List of Jobs for Biology Majors 2022 with Mouth Watering Benefits

– Jobs for Biology Majors –

Biology is a fast-growing field with a wide range of high-paying positions and Jobs for Biology Majors remains a priority for those that are in the field. While the highest-paid positions require an extensive amount of training and education, they are highly rewarding jobs.

is a fundamental subject for careers in the science and health sector, but there are many other routes you can take with this degree as you are on your way to getting jobs for Biology Majors, so getting work experience in biology you’re interested in is crucial.

Table of Contents

Why Pursue a Career in Biology?

is the study of life and is, therefore, one of the broadest subjects you can study. Biology encompasses everything from the molecular study of life processes right up to the study of animal and plant communities.

Biology careers can lead you to study to help develop biological knowledge and understanding of living processes for different purposes, including treatment of disease and sustaining the natural environment.

Here are reasons to pursue a career in biology while searching for Jobs for Biology Majors:

1. Wide selection of disciplines

Biology is among the subjects with the broadest fields of study. As a lover of you’ll find there are so many interesting branches of biology that you might be fussy about which one to choose.

A long list of choices means you’ll also face less competition when seeking admission. As seen in this Biology Online article, there are 50 different branches of biology.

I will briefly describe a few of the most popular choices, but you can explore each discipline further to see what it entails.

2. Biotechnology

Biotechnology is the study of technology for modifying living organisms to improve their productivity to humans. They employed this study in the fields of animal domestication, plant cultivation, and the use of genetic modifications to create new and better breeds for certain purposes.

Biotechnology sees a wide range of applications in genetic engineering and cell or tissue technologies.

The advancement of biotechnology has improved the lives of humans in the fields of medicine, food science, and agriculture.

If you are a research enthusiast and want a course based on biology, biotechnology should be a good fit for you. Biotechnologists draw significant funding in research from governments and organisations because of the research-intensive nature of the course.

So if you are good at it and find yourself in the right environment, you’ll have all the research you ever desired and maybe a one-day break record with a discovery, invention, or innovation that makes you famous locally or internationally.

3. Biology

Jobs for Biology Majors is not that hard to find.

Biology is the study of life and living organisms in terms of physical structure, evolution, physiological mechanisms, chemical process, development, and molecular interactions.

Basically, as a biologist, that is what you will do when looking for Jobs for Biology Majors.

It is a very broad subject that employs various other sciences, like mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in understanding some complex realities.

Biotechnology, Biology is also research-intensive field.

4. It’s fun to study Biology

It is always exciting to learn the essential components of your existence and that of other living things around you. Part of the excitement is because of the broadness of biology since there is a lot to know about life.

Again, much of what you learn is practical from visiting a lab or local river for samples, to taking part in growing and managing certain organisms. 

You also take part in adventures in woods or other natural habitats to learn about new living things.

Constant discoveries are being made in biology, so much that no single person can know all there is to even a tenth of biology.

It’ll be really fun to always have to deal with new things in a subject you have a passion for.

5. Biology has a wide area of application

We consume an infinite number of biological products for our survival. is an important source of food for humans, and we use them as raw materials for certain products.

For example, dairy farms produce milk, beef, skin, oil, and other products.

Even as we feed on livestock, the animals feed on other living things, particularly plants. Then, the plants need some elements and to survive.

Biology infiltrates all the living things we mentioned above, plus the non-living things, like humus and manure. Biology actively explores these vast areas in a way that enables us to understand them better.

With a deep knowledge of plants and animals, we can improve their productivity and learn better ways to manage and take care of them while searching for Jobs for Biology Majors.

We will describe in some detail just how deep biology has penetrated our lives and environments in beneficial ways.

6. Foods and beverages

We have an endless selection of both natural and ready-made foods and beverages to choose from. From the growing of these plants to processing and packing, a lot of biological processes are involved.

7. Clothing and Textiles

No one can move naked comfortably, not even mad people do that, except with the exceptionally sick people calling themselves naturalists and moving naked from time to time.

However, the great majority of us wear clothes.

Have you ever wondered how those beautiful dresses you own came about? Most likely not.

