Long Birthday Wishes for Husband

Birthdays are celebrated annually as a special occasion because on this day every year, you can count your birthdays with joy, happiness, and prosperity.

It is one of the most significant days in a person’s life because it’s the day that he comes into this world. Thus, a husband deserves better and more beautiful wishes on his birthday date. The best greetings are the ones personalized for him. They come from the heart and express your love for him. It is a special way of making him feel more loved and appreciated by you.

To let your husband feel how much you love and appreciate him, you need to give him the best happy birthday wishes he has ever received. And you better start searching for words that can describe his features and personality so well that it will be impossible for you not to mention some fun facts about him.

Sending this ‘Long Birthday Wishes for Husband’ to a special guy makes him feel so special. It’s his day, his moment and you want it to be so special that he remembers forever how good you made him feel. Long Birthday messages are the best way of putting all the feelings into words, stamping out emotions in such a way that he can cherish your love always.

Happy birthday to my always amazing, loving and understanding husband! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father! I hope these surprises are pleasant because we’ve had enough sad experiences lately, but I’m sure everything will be great. I hope you’ll get all the gifts that you want, all the smiles and kisses, hugs, candy and cakes that your heart desires.

1. Dear husband, as you turn thirty, I send to you my best wishes for a happy birthday and the rest of your life. I hope you will have a lot of fun on this day. I know that it will be filled with surprises.

2. Dear Husband! You are one of kind. There is no one else like you, and there never will be. I want to keep you forever! You’ve made my life complete!

3. Wishing a Happy Birthday to the love of my life and my soul mate, there’s no one I would rather turn the calendar pages with than you. Happy Birthday to you, dear husband!

4. Have a nice Birthday darling. I wish you all the best and I hope that you go from strength to strength in your career. I know that this is what you always wanted and that one day it will come true for you. If you do fail or falter in some way, never give up! You will get there someday, but most importantly have fun on your birthday.

5. Happy birthday sweetie!!!! I wish you, from the bottom of my heart, all the best things in life. I wish that you can find a purpose and meaning in your existence and that your life will be a wonderful journey full of happiness and satisfaction. I know it’s a few cheesy lines but really I wish that for you…you deserve it!

6. I could spend all of my time trying to think up what I could say that would ever be enough to wish you are happy birthday. You are the best husband any woman can ever ask of. You are truly an angel sent from God. Happy birthday, dear.

7. I married a man I wanted to share the rest of my life with and now he is celebrating a lovely happy birthday. Sweetheart, this year that you are celebrating is really a remarkable one and the children and I wish you a lovely and unforgettable happy birthday.

8. Happy birthday, my darling husband and I want to wish you a beautiful life full of happiness, joy and success. May God’s grace be your company always, may his almighty protection keep you away from all dangers.

9. Happy Birthday my dear husband. I am so sad that I can not be with you but I am happy that you are having the best birthday of your life.

10. I just want to say to you how much I love you and how wonderful our years together has been. I remember all of the good times we had and I pray that we will have many more memories created in future. Happy birthday, sweet and lovely husband.

11. You are the love of my life. You are the reason I breathe, you put a smile on my face every day. I hope you have an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G birthday!

12. Today is my husband’s birthday. I know how you feel about birthdays, so to keep this short and sweet, I’ll keep it to one thing: You are awesome and I love you! Enjoy your birthday, dear.

13. To the super guy, happy birthday. You are one year wiser than when you were last born, and if that makes sense, you’re wiser about so much more. You’re wiser about how to pour the perfect beer, how to grow a crop of tomatoes and how to be a better father; how to listen and how to play. Just watching you with the kids makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

14. So here is my gift for you. Best Happy Birthday Wishes. Wishing you a birthday like never before, filled with happiness, love and great moments of spending the most memorable day of the year with your beloved wife and kids. This is your special day to celebrate, happy birthday dear husband!!!

15. Happy birthday, honey! As I sit here, writing this card for you, I can’t help but smile at the thought of all the years we have shared. The first time we met was probably one of the most memorable moments in my entire life…and there were so many after that.

16. I know your birthday is actually not even until tomorrow, but I wanted to make sure I could send you something in time for today.

17. Today I want to wish you a long happy birthday. We may have started off as friends and young lovers, but we’ve become a family now. Since the day we first met, you’ve been my best friend, my soul mate and the person I trust most in this world.

