Letting Go of a Bad Relationship Quotes

Love is hard. It can be challenging for a relationship to get off the ground. If you do manage to find that special someone, there is a chance that things don’t always go smoothly – it can be difficult not to take everything personally and see each other’s flaws. That doesn’t mean it has to end, though – you can work through the rough patches and still experience beautiful things together. But, sometimes, relationships just aren’t meant to be.

As human beings, we go through many relationships. While most relationships tend to be good, there are bound to be one or two that aren’t so great. Even if some people were great to you, but you’re just not feeling it anymore, you would want to move on from it and let go. This could mean the end of a friendship or a romantic relationship.

You’ve tried explaining to them how their behaviour makes you feel, but their ears are closed, or they just don’t care that they hurt you. Life is too short for bad relationships. They drain the energy from you, leaving you lethargic and disinterested in the world around you. The best thing is to let it go because it’s terrible for you.

If you’ve been struggling with letting the relationship go, here are letting go of a bad relationship quotes that might help you see things differently and find peace in letting go of a friendship or relationship.

Love is a special bond between two people. There are times that many of us need help letting go of a bad relationship. Letting go is an act of self-discipline, not self-destruction. It is about accepting that some things in life are not meant to stay.

1. Letting go of a bad relationship is the most liberating, wonderful thing.

2. Remember that time you had to let go of a bad relationship, and now you’re with someone who does?

3. Breakups suck, but they’re a necessary evil. It’s not you, it’s me. I mean, it is you, but it’s also me. Let go of a bad relationship.

4. You deserve much better than a bad relationship which would make you feel less than you are.

5. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean giving up; it means moving on.

6. You don’t need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely. Let go of a bad relationship.

7. Let go of a bad relationship so that you can be free to love again.

8. Let go of the relationship that hurts you so you can be in that light.

9. You can’t move forward if you’re stuck in the past. Let go of a bad relationship.

10. There’s no greater feeling than letting go of a bad relationship. It feels so good just to be yourself again.

11. You are the hottest when you are brave enough to walk away from a bad relationship.

12. Instead of holding on to a bad relationship, let go.

13. It’s hard letting go of someone you love, but if you love them, sometimes you have to let them go. Let go of a bad relationship.

14. You deserve better. You’re worth more. I hope you find what you’re looking for by letting go of a bad relationship.

15. You can’t change someone. You have to love them enough to set them free. Let go of a bad relationship.

16. If you are holding on to resentment from a bad relationship that has hurt you, it is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Be free!

17. Let go of a bad relationship. You are not your thoughts, negative or positive. You are not your feelings. You are the awareness behind them—the space in which they arise and into which they dissolve.

18. This is the end. This is the end of a bad relationship and the beginning of a new love affair with yourself.

19. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you have control over is yourself.

20. Letting go of a bad relationship is hard to do, even when it’s best for everyone involved. But in time, you’ll be glad you did.

21. Sometimes, you have to let go of a bad relationship. Sometimes it’s not worth it. Sometimes the world has its way with us.

22. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it means your relationship is meant to be; if they don’t, it means it isn’t, and you let go.

23. You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one. Let go of a bad relationship.

24. Letting go of a bad relationship is a natural part of living. The most important thing is that we learn to forgive, not forget.

25. Letting go of a bad relationship is a necessary step to receive.

26. Letting go of a bad relationship is a necessary step to receive. Despite what you might think, not all things are within your control.

27. To receive something new, you must first let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of a bad relationship.

28. Letting go of a bad relationship gives you access to the power of creation.

29. The truth is that whatever you are holding on to becomes your bondage. Let go of a bad relationship.

30. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean giving up. It’s about learning to let go of the small things so you can achieve the big ones.

31. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you have control over is yourself, and sometimes the hardest thing to do for the one you love is to let go and let them be happy.

32. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean anything will be different tomorrow, but it does mean that you’ll be different. You’ll be stronger and happier, more ready for love that isn’t contingent on dysfunction and pain.

33. It’s time to say goodbye to the person who puts you down, tramples your dreams, and drains your energy. Let go of a bad relationship.

34. You can’t stay in a bad relationship just for the sake of being with someone. Let them go if they don’t treat you right or love you the way they should.

35. Letting go is hard. We’ve all been there. Let go; let God.

36. Relationships are not accessible. Sometimes, you have to let go of a relationship that no longer serves you.

37. Letting go of a bad relationship is about letting go of who you were when you were with them and embracing who you are now.

38. We can’t heal from the loss of a loved one or rebuild a bad relationship with toxic people until we let go and forgive.

39. The best way to get over heartbreak is to let go of a bad relationship and find someone who makes you smile.

40. Letting go of a bad relationship can be one of the most challenging things to do, but it doesn’t mean you’re giving up. It means you’ve put an end to something that wasn’t meant to be.

41. The process of letting go of a bad relationship is incredibly emotional and challenging. But it doesn’t mean you’re giving up. It means you’re letting go of something that wasn’t meant to be in your life.

42. Letting go of a bad relationship means putting an end to something that wasn’t meant to be. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness.

43. Whether you’re trying to walk away from a bad relationship or a toxic job, the hardest part can be knowing when to let go. While it may seem like you’re failing, letting go is not easy, and it doesn’t mean you’re giving up. It means you’re at peace with what wasn’t meant to be.

44. Letting go of a bad relationship is not giving up. It’s moving on. You can’t force something that isn’t meant to be

45. Sometimes, letting go of a bad relationship is the hardest thing you can do. But it can also be the most empowering thing. Sometimes, some things are just not meant to be.

46. It’s normal to get attached to things, especially when you put a lot of time and effort into them. But sometimes, it’s best to let go of a relationship that doesn’t work and put your energy into what does.