They used different raw materials to make the things we put on.

From cotton to flax, fabric, fossil fuels, biology plays a major role in understanding and exploiting these raw materials for use by the textile industry.

There are many other aspects of biology that’s clear in our life, like in the a
reas of “beauty and personal care”, “transportation and leisure”, buildings, fuels, “healthcare and medicine”, and so on.

8. Great entrepreneurship potentials

There is what we call a bio-entrepreneur. This term came about because of the immense entrepreneur opportunities in biology.

There are many ways to become a bio-entrepreneur – more than a hundred possibilities. I have written books about bio-entrepreneurship. An example includes “What is your Bio Strategy” by John Cumber and Karl Schmieder.

Because the opportunities to start up a bio-business are too many to count, I will discuss just a few to give you an idea of what prospects lay ahead for a student of biology.


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What Jobs Do Most Biology Majors Get?

Biology, the study of living organisms, is a complex field with many career possibilities.

You can pursue a wide variety of biology-related careers in academia, writing and editing,

research, health care, and pharmaceuticals.

Pursuing a career in a biology-related field can provide you with the opportunity to work with a diverse population in a wide range of specialists.

While many positions in the biology-related industry pay well, the highest-paid positions require more extensive training and a higher level of education.

Depending on your desired position and career path, pursuing more education beyond your four-year degree could be required. Let us look at jobs most get.

1. Health communications specialist

Primary duties: The primary duties of a health communications specialist include writing about and discussing topics that are related to disease and human health to a diverse audience.

They need to track and stay up to date on public health issues and concerns, such as healthy living and diseases that can be easily spread through the public.

2. Microbiologist

Primary duties: A microbiologist’s primary duties involve the study of some of the smallest life-forms on the planet, such as bacteria and fungi.

Duties will include both lab and fieldwork, collecting samples and performing research.

A microbiologist may also have the responsibility of drafting studies to present findings.

3. Pharmaceutical sales representative

Primary duties: Duties will include promoting new pharmaceutical drugs to doctors, health care professional buildings, hospitals and other medical centres.

Regular visits, phone calls, attending sales meetings and delivering sales reports will be other parts of the position’s duties.

4. Respiratory therapist

Primary duties: The duties of a respiratory therapist include examining and interviewing patients who are affected by respiratory disorders, performing diagnostic tests for respiratory function and working with physicians to create and execute a patient treatment plan.

In a hospital setting, other duties include managing life support equipment, administering medications and analysing blood samples for oxygen levels and gasses.

5. Environmental scientist

Primary duties: Environmental scientists will perform experiments and create and take part in ion studies on how to protect the environment and environmental resources.

They may also perform research used for the betterment of both the health of animals and the health of humans. Other duties include grant writing and solicitation of funds for research studies.

6. Registered nurse

Primary duties: Registered nurses will work closely alongside doctors to create care plans for patients to help them through illness, surgery and other procedures.

Duties can include managing patient charts, administering medication, caring for patient needs, recording vitals and keeping physicians updated as to patient status.

7. Physical therapist assistant

Primary duties: Physical therapist assistants will help patients to recover from illness, surgery and trauma that have caused limitations to their physical movements.

Duties include physical manipulation, developing exercise plans and monitoring patient progress.

8. Genetic counsellor

Primary duties: Genetic counsellors will work with clients and patients to make assessments about the makeup of their genetics and provide them with the statistical risk of passing genetic illnesses or disabilities to future children.

They often counsel families who are expecting children or are in the process of family planning. Duties may also include counselling adults who have concerns about developing genetic disorders later in life.

9. Biochemist

Primary duties: A biochemist will aid in labs in biotechnology companies and biomedical research firms. Job functions can include research and testing used for studies as well as developing new products.

A biochemist may also be responsible for proposal and grant writing to secure necessary funds for development and research projects.

10. Medical and health services manager

Primary duties: Duties of this position involve interpreting regulations in the medical and science industry and helping to create and manage programs around those regulations.

Other duties involve interacting with and managing healthcare providers and medical staff members regarding policies and procedures.

It may also involve them in supervising and evaluating and researchers associated with the medical institutions.