18. May your life is filled with many more happy birthdays, and I pray that your path will continue to cross with more greatness and everything you need to be the husband that you are will be multiplied. Happy Birthday!

19. On your birthday, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you do for me. You fill my heart with joy every day, and I know I couldn’t have gotten through life without you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. Happy birthday, love!

19. We’re celebrating a birthday today, and it’s not just any birthday. It’s your birthday. And we couldn’t be happier that you’re here with us. Happy birthday!

20. Happy birthday to a kind, generous, and considerate husband. I love that we have been married for nine years now. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met, and I could not have asked for a better life than the one we have together.

21. You’re officially one year older, which is exciting! This is a big deal! There are a lot of people celebrating you today. I’m sure everyone in your family is super excited to have you around for another year.

22. You have no idea how much I love you. You are the man of my dreams! The only one for me. I only wish that I can spend eternity with you by my side. Wishing such a wonderful man a happy birthday!

23. You are my husband, my number one. My heart is filled with so much love for you that it can’t be contained. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I thank god every day that you are in my life. Happy Birthday!

24. Happy Birthday, love! You are the most amazing husband, lover and friend I could ever truly ask for. You are so sweet and so thoughtful that sometimes I can’t believe you’re mine. I can’t imagine life without you and I am thankful that we found each other. You make me a better person every single day and I love you with all my heart. I hope your birthday is full of joy!

25. I’ve been counting down the days and hours until your birthday. You are the love of my life, you make me so happy and fill up all of my days with joy. I am so excited to get to spend your special day with you! Tomorrow I will give you one of the biggest hugs and kisses because I love you more than anything in the world. I love you, my dearest husband. Have a wonderful day!

26. Even when we first met, I knew you were the one. You filled my heart with joy and made me feel so special. I can’t imagine life without you by my side. You are not only a wonderful husband but also a warm and loving father to our son. A million thanks for everything you do to make our family a happy and special place!

27. To my husband and one true love, Happy Birthday! I know that your birthday is one of the most special days of the year. My friends or family members like to celebrate their birthdays with a lot of excitement, food, presents and fun. Although I do enjoy celebrating my birthdays with all of those things, building happy memories with you is what matters most to me.

28. Happy birthday, I love you. I hope it is filled with happiness and memories that we can make together for years to come. It is always so fun to think back to when we were kids and all the adventures we had as we grew up. Our relationship has only gotten better over time. I look forward to spending my life with you, you are such a huge part of who I am now and always have been. Happy Birthday!

29. Honey, you look so handsome and stylish! I can’t believe my eyes! You have magically gained 10 years of maturity and wisdom. I am so glad that we met in the first place. I love you always and forever. Happy Birthday, dear!

30. Birthday. You are one year older year after year and each one is more exciting than the last. I love you so much baby, it’s crazy! Your heart is as strong as any man and your love for me is unwavering. You are truly my best friend and I can’t wait to spend our next year together!

31. Today marks a new year, and some years ago I had no idea that it would be the year I beat cancer. I had no idea that it was to be the year you and I would meet, fall in love and spend our lives as husband and wife. Today this whole life appears before me like a dream, and all of it is a dream come true. Happy Birthday!

32. Happiest of Birthdays! There are no words that will be able to tell you how much I love and celebrate the day you came into this world. Our life together has been such a blessing, I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, knowing that I have you by my side. You are responsible for bringing so much light and joy into my life, and your smile is the first thing I see when I open my eyes. It’s hard to believe that ten

33. To my darling husband, I hope you have a great birthday. I hope that your day is full of surprises and joy. Here’s to many more years of happiness, you have made every year wonderful so far!

34. Happy birthday, my darling husband. I hope your day is filled with all the things you love. I’ll be thinking of you today, wishing you a wonderful day. I love and miss you so much!

35. It was the day you came into my life that my troubles started. Happy birthday to my handsome, sweet and loving husband. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

36. You are more than just a husband. You’re my best friend and partner in love. I know I say it all the time, but it never gets old—I love you, baby! If I knew what love was earlier in life, I’d have waited for you. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a man, and every day I fall more in love with you. Happy birthday!

37. I want to wish you a wonderful birthday this year and I’m excited for another year of life, love and smiles. I am a gift-giver, but on my 25th birthday, I received a wonderful gift- you. You have made and continue to make my life better in more ways than one. I thank God every day for you- the husband, father, brother, son, friend, lover and everything in between. Happy Birthday!

