Losing a Good Person Quotes

Sometimes in life, good people are hard to come by, and when you do find them, you have to hold on tight. But you see, something being hard to get doesn’t make it last forever.

When you lose a good person, your life falls apart. Your life may never be the same again. If you don’t know how to cope with loss, it can be a very hard time for you.

Also, if you don’t know how to kill the fear of losing people, thoughts of those you’ve lost can make you start living in fear. That’s how bad loss can be.

These losing a good person quotes explore the feelings that come with losing a good person, the idea of coping with loss, kind words that can be said to someone dealing with loss, and more.

Dive in and read through these creative quotes on losing a good or special person, and use any of them you love.

“There’s this old saying, all good things must come to an end. Good things also include the good time we spend with good people. After losing good people, believe that you will see them again in a better place and that the pain reduces as time goes on.”

1. Life can get cruel sometimes; I know this because I’ve lost good people. But at least, it doesn’t take my memories of them.

2. Memories of good people like you will always bring a smile to my face. I miss and love you.

3. When is life crueller? When we lose everything we own or when we lose good people?

4. You are a good person. Your life left me a promise that my memories of you will always be sweet.

5. We’ll realise that we have more treasures than we think we have when we count the memories of the good people we lost.

6. Life can be tough sometimes, and it can often feel like the world is against us. However, no matter what life does to us, it can never take our memories of the good people we have lost.

7. Sadness. Sorrow. These follow the loss of good people. You think you’ll never forget old memories, but the more time passes, the more they fade away like a dream.

8. When we lose good people, it’s heaven’s gain.

9. I pray our words can provide some comfort to those who are dealing with the loss of good people.

10. When we lose good people, we may forget the reasons we believe for why things happen, and our hearts feel like they have been torn open.

11. Loss hits us. The best way to honour the good people we’ve lost is to ensure their legacy lives on.

12. To all the good people we’ve lost, to those who were great inhabitants of this great world, we miss you.

13. I have met good people here on Earth, and it’s going to be hard to leave them or lose them.

14. We love you and miss you so much; we want to carry on your legacy. May we never forget how good you were to us, and may we always find ways to bring joy to the people in our lives.

15. You were a star that shined so bright. It was only right that you ascended to the heavens.

16. There are many good people who can not be with us in bodily form anymore, but they’re forever present within us through the memories and love that we share.

17. It makes me sad that I will never see these good people on Earth. But they’re somewhere, and I’ll be seeing them again, in a better life.

18. We will never see the faces of the good people we’ve lost, but we will see them in a lot of things.

19. We’ll never see the beautiful faces of good people we lost again, but our hearts will hold the beautiful memories we had with them.

20. Just because we won’t see the good people we’ve lost, for now, doesn’t mean that they aren’t still here with us. We can’t hug them or speak to them, but I’m sure they know that we love and miss them.

21. Seeing you was a gift, and losing a good person like you has left me with an emptiness that won’t ever be filled. But I will never stop thinking about you, and in some ways, feeling like you’re still here.

22. We will see every good person we’ve lost again, not like we once did but in our thoughts and memories.

23. When I look at your picture, all I can think about is our time together. I not only remember the laughter and the smiles, the times you made me laugh on bad days. I also remember that you were really a good person.

24. It’s hard to let go of good people when you know you might never see them again. If only our pile of losses didn’t have to include the loss of good people.

25. I’ll forever hold close, the time that I shared with the good people I’ve lost. If the stars are aligned, our paths will cross once more.

26. It’s an awful feeling to have a good person ripped away from you, with no guarantee of ever seeing them again.

27. Good people don’t leave us in times when we won’t feel the loss. Or rather, such times never come.

28. Goodbyes will never be easy, and knowing you will never see the good people you’ve lost again is one thing that’s hard to deal with.

29. I’ll never forget the times I had with you. Everyone here is just as sad as I am that you aren’t around anymore. You were a good person.

30. Now, let’s all take a minute to look around and give thanks for the good people in our lives and appreciate their presence while they are here.

31. We’re all faced with inevitable separations from people. The only thing we ask for is that these good people in our lives will live longer.

