging in a group, you must first give a sense of belonging to others. To experience goodwill from social contacts, you must show goodwill towards them. To attract love and affection from others, you must first give love and affection.

50. If you want an opportunity for promotion and advancement at work, you must create opportunities for others around you. If you want the respect of your peers, you must show respect to them. If you want your partner to be sensitive to your feelings, then be sensitive to theirs.

51. This law states that every person has something of value to give. This is what you have to offer in return to the person who helps you. It’s not necessarily money, but it can be. It can also be your time, a place to stay, a few words of encouragement or anything else.

52. To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world. What goes around, comes around; what you put out comes back to you. You reap what you sow; as you sow, so shall you reap.

53. When you give, it’s important to remember that you are not giving to get. You give because you love, and when you love, you want to express that love and share it with others. When we give expecting something in return, it cheapens the act. It takes away from the purity of the gift.

54. The law of giving and receiving is similar to the law of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction or consequence to that action. If you give love, then love will be returned to you; if you give attention, then attention will be returned to you; if you give money, then money will be returned to you; if you give criticism, then criticism will be returned to you; if you give fear, then fear will be returned to you; if you give hate, then hate will be returned to you

55. The law of giving states that the more you give, the more you will receive. Giving does not refer to material things only but to time, attention, appreciation and support. Remember that it is not only about receiving from others but also about receiving from yourself.

56. When you give to yourself, you invest in your development and well-being because this is an investment for your future. This is an act of self-love and self-care. All that gives us happiness should be embraced as a gift we give ourselves.

57. Embracing these two universal laws into our lives can help us live happier lives and benefit from all our relationships with others and ourselves. We need to stop limiting ourselves by thinking that we do not deserve good things or happiness and start

58. The Law of Receiving is the flip side of the Law of Giving. If you’re not giving, you can’t receive, and if you’re not receiving, you are blocking the flow of life energy.

59. We have to give to get; it’s a universal law. This is why it’s so important to be generous with your time, attention, money and energy. We all know people who think they are “owed” something by others, but they never seem to get what they want from life. It’s because they are not giving enough to others.

60. The Law of Receiving applies to spiritual energy and physical possessions or money. You must be open to receiving help from others or guidance from the Universe if you want it in your life. If you are giving with an open heart, then you will be receiving more than you could ever imagine!

61. The Law of Giving and Receiving states that the more you give, the more you receive. It is important to be open to receiving. This law states that what you give out comes back to you. Examples of this law in action would be like when you do an act of kindness for someone, the other person will be kinder to you in return, or if you are friendly to others, then they will be friendlier towards you as well.

62. Be grateful for the positive aspects of your life. Try expressing your gratitude in a journal and write down three things that went well each day and how they made you feel. You can also try saying “thank you” whenever good things happen to you.

63. The Law of Giving and Receiving clarifies that we must give to receive. This law also governs the flow of energy, so we often hear about the importance of giving and receiving. Everything you give out will return to you multiplied. The more you give, the more you get back. This is a universal law, and it holds in every area of life.

64. When we have a solid relationship with ourselves, our actions align with our values, and we dos right for ourselves, then we don’t feel guilty when we need help or ask for support. We feel okay about receiving because we know the law of giving and receiving will return what we put out there.

65. The Law of Giving and Receiving, life always returns what we’ve given out, whether it’s something meaningful or random that happened to touch our lives. Through Giving to others and receiving from others, we can have truly fulfilling lives. Here’s how.

66. The Law of Giving and Receiving is a powerful tool that can help you attract money, prosperity and success into all areas of your life. It does not mean that if you give, the other person will receive something for sure; the law of giving and receiving means that you will gain if you give something away.

67. The law of giving and receiving works like this; why is it because when you give love, peace, joy and happiness, it fills up your heart and then gives it back to the world with the message of helping others. The more you give, the more you’ll receive; this is why we are all here for each other.

67. With the Law of Giving and Receiving messages, it’s easier to live a fulfilling life. You focus on giving value and being grateful for what you have and receive!