11. Pharmacist

Primary duties: Duties of a pharmacist include dispensing medications to help patients with illness, disease, or to maintain their overall well-being.

They are also responsible for overseeing pharmacy technicians, managing prescription inventory, and counselling patients who have questions about the medication they are prescribed.

12. Veterinarian

Primary duties: A veterinarian will provide medical care and monitoring to animals, both large and small. This includes duties such as administering medication and vaccinations, diagnosing medical conditions, following through with treatment options and managing animal health care and surgical procedures.

13. Physician assistant

Primary duties: The primary duties of a physician assistant include working closely with doctors and other medical staff to help diagnose patient conditions, assist in surgeries and other procedures, create and help manage patient treatment plans, and order and interpret patient tests.

Other duties include writing prescriptions, conducting physical exams and guiding patients on healthy living and condition management.

14. Oncologist

Primary duties: An oncologist will coordinate treatment plans for cancer patients, such as radiation and chemotherapy.

They will also assist with pain and prescription management, order tests and coordinate with other medical professionals of the patient to create and follow t
hrough with a treatment plan.

15. Dentist

Primary duties: Dentists help their patients to maintain proper oral health and rectify dental issues that can cause them discomfort, pain or cosmetic problems.

Dentists can also prescribe medication for patients and perform oral cancer and other screening treatments as the patient needs.

16. Physician

Primary Duties: Physicians diagnose, treat, and manage patient illness and injuries.

They determine the causes behind a person’s ailments as well as prescribe screening tools and medications to help patients stay healthy and reduce their risk of illness.

Other duties include establishing trust with patients and patient health education.


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How to Start Your Career in Biology

Biologists travel the world to research animals, investigate microorganisms in the laboratory, and develop medical advances in the life sciences.

They work for scientific research and development organisations, government agencies, diagnostic laboratories, and pharmaceutical companies.

Many biology careers offer strong salaries and job growth. Biologists in many specialities, including wildlife biology and microbiology, can pursue entry-level opportunities with a bachelor’s degree as you hunt for Jobs for Biology Majors.

During a biology program, students gain the knowledge and skills required for biologist jobs, including laboratory training to get Jobs for Biology Majors.

also specialise in their training through coursework in immunology, marine biology, molecular biology, and genetics.

By completing the steps below, students qualify for jobs in biology.

1. Complete a bachelor’s degree

Earning a bachelor’s degree in biology is the first step toward becoming a biologist. Career paths like microbiologist and wildlife biologist require a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions.

Biology technicians also need a bachelor’s degree as they go around hunting for Jobs for Biology Majors.

Majoring in biology or a related field prepares graduates for careers in biology.

During a bachelor’s degree in biology, learners study a variety of , including genetics, molecular biology, zoology, and biochemistry.

Many biology degrees also incorporate labs or internship opportunities to build career-ready skills.

2. Find a speciality

Within the broad field of biology, scientists focus their careers on a speciality. Biologists specialise in areas like cell biology, bacteriology, marine biology, and immunology.

By finding a speciality, biologists prepare for focused career paths after graduation.

Many biology degrees let students specialise in their training through their major, concentration, or electives. For example, some colleges offer majors in microbiology or zoology.

In addition, biologists specialise their skills by pursuing internships, laboratory experience, or work experience within their focus area.

3. Complete an internship

Biology internships build the practical experience required for careers in biology.

Biology interns work in laboratory settings as research assistants, in zoos as wildlife biology interns, and in offices assisting experienced biologists.

Internships offer career-focused training for biologists. Many biology programs incorporate internship opportunities for undergraduates.

Biology students can find a summer internship or identify internship opportunities in their school.

4. Consider graduate school

Some employers require or prefer candidates with a graduate degree. For example, biochemists often need a doctorate for research and development roles, and academic biologists typically hold a PhD in biology.

A master’s degree in biology can help biologists specialise their skills and pursue career advancement.

When considering graduate programs, prospective students should research tuition costs, online options, and concentrations.

Is Biology Major a Good One?

Many people with biology degrees become doctors. Biology degrees are the No. 1 bachelor’s degrees that aspiring doctors earn before starting medical school.