38. My love for you knows no bounds. I think about you every second of every day. You mean more to me than I ever could have imagined. I hope that this special day is filled with all things wonderful, joy and happiness. Happy Birthday, sweet.

39. It is your birthday and I know how special it is to you. But, I want to tell you that it couldn’t get any better than it already is just knowing that you’re in my life. Happy Birthday, Babe!

40. Happy Birthday, Honey! You’re one of a kind! I am so lucky to have you as my Hunny. You make me feel like I have wings just because you say it’s true. Thank you for the warm tingly feeling that you give me when you wrap your arms around me and whisper “I love you” in my ear. Have a wonderful day today, my superhero, and many more happy days to come!

41. Birthdays are the perfect excuse to reflect on all of your best qualities and focus on why I love you so much. You are caring, selfless, ambitious, and genuine. You have a heart of gold, and inspire me to be a better person. It amazes me how you manage to always make me laugh, even when I feel like crying. To me, I’ve never met anyone else like you before and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone other than you. Happy birthday, dearest.

42. You are the love of my life and my one true love. I would do anything for you. And every day that we spend together just reaffirms that. You’re my best friend, lover and partner in crime. I love you so much! Happy birthday, love.

43. I think I am going to love you forever. You have given me my whole world and I love you more today than yesterday. Yes. Would do that over and over again. Happy birthday, honey.

44. Happy Birthday my love! I don’t know what I did to deserve such a loving, kind and thoughtful man, but I am happy that you are here in my life. I would do anything to keep you happy because your happiness means the world to me. This year on your special day, I want to tell you how much you mean to me, and how lucky I am to have you as my husband. You will always be the man of my dreams and my heart!

45. Wishing that the year ahead will be your best ever! There’s no one in this world I would rather share my birthday with than you. Every day is a gift that I never want to end! Wishing you a very special birthday filled with happiness and joy. I love you with all my heart, today and always.

46. Dear Hubby, I just wanted to tell you just how much I love you. It’s true, your birthday is your day and you should celebrate it any way you wish, but I could not let another year go by without telling you just how much loving you mean my life. Together our lives are fuller, richer and happier than either of us could have ever imagined. Love Always and happy birthday!

47. Happy birthday to my favourite husband! I don’t know how you’ve put up with me but I promise to make every year more and more fun. You are an amazing man and lover and I’m looking forward to many more years with you!

48. Happy Birthday, Honey! I wish this day would never end. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re the man of my dreams and I’m so glad that we found each other and started this wonderful adventure together.

49. My darling husband. I am amazed that two decades have gone by and we are still going strong. Even though our children are grown and gone, we still need to make room in our hearts for the new ones we’re yet to create. I love you so much! Wishing you a happy birthday, love.

50. You’re my best friend, the one person who knows me better than anyone. You’ve always been there through the good and the bad. I can always count on you to cheer me up when I’m blue. We are a team and I love you more every day other than your birthday. Happy birthday, dear.

51. A special birthday wish for a very special man – Happy Birthday Love! You are the most caring and thoughtful husband in the world. I love spending time with you more each year. And your love grows more every day, just like you!

52. Today is your day. Happy birthday to you! We’ve been together for over twenty years and love grows stronger each and every year. I am truly the luckiest woman in the world to call myself your wife. Hope this day is filled with all your dreams coming true, just like you made mine come true. I love you so very much.

53. I love you more than words can say, today and every day. It is an unbelievable honour to have you as my husband and best friend. You brighten my life with your smile and have helped me through so many tough times. I am forever thankful for finding you and looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you! Happy Birthday!

54. My husband and best friend, I wish you all the joy in the world. May your birthday and every day after being filled with happiness and love. I love you and hope you have an amazing year.

55. With every year that passes I love you more. As much as I didn’t want to admit it at first, our life together was meant to be. I am so lucky to have you and our wonderful children in my life. You mean so much to me and I just want you to know that on your birthday and every day. Wish you a lovely happy birthday, hon.

56. As we say farewell to another year, I must tell you that I am grateful for all the joy and love you bring into my life. It is hard to believe that you are turning three decades! You have been such a blessing to me and our family. You have been a wonderful husband, father and friend. With you by my side, I have felt safe, secure and blessed beyond imagination. Our life together has been a joyous adventure that wouldn’t have been possible.

57. Happy Birthday to the man I love. You are the best husband in the world and there is no one else I would rather spend my future with. I hope you have an amazing day and that your birthday is filled with all your heart desires. I just want to say thank you for making me a better person. I love you so much and wish on this day 10 years of happiness together.

