Long Distance Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend or Girlfriend

A relationship grows when it is well-tended and watered like flowers in a garden so that it can blossom. Both partners need to be committed to the relationship for it to grow.

When it comes to a long-distance relationship, partners might get tired of the relationship because of distance. One of the ways to overcome this challenge is proper communication between the two parties.

Sending your partner monthly messages on your monthsary date will help keep the fire of love burning in your relationship as well as bring back good memories of when you were together.

Try sending any of these long-distance monthsary messages below and be sure that your relationship will keep blossoming.

Your boyfriend should know how much you miss him and you long for his presence. It will not only make the fire of your love keep burning and he will love you more when he receives these thoughtful messages from you

1. Thank you for taking the time to come all the way to see me today. I know our long-distance relationship has not been easy, but every day, you make everything worthwhile. Many people told me that this relationship would not last, but what do they know? All that matters is that we are happy, and that does not take anything away from anyone. Thank you for everything. Happy monthsary baby.

2. How long have we met? It’s been 6 months and I hope it will be longer. When we first met, I reminded you of your youth and innocence and although we live far apart and at different times, you somehow made my life good and lovable. No one would ever know the joys and sadness of this relationship, but I will always love you. I love you.

3. I know it has been a long-distance relationship for us for some time now. But I have always known in my heart that you are the one in my life. I have appreciated you being in my life. You have always been there for me. And on this special day just want to bless your wonderful soul, wishing you all the best!

4. Today, I am one step closer to living the life I want. Thank you for holding my hands and reassuring me that nothing will come in between us. Remaining true to each other always brings good memories, like this month since we met. You are my strength and biggest support; I am lucky to have you as my partner. I love you

5. Finally, we have spent our monthsary. I have been away from you for a while, and the wait is very long indeed. Thank you for putting up with my stubbornness, and there is no one else who could do it better than you! I love you so much my dear.

6. Distance and time were always a challenge to us, but we always managed to stay together and see each other every few months. I think that this made our relationship stronger and I hope that we will keep staying close for years to come. I love you.

7. Despite the miles you are out there somewhere, I know one thing for sure that you exist in my life. You make me happy and I am thankful for all the times we spent together, your kiss, your hugs and your warmth. Thanks for giving me the best times of my life.

8. When I saw you for the very first time, I knew it would be love at first sight. We’ve been dating long-distance for many months now, and I will never stop loving you. You have a special place in my heart, and a gift is coming your way. Happy monthsary, my life partner.

9. I will cherish forever the day when you came into my life. I never knew a love story could be this meaningful. Without you in my life, everything is just boring. You are my everything. I can’t wait to see you again so that I can look into your eyes and feel the warmth of your hands, my love.

10. Long distance relationship is hard, but it hasn’t stopped us from making it all this way. Although months will come and go, each day is worth living for. Just like these last few months, I realize how much I love you. I will always remember that day we first met, though the encounter was brief. Nevertheless, our paths crossed for a reason; you’ve made my life more worth living every single day.

11. It has been a great time of joy and celebration, knowing that I am with the most handsome and perfect guy. On this special day, I wish you all the very best! But not only this; I also want to thank you for the precious time we spent together. You know me more than anyone else and I hope we can remain together until we feel like we’re ready to say goodbye. It has been a month since we both confessed our feelings and promises to each other and I love every bit of it.

12. We’ve come out of so many ups and downs, changes, and distance… you’d think we’d never make it through. Yet today, I think about how glad I am that you’re just as committed to me now as you were when we first met.

13. Happy monthsary to my partner in crime! It still feels surreal that you are my boyfriend. This relationship has been an interesting ride for sure, but one of the best moments is when I met you again after all these years. I don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but I am willing to be with you whatever happens.

14. I know I’ve sent you many letters and even more emails. But the distance between us made me cherish every token of your love for me. All my prayers are that one day, you will be by my side. Until then, every morning when I wake up, I will whisper in my heart that today is the day that you will come back to me.

