Leadership as a Tool for Improving the Morale of Workers in Enugu State Liaison Office Lagos


This was carried out to establish the fact that is a tool for improving the morale of , using the Enugu State Liaison Office, Lagos as a case study.

The study formulated five research objectives and two hypotheses to find out if there is a relationship between leadership and morale of and if the morale of workers has a significant effect on .

The population for this study was randomly selected from the staff of Enugu State Liaison Office, Lagos. The data for the study was generated using instruments such as the questionnaire, interview and observation. The data generated were analyzed using percentage, mean and chi-square statistics.

The study formulated two hypotheses which were tested. The major findings of the study include: That a significant relationship exists between leadership and morale of workers.Low productivity is a by-product of ineffective leadership in state owned organization etc.

Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study in order to improve the relationship between the leaders and their employees.


Title Page                      i

Approval Page               ii

Certification                           iii

Dedication                            iv

Acknowledgement                              v

Table of Content          vi

List of Tables      viii

Abstract            ix


Background of the study           1

Statement of the Problem         12

Purpose of the study            13

Research Questions                   14

Significance of the Study     14


  • Introduction……………………………………………………… 9 – 11
  • Approaches to concept of leadership…………………….. 12 – 24

2.9    Some Major Themes of Homan Motivation…………….. 24 – 46

  • Gap in Literature………………………………………………. 46 – 47
  • The Enugu State Liaison Office, Lagos:

History, Administrative Structure and Functions 47 – 54 2.22  Hypothesis         55

2.23   Definition and Theoretical Framework……………………. 55 – 60


  • Research Methodology and Design………………………. 61
  • Methodology……………………………………………………. 61
  • Location of the Study…………………………………………. 61
  • Population of the Study………………………………………. 61


4.0    Presentation and Analysis of Data……………………….. 63 – 91


  • Hypothesis Testing…………………………………………… 92
  • Hypothesis I…………………………………………………….. 92
  • Decision………………………………………………………….. 93
  • Hypothesis II……………………………………………………. 93 – 94
  • Decision………………………………………………………….. 94
  • Findings and Implications…………………………………… 95
    • Findings………………………………………………………….. 95 – 97
    • Implications……………………………………………………… 98 – 100


6.0    Summary………………………………………………………… 101 – 104

  • Recommendations……………………………………………. 105 – 108
  • Conclusions…………………………………………………….. 109 -112



The crux of every management job lies in the job holder’s capacity to obtain commitment of his subordinate to the objectives of the organization, which is another way of saying to exercise appropriate leadership.

Leadership is a concept which has fascinated man for centuries and this has led to various theories and authorities on the subject.

The subject of leadership is very important because of its role among group of people. For each group especially an organization that is set up to achieve specific objectives, the role of leadership is mainly to direct all effort of all members towards the realization of the organizational objectives.

In other to achieve this, leadership is faced with an array of behaviour and styles from which to choose. A leader must therefore understand the nature of leadership; the factors that determine its effectiveness and the relationship with its subordinates.

Success or failure of any organization therefore, depends on the threshold of leadership than anything else.

This spells the reason for the importance attached to the subject leadership especially as a primary motivator that galvanizes, organizes, direct and coordinates all other resources to achieve group objectives.

In Oworen (1984:8), leadership determines in the main, whether or not human beings could enjoy progress and prosperity or not.

Many of the worst and current woes of man are attributed to mediocre and irresponsible leadership and this accounts for the failure of many organizations.

Even in the best of times, morale of workers is an input to organizational objectives. It is seen as delicate, unpredictable thing.


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