47. As painful as it sounds, letting go of a relationship you hold dear is hard but that’s just a part of life. You can’t always keep things that go against you and your happiness.

48. Sometimes, you have to let go of that bad relationship to move forward.

49. Sometimes, the harder you try to hold on, the more you grow apart. Let go of a bad relationship, and good things will come back to you.

50. You have a choice. You can let go of a relationship that is no longer working for you, or you can keep going the same way and do nothing.

51. You don’t have to live with the pain or regrets from choices you made in your past, but you do need to take responsibility for what happens next. Let go of a bad relationship.

52. I’m letting go of this bad relationship and embracing the good.

53. I don’t want to let go of this relationship—but I’m going to because if I don’t, then I’ll never get over you.

54. It takes a strong heart to let go of a bad relationship but an even stronger heart to know when it’s time to let go.

55. When the two of you don’t make each other happy, but you think you can’t live without them, get yourself a new thought process. Let go of the relationship.

56. Never waste your time on someone who doesn’t acknowledge your worth. Let go of a bad relationship.

57. You are worth it. Focus on yourself, your growth and your happiness, and let go of what is holding you back. Don’t be afraid to let go of a bad relationship.

58. Letting go of a bad relationship is hard to do, but you will be amazed at how much it changes your life.

59. It’s hard to let go of a bad relationship, but you’ll get your life back when you do. Don’t delay. Change starts today.

60. Letting go of a bad relationship is one of the toughest moves you can make. But with change comes growth and opportunity. So be bold. Take chances, and let yourself grow.

61. Life is messy. You’re not going to like everything that happens in your life. Some moments are painful. But if you want to be successful and happy, you’re going to have to learn how to accept the things you don’t always like, and let them go.

62. Whatever you’re holding onto, from old ideas to outdated values, it’s hard to let go. But sometimes you have to do what’s difficult to improve things for the future. Let go of a bad relationship.

63. Life is too short to stay in a relationship with someone who hurts you and drains your happiness. Let go of a bad relationship.

64. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone you love; it means that you love them enough to set them free.

65. Letting go of a bad relationship is not the end of the world. Be brave, keep smiling, and know you deserve better.

66. Letting go of a bad relationship is not the end. It’s the beginning of something new. Let go, and let God.

67. You deserve the love you want, not the love you settle for. Let go of a bad relationship.

68. Don’t give up on your love life. If you’re not happy in a relationship, don’t try to fix it. Let go, and move on to something better.

69. The hardest part of letting go of a bad relationship isn’t saying goodbye; it’s holding on that hurts the most.

70. If the person you’re with can’t accept you at your worst, don’t expect them to respect you at your best. Let go of a bad relationship.

71. If a relationship doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. Wait for the kind of love you feel in your heart and not the kind that makes you feel like you’re losing yourself. Let go of a bad relationship.

72. You deserve to enjoy your life and be in a good relationship.  I hope you find the courage to let go of a bad relationship that holds you back from happiness.

73. Letting go of a bad relationship doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you have control over is yourself.

74. It’s time to move on and let go of all the sadness that comes with a bad relationship.

75. Let go of a bad relationship and be free. Free to live and love again.

76. To move on, let go of a bad relationship. To be truly happy, forgive yourself.

77. You’ve got to know when to hold ’em. Know when to fold ’em. Know when to walk away, and know when to run. Let go of a bad relationship.

78. If you love someone and they don’t love you back the way you need to be loved, let them go. If they come back, then so be it. But if they don’t, better that you learnt about their true feelings before wasting years in a bad relationship.

79. Let go of a bad relationship. You deserve to be treated with love and respect and by someone that makes you a priority in life. Don’t settle for anything less

80. You don’t have to be friends with everyone you used to date. Let go of a bad relationship.

81. Breakups are reminders that the best things in life are often worth waiting for. Let go of a bad relationship.

82. It’s time to reach deep and let go of the people and things in your life that no longer serve you. Let them go without any attachment or regret.

83. Sometimes, you must let go of a bad relationship to grow new things and people you love more.

84. Loving someone is putting their needs before yours but not sacrificing your happiness. Let go of a bad relationship.

85. Don’t let a bad relationship get in the way of your happiness. If they don’t treat you right, then it’s time to let go and start anew.

86. Just because a person isn’t right for you, it doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there who will love you as you are. Let go of a bad relationship.

87. Letting go of a bad relationship is not about saying goodbye for good. It’s about letting go until we meet again under better circumstances.

88. It’s time to wash those sheets and dry that pillow. This bad relationship has got to go.

89. Don’t hold on too much. Let go of that bad relationship, and move on.

90. Let go of a bad relationship. relationship. You don’t need that person.

91. Always end a relationship the same way you began, with respect.

92. Next time you’re faced with a bad relationship, imagine it as a turtle, and then let it go.

93. It’s never fun to be around people who suck the happiness out of you. Let go, and find better people to surround yourself with.

94. It’s not easy to do. But holding onto resentment towards someone who hurt you only hurts you. Forgiveness will set you free. Let go of a bad relationship.

95. Letting go of a bad relationship is just as much a sign of maturity and growth as holding on to what is.

96. When you’ve tried everything you can to make it work, but it’s still not meant to be: let go.

97. Letting go of a bad relationship isn’t always easy, but if you can, you’ll only be happier once you do.

98. Let go of a bad relationship. Enjoy the things you have instead of feeling sorry for what you don’t.

99. Letting go of a bad relationship is not about becoming comfortable with being unhappy; it’s about recognizing that when you are ready to move on.

100. Life is short. Don’t be afraid to break up with someone who doesn’t make you happy.

Hey there. I hope you find the collection of letting go of a bad relationship quotes I have here helpful. Please feel free to leave comments about the quotes you like. Thank you.

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