32. Sometimes good people leave us, but the memories of love shared with them never leave us.

33. We will never forget the love shared with the good people we’ve lost. They are forever in our hearts.

34. Sometimes bad things happen to us, and we lose good people, people who are special to us. But, we can always have memories of the good times with them.

35. It’s not easy to say goodbye to the good people you lose. We hold his memories close to our hearts, and we’re here to support you throughout this difficult time.

36. We believe in eternal life. And that even though good people have passed away, we continue to be connected to them. Thankfully, we can have our memories of them until we meet them again.

37. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people, things bad enough to make us lose them. We pray to have people that can take their place so we don’t feel a void.

38. Everyone has a story to tell. You have positively touched the lives of so many people, making their stories better, and that’s why you’ll never be forgotten. You are a good person.

39. You did what good people do. You left memories that will stay with us forever. You’ll never be forgotten.

40. You spent a part of your life with us. You shaped our collective story. We’ll always carry you with us in our hearts. We miss you so much and hope that you are in a better place.

41. When you were born, the angels got together and decided to make out of you a person who made everyone feel good. And they did. Now, you’re gone.

42. When a good person leaves the planet, we remember their contributions to the lives of those in it.

43. I get up, look around, and see good people leaving one by one.

44. A feeling of sadness descends upon you when you are forced to say goodbye to a good person. It’s a tough feeling to experience, but sometimes that’s how life goes.

45. It’s a shame to see all the good people leave, leaving no trace behind them.

46. Many of us know what it feels like to lose a good person in our lives. We’re in this together.

47. Dear, know that for us, there is no goodbye. There’s is only “see you later” — even when we leave Earth. You’re a good person.

48. I can’t help but think about how my time here is coming to an end. But I know we’ll meet again, in the place where good people go to when they’re gone.

49. The world feels a little emptier today. That’s how it is when good people leave it. Rest in peace.

50. We feel your loss and understand the emptiness you must feel. Losing a good person that dedicated her life to spreading happiness and love to all.

“Believe the person who tells you that grieving after losing a person, no matter how special they are, is a step-by-step process. One day will feel better than the next. One day, everything will feel bearable. One day, in a better place, you’ll see the person again.”

51. It’s never too early to start missing a special person. We miss them immediately, and we will never forget the times we spent together.

52. No one wants to believe it when a person that’s special to them is gone. This is me. I’ll want to reach out and feel their presence one last time.

53. Life has a cruel prank it plays on us — taking away those that are most special to us. However, despite the sadness that overwhelms us when we miss someone special, we should find ways to carry on.

54. It’s difficult to move on with life when we lose the people we care about, but I’m glad I knew your value while I still had you.

55. I understand how hard it can be to say goodbye to someone you consider special. The words you’re looking for just don’t seem to come to you, and that’s alright.

56. Losing a special person? That could happen to anyone. But life doesn’t end there. You should enjoy the other special people in your life.

57. Words can’t bring them back, but at least they can help us tell everyone around that they were very special people to us.

58. I lose special people and start asking myself questions like, will the sun ever rise again? Will the moon ever shine again? Because my world will never be the same without them.

59. Losing a special person promises you one thing — that the person will always be in your heart.

60. We will smile again, but will we ever see their smile again?

61. Of course, no one wants to lose a person that’s special to them. But things are always happening, and for a reason, we can’t control some of them.

62. I trust time to heal all wounds, but I doubt it can erase the pain of losing a special person.

63. I lost someone really special to me, and it stings. I feel like my heart is missing something. I don’t know what to do to feel better, but I trust that it will be alright.

64. Losing someone special is something. Life will never be the same. But we must move on, even though we were ready for the new reality.

65. Although I miss you, I hope that you felt special when you were with me.

66. It’s never easy to lose a special person, and this can feel especially difficult during the holidays. We hope you’ll find comfort in knowing that you made them feel special.

67. I cry when saying goodbye to a special person, and then I smile, knowing I’ll see them again.

68. They were very special to you. You shared all those memories, and in your deepest, darkest moments, they were always there. But now they’re gone—and it hurts.

69. Remember that the people that are special to you won’t live forever. So make memories with them before you lose them.

70. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to put off a deadline, it finally arrives. But just as bills arrive in life, so too shall the end of years, for us and for others, even those that are special to us.

71. My memory has enough special people living only in it. So I don’t want to lose people that are special to me anymore.

72. When you lose a special person, you can never have them back. But they will always live in your memory as they always do in mine.

73. When you lose a special person, you can never have them back physically. But you can have them live rent-free in your heart forever.

74. When special people pass away, we lose someone who was close to us and whose memory lives on in our hearts.

75. Raise your hand up if you can remember a special person that’s no longer with you. Keep them up if they’re not still in your heart.

76. When you lose someone that’s special to you, it’s like a dream — a bad dream that lasts forever.

77. I can’t imagine the ache of losing anyone that’s special to me, but I do know that time heals all wounds, and getting through today is the first step to feeling better tomorrow.

78. We want to feel like everything is alright, but they’re too special for us to feel that way after losing them.

79. I keep wondering if this is a dream. I will cherish the memories we shared together while hoping you’re enjoying what special people deserve when they’re gone — peace.

80. Memories of a special person are like a flood after you lose them. They just keep flooding your mind.

81. There is little you can do to ease the pain of losing a special person. Plus, no easy answer to the questions you have about the loss. But you will get through it. It all ends with a reunion of you and every special person you’ve lost.

82. If life happens in our minds, we’ll never lose the special people in our lives because they’ll always be there.

83. When you remember the love you enjoyed from a special person you lost, also remember that you will see them again one day.

84. I don’t need signs and symbols to know you’re at peace now. That’s what special people get after they’re gone. We’ll never forget you.

85. We’re not sure what we will do in the absence of your laughter and love and with our precious memories of you yet. But isn’t that how it goes when we lose someone special? You are always in our hearts and thoughts.

86. When we lose a special person, the only way to heal is by shifting our thought patterns. The greatest healing power comes from love and light.

87. If there is a right way to say goodbye, I don’t care because I really don’t want to say goodbye. I miss you.

88. I haven’t forgotten you. I think about you all the time—every day. And it’s also been a year, but it feels so much longer than that. And with a piece of your memory in my locket, I know that you will always be there when I need you.

89. It’s not your fault. And though life did not promise that those that are special to us will live forever, it doesn’t make losing them easier.

90. You have done so much for me. You are special to me in life and death. I loved you with the intensity of the stars, and that’s how I still love you now. I will never forget you.

91. Sometimes, it’s the moments spent together that we miss about that special person we’ve lost. Some other times, it’s just the smell of their perfume.

92. You have lost the ability to suffer, you have lost the ability to feel pain, but you haven’t lost your place as a person that’s special to me. We now have the chance to celebrate your life.

93. It doesn’t need to be said. I’m sure that you’re hurting and will always hurt, but I just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you and that, in some way, that special person, wherever he is, is thinking of you too.

94. I’d love to tell you a couple of ways to deal with the loss of a special person, but first, I’d like to tell you that my thoughts are with you.

95. Keep writing letters to the special person you lost. He reads them.

96. I’m not sure if I’ll ever see you again. I sniffle as I write this letter, hoping that maybe written words will do the trick of conveying my true feelings and that maybe you can read them from wherever you are.

97. Dear special person, thanks for making it easier for me when I went through hell. I know that you’re finally at peace. I love you so much.

98. If you really miss someone, then it means they were special to you. If they weren’t special to you, then you wouldn’t miss them.

99. I miss you. And if I’m to guess, I’ll say you’re looking down on me right now, with a big smile and a thumbs-up. You’re still special to me.

100. A special friend you were. Special memories we made. May you enjoy peace and happiness wherever you are. We miss you.

101. My day just isn’t the same without seeing you, my special friend. Always in my heart, always on my mind.

102. We all feel the heartache of losing a special person. Especially when they are gone forever.

103. I’ll just say goodbye for now, because of how special you are to me. I look forward to saying the rest when we meet again.

A hundred quotes around losing a good or special person in your life, all for you to use as you like — as social media posts, in text messages, when talking about loss, and anyhow you want to!

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