68. The Law of Giving and Receiving messages says that whatever you put into the universe, positive or negative, will come back to you. This is sometimes called Karma. When you put out positive energy, it will come back to you. The more positive energy you put out, the more you get back.

69. If you want more joy in your life, then start by giving away joy whenever possible! You can do this through acts of kindness and generosity. Help someone who’s having a hard time or donate money to a worthy cause. Your actions will make them feel good, making you feel good!

70. Don’t blame others for what happens in your life because ultimately, it’s up to YOU how much happiness comes into it too! If all else fails, remember: “What goes around comes around. We have been given the power of choice. We can choose our thoughts, words and deeds. We can decide what we will give out to others and what we will receive from them and in life.

71. The Law of Giving and Receiving is based on the idea that, by giving freely of our time, talents, energy, love and money to others, we are creating a vacuum that the universe fills with even greater abundance. This does not mean that you should give indiscriminately or when there is nothing in it for you, but rather that you should give when appropriate, without thought of repayment.

72. When you give without expecting anything in return — whether it’s a compliment to a friend or colleague, a donation to your favourite charity or a gift to a needy family — the universe sees this as an act of generosity that deserves a reward. And as with all universal laws, the Law of Giving and Receiving ensures that the reward you receive is far greater than what you originally gave out.

73. When you focus on what you can give, you automatically receive. Focusing on what others can give you is a sure-fire way to block yourself from receiving. If you focus on what others have that you do not, the Universe will get the message that you don’t have enough.

74. We live in a universe of abundance, so there’s never a shortage of anything. When you focus on lack, the Universe hears that you lack and gives you more to feel lacking. Focusing on what others have that you don’t create an energy gap between you and them, making it harder for the connection (and any blessings) to flow between you.

75. The more we give to others without expecting a return, the more we receive in our own lives. Want to receive a promotion? Start promoting others. Want money? Give money away to help those who need it. It’s all in the energy exchange that determines how much we receive in return.

76. The Law of Giving and Receiving is like a feedback loop: When we give with no expectation or thought of receiving anything back, our minds relax and allow blessings to flow effortlessly into our lives.”

77. The Law of Giving and Receiving is a law that explains how much more we receive in life when we learn to give. The more we give, the more our lives are enhanced and fulfilled. This law states what you give out will be returned to you, but there’s a catch – the universe doesn’t keep an exact tally of what you give out. The amount of what’s returned to you is based on the vibration you’re sending out, not the actual amount of money or things you’ve given.

78. The Law of Giving states that the more you give, the more you will receive. Giving is a very simple and powerful way to express your love for others. Giving is not just about donating. It is about making a difference. Believe that when you give what you have, whether it be your time, money, or your possessions, you will always receive more in return.

79. The Law of Giving and Receiving is perhaps the most natural law of the Universe. But, like all the other laws, it has to be applied consciously if you want to derive maximum benefit from it. The whole idea behind this law is that whatever you give comes back to you multiplied manifold.

80. The Law of Giving and Receiving is perhaps the most natural law of the Universe. But, like all the other laws, it has to be applied consciously if you want to derive maximum benefit from it. The whole idea behind this law is that whatever you give comes back to you multiplied manifold.

81. The Law of Giving and Receiving is a fundamental law of the universe. What you give out, you receive back. Life is an exchange. You must give something to receive something. Life will give to you what you give to life. You are where you are today in your life based on what you have been given to it. What have you given? What have you received? If you want more, then give more! Give more positive energy, opportunities, time, friendship, love and support!

82. Give instead of taking! Give more than expected! Give without expecting anything in return! Give freely and abundantly! Don’t look for others to give first. Be the first giver! Be the first to help others! Be the one who makes a difference in the lives of others. If the world seems hostile and things don’t go your way, reflect on this question: “What am I giving out?” If you are unhappy with what is coming back, change what you are giving out.