15. Remember when we said we would be together and share an adventure and make a family together? That day seems like yesterday to me. I’ve been missing you so much and thinking about making you my husband feels like a distant dream. But we will make it happen soon, love!

16. Thanks for all the time we spent together despite the long distance. We still manage to make it work and I thank you for the same. Happy birthday and I wish we could celebrate this with a party or something!

17. You are always in my thoughts. You are the one whom I feel close to despite the distance. Our relationship is something precious to me, and I cherish each moment I get to spend with you. I believe that no matter how far apart we are, love will keep us together. Now that your birthday is here, I want to be there for you like you have always been there for me. Have a beautiful day!

18. Wow! It is crazy to see the number of days passing by for two months. I appreciate all the efforts you have done to make our relationship work. Thank you for standing by me despite the distance. The world has never been perfect, but it will feel better with your love. Happy birthday, baby!

19. This is to celebrate the longest timespan my life has ever embarked on. Thank you for making it truly worth living, and giving meaning to my life. Wishing us a happy monthsary!

20. Dating you has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. You are my soul mate, the woman I dream to be with for the rest of my days. I pray that this relationship continues to grow stronger with each passing day. Happy monthsary babe!

I thank God for bringing you into my life. Since the very moment we met, my heart has never been the same. I can feel it beating faster whenever we are apart. Every time our eyes meet, strong sensations of love and desire flow through my veins.

21. May you have peace, joy, love, and comfort. May your heart find its special purpose in life to be truly happy. Happy monthsary to the person who has walked with me through the shadows of life, embracing me through the good and bad, accepting me without hesitation.

22. You are my dream come true. We have been together for 5 months and I still remember how I fell for you.

23. When a friend is in pain they always feel the need to share it with others. But when I was in pain, you always seemed to be there for me even though we were far apart. Without you, my world would be dark and bland. I am grateful to have such a wonderful person like you in my life.

24. Hey! What can I say; You are my sunlight, my moonlight, my starlight, the smile on my face, the one who makes me feel amazing every single day. Thank you for loving me despite the odds. Happy monthsary, baby.

25. I can’t believe today is our monthsary. I am thankful for everything you have given me. I always thought dark days were all I will ever have, but you came along and made me yearn for the light.

26. Happy monthsary to the love of my life! Today should be focused on you. You always knew how to make me happy when I was down, you are my inspiration in life. Thank you for being there every time I needed you. I can’t wait until we finally get to see each other again. Love you!

27. Girlfriend, I’m really glad that long distance has not been a barrier between us. It’s been a rough ride, but I’m glad we’re still together no matter what! Happy birthday!

28. I think of you often because you are always on my mind. You are the lover that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Happy birthday, baby!

29. It’s our 5 months together. This is not a social media update, but I need you to know that I am truly happy with you. It’s hard balancing things between continents and time zones, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you and wish you a great monthsary and an even better year to come!

30. Some things are worth waiting for. I can’t believe that you are mine at last! I love you with all my heart and soul, and nothing would make me happier than to spend every minute of my life right by your side. Happy monthsary, sweetheart!

31. Hey babe, it’s our monthsary and I miss you so much. Sorry, I couldn’t make it because the plane was running late then I got stuck in traffic. I’m so excited to be back now! can’t wait to see you finally today! I just grabbed your gift and it’s on my way now. See you soon, love you lots.

32. My love, how long has it been since I saw you? It doesn’t matter because you are here in my heart always. I am happy that you are happy. Wishing you a very happy 7th monthsary, honey!

33. I miss you a lot. Life seems so empty without you. I don’t know how many more months would have to pass before I see your face again, I miss you and love you more than ever.

34. Hey love, today is my longest monthsary with you. We have made countless promises that we never kept and for some reason, we always end up at the same place that we started. I am grateful that we crossed paths and were given a second chance to become lovers once again. Happy 11th monthsary

35. Happy monthsary to my long-distance love! You are the light in my life! You are the reason I breathe, the motivation for me to make it through each day. I feel so blessed to have found you in this world. I cherish our friendship and hope that one day, we’d be able to grab a cup of coffee together or even take a vacation together. Happy monthsary.

