Laws of Life Essay Examples, Guideline to Writing A Perfect Essay

In this article, I will be giving you some of the laws of life essay examples and; give you a complete guide in writing your essay. Each year, the Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise (RCNS) club sponsors a writing contest for; Novato middle and high school students. The contest is dubbed “The Laws of Life Essay Contest.”

What is the Laws of Life Essay?

A Law of Life is a short, pithy saying or quotation that points to a core personal value or ideal. Oftentimes, a Law of Life serves as a memorable and meaningful moral compass on a person’s journey through life.

The of Life Essay Contest asks students to select their own Law of Life and to write about how it applies to their lives. In doing so, students reflect deeply and write from the heart about what they think matters most.

The contest celebrates the students’ stories and their often profound reflections, and proudly presents significant cash awards to students and teachers.

The contest found its way to Novato when Robert Kuchem visited a Rotary International Convention 8 yrs ago. Bob was so impressed by the concept; he introduced the contest to the Novato schools. Bob organizes the Novato Unified School District (NUSD), middle school, and high school English teachers for this collaborative contest.

Guide for Writing the Laws of Life Essay

Various organizations sponsor these contests and some ask students to select a wise saying — a maxim — and relate it a personal life experience. For example, the Templeton Press contest asks students to develop original content using a process developed by Templeton.

High school students who submit winning written or video essays receive monetary scholarships.

Reflect, Observe, Imagine

Templeton said that the Law of Life essays should reveal your good qualities, skills; and talents and show how these attributes will determine your life’s purpose.

Use Templeton’s strategies for discovering essay content. Reflect upon your best qualities; those that “you value in yourself and that other people admire in you,” according to The Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest website.

Observe how you interact with other people and make a list of those ways that work the best. Imagine what your world would be like under the best of all possible circumstances. The goal is to find a joyful, creative expression of your mission in life.

A Laws of Life essay is a submission for a contest inspired by the life and work of Sir John Templeton, a British stock investor who passed away in 2008. Various organizations sponsor these contests and some ask students to select a wise saying — a maxim — and relate it to a personal life experience.

For example, the Templeton Press contest asks students to develop original content using a process developed by Templeton. High school students who submit winning written or video essays receive monetary scholarships.

Find Your Best Qualities

List, describe, and explain your character traits. Templeton said those character traits are “gifts” that can benefit those around you in many ways. He explained that a humorous person has the ability to; uplift and entertain, and a clear-thinking person is skilled at developing ideas.

Types of traits to discuss include patience, courage, resilience and resourcefulness, the ability to listen carefully, organize groups, observe and remember and stay calm in a crisis. Explain how these qualities have influenced your activities and how people recognize and respond to your traits.

A Laws of Life essay is a submission for a contest inspired by the life and work of Sir John Templeton, a British stock investor who passed away in 2008. Various organizations sponsor these contests and some ask students to select a wise saying — a maxim — and relate it a personal life experience.

For example, the Templeton Press contest asks students to develop original content using a process developed by Templeton. High school students who submit winning written or video essays receive monetary scholarships.

Discover Meaningful Interactions

Show how your character traits and cultural identity connect to interactions with society — how your spiritual life, ethnic background, or social and economic status brings about opportunities or causes challenges in your life. For example, you might explain how good humor helped you resolve a problem such as gender, ethnic, or religious bias.

Write about activities you enjoy the most such as consoling a friend, cooking, relating to animals or nature, gardening, building things, helping others learn, designing group projects or volunteering for community projects. Describe how your activities give purpose and meaning to your life and the lives of others.

A Laws of Life essay is a submission for a contest inspired by the life and work of Sir John Templeton, a British stock investor who passed away in 2008. Various organizations sponsor these contests and some ask students to select a wise saying — a maxim — and relate it a personal life experience.

For example, the Templeton Press contest asks students to develop original content using a process developed by Templeton. High school students who submit winning written or video essays receive monetary scholarships.

Create a New World Vision

Imagine the kind of world that you would like to have in the future — one that can come into existence with intelligent, optimistic thinking and sincere humanitarian effort. For instance, use rich, vivid details to describe a world where poverty and hunger no longer exist. This is because the world leaders have learned how to organize societies with integrity and harmony.

You might envision a future where people improve society and the environment or become tolerant of diverse ethnic, religious, and social groups. Give specific examples and show how your life purpose connects to your vision.

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Laws of Life Essay Examples

It was a boring, lazy afternoon at my dad’s restaurant. I had finished all of my homework and was waiting for my mom to come and take me home. 
I had nothing to do, so I just sat there and people-watched through the window. People didn’t really notice me sitting there because most of them were in a rush to finish whatever they had to do.  As I was sitting there, sipping on an ice cold soda, I noticed; one elderly lady who was walking towards her car with her arms full of groceries she had purchased from the store next door.
She seemed to be in quite a rush. As she reached her car and tried to open the trunk, she accidentally dropped all of her groceries on the ground. As I saw this unfold, I felt sorry for her because now she had to pick up all of her groceries off the ground.
A man, walking out of the gym in the shopping center, saw the elderly lady drop all of her things. He then proceeded to walk toward the lady, and he helped her pick up all of her things. As I continued to watch, I thought, “Oh that was nice of him”. The lady thanked the man and she drove away. The man walked away from the spot where the lady had dropped her things and towards the other end of the parking lot.
I wondered to myself “Why is he walking all the way over there? Is he going to another store?” But it turned out that he was walking to his car. I then realized that the man had walked all the way across the parki
ng lot and gone completely out of his way to help the lady.

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After witnessing that incident, I started to take notice of people who needed a hand and I started to give those people a hand. For example, I would hold the door open for people as I exited. This made me feel good because I was helping people. As I started to help people, the people around me also started helping people.
For example, I was in the supermarket with my mother, picking up some groceries. As we were leaving the store, an elderly man dropped his bag and all of the groceries fell out. I stopped to help him pick up all of his stuff. As I stopped to help, so did a young woman. After we helped the elderly man pick his stuff up, she said that I was a very nice boy for helping the old man. I thanked her and wished her a good day. 
So now I try to help people as much as I can because it makes me feel good. Also, because I hope that the people I help and; the people who see me helping, start helping people as well.
Henry Jarjoura
San Marin High School
English 10

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