Library User Education In Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria

Library User Education In Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria.

Table of Contents


The research focuses on user education in academic libraries.

User education is an academic program that is designed by Universities and other higher institution to educate library users on how to effectively utilize library resources and services.

This study was carried out using a descriptive survey method and questionnaire were also used, including interview for data collection.

The population sample embraced 50 (30%) of respondents who were the staff of library, lecturers and students who are all users of the library.

The research result is aimed at finding out the relevance and impact of user education for effective use of the library. It is basically on the knowledge in which users of library gets in educating them.

How often they are being orientated, if they can be able to search information on their own after orientation or assistance. The study also pointed out the various problems associated with user education and also the ones faced by librarians who are meant to educate the users.

The study also offered solutions. The project work is made up of five chapters, chapter one of this research deals with the aims and objectives of the study.


Title page                                                                    i

Approval page                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                 iii

Acknowledgement                                                   iv

Abstract                                                                     vi

Table of content                                                      vii



1.1   Background of the study                                1

1.2   Statement of the problem                              7

1.3   Objective of the study                                     7

  1. Scope of study 8

1.5   Significance of the study                                9

1.6   Research Question                                          9

1.7   Definition of terms                                         10


2.1   Review of related literature                            12


3.0   Research methodology                                     28

  • Research Design 28
  • Area of the study 28
  • Population of the study                                   29
  • Sampling and Sampling techniques             29
  • Instrumentation (Instrument  for Data Collection)   30

3.5.2 Validity of Instrument                                                       30

3.5.3Reliability of Instrument                                                    31

3.6   Distribution and Retrieval of the instrument                31

3.7   Data Analysis Techniques                                                  33


  • Presentation and Data Findings                34
  • Data Analysis interpretation 45


5.1   Summary                                                  49

5.2   Conclusion                                              50

5.3   Recommendations                                51

5.4   Suggestion for further studies            52

References                                                       54


Background of the study:

One of the fundamental laws of the library is that the resources (books and non-book) must be well consulted. The librarian has to acquire and provide access to information stocked in the library.

The user is very important in the practice of librarianship, this is the library process revolves around the users.

The library provides user education in order to equip a user with enough knowledge on the use of library so as to enable them use the library resources effectively.

The reason for the provision of user education in the library is that library processes could be so complex that an average user may not easily comprehend how to utilize the available resources.

As a result of the era of information explosion in which we are, information is expending at a very fast rate and new resources are being introduced into the library (Aina, 2004).

With the advent of information and communication technology (ICT), which has permeated all the activities of libraries, it is important to explain the working of a library to a new user in detail. The ultimate objective of any library is to enable users exploit its resources to the fullest.


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ANAFULU, J.C (1996) the University Library and the University Administration. Library Bulletin 1 (1) 1-17.

BELLO, A.S (2003). Library User Education Evaluation at the Ibadan polytechnic. Nigerian Library and Information Science Review 21 (1): 1-6.

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