Life Will Always Surprise You Quotes

Life is not meant to be the same way every day. Life is a roller coaster ride, but in the end, it will always surprise you when you least expect it. Life teaches you how to be strong and face all the challenges that come your way, whatever they may be!

You will never know what life has in stock for you. No matter how bad things get, never give up hope or your dreams. Everything happens for a reason, and perhaps someday in the future, you’ll look back and laugh at all your troubles. Life rewards those who believe and it will always surprise you with something new.

This collection of life will always surprise you quotes below will help you to think about how each day can be different from another, how we do not always know what’s going to happen next and how it will help you stay positive, no matter how tough things get.

Life is full of surprises, some pleasant and others not so pleasant. But one thing is for sure: life won’t just give you what you expect when you expect it because life has its ups and downs but it will always keep surprising you with a lot of interesting things.

1. Life will always surprise you and it’s good to be prepared for it. So get ready and don’t be afraid.

2. Life is full of surprises. Life is short but surprises keep coming up one after another. Don’t forget that every moment will make you happy in every possible way, so savour it!

3. When life throws you a curve, don’t throw it back. Savour everything that happens to you as if it were the last such occurrence in your life.

4. Life is full of surprises and it’s up to you to make the best out of your situation.

5. We don’t know what’s going to happen in our lives. It is said that “life will always surprise you.” What is true though, is that every moment in life comes with its beauty and enjoyment.

6. You will never know how life will surprise you. Sometimes the bad surprises outnumber the good ones, and sometimes the good surprises even outnumber those!

7. Life is continuously surprising, so be open to the world around you. It provides you with unexpected moments and opportunities.

8. A person can overcome whatever he or she decides to do, but only with a positive attitude. The first step is to never give up.

9. life will always be a lot different from the way you think it is going to be. It is important that you remember this aspect because it means that you should never give up on yourself and keep trying even when things go bad.

10. Life is always full of surprises and we must be prepared to live a surprising life because life will be full of some good surprises and some bad surprises but each will teach us something if we are always willing to learn from them.

11. Life can be a terrible thing, sometimes. It takes away people we love without warning or reason. But it also gives us things we never thought we would have and reveals talents that surprise us.

12. Every day, you’re met with unexpected challenges and decisions that determine how you live your life. But as you age, it’s easy to feel weighed down by the past and react from a place of fear or uncertainty. Remember that the unknown is an opportunity for learning, growth and joy.

13. Life is full of surprises and the unexpected happens in life that we never remember.

14. Life will always surprise you when you least expect it as well as when you expect it.

15. Life is filled with unexpected twists and turns, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. You just have to be open, curious and willing to change course when faced with something new.

16. Life will always surprise you because life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.

17. The moment you stop expecting things from life, you can start enjoying it. Expecting anything from life will always bring disappointments but when one is well prepared for that disappointment and prepared for change, living becomes easier.

18. Life will always surprise you. You never know what is coming. It’s up to us to make good decisions, take the right path, and adhere to what we believe in.

19. Life will always surprise you, in ways it should and in ways it shouldn’t. The best part of life though is that you have the gift of choice and the ability to make choices for yourself. Always remember to learn from your mistakes, no matter how big or small they may be, because if you don’t learn from them then what will you have?

20. It’s easy to get stuck in your ways, but the best way to overcome failure is to keep moving forward. Life will always surprise you, but sometimes the hardest things help you grow into the person you want to be.

21. Life is full of surprises. They can be good, or they can be bad, but you can never say what’s going to happen next. And that’s what makes life exciting!

22. Life is a big mystery that will probably never be solved. We certainly can’t know what the future has in store for us, but we can make the most of today and live our lives to their fullest while we’re here. Best of all, we have each other through thick and thin.

23. Life will always surprise you. Always remember that, whatever happens, life is what you make it.

24. Life will always surprise you. It’s simple: don’t take ‘life’ for granted. The faster you rush through the journey of life, the more it will confound you because it wants to make you pause.

25. To live is to be full of surprises. That’s why life is so fun. It’s always fun when you don’t know what will come next. You think it will be one thing, but then it turns out to be something else entirely—and that’s exciting!

26. Many things in life that surprise us. Life will show you a different side to it if you allow yourself to experience what life has to offer.

27. Life is always full of surprises and I think it is important to put yourself out there with an open mind and take risks because they’re worth taking especially if they’re good ones.

28. Life is always a surprise. Whether it’s good, bad or indifferent, it will certainly leave you in an unexpected situation.

29. Life will always surprise you because life is like a drama. Every day is a new act!

30. Life is a compilation of experiences. One thing that comes as a surprise to many people at some point in their lives is the realization that they cannot do everything they want to do with their lives.

31. Life will always surprise you with difficult moments and beautiful phases.

32. Life is a process of self-discovery and development, of doing what is right instead of what is easy. Life will always surprise you, so prepare yourself for the unexpected!

33. Life is full of surprises. Life always surprises you, sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad ways. As you travel through the world, you never know what life will bring to you.

34. Life is full of surprises and you will experience them when you least expect them. Learn to enjoy the little surprises that come into your life, because they make life worth living.

35. Life is a journey, every step of it is unexpected, but also very fulfilling.

36. Life is not what we hoped for. It has no finish line and no “congratulations” banner. We wake up every day and live this life the best we can, but it will always surprise us no matter how much people try to prepare for it.