83. The law of giving and receiving is vital to the concept of wealth because it states that you must give to receive. So remember that when you’re asking for help from people, you have something to offer them. And if they show an interest in helping you, find out how you can support them in return

84. The Law of Giving and Receiving is another very important spiritual law that affects our lives daily. Each time we give to somebody else, our act of giving causes a vibration in the Universe. This vibration will travel through space until it reaches the person to whom we gave the gift or to whom we did a favour.

85. We normally perceive this phenomenon as a feeling of happiness because deep down inside us, we know that we did the right thing and helped somebody out. This is an example of how the Law of Giving and Receiving works in our life, but there are other types of giving that can affect our lives as well.

86. We receive by giving.” When we give, we are giving away what we have. When we give, we make space for more to come into us. We receive by giving.

87. The Law of Giving and Receiving is a fundamental spiritual law. It is one of the most important laws in the universe because it ties together our own lives with the larger workings of the universe.

88. The Law of Receiving states that your giving and receiving are always equal. You can’t receive more than you give. If you want to receive more, you have to give more.

89. The Law of Giving also applies to your actions, feelings and thoughts. If you give love, you will receive love. If you give hate, then you will get hate in return. When someone gives a compliment or a smile, the receiver usually smiles back or gives a compliment in return. The law works: you get what you put out there.

90. If we want to be happy and successful in life, we should learn how to respect ourselves and others. We can be happy if we see everyone as equal and worthy of respect. Everybody has their share of happiness and sadness, so we should be kind to others even if they don’t treat us well.

91. The Law of Giving and Receiving is the law that governs the exchange of value between people. In other words, how do you get what you want out of life? Every person in this world wants something. Either they want money, a job, food, clothes or some kind of material possession. They desire to have something from another person, place or thing.

91. The Law of Giving and Receiving is rooted in the simple fact that you can’t get anything unless you give something first. If you want to receive love, first give love. If you want to receive respect, first give respect. If you want to receive money, first give value.

92. Every time you give something to someone, you also receive something.” This is one of the most important laws in the universe because it controls the balance of everything. If you don’t believe this, then why do you have a wallet? Because you have to put money into it before it gives anything back to you? Should you be able to go around pulling money out of your wallet without putting any money into it? Like that would happen!

93. Sometimes, we forget this simple truth and think that if we give away our love, we will run out of love. But the opposite is true! When we give love away freely, there is always more coming back to us from different directions.

94. The Law of Giving and Receiving is the driving force behind all creation. Everything that you see, hear or touch, taste or smell results from some form of energy vibrating at different frequencies.

95. We are all energy in its most basic form. This energy or life force flows through us and around us every second of our lives. You can feel this energy when you hug someone or shake hands with someone else. The energy is there for us to tap into and use to create whatever we want in our lives.

96. Law of Giving and Receiving is the Universal law of giving and receiving that says that the more you give, the more you receive. The Universe is abundant, and so are people. If you want to receive, then start giving. Giving can be anything – smiles, gifts, appreciation, compliments, help, service, etc. The best part is that when you give a gift or a smile to someone else, you will feel good yourself.

97. The law of giving and receiving is true for negative energy. If you’re a negative person, constantly complaining about everything around you, negativity will continue to flow into your life. Instead of being a victim of society, accept that only YOU have the power to change your life. You have a choice every day to be happy or sad, joyful or angry and how much power you give to the events in your life is up to you alone.

98. The Law of Giving and Receiving states that the more you give, the more you receive. If you’re stuck in a rut (or feel a bit sad), the best way to lift your spirits is to start giving. It will serve you better than any amount of positive thinking.

99. The Law of Giving and Receiving is closely related to another law we’ve already discussed: The Law of Attraction. The more you give, the more positive energy you put out into the universe, and this will be returned to you in countless ways.

100. The Law of Giving and Receiving follows on from all the other Laws we have discussed because they all work together. The more you use these Laws, the more powerful they become, and once you start using them all at once, there is nothing that can stop you!

The Law of Giving and Receiving is also a law of attracting. Whatever we focus our thoughts and emotions on with passion, enthusiasm, and gratefulness will be naturally attracted to us.

The more gratitude you feel towards everything you have, the more expansion opportunities open up to you. It’s a beautiful thing!

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