Lord Guide Me Always Quotes

Everyone loves being reminded of the Lord watching over them but praying and asking the Lord to guide us always is a powerful way to express our worries and connect with God because God promises us that He will guide us.

And the Lord guides those who call on His name because He is ever-present and will blow with the wind, protect us from evil if only we just understand his plans for us. We all need guidance at times, no matter how confident we may seem to others.

But, “Lord guide me always” is a short prayer that you can use and meditate on throughout your day. When you say this prayer, you will feel strength within yourself and a connection with God.

Below, you can find the best Lord guide me always quotes and sayings. This is a great way to overcome negativity so you can be at peace with the world.

Lord, guide me always. When I stray from your path, please gently return me to where I need to be. Guide me with your words and show me the way to a closer walk with you and give me the strength to navigate the rough seas of life.

1. Lord guide me always, help me find my way, show me how to serve and love.

2. Lord, guide my steps always. Protect me with your hand. Give me the strength to face everything that comes my way.

3. Lord guide me always, lead me in the right direction.

4. Lord, guide me always in truth and justice; Keep me from thinking of myself, And keep my loved ones close to me. Guide me with your hand—In kindness and love always.

5. Lord, guide me always. In all the ways that I go, may I find your hand of blessing upon my way.

6. Lord, please guide me every day, through both easy and difficult circumstances. May my life be filled with your peace and joy!

7. Lord, guide me always. Protect me from the evil one. Build your strength in my soul. Fill me with Your wisdom and knowledge.

8. Lord, guide me always in all I say and do. Your presence at my side, will I ever need to be afraid. Guide me, guide me, with your wisdom so true, make me know you are beside me until I die.

9. Lord, guide me always. Let me walk beside you all of my days. Hold up my hand and lead me where I should go. In all ways be my guide so that, in the end, my life is not in vain. Should I lose sight of your guiding light, shine forth the truth to light my way.

10. Lord, I pray you to guide me now and always.

11. Lord, I ask that you guide me always and please show me the way through my journey.

12. Lord guide me always and give me strength and endurance through my darkest moments.

13. Lord guide me always and help me in all aspects of my life.

14. Lord guide me always and give me strength as I journey through life.

15. Lord, guide me and protect me always. Please be with me.

16. Lord, guide me today to make the right decisions. Tell me when I am on the wrong path and show me which path I should be walking on.

17. Lord guide me always and direct my hearts and minds as I go through a difficult season.

18. Lord, guide me always and forever as I’m forever yours.

19. Lord, guide me always and give me the right direction in each of my decision.

20. Lord, guide me always, I pray. All night thy hand shall stay upon my eyes. Within the shadow of thy wing, let me dwell. Let there be nothing in my way to make me turn aside from thee!

21. Lord, guide me always and everywhere; keep me pure, make me glad about strength and cheerfulness of heart, that I may do my work with ease and comfort to others as well as myself.

22. Lord guides me always, and I shall never go wrong.

23. Lord guide me always in my walking and in the way I talk.

24. Lord guide me always when I think of others and myself as well.

25. Lord guide me always when I work, play and do my daily chores.

26. Lord guide me through joy and sorrow, so that every smile may bless my soul.

27. Lord guide me always It is my great desire to have you near through all the days ahead. If you are willing oh Lord, then hear my plea and guide me always!

28. Lord, guide me always and supply my needs along the way.

29. Lord, guide me always and direct my way.

30. Lord, be with me wherever I go. Lord, guide me always.

31. Dear Lord, please guide my actions and guide me always.

32. Lord guide me always and make my feet firm upon Your paths.

33. Lord, guide me always. You are my silent strength. The soft light in my life and my home. The gentle breeze that smoothes out my day. I stay in the shadow of your wings and know that you will pull me through every trial life brings.

34. Lord guide me always. The Lord is my light, my strength, and my song; I seek God’s face with all my heart.

35. Lord guide me always, until the day I see your face. When we give ourselves to you, we trust you with our lives. And we have to have faith that you’re in control, even when things don’t go as planned. As I lay down my burdens on you today, I ask for your guidance, Lord guide me always.

36. Lord guide me always. Lead me to the end of this road, never let me lose sight of what is important and help me to realize that You are the reason I am here and that everything happens for a reason.

37. Lord, guide me always because I cannot take the time to stop and get lost.

38. Lord, Guide us always. Father, be with us today and always. We pray for all of our families.

39. Lord guide me always and keep me from falling into temptation; make me strong to do what is right, that I may be an instrument to help others.

40. Lord, guide me always and show me the way to go.

41. Lord, guide me always and show me where to begin.

42. Lord, guide me always. Never leave me alone to wander. When I’m tempted to stray from the path of righteousness, give me strength for I know that you are always with me.

43. Lord guide me always and forever, for without you I can’t do anything.

44. Lord, help me by your grace to persevere in my pursuits for good.

45. Lord guide me always. In every step of my life. You are the only one who can give me hope when everything seems lonely, or ask for help when I am lost. Bless me and guide me to be the best person I can be.