37. Life will always surprise you, no matter how much you know about it. And yes, your imagination is the limit!

38. Life is full of surprises, many unexpected and some we embrace with open arms. Life will always surprise you so prepare for it by keeping your mind open to new experiences and people.

39. Life can surprise you at any moment but keeping a positive attitude will help you to stay positive, even when bad things happen.

40. You will never know the way a person feels or reacts until you try and see things from their perspective, instead of yours.

41. Life is always busy, it never rests. But the days will come when you will meet strangers, people who you don’t even recognize and know what happened in your life since the last time you met.

42. Life will always surprise you – but don’t forget to always keep smiling.

43. Life will always surprise you. And that’s okay. Just smile and enjoy the ride.

44. Life will always surprise you. You may not always understand what happens, but that’s okay because it’s life and you’ll be fine.

45. Life will always surprise you. If you don’t expect it, it won’t steal your joy.

46. Life will always surprise you, just keep learning and growing.

47. Life will always surprise you. The more you try to make it predictable, the more it will surprise you with its unpredictability.

48. Life will always surprise you, but you have to be open to it. You have to be able to adapt or risk being stuck in a cycle where everything you do leads you down the same path.

49. Life is full of surprises. But don’t be afraid to go with the flow, because that’s where the most amazing things in life can happen.

50. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

51. There are times in our lives that we may think we have it all figured out. But when the unexpected happens, it will show us that life can be a lot more than we ever imagined.

52. Life can be unpredictable, unexpected and oftentimes surprising.

53. Life will surprise you, but never lose your smile, keep looking forward and nothing can stop you.

54. Life will always surprise you. It’s your job to make the most of it.

55. Life will always surprise you, but you should always expect it.

56. Life will always surprise you, so be open to the adventure.

57. Life will always surprise you, and the best part is that it doesn’t have to be anything other than what it is.

58. Life will always surprise you. You must be ready to face the unknown and fight whatever lies ahead with courage, faith, and a smile on your face.

59. Life always will surprise you. You just have to be open to it, that’s all.

60. Life is full of surprises and sometimes the ones that are worth being surprised about end up surprising you.

61. Life will always be a surprise in the best possible way.

62. Life is full of surprises, always the most important thing is to keep an open mind, and never stop exploring.

63. Life is about finding your way—even when everyone else thinks you’re crazy.

64. Life is never going to be the way you planned it, so enjoy the journey.

65. Life is not about having a perfect life. It’s about making the most of what you have.

66. Life will always surprise you, but that’s what makes it worth living.

67. Life will always surprise you, but it’s your job to be ready.

68. Life will always surprise you. Keep your eyes open, because there is always something that you don’t know about yourself.

69. Life will always surprise you. Remember to take all the moments that come your way, and enjoy the ride!

70. Life has the power to surprise you, even if you think it can’t.

71. Life has a way of surprising you, even when you think you know what’s going on.

72. Life is full of surprises that are bigger than you can imagine.

73. Life is all about the moments that surprise you.

74. Life is full of surprises and the best way to keep from getting lost in them is to always look up.

75. Life is full of surprises and to truly live, you have to embrace them with joy.

76. You can’t plan for everything, but you can prepare for many things because life will always surprise you.

77. Life will always surprise you. It’s the adventure of living that keeps us young and vibrant, even when we grow old.

78. Life will always surprise you. The joy of discovery is what makes life so beautiful.

79. Life will always surprise you. It’s what makes it interesting. Keep it interesting, keep your eyes wide open, and make sure to see the beauty in everything around you.

80. Don’t wait for things to get better before you start living again. Life will always surprise you and it will always have something new in-store.

81. Life always surprises you. Embrace it and enjoy living!

82. Life has a way of surprising you with its twists and turns, but you can always count on it to surprise you with joy.

83. Life’s a mystery. Life’s a miracle. And it’s going to surprise you every day of your life.

84. Life is a series of surprises. You may not understand them right away but you will always be able to learn from them.

85. Life is full of surprises—and with that comes the opportunity to have new experiences and to discover who you are.

86. Life is full of surprises and opportunities. As you continue to grow, you’ll come across challenges that force you to examine your life—and this is where the best moments happen.

87. Life has a way of surprising us. It is up to us to see what we can learn and enjoy along the way.

88. Life is about being awake to the unexpected.

89. Life will always surprise you. Don’t let it be a shocker.

90. Life will always surprise you. You’re not supposed to think about what happened but about what you plan on doing next.

91. Life will always surprise you. Be open to it, and make the best of your surprises!

92. Life will always surprise you, so make sure you’re prepared for the surprises along the way.

93. Life will always surprise you. Learn to enjoy it and not be afraid of being happy, because that’s what this life is all about.

94. Life will always surprise you. Life is a journey to be travelled, not a destination to arrive at. Love one another, learn from each other and appreciate those who mean the most in your life because they are the ones who always make your life better. We are only here for an amount of time so make it count.

95. Life will always surprise you with the challenges, obstacles, and opportunities that it throws at you.

96. Life always surprises you, so be ready for it.

97. Life is always going to surprise you, so do your best to take it in stride.

98. Life is full of surprises, the best part is that no one can ever tell you when they will happen.

99. Life is full of surprises—don’t wait for the right moment, make it happen.

100. Life is a series of surprises that you can either welcome or reject. It’s up to you to decide which way you want to live your life!

101. Life is full of unexpected moments and awesome surprises. Stay open to them, embrace them and make them your own.

I hope you enjoyed going through this life will always surprise you quotes. Let me know what you think of this post in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading, please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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