As a Local Fish Farmer, Constructing a Fish Pond in my area requires some preparations. The type, size and shape of tanks used for fish cultivation vary widely depending on available funds, convenience and purpose. The beginner is advised to start with few small ponds and grow there-from.
You may begin with a minimum of 3 ponds, each 4mx3mx1.4 i.e. Lenght,width and depth respectively. Pipes should be connected in the tanks in such a way that it will allow complete drainage of water especially during harvest and other management practices. The construction must be supervised by fisheries consultant or leaking.

Immediately after construction, the tanks should be flooded with water and cow or pig dug should also be added left standing for two weeks before washing the interior with rag or foam and drain the water completely. After this, the pond should be flooded again and allow it for one more week, then if algae grows on the sides of the pond wall then is an evidence that the pond is ready and it also shows that the toxicity of the cement in the tank is neutralized.

Lastly, the fish farmer must flood the tank about 1m depth and test the PH. The hydrogen ion concentration of between 6.5 and 8.0 is healthy for fish production. However, the optimum for tropical fishes is 7.0 (which is neutral ). This parameter is measured by dipping PH meter probe into the water and reading the result from the screen or by the use of PH paper which changes colour to reflect the appropriate reading


It is advised that as a beginner you start monoculture (i.e. Stocking only the same species) you can stock between 50-60 fish/m2. Stocking should be done during the early morning hours or late evenings. You must handle the fish with care to avoid stressing them. Just dip the fish container partly into the tank water for about 20 minutes and then tilt it and allow the fishes swim into the water by themselves.


You may decide to start with Clarias gariepinus(catfish), Heterobranchus(Catfish) both of them grow well within a short while if well fed and managed. The best breed to use is the dutch breed or israeli Clarias because of their high growth pontential. They are obtainable even in most African countries.

Please ensure that it is only a trusted professional that supplies your fish seed, because quarks abounds and it takes a professional to distinquish among different breede of Clarias. A farmer may decide to cultivate other equally good fish species, such as Heterotis niloticus, Cyprinus carpio (common Carp), Ctenopharyngodon idella (grass carp) or even Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia).

Do not source your fingerlings from the wild or from any um-reputable fish hatchery especially if you are into commercial fish farming.
I advise every fish farmer to be very sure he/she purchases the right breed of fish.


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