List of ParaMilitary Forces in Nigeria and their Application Guides

List of ParaMilitary Forces in Nigeria and their Application Guides.

Full List of Military Forces in Nigeria: This article is about the list of ParaMilitary Forces in Nigeria and how to apply for ParaMilitary Jobs in Nigeria. See application guides and requirement below.

They are many unemployed people in Nigerian today due to lack of information and update. When we start checking Job Recruitment that is MOST paying in Nigeria, the list of Nigeria Paramilitary Forces cannot be left aside.

The Paramilitary force job is one of the high paying jobs in Nigeria because they are federal jobs, being handed by the federal government of the country.

The following are a list of Nigerian paramilitary organizations, their official website, and ways to apply for job recruitment. This list contains top and most paying Nigerian paramilitary organizations. This article will also help you to clear doubt and gives you a clear difference between the Nigerian military and paramilitary organizations.

For better knowledge and understanding to know the difference between Nigeria Paramilitary Forces and Nigeria Military Armed Forces we have listed below full list of Nigeria Paramilitary Forces.

List of Nigerian Paramilitary Organizations that Recruit Yearly

1. Nigerian Customs Service (NCS):

This organization was created in the year 1892 when the Nigerian economy and trade market increase to a high rate. Nigerian Customs Service takes the responsibility of revenue collection, anti-smuggling activities and accounting role.

Their core functions are Collection of Revenue i.e. Import and Excise Duties and Accounting for same, and Prevention and suppression of smuggling. The federal government of Nigeria uses them to implement economic policy.


  1. Nigeria Customs Service is a reference and model administration with excellence in providing effective and efficient service to accomplish all dimensions of its mission.
  2. That the Service is a modern, compact and dynamic Service that influences policy and contributes to Nigeria development.
  3. That the Service is recognized as being in the vanguard of Customs best practices and international standards.


  1. Implementation of Government Fiscal Measures
  2. Generation of statistical data for planning purpose
  3. Trade Facilitation
  4. Implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements entered into by government
  5. Collection of levies and charges

Vision of Nigerian Customs Service.

  1. To excel in the efficient and timely collection of and accounting for revenue.
  2. Implementation of and advise on Governmental trade and fiscal policies;
  3. Promotion of trade facilitation;
  4. Protection of Nigerian society, generation of accurate and precise statistical data by developing a professional, transparent administration that implements international best practices and obligations.

How to Apply for Jobs with Nigerian Customs Service.

Click here to search for job with Nigerian customs Service or check our site daily for recruitment update from them. Subscribe to out blog is free, then we will give you free email update from them.

2. Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC):

Nigerian Security And Civil Defense Corps is a security organization in Nigeria. Their main function is to protect Nigerian citizens and protect the country from danger. Their focus on the area of broad-based information networking monitoring of movement.


To put to work efficiency, humility and integrity in service delivery with a fresh zeal; bring credibility into concept of security.


Developing structures and training strategies that would contribute to national security by using modern technology.

Click here to visit their official website

3. The Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS):

The Nigerian Prisons Service was created in the yea 1861 with the vision to establish a credible Prisons Service which through excellent penal practice seek lasting change in offender’s attitudes, values and behaviour and ensure successful reintegration into the society. Their mission to promote public protection.

Their Function are :-

The following are powers located to Nigerian Prisons Service as CAP P29 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 to

  1. Identify the causes of their anti-social dispositions;
  2. Set in motion mechanisms for their treatment and training for eventual reintegration into society as normal law abiding citizens on discharge; and
  3. Administer Prisons Farms and Industries for this purpose and in the process generate revenue for the government.
  4. Take into lawful custody all those certified to be so kept by courts of competent jurisdiction;
    produce suspects in courts as and when due.

Click here to visit their official website

4. Federal Fire Service in Nigeria:

This agency deals with fire situation. If there are fire incidence, this agency comes and take care of it. They produce fire fighter capable in the prevention and mitigation of fire and other emergencies.


This agency ensures the safety of lives and property by:

  1. Control and Prevention of fire outbreak through Regulation
  2. Training
  3. Enforcement
  4. Public Enlightenment Programmes
  5. Extinguishing

Fire and other related emergencies.

How to Work with Them

Click here to visit their official website

5. Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS):

Nigerian immigration service is a paramilitary organization. This agency was together with the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) until the year 1958 when they were curved out. This agency is charged with the responsibility of migration management in Nigeria.


To be a modern, effective and efficient Immigration Service, manned by well trained and motivated workforce.


To strengthen the security and prosperity of Nigeria through proactive, effective and efficient border security and migration management.

How to Work with the Nigerian Immigration Service

If you are interested in working with Nigerian Immigration Service Click here to visit their website and check if they are recruiting.

6. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA):

National Drug Law Enforcement Agency is in charge of the drug law enforcement agency in Nigeria. They do all possible things at their reach to stop drug trafficking and sell of illegal drugs.

Click here to visit their official website

7. Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC):

Federal government of Nigerian created Federal Road Safety Commission through the decree No. 45 of 1988 as amended by decree 35 of 1992 referred to in the statute books as the FRSC Act cap 141 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN). This act was passed by the national house of assembly.

Their Functions

  • They Educate motorists and members of the public on the importance of discipline on the highway.
  • They enhance that the highways are safe for road users.
  • They check and recommend what to use on the road.
  • They produces and issues driver’s license and care plate number.
  •  They create and implement driving limit on various roads in the cities.

How to Apply for Jobs with Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC)

Interested persons should endeavor to check our site daily and subscribe to our blog for recruitment update from them. Click here to visit their site and check for job recruitment.

How to Apply Paramilitary Jobs

We have taken it as our duty to update you with the recent recruitment applications from any of these paramilitary organizations.

N/B: All you need to do is to subscribe to our website to receive and give you daily update from these agencies.

Things You Should Know.

  1. Women and men are qualified to apply if not disabled
  2. They write exams for application.
  3. The application form is always free
  4. After exam successful candidates names are always released online

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