58. Happy Birthday my love! You are the reason I wake up every morning. The love and joy of my life. I know we have been through some tough times, but nothing could break our bond. You are the man I have waited for all my life. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife.

59. I found my Prince Charming and I love you so much. You are my perfect match. You make me smile every moment we are together. I just can’t imagine a day without you by my side, making me happy! Happy Birthday!

60. I am so lucky to have you as my husband. You make me feel like a princess. I love you more than anything in this world. Thanks for being such a wonderful husband and father! Happy Birthday.

61. Happy birthday to my amazing husband, you amaze me every day. I can’t imagine life without you. I know it’s been a tough year for us but together we know things will always work out; we are both so crazy about each other, I just can’t stop smiling or loving you anymore than I do.

62. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I pray that our love grows stronger each day, and I hope you have a great birthday!

63. On this special day I hope that you enjoy a wonderful birthday. I love you so much and I am so lucky to have found you!

64. I hope your special birthday is filled with love and happiness. I never imagined when we met that fate would make us part. You have always given me your heart, body and soul. You are my best friend. Cherish every moment with loved ones and think of the precious gift of life. Love you, darling! Happy birthday wishes to you.

65. Happy Birthday! It’s so amazing that out of the billions of people in the world, you and I have found each other. We have built a life together and have made a home for our son. You are the most generous man I know, in every way possible. I love you more than words could ever express.

66. You are the love of my life and my best friend. I count my blessings every day that I have you in my life. I pray that you have the most wonderful birthday ever and that every year is better than the last. I love you, sweetheart! Wishing you a happy birthday.

67. I can’t believe you are two scores and a decade today. How time flies by so quickly. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. You are the sweetest, kindest man and I cherish every minute of every day that you are mine. I wish you a happy birthday. I love you!

68. Happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. I want to thank you for all you do for me and for bringing happiness into my life. You are my eternal love and soul mate.

69. I’m so glad we found each other, dearest. That wishes, calls and messages are rolling in this much is not a surprise to me. I love you so much, baby. Happy birthday, my beloved.

70. It’s your birthday and I don’t think you get how wonderful you are. You’re the most caring person I know, always there when I need a smile. I love you so much and wish you all the happiness in the world in another year of your life!

71. A lovely happy birthday to one of my favourite humans on the planet. I have so much fun with you, every day. And I just LOVE you! You are my inspiration and the person that always makes me laugh. I can’t wait to spend another year watching you be silly and listening to your stories.

72. I’m happy that you were born in this world because you changed my life, I always feel better when I’m with you. I know that I was lucky to meet someone like you, but the luckiest thing is that I’m your wife. When you look at me with your eyes, you make every day a special day. Happy Birthday!!

73. Wishing a very special man a very Happy Birthday. You are the love of my life and I would never want to be with anyone else. I hope you enjoy your day full of love and happiness.

74. I just wanted to take a minute to say Happy Birthday! I love you so very much and it brings me so much joy to have you in my life. You are everything to me, a wonderful husband, best friend and emotional rock. Love ya, babe!

75. To my darling husband…It’s your birthday! How does it feel being older? I feel the same age as you, so no changes there. I hope this birthday is a happy one, and I hope it’s filled with more love than you thought possible. We should celebrate, maybe with some wine and chocolate cake.

76. Happy birthday my love! I can’t believe how fast the years are flying by. I still remember the day I found you and fell in love with you. No other man will ever compare to you. I love how you always bring a smile to my face, especially when I need it the most. I love how you are so loving and thoughtful. You brighten up every day of my life. I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for us.

77. I’d give you the moon if I could. It would shine brightly in the night sky and remind you of my love for you. My heart is filled with so much love for you that it overflows every time we kiss. The happiest day of my life was when you said “I do” and I finally got to be your wife!

78. Happy birthday to the sweetest and most amazing man I know. You make every day more amazing and I love how you take care of me. I hope every day is filled with nothing but happiness for you. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband.

79. Happy Birthday! You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my handsome fella. I love you more than words could ever express.

80. You are my sun. You make me shine every day. You’re my rock, my protector, and my friend. I’m so lucky to have you by my side. Please know that on your special day I am showing you how much I appreciate you! Thank you for being there for me in good times and bad, for giving us yourself and taking care of our home and family. I love you!