This type of degree provides a good foundation for students interested in medicine.

Students should remember becoming a physician requires many years of education beyond a four-year biology degree.

Doctors are well compensated, and their salaries can skew the outlook for biology majors. Not all biology grads will earn six-figure salaries.

For example, although the median salary for physicians and surgeons is above $200,000, high school teachers, wildlife biologists, and foresters all earn about $60,000 annually.

Biology is all about the study of organisms, so being interested in different living things is a must!

Maybe you’re more of a plant person, maybe you are interested in how the human body works, or maybe you are intrigued by the ocean. Whatever the case, something rooted in any of these interests in biology!

So with the above point, biology is a major and a good major.

What Do Biology Graduates Do?

A biology degree opens the door to many career possibilities. If you’re a student who loves science and is intrigued by the study of living things, a biology degree might be the perfect choice to launch you on your career path.

Read this list of 10 common career choices for biology majors—plus, a description of the skills you’ll gain during your studies. 

1. Biological Technician

Also known as laboratory assistants, use the laboratory skills and techniques that biology majors learn in their labs, academic research, and collaborative research with faculty.

Technicians must carry out studies that yield accurate results. The document results and performs calculations just as they have done when compiling reports as .

2. Biochemist

Biochemists play a key role in the fast-growing fields of biotechnology and biomedical research. Studying biology equips them with the laboratory and scientific research skills and knowledge to design and execute studies for developing new products.

3. Genetic Counsellor

Genetic counsellors assess the genetic makeup of clients and communicate with them about the risk of transmitting a genetic disease or disability to their offspring.

They might also work with adults who are concerned about the chances of showing symptoms of genetic disorders later in life.

4. Health Communications Specialist

Health communications specialists educate communities about health concerns, particularlyissues, including communicable diseases, health management, and healthy living.

Often employed by hospitals or other healthcare companies, health communications specialists may also coordinate the institution’s public relations campaigns, marketing strategies, and community involvement.

5. Health Educator

teach people about certain practices and behaviours that promote wellness. They must be able to digest complex information and interpret research about public health concerns.

They use the scientific method to assess the needs of their constituents so they can design relevant programs.

Health educators need a solid understanding of human biology and verbal communication skills to convey scientific information in a language that their clients can easily comprehend.

6. Pharmaceutical / Medical Product Sales Representative

Pharmaceutical or medical product sales representatives sell medical supplies, IT products, medicines, and more to hospitals, clinics, and other medical practices.

These workers need to have the technological knowledge to explain how a product works. They also need the scientific knowledge to explain how this product will benefit both doctors and patients.

7. Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner

Physician assistants and nurse practitioners are in high demand as front-line service providers. Biology provides an excellent foundation for graduate work in these similar professions.

Physician assistants and nurse practitioners must have a sound understanding of human biological systems, anatomy, and physiology to diagnose medical problems.

8. Medical and Health Services Manager

Medical and health services managers spend much of their time interacting with health service professionals and must be able to communicate with them about scientific policies and procedures.

They must be able to interpret scientific regulations related to medical services and change programs accordingly.

Medical and health services managers often hire, supervise, and evaluate and researchers. 

9. Attorney

Biology majors can excel in many areas of the law that draw on scientific knowledge and reasoning.

Patent and intellectual property lawyers need to understand the science behind biotechnology products, drugs, and medical instruments to process applications for patents and defend clients against infringement.

Environmental attorneys support and contest environmental projects and policies based on an understanding of how they will affect the ecosystem.

10. Financial Analyst

Financial analysts evaluate stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investments for clients and businesses.

Biology majors can use their advanced mathematical skills to help assess the success of various investments.

Most analysts focus on specific industries, and biology majors are particularly well suited for working as analysts in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical products, health services, and environmental companies.


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What Can You Do With a Master’s in Biology?

Biology graduates are well placed to succeed in any job where data handling or research skills are important.

These jobs would not have to be restricted to science-based employers.

There are plenty of careers available to biology students, but since there isn’t a single obvious path, sometimes it can be problematic deciding what to do after graduating.