46. You are my Lord, guide me always to be in your presence. With eyes on You, I will never lose my way and be blinded by the deceitful ways of this world.

47. Lord, guide me always. Help me to see the truth within each moment of my experience, and allow me to be who I am meant to be.

48. Lord guide me in life and protect me and my family from all evil. Please help me to serve the Lord with love, and guide my heart to yourself. Please fill my life with joy and happiness.

49. Lord guide me always. Lord make my life meaningful, and fill it with joys of service to people around me. Inspire me to develop my potential in every situation and make every moment a golden opportunity that most positively impacts the lives of others.

50. Lord guide me always and keep me safe, in your care and hold me close to your heart. Keep me strong and give me the courage to face anything that comes my way.

51. Lord, guide me always and bless the path I take. I know you are a wonderful listener, so every time I feel alone, tired or confused please whisper these words to me “Lord guide me always”.

52. Lord, guide me always and do your will in me for the rest of my life.

53. Lord guide me in the way which shall be correct for me, Guide me all my life, help me to reach my destination in this world and the hereafter.

54. Lord, You have set life in motion, and You give me direction every day. But there are many times when I feel lost and confused about what to do. Help me realize that I need Your guidance more than ever now.

55. Lord, I have turned my face to you. I have placed my feet on the path of righteousness and I pray that you will guide me in all my way.

56. Lord guide me always, Lord lead me on. Let me walk the high road.

57. Lord guide me always, my Lord I will walk with thee.

58. Lord guide me always because I need you. Let me not be guided by my own will or by the ideas of others but by your perfect will for me.

59. Lord guide me always on the right path, for your word is my lamp, it gives me comfort and lights my dark path.

60. The Lord guide me always, I want to be guided by God. The man who does not walk with God falls.

61. Lord guide me always and lead me out of darkness into light.

62. Lord, guide me always. Direct my thoughts, my actions and my ways. Protect me from all harm and keep me safe from sin.

63. Lord guide me always and let my heart be light with faith.

64. Lord, guide me always by your Spirit. Help me in my daily walk. Direct me, lead me in righteousness and truth that I may be of no reproach to Your name.

65. Lord, guide me always and lead me on the right path.

66. Lord, guide me always and in every place.

67. Lord, guide me always and help me to keep your words in my heart so that I might live a life that pleases you.

68. Lord, guide me always, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.

69. Lord guide me always. Guide me in your truth, for your truth is the only light I know.

70. Lord guide me always and teach me the way that leads to you.

71. Lord Guide me always; teach me your ways and show me your paths.

72. Lord, guide me always and lead me to your wisdom.

73. O Lord, guide me in the way of your truth and teach me to walk in the path of your peace.

74. Lord, guide me always, help me do your will, let me be the person you want me to be.

75. Lord, guide me always with your love.

76. Lord guide me always and hold my hand through the day and be with me always.

77. Lord, I pray that you lead me today on the path that I should go. Give me wisdom and direction to make better choices and live a good life.

78. Lord guide me always and help me to be strong.

79. Lord Guide me, I will follow You always.

80. Lord, I pray that you would guide me always. You are my stronghold and the rock of my confidence

81. Guide me, Lord, to the right path. Inspire me with your wisdom and knowledge. Give me strength and courage to face each day with faith and optimism.

82. Lord, guide me always, in the way I should go. Let me not be guided by my own will or by the ideas of others but by Your perfect will for me.

83. Lord guide me always, as I seek to understand the ways of your will.

84. Lord, guide me always. I know that your presence is with me always, giving me direction and strength.

85. Lord guide me always, for you know the way that I should go.

86. Guide me, Lord, in this life of mine, and may Your Spirit lead me safely to your perfect will.

87. Lord guide me always, let your loving-kindness be my guidance.

88. Lord, guide me always, for in your strength I can do everything.

89. Lord, guide me always. May I walk on the path that leads straight and true.

90. Lord, please guide my every choice. Guide me by your light and help me do what is right in your sight.

91. I pray that God will lead and guide me always, Lord.

92. Lord guide me always. The paths of life are filled with dangers, but the God who made me will not allow me to be harmed. He will protect me and keep me safe.

93. Lord guide me always, through the twists and turns of life, to come out the other side having learned lessons that others have no clue about.

94. Lord guide me always, for you are my light in the darkness.

95. Lord, guide me always. Guide me through the years to come.

96. Lord, guide me as I go. That I may know your will and do it, for you are with me wherever I go.

97. You are my guide, Lord. Lead me along your path and train me to follow you because you know what is best for me.

98. I need your guidance, Lord. I want to be prepared for every situation and ready to serve you in everything.

99. Guide me, Lord, as I walk the path of life.

100. Lord fill me with the wisdom to know You are always by my side. Guide me, guard me and make me whole.

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