81. Your birthday is finally here and now my husband will be turning another year older. I remember the day we met, our first kiss, the moment I knew I’d love you forever. You are my best friend, my every dream come true. I will treasure you and your love for me for all my life. On this special day may all your wishes and dreams come true, please stay as handsome as you are now…and all your grey hair will go away just like that!

82. Happy Birthday to the love of my life! I can’t wait until the day we are old and grey together laughing over all the trouble we have gotten into over the years. Till that day I will continue to love you and adore every aspect of who you are.

83. I love you so much. You are my best friend and there is no other place I’d rather be than with you. You make me laugh, and you bring joy to my life every single day. I love being your wife, and I’m grateful that we found each other. My life is so much better because of you! Love Always.

84. To my little love, I’ve been so lucky to have you by my side. We have had some amazing experiences together and the best part is that we still have many more to come. Always know that I will love you until the end of time!

85. I love you with all my heart. I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. I know that you are more than just my husband –you’re my best friend and the one person who makes me feel truly loved and supported.

86. Happy birthday dear husband! You deserve a heartfelt thank you for all the love, laughter and fun times you bring me every day. I will miss you terribly when you are at work today and can’t snuggle with me on the couch. I hope that while you are out tanning your muscles, your face will turn bright red from the sun and everyone there will stare in awe as you flex your manly physique and know just how lucky I am to be married to such a stud!

87. Each year you bring me closer to you. You are the great love of my life and I cherish every minute with you. Happy birthday my love!

88. I love you so much it is hard to express. You make me so happy with just one glance of your eyes and make my face light up with a smile. So for those wonderful and unforgettable moments, I wish to say thank you for the gift of YOU!

89. It’s your birthday, I’m supposed to tell you all about the wonderful things you do for me. How you came into my life and become my soul mate, the one person I can always count on. You are a wonderful father, husband and friend. Happy birthday my love!

90. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!! I hope you have the best day ever! I love you so much and am so lucky to have you in my life. I can’t wait to blow out your candles!

91. No matter where I go or what I do, my thoughts are always on you. You have appeared in my life at the perfect time and made me a happier person. You came into my life when I needed you the most with open arms, accepting me for who I was and loving me for who I am. You are my one true love, someone that I want to grow old with and that is why I am wishing you a happy birthday, babe.

92. Happy birthday to the most amazingly handsome man, my husband. You captured me with your incredible looks and romantic charm, and kept me by keeping me on my toes! I’m amazed at how handsome you are every day, since the day we met I have loved you more in each passing day. Your kind words and loving hugs keep me warm at night, and the way your eyes light up when you see me melts my heart.

93. I will love you always and forever, no matter what. You are my soul mate and the man I want to spend all my days with. You make me feel cherished and cared for and never once let me question your love. I hope our years together are many, and that we continue to fall in love every day. Happy birthday to a great husband!

94. How lucky I am to have such an amazing husband. You make my life complete, you are my best friend, lover and soul mate. I love you with all of my heart and I can’t imagine living a day without you. God bless you on this special day and always. Happy birthday!

95. I love you more than I could ever imagine and I am so grateful that our paths crossed because I can’t imagine my life without you. You are a wonderful husband and father and I couldn’t be more proud to call you mine. Happy birthday, dearest…

96. Being married to you is the greatest gift I could ever have. You are more than I could have ever hoped for in a husband. The years have been so good to us, and I wish for many more to come. Everything about our life is complete because we have each other. Happy Birthday!

97. I can’t imagine my life without you. I love that you aren’t perfect, you never pretend to be. What I love most is how caring you are and that when we hold each other it feels like exactly where I belong. Happy Birthday, my sweetheart!

98. It’s your birthday my super sweet husband!! It’s hard to believe ten years have gone by. It always seems like only yesterday that I was carrying our first baby in my tummy. The years have flown by, and now 8 children later, we’re still going strong. The love for you has grown stronger than ever, with each passing day it deepens. You are the best gift that God ever gave me. I Kisses.

99. You’re my best friend and I love you so much! I can’t even put into words how happy you make me. You are the best summer skies till the end of time, the most amazing kiss, and a lovely night under the stars. Darling, I hope your birthday is nothing but filled with love! Eat some cake for me!!!

100. Your Birthday is a day I look forward to because it’s the only day I can spend the whole day with you. I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing day.

I can bet that this will be the happiest of birthdays for husbands after they might have received any of these long wishes. Wish you a nice and sweet happy birthday.

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