Below are the areas of specialisations you can function with a master’s degree in biology:

1. Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

Promote new healthcare solutions created by drug companies.

Study the existing volume of dealers and seek new opportunities.

Resolve complaints received from customers.

2. Environmental Scientist

Work on plans, strategies, and policies that aim to reduce pollution and waste.

Collect and analyse data from air, soil, or water samples.

Examine environmental hazards that may represent a health risk.

Conduct environmental research and present your findings through detailed reports and presentations.

3. High-School Biology Teacher

Teach pupils about the fundamentals of biology, also known as “the science of life”.

Create and deliver captivating biology lessons, which hook the students’ attention and curiosity.

Plan field trips and laboratory experiments to create an engaging and hands-on learning experience.

Monitor the evolution and performance of students through assignments, tests, and exams.

4. Research Assistant

Assist biological scientists during laboratory and research work.

Set up the equipment, make sure everything works properly.

Learn how to analyse organic substances and make scientific observations under professional guidance.

5. Agricultural Technician

Analyse soil and crop samples to determine their quality and what nutrients are missing.

Determine what measures can improve food quality without damaging or polluting the soil.

Conduct experiments and discover how to stop the spread of plant viruses.

6. Marine Biologist

Collect sea specimens and analyse their migration patterns.

Analyse and determine how human activities impact marine life.

Collect, store, and test samples of unknown species or diseases.

Map the distribution and ranges of marine populations.

7. Pharmacologist

Conduct research, experiments, and test new drugs.

Analyse how and why people have different reactions or no reactions to various drugs and medicine.

Establish recommended dosages; find any side effects, and record findings for future reference.

8. Senior Research Scientist

Work with different research methods and experiments to test drugs, samples, or medical devices.

Write research proposals and secure funding by showcasing the importance of your work.

Train research assistants, share your experience and prepare them for a s
enior role in this field of work.

9. Senior Microbiologist

Research and write reports about various microorganisms, like viruses, fungi and parasites.

Analyse how these microorganisms live, develop, and their environmental impact.

Plan and carry out clinical trials in safe environments.

10. Biotechnologist

Study the genes, chemistry, and other elements of cells and organisms.

Use findings to improve the tools and methods used in industries like agriculture, medicine, or food production and distribution.

Record your insights and use them to support further scientific investigations.

Skills Gained With a Biology Degree

As a biology concentrator, you will develop project skills in research and investigation to analysis and communication as you hunt for Jobs for Biology Majors.

Biology concentrators develop both general and technical skills applicable to a wide range of careers in the sciences, health care, business, government, and education.

Jobs for Biology Majors is all about the ability to conduct investigations and perform analyses may be equally useful, whether working as a college administrator, director of biomedical communications, curator of a natural history museum, or teacher.

We list various skills gained with a Biology Degree below:

Design, conduct and interpret

Isolate and analyse DNA, RNA and protein

Sequence genomes

Conduct statistical analysis

Apply a scientific approach to problems

Communicate findings using models, charts and graphs

Communicate new research findings to lay audiences

Communicate biological research findings using scientific writing

What are the Highest Paying Biology Jobs?

Biology is a fast-growing field with a wide range of high-paying positions.

While the highest-paid positions require an extensive amount of training and education, they are considered highly rewarding jobs both emotionally and financially.

If you are looking to enter biology-related fields, you will find some of the highest paying biology jobs listed below.

1. Biotechnologist

The average salary of a biotechnologist is about $54,000 and up to $118,000 annually, depending on the years of experience.

2. Microbiologist

The average salary of a microbiologist is about $52,978 and up to $84,000 annually, depending on the years of experience.

3. Nanotechnologist

The average salary of a nanotechnologist is about $50,000 and up to $155,000 annually, depending on the years of experience.

4. Pharmacologist

Their salary ranges from $99,000 to $130,000 annually.

5. Marine Biologist

The salary of a marine biologist ranges from $51,966 to about $97,000 annually.

6. Ecologist

The average salary for an ecologist ranges from $50,617 to $78,000 annually.

