LLB danceWEB Scholarship Program 2022 Application Update

LLB danceWEB Scholarship Program is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Life Long Burning (LLB).

About the Scholarship

The scholarship program offers young professional dancers and choreographers from mainly European but also from non-European countries the possibility to take part in an intense multinational further training program.

The Program is a 5-week residency taking place every year in July–August in Vienna within the frame of ImPulsTanz festival.

The program focuses on the exchange of ideas and knowledge, not limited by national borders, on concentrated further training, on meeting with internationally renowned artists gathering in Vienna at ImPulsTanz with the aim to orient the career of the participants.

In 2022, the program is taking place from 5 July to 9 August.

Benefits of LLB danceWEB Scholarship Program

One scholarship values approximately EUR 6,600 (depending on the individual choice of research projects, workshops and performances per scholarship holder). EUR 2,250 shall be covered by national/regional funding bodies of your home country/country of residence.


Requirements for LLB danceWEB Scholarship Program

1. Open to dancers and choreographers with decidedly professional ambitions from European, Eastern European and non European countries;

2. Preferably between 22 and 30 years of age (no rule, but a guideline!)

3. Have a good knowledge of English. The working language of the program is English.

4. Applications are only accepted from individual artists and no duos/groups.

Documents Required for Application

1. At least 1 recommendation letter (English) (maximum 3).

2. Two recent photos (portrait & artistic photo).

3. Current Curriculum Vitae (English), maximum 2 pages.


Application Deadline

December 15, 2022.

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