Life Is Made of Small Moments Quotes

Life is made of small moments, and they’re remarkable. If we take enough time to reflect on them, they can create change. They can leave an impression on our lives, how we live, and how we approach the things and people around us, positively or negatively. It’s by the accumulation of these moments that we can reach the heights of happiness.

We can get caught up in a world of routine. We become slaves to habits, and forget to enjoy what’s around us. It’s easy to do. Our lives are a collection of small moments strung together like links in a chain. If we lose our focus and grip on the stressors of each moment, we lose the meaning of life.

Sometimes, it’s hard to find inspiration or to believe in hope. That is why we need reminders that everything happens for a reason and that, despite all the rough times, many things can make us smile!

This inspiring life is made of small moments quotes below can also be used on greeting cards, and you can share them with others.

Life is made of small moments. There are small moments when you appreciate yourself and the life around you, between the bigger ones when you’re sitting on the porch swing with a close friend or doing something you love outside, or laughing at something that just happened—that’s life.

1. Life is made of small moments. Make as many important and memorable ones as you can.​​

2. Life is made of small moments. If you’re waiting for the perfect time to do something, it will never happen.

3. Life is made of small moments. Be aware. Be present. Take in the little things.

4. Life is made of small moments. Sometimes, you need to stop and enjoy the view.

5. It’s the small moments in life that fill us with happiness and keep us going strong. Life is made of small moments.

6. Life is made up of small moments of happiness, no matter how bad or good the situation around you may be. And that’s a beautiful thing.

7. At the end of the day, life is made up of small moments of happiness. As long as you can surround yourself with some good people, laugh at even the smallest things, and appreciate what you have, you’ll be happy.

8. The smallest moments of joy are something to be cherished. No matter how good or bad your situation is, you have to be grateful for those small things in life.

9. If you look for it, every day can be a gift. No matter how great or small, it’s up to you how you choose to spend your time here.

10. Life is made up of moments of happiness, which can seem like a distant dream when you’re going through something awful, and people forget about the simple things that make them feel truly happy.

11. The key to happiness is to learn how to enjoy the simple things in life. And let go of the bad things

12. Life is about small, quiet moments. The big moments are exciting but as fleeting as they are, they’re just not what life is made of.

13. Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed.

14. Life is made of small moments. It’s never too late to make the most of what you’ve got.

15. Life is made of small moments. You have the power to change your day. And that brings positivity, fulfilment, and joy.

16. A person who is true to the very core knows how to dance through life despite the many challenges that come their way. The key to a successful life lies in making small decisions day in and day out such as this one.

17. Life is full of small moments. Every day can be an event, a festival.

18. Life is made of small moments. Life goes by, so make the moments matter.

19. Life is made of small moments. Every day is a new opportunity to make a difference.

20. Life’s not about how hard you can hit – it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

21. Life is made of small moments, and it’s the little moments that mean the most.

22. Life is made of small moments. Live well.

23. Life is made of small moments. Make them count.

24. Life is made of small moments. Live them beautifully.

25. Life is made of small moments. Enjoy.

Life is made up of moments that become great memories. It isn’t about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce. Make sure you seize every opportunity to be a better version of yourself every day.

26. Life is made up of moments—moments that move you and make you smile.

27. Life is made up of moments that become memories. Capture these little moments now, so you can look back, and smile in the future.

28. Life is made up of moments, keep the good and let go of the bad.

29. Life is made up of moments. Experience them all to the fullest by appreciating every moment.

30. Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

31. Life is made up of moments. The moments that belong to you are the moments that make your life.

32. Life is made up of moments. Wherever you go, whatever you do, make sure you’re living, laughing, and loving all at the same time.

33. Life is made up of moments. Make sure you smile for them.

34. Life is made up of moments, some small and some big. But without those small moments, the big ones wouldn’t be so big.

35. Life is made up of moments; some big, some small. The ones that matter are the ones you’ll never forget.

36. Life is made up of moments. These are the moments that make life worth living.

37. Life is made up of moments. Taking the time to celebrate the little things is what makes life special.

38. Life is made up of moments. Each day is a new opportunity to make each moment count.

39. Life is made up of moments. Pour over these naturally beautiful moments.

40. Life is made up of moments. Make it meaningful.

41. Life is made up of moments. Make the best of it.

42. Life is made up of moments. Cherish the ones that matter.

43. Life is made up of moments – don’t let them pass you by.

44. Life is made up of moments. Never ignore them.

45. Life is made up of moments that mean everything.

46. Life is made up of moments—moments filled with joy, wonder, and beauty; moments filled with sadness, emptiness, and despair. Whatever your mood or state of mind, take a moment to be thankful for all the moments that make up your life.

47. Life is made up of moments. Sometimes, the small moments are the ones that last a lifetime.

48. Life is made up of moments. Capture your favourites and fill your life with them.

49. Life is made up of moments that become lifetime memories.

50. Life is made up of moments of joy, love, and grace.

Hello there. I hope you’ll enjoy these life is made of small moments quotes, and that they will help you to feel better about our beautiful world. Don’t forget to share this post with others, and also drop your comments. Thank you.

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