Aldrich (1984) defined weed as a plant that originated under natural environment and in response to imposed and natural environments , evolved and continues to do so as an interfering , associated with our crops and activities . Blatchley (1912) defined it as a plant out of place, or growing where it is not wanted. Thomas (1956) defined it as a useless, undesirable and often very unsightly plant of wild growth, usually found in land which has been cultivated  or in areas developed by man for specific purposes other than cultivation . Baker (1965) defined it as a plant whose populations, in a given

geographical area, grow entirely or predominantly in situations markedly disturbed by man (without, of course, being deliberately cultivated plant). Harper(1944) in his own opined that “weed is a plant that grow spontaneously in a habitat that has been greatly modified by human action.”

        A weed is any plant that require some form of action to reduce its effects on the economy, the environment, human health and amenity. Weeds   are  also  known as invasive plants. Invasive weeds are among the most serious threats to natural environment and primary production industries.

They have major economic , environmental and social impacts causing damage to natural land scapes, agricultural lands water ways and coastal areas . They displace native species, contributes significantly to land degradation and reduce farm and forest productivity. Weed inversions change the natural diversity and balance of ecological communities; these changes threatens the survival of many plants for space, nutrients and sunlight.

     Weeds are either native species that are colonizing ecosystem in which they did not previously exist, or they are exotic plants introduced to a particular area which have formed naturalized as garden plants, pasture, grasses or other horticultural plants.

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