How to Switch Your Career to Biology

Biology spans everything from biotech to sustainability, pharmaceutical to ecology and so much more in between. Explore some options to see where your career could take you.

As you narrow your focus on which jobs to pursue, think about what particular field interests you the most. Think healthcare, pharmaceuticals, academia, science and technology, or corporate business. 

For example, if you want a career in healthcare, your interpersonal, clinical research and problem-solving abilities can prepare you for roles as a genetic counsellor, pharmacist, nurse practitioner, occupational therapist or dental hygienist. 

If a career in education appeals to you, the communication, writing, and leadership or management skills you gain can be useful in the classroom as a teacher or professor.

If you’re drawn to a career in the sciences, your aptitudes for strategic thinking, creativity, data analysis and peer review can help you become an engineer, laboratory technician, research associate or environmentalist. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself to figure out where your passions and interests lie:

1. What areas am I the most capable in?

2. What skills and tasks do I enjoy the most?

3. What fields or industries sound appealing to me?

4. Do I plan to earn a graduate degree?

5. Do I prefer to work in the public or private sector?

6. What kind of culture and environment do I want to be part of?

Because of the wide application of physics across many career areas, there are a lot of opportunities, but most employers operate in the chemical sector or related industries, including:

Renewable energy and sustainability


Pharmaceutical and biotechnology

Medical and healthcare

Scientific institutions or consultancies

Universities and research institutes (including clinical research)

Environmental and ecological institutions, agencies and charities

Science and communications

As we said earlier, the transferable skills inherent in a science degree like biology mean that there will also be a significant amount of opportunities in sectors like consulting, health and medical institutions, research bodies, agencies and universities besides public sector positions.

Getting the right experience and following up on any necessary postgraduate study will be vital to finding the exact role that you want.

Who’s a Good Fit for Bachelor’s Degree in Biology?

There are many other reasons to study biology, and we’ve looked at some of the most important ones below.

Let’s see why you too might want to study biology:

1. You can choose from various biology specialisations

Biology is a vast field of study, which means you don’t have to settle for a general degree. Many subdisciplines are available (most of them at Master’s level); here are just a few to get you started:

➣ Molecular Biology  

➣ Human Biology  

➣ Plant Biology  

➣ Environmental Biology  

➣ Evolutionary Biology  

2. Biology is a fascinating subject

According to the Oxford online dictionary, biology is “the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals” isn’t that wonderful?

Isn’t it exciting that you will spend your time learning about life on this planet and how it has developed and developed over billions of years?

You’ll approach all kinds of topics and stumble upon curiosities that leave most people speechless. For example, did you know that:

➣ The blood vessels of an adult human could circle the Earth’s equator 4 times?

➣ Do elephants have almost 150,000 muscle units in their trunks?

➣ Do giant pandas spend between 10-16 hours a day eating?

➣ Frogs can inexplicably change the
ir sex?

These are only a few examples of discoveries you’ll make or facts you’ll learn during your biology studies or after graduation.

What are the Career Opportunities in Biology?

Below are the career opportunities in biology:

➣ Biologist

➣ Botanist

➣ Zoologist

➣ Registered Nurse

➣ Pharmacy Technician

➣ Phlebotomist

➣ Respiratory Therapist

➣ Pharmacologist

➣ High School Teacher

What Can You Do with a Bachelor’s in Biology?

For students who have a natural inclination to pursue studies in the sciences, and specifically the field of biology, they should consider an obvious question at the start of that educational journey.

A bachelor of science in biology opens up a broad array of potential career paths. Among the first things to consider for anyone studying biology is whether they want to use the undergraduate degree to enter a professional field directly, or as a foundation for advanced study leading to a graduate degree.

“One of the more common ways students use the degree is by using it as a foundation for an advanced professional degree in a health care field like medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine,” Dr Maxwell says.

“If you’ve ever been sick or had a pet, that’s needed medical attention, which everybody has, then the odds are good that the person they’re seeing has a biology degree.”

Graduate programs in other, non-healthcare disciplines are another popular option as far as Jobs for Biology Majors is concerned.