36. My dear girlfriend, I wish to make it up to you. Because you are miles away from me, my wish is for you to know how much I love you. As you watch the moon rise in the sky, remember my message. Remember that your partner will always be here with you in spirit. This monthsary is dedicated to you!

37. Happy monthsary love! I wish you the best today and for the rest of your life. You are an amazing person who makes an unfailing effort to make people smile. They say that the heart describes the beauty of its owner, but I know that’s not always true. You are precious to me, even more than words can describe. Thank you for all you do, and I wish you the best on this special day.

38. Happy monthsary to my shining star! My love for you is everlasting. Whenever I am away from you, I feel like a part of me is missing. There are days when it feels like I will never get used to the distance between us. But whenever our eyes meet, everything fades into oblivion. I love you with all my heart.

39. Happy monthsary, honey! You know that I think no one in the world is as sweet and gorgeous as you. I am here for you whatever your future holds. I hope that we celebrate next month with a major feast in my place. Believe me, I have everything arranged.

40. Happy monthsary sweetheart, Thank you for the countless gifts and surprises you have doled out over the past 6 months. I miss you. Happy monthsary darling.

At first, I thought the distance was going to make us fight but I realized that the distance made us love each other the more. I want to tell you that I love you and miss you so dearly. These past few months have been the best moments of my life.

41. Sweetheart, you are my everything. I don’t know what I would do without you. We’ve only been together for a few months but it feels like we have known each other forever. You make my world go round and keep things in order in my life. I love you more than life itself.

42. Every time I see you, I feel like my life is complete. We may be far from each other but our hearts are connected more tightly than ever! I love you more than anything else in this world!

43. On this special day, I want to tell you that I am more than grateful for everything that we had. You were one of those people that brought love and happiness into my life, and I often spend hours on the phone pretending as if we spent those moments courting. Of course, there is no one else I would rather celebrate long-distance monthsary with.

44. I feel you are like my family. You are the closest person to me, and with every passing day, our relationship only grows stronger. I am looking forward to meeting you soon to make our monthsary worth remembering.

45. Thanks to you, the months away from you seem like a lifetime. I can not wait to celebrate this very special day with you. I hope you enjoy all the gifts and surprises that I have prepared for you. I can not wait to celebrate all those missed months with you!

46. I am grateful that you’re a part of my life. It has been a great journey so far, and I look forward to an even better future. I Love you, baby.

47. Today is so special because you are so special to me. Thanks for staying! I miss you!

48. There is something special about today that makes it more important than any other day. We are celebrating our monthsary today. I believe that distance is just a part of our love. I love you dear, and 1 can’t wait to see you.

49. Ah, the sweet taste of my chocolate-covered heart! You know my love for you is as vast as the oceans, as endless as the stars in the sky, and as deep as the mountains. It started with the moment I laid eyes on you and has continued to grow stronger each day with each passing season. Happy monthsary my love.

50. I can’t describe how much you mean to me. Thanks for coming into my life, ​I am grateful I found you! Thank you for everything that you do for me always. May your days be filled with countless moments of love and joy!

51. It has been 9 months, and I have loved every minute of it. I am with you through my thoughts, through my intentions and my actions. I love you and miss you.

52. Wow! Thank you for being with me through it all. Here’s to an even happier year ahead of us. I love you.

53. Dear, again I have to say thanks because of what you have given me. You have been there for me, even though we are far from each other. Thank you for the countless moments that we shared just talking about our dreams and heartaches. I love you.

54. Happy birthday my dearest. Today marks our monthsary, coming together like two broken pieces of a puzzle to form one complete image. I love you with every bit of my existence, and I am thrilled to call you mine for all eternity.

