Food formulation and production

            This is the combination of feed ingredients on the basics of their crude protein content to achieve crude protein requirement of the fish to be feed. The primary aim of feed formulation is to provide an acceptable diet that meets nutritional requirement at different stages of fish life so as to yield optimum production at minimum cost.

Nutritional Requirement

            Fish requires

1.         Protein: This is for the building block of the body and eggs

2.         Lipids: It supply them energy

3.         Carbohydrate: It is primary used as binding agent in the feed. It is source of energy.

4.         Vitamin: for health, reproduction and maintenance

5.         Mineral: It is needed for tissue formulation and metabolic


The nutritional make up of fish body is

75% water

16% crude protein

6% fat

3% ash

1% carbohydrate

The two factors to be considered before going into feed formulation

1.         Available ingredient.                                                  

2.         Nutrient requirement.

There are two classification of feed

Animals protein concentration: There are gotten from animal e.g. fish and blood meal.

Plant protein concentration: are gotten from plant e.g. soybeans and groundnut cake.

Fish meal:  is processed by boiling, and then press well to remove water and oil on the fish and dry. The residue becomes the fish meal. It contains between 60-75% crude proteins (CP). it contains all essential amino acid.

Blood meal – is processed by boiling to dry the blood. It contain 75% – 85 crude protein (CP). It deficient is some essential amino acid methane. We formulated feed for clarias fingerlings with a protein requirement of 45% using the following,

Wheat bran    =          16%cp

Soya bean cake         =          44%cp

Fish meal                  65& cp

Palm oil                     5%

Bone meal                5%

Bone meal                2%

Aqua premix 0.25%     

Garri                           5%

Vitamin                     0.1% level

We worked for the level of wheat bran, soybean cake and fish meal as they are energy concentrate and protein sources.

Step I

Arrange all the ingredient in a skeletal formula

Ingredient                             %

Wheat bran?

Soya bean cake?

Fish meal                               ?

Palm oil                                 5%

Garri                                  5%

Premix                                   0.28g

Bone meal                            0.2%

Vitamin C                             0.1g


Total               =          100 – 12.75

=          87.25%

87.75 of combining protein concentrate will supply all the 35% CP protein requirement.

Step 2

Therefore we split 81.25% among it items using the persons square method which contain 100%

45        x          100

87                    1

=          51.58

Steps 3

Calculate the percentage (%)

Contribution of basal feed ingredient.

Wheat bran and that of protein concentrate,

Percentage (%) of what bran

6.42 x 87< span>   7. 25   =   13.34

Percentage (%) of protein (CP)

35.58  x 87.2   =   73.91


Percentage (%) of protein (CP)

35.58 x 87.25 =  73.91


Percentage of soybean

73.91 x 1


Check the percentage of CP

8.34 + 16                   =          2.13


1.64 x 44                    =          10.84


9.27 x 65                    =          32.03

Total  – 45.00cp

Ingredient                              kg

Wheat bran                13.34

Soya bean                              24.64

Fish meal                               49.27

Palm oil                                    5

Indomine                                  5

Premix                                    0.25

Bone meal                             0.2

Vitamin c                               0-1

Total                                       100kg

Processes involved in feed formulation






Sun drying


Drying – the fish waste is been dried in the sun, ground in powder from. We have fish meal.

Weighing:  After drying and grinding the fish meal, it is weighed with a weighing balance. And other ingredient are weighed too example wheat brain, palm oil, premix, groundnut cake, soybeans meal. The quantities of ingredient use depend on the quantity of feed to be produced.

Grinding: The entire solid ingredient is grinded in harmer mill until they reach the finest particle.

Mixing: The entire ingredients are mixed together. Mixing was done manually with shovel and hand. Water and oil was added during the mixing to enable it mould to give the pelleting shape.

Pelleting: The mixed ingredients are poured bit by bit into the pelleting machine for palletizing operation.

There are different pelleting sizes 2mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm and 8mm is available in ARAC.

Sun drying: The pelleted feeds are spread under the sun with a dried platform such as toppling bag for some hours before packaging.

Bagging: After sun drying, the feed are pack into a sack bag and sew with hand. There is no electric sewing machine in ARAC

The activities I carried out in the unit

1.         I participated in preparation of fish meal

2.         I weighed out the required quantity of feed ingredients and mixed them together.

3.         I participated in pelleting the fish feed , cleaning of equipment and surrounding of the fish meal unit





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