Some of these master’s and doctoral degree options include areas like plant biology and agronomy; entomology, which is the study of insects; conservation biology, which can lead to positions working in animal parks and habitat facilities; and genomics.


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How to Advance your Career in Biology

Biology graduates learn skills that apply to many careers. As a result, biologists work in diverse environments.

Some take an educational route, working as teachers or museum employees.

Others apply their expertise to public policy, environmental activism, and other nonprofit ventures.

This biology careers list shows what you can do with a biology degree.

These are the top 15 careers in science graduates with a biology major.

You need to remember that biology is a fundamental science discipline.

The following lists below are areas you can advance your career in Biology:

➣ Medicine

➣ Research assistant

➣ Research lab manager

➣ Teaching (primary and secondary)

➣ Nursing

➣ Dentistry

➣ Physiotherapy

➣ Massage Therapy

➣ Chiropractic Medicine

➣ Veterinarian

➣ Forensic science

➣ Business administration

➣ Law (environmental law, patent law, etc.)

➣ Government

➣ Pharmaceutical Industry (sales, research and development)

➣ Publishing (science textbook development, publishing, sales)

➣ Science illustrations

➣ Science writing and publishing (journalism)

➣ Industry supporting Biological Research

➣ Biotechnology industry

FAQs About Jobs for Biology Majors 2021

Below are questions people ask before hunting for :

1. What jobs do most biology majors get?

Biological Technician
Health Communications Specialist
Biology Teacher
Pharmaceutical Sales
Agricultural and Food Scientist
Environmental Scientist

2. How is the job market for biology majors?

There are currently about 112,800 biologists in the United States. I expect the biologist job market to grow by 9.0% between 2016 and 2026.

3. How hard is it to find a job with a biology degree?

Chances are high that you’ll be able to find a job that pays well; biological scientists make an average salary of $69,000 or more. And the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an 8–11% job growth over the next decade for many lives, physical and social science occupations.

4. How can I make a lot of money with a biology degree?

Park ranger. National average salary: $14.33 per hour.
Agricultural or food science technician. National average salary: $15.45 per hour
Biological technician or research assistant
Quality control technician
Content writer
Health educator
Physician liaison
Food scientist

5. What can I do with a biology degree besides medical school?

Education (public or private)
Health/biology content writing
Food science
Environmental science
Forensic science
Biological research assistant
Biomedical engineer
Biotechnology (including consulting, marketing, research and development, and bio-processing)

6. Can I go into medicine with a biology degree?

Research is one of the most exciting areas graduates can go into with a medical biology degree. As a medical researcher, you will contribute to the field of medicine positively, by arming the healthcare industry with much-needed insight into different drugs and treatments.

7. Can a biology student be a doctor?

You will need to earn a Bachelor of Science in Biology before enrolling in medical school. Some medical schools offer pre-med programs you can pass that will give you the classes to enrol in medical school and prepare you for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test).

8. Is biology a good major?

Biology is a well-respected degree choice and offers the chance to get up close and personal with all matters of human, animal and cell life.
Biology degrees contain a wide variety of modules, ensuring that you can study something that really interests you and making it a good choice for keen scientists.

9. Do I have to major in biology to become a doctor?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a pre-med major to get into medical school. … As long as you complete the requirements for medical school, which typically include chemistry—including inorganic, organic and biochemistry—biology, physics, English, calculus and/or statistics, you’ll be set.

10. What major has the highest acceptance rate in medical school?

Physical Science Majors.
As shown by the medical school acceptance rates by major section, acceptance rates vary between 36.7% – 47.7%.
Specialized health sciences majors have the lowest acceptance rate, while physical science majors have the highest acceptance rate.

11. How do you survive biology major?

Here are my tips:

GO TO CLASS. No, seriously.
ASK QUESTIONS. If something turns up in a lecture that makes little sense to you, raise your hand and ask a question.
DO THE READING. Yes, all of it.

A biology degree is a splendid choice if you want to understand nature and how every organism, from the smallest to the largest, fits into this huge ecosystem.

Whether your bachelor’s degree is just the start of your academic career, or you plan to enter the professional world straight after graduation, biology is an ever-strengthened and exciting field to be part of.

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