55. Today is one of the happiest days of the year for me because it is our monthsary. Having you is the greatest thing that has happened to me. I know we are not together now but my heart will be with you forever. Take care and stay happy.

I long for your presence and I can’t wait to hold you in my arms once again. I love you and I miss you. this past few months without you has been a little tough but our calls and gist every night has helped me a lot and it feels like you are by my side whenever we communicate.

56. I know that I should be with you on our monthsary. But I could not because of this situation. I have the present for you, but it will never be as special as seeing you open it. You are my life and I will always love you.

57. Happy monthsary my love! You are one of the luckiest ladies I know. You have my heart, and every day is special because of you. I love you so much it hurts since we’re separated by distance. Thank you for bringing colour back to my life.

58. Happy monthsary! Every night, I remember how blessed I am to have you. Even though we are far away from each other, my love for you continues to grow stronger every day. May all your wishes come true today and always!

59. It has been months since I last saw you, but you are never out of my mind. Every day is a chance for me to remember how much I miss you. I know that at the end of this distance, we will always be together. Thanks for being the one that makes my life worthwhile.

60. My dear darling, you are my life, my love, my everything. Thank you for making every day of my life worth living. Until the end of time, I will always be by your side, loving you and cherishing you.

61. One year ago today I started dating you and I would like to thank God for allowing us to meet. Our love has grown stronger with each passing day. I want you to know that I am proud to call you mine and I love you deeply.

62. It’s been four long months since we last saw each other. I hope you have been keeping well. Hope to see you soon.

63. My love, even though we are apart, my love for you will never dwindle. I will forever be yours, and your love is all I need. I miss you so much.

64. You say we will only be friends, but I know we were made to last. You may always deny me because you don’t believe in love so much, but we have been inseparable for the past 31 months and counting. Our journey together has been full of surprises, and I am looking forward to more to come.

65. I miss you so much, it’s been a while since I have seen you in person. I can’t wait until in august when we finally take our trip out.

66. I will love you always because you are my happiness. Everything is better when I’m with you. You taught me how to love again. You are my everything.

67. Long-distance monthsary! I am so happy to know that you are also looking forward to this day. Just like every time, it would be great if we could spend this moment together! I love you.

68. Hi darling, I know the distance has been quite a hurdle between us, but you are always there in my heart. You are my true love, and I pray that every day you get to see how loved you are. I miss you.

69. Your love for me has been extraordinary and your care and affection indescribable. I love you and I miss you, darling.

70. I miss you so much. It has been months since we were together and every day seems like an eternity. I feel so bad not being with you. I love you, Baby.

Wow!, it’s our 1st monthsary, and I can boldly say it’s been a smooth ride with you. I enjoy our conversations and lengthy talks. thank you for loving me without judging me. I know that I can rely on you and our future is bright.

71. Long distance relationship isn’t easy, but I always believe that you and I could make it happen. Thank you for standing by me. Happy 1st monthsary to us.

72. This is our 1st monthsary dear, Let this day be of significance for us to know that no distance can tear apart people who are destined for each other!

73. My love for you is infinite, and today has only made me realize that fact. I hope that our love lasts forever, and even beyond that. Happy 1st monthsary baby.

74. You are my soul mate. With every day that passes by, you become more special to me. You are my match and I love you for who you are. Happy 1st monthsary

75. 30 days have come and gone since we started dating. I will never forget the day we first met. I am very grateful for everything you have done for me. I wish you a happy monthsary.

76. I want to thank God for bringing you into my life. Although we live far apart, I think of you as my soul mate and can barely picture myself without you. May your day be as beautiful as the love we share.

77. Distance is not an option between us. You are always in my heart no matter how far you are from me, but the thought of you makes me feel strong and hopeful. Happy 1st monthsary sweetheart!

78. Here is to celebrating our 1st monthsary. And for all that you have given me, I will always love you. I wish for endless moments of bliss. I love you.

79. From the very day we met, I wanted to become a part of your life and make you smile every single day. And although we may be far apart, you always occupy my thoughts. I miss you. Happy monthsary.

80. Hey honey! it has been months since I have last seen you. I miss you. Happy 1st monthsary

My love, thank you for loving me, thank you for your commitment to this relationship, we wouldn’t have made it this far if you have not been wonderful. You have such a beautiful soul, and thank you for staying by my side. I love you. Happy 2nd monthsary.

81. You are truly wonderful. I can’t wait to see your face again, even if it is from thousands of miles away. I love you always and forever. Happy 2nd Monthsary.

82. My dearest late-night conversations partner, I remember the time we first met and how special you are to me. Your voice was an echo to my heart and now we are celebrating our 2nd monthsary. I love you, darling.

83. Sweetheart, I can’t believe two months have flown by so quickly. We both know how hard it is to be away from each other, but I think distance gives couples like us an opportunity to appreciate what we have right now. Happy 2nd monthsary my love.

84. I wish I could be with you today but sadly I can’t. It’s difficult being in a long-distance relationship, but I know that it can work out. You deserve all the best in life. Happy 2nd monthsary.

85. Today might be your special day, but it’s also mine because we are celebrating it together. I know we can’t see each other right now, but I need you to know how important you are to me. I love you, Happy 2nd monthsary sweetheart.

86. This 2nd monthsary, I realize how happy I am with you. I thought the distance was going to kill me, but when I realized that it’s not the distance that matters, but rather who you are with that makes people truly happy, then I knew I could make it through this. Counting every second until you are in my arms again. I miss you, dear.

87. I am so blessed to have you in my life, I can’t even imagine what it would be like if you were here with me. It’s our 2 monthsary date. I love you.

88. As we celebrate our 2nd monthsary, all I can say is that you have made my life worthwhile. you have accepted me for who I am. I love you.

89. Every day and night we spend together it makes me realize how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you darling, happy 2nd monthsary.

90. My love for you has no borders, language, race or gender! You are the most wonderful lover I have ever had. Thank you for filling my life with joy and happiness. Happy 2nd monthsary my love.

You say we will only be friends, but I know we were made to last. Now see, we are 3 months already. Our journey together has been full of surprises, and I am looking forward to more to come. I love you and I miss you.

91. Every day there is a reason to be grateful and every day I feel blessed for having you in my life. Thank you and happy monthsary to us.

92. Hey darling, When you smile, my heart is filled with joy. How lucky am I to have found an amazing soul like you. Happy 3rd monthsary to us. I miss you.

93. Dear, I am grateful for you. For all the time we spent together. For all the memories we made. Today marks three months since we started dating. I promise that I will love you forever. I love you.

94. Many miles away from you, yet I feel closer to you than ever. Even though it is just over the phone, I can hear the glow in your voice. I miss you so much. Happy 3rd monthsary darling.

95. Happy 3rd monthsary. I hope that whatever you do would bring you success and happiness. May this year be better than the last and may we experience more moments together! I love you so much!

96. How time passes so quickly. You cannot imagine how much I miss you, and your love. Since the day we met, I knew my life would never be the same. When I see you, I feel so alive. Happy 3rd monthsary.

97. I never truly understood the meaning of happiness until I met you. Thank you for giving me a chance and loving me even though we were miles apart. Happy 3rd monthsary, darling.

98. Happy 3rd monthsary, each month, a day is dedicated to celebrating our love. I am grateful that you are my boyfriend and the best part of my life.

99. Hey darling, I want you to know that I miss you so much. It felt like just yesterday when we said goodbye for this month. Now, here we are again celebrating our 3rd monthsary. It has been a great journey since you came into my life, and I am glad to always spend each month with you.

100. It’s been three months since we started dating. We promised each other that we will never forget the day we have met. Despite the challenges, I assure you that I will be here for you in your time of need. I love you.

I hope you found these long-distance monthsary messages helpful, if you do, please drop your comment in the comment box and don’t forget to share with your network.

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