Love Can Be Painful Quotes

Yes, love can be painful. When it comes to love, it is the most difficult process ever.  You might not be aware of how complicated it can be when you fall in love because, at a moment, you experience a lot of joy and happiness from being with your significant other; at another moment, you might find yourself dealing with the pain of losing someone special through heartbreak or breakup.

Love is complicated, confusing, amazing, and painful. Love is a strong word that can take you on many different journeys in life. It will bring you pain sometimes but also happiness other times. If you love someone and they do not love you back, it hurts like nothing else, but if you love someone and they say it back, the feeling is out of this world because your love for that person has been reciprocated.

The feelings of love are so powerful that they can light up your life or leave you confused and hurt. Some people believe that love makes everything better while others believe that love can make things more painful than they were before.

Sometimes, you fall in love but feel like having the love of your life slip from your hands. This is an experience that anyone can relate to, especially after being hurt by the ones who you once thought were never going to leave you. However, I’ve gathered these love can be painful quotes about how love can be sometimes painful.

Love can be painful. Sometimes, it’s too painful even to try, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on love. You just have to work hard, fight through the obstacles, and don’t forget that there is always hope, even when you think all is lost.

1. Love can be painful sometimes. Love can often hurt but with the right person, it’s worth the risk.

2. Love can be painful but if you hold on to that pain, it can also make you stronger.

3. Love can be painful. It hurts because there’s a risk that the person won’t be there at times.

4. Love can heal. Love can be painful but it’s the only thing that makes life worth living.

5. Love can be painful, it has so many crashes but love also can make you feel like you’re on top of the world.

6. Pain is the spice of life. Love can be painful. It is a choice, not an emotion.

7. Without pain, how can you know joy? What is love? Love feels like it lasts forever. Love can be painful and deadly.

8. Love can be painful. Love is something that hurts so much, but also a feeling that makes one feel alive.

9. Love can be painful. If you don’t fall in love today, then one day you may be in a haste to fall for the wrong person

10. Love can be painful because it’s hard to let go of someone you love even if they don’t want to stay.

11. Love can be painful, but when it’s real and true, the heartache and pain are worth it.

12. Love can be painful because it’s like a rose, early blossomed but with thorns

13. If you are in love, you should be able to handle the challenges. Love can be painful because it breaks the heart.

14. Love can be painful. Pain is a part of love, but loving is greater than pain.

15. Love can be painful, or maybe it’s just the one you’re with. Either way, love hurts and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

16. Love can be painful. It takes time to learn what love is and how to best show it. You have to not only understand it but also feel it.

17. Love is a beautiful thing; love can be painful, but that’s how you know it’s real.

18. You fight. You make up. You walk away. You cry but you can’t make yourself forget about the person you truly love because love can be painful.

19. Love can be painful, but it’s even more painful when you prevent yourself from loving deeply.

20. Love can be painful. You have to always respect the thoughts and feelings of those you love but don’t ever let it be painful to your soul

21. Love can be painful. It’s like the sun; you can’t see it but you can feel it.

22. Love can be painful but love from true friendship is the only kind of love that lasts.

23. Love can be painful. It’s the cause of all pain and hurt, but it also brings a lot of joy and happiness to life.

24. Love needs patience, tolerance, sacrifice, and trust. Indeed, love can be painful. 

25. Love can hurt, and love can be painful. It’s not always the most fun thing to endure pain for someone, but sometimes it could be worth it.

26. Love can be painful when you love someone and they don’t have any feelings for you.

27. Love can be so painful but sometimes, it’s a blessing. Love can sometimes hurt but it’s worth it.

28. Love can be painful, but if you love someone, you will know how to forgive them.

29. Love can be painful but it’s like a wonderful journey with a perfect destination.

30. Love can be painful, but at the same time, it is the most beautiful feeling of all.

31. Love makes your body more vulnerable and exposed than any other human emotion because love can be painful.

32. Love comes with a price. Love can be painful, but it is always worth enduring.

33. Love is a pain. Love can be painful, it can cause you to feel sorrow, anger, and even resentment.

34. Love can be painful, but at least you have consolation from the good memories.

35. Love can be painful. You may get hurt and cry at times, but the next day your head gets up and you start again to live with your broken heart and move on.

36. Love is a risk, and love can be painful. Love is joy and strength. Love can make you feel weak, but you must remain courageous.

37. Love can be painful, and it’s a double-edged sword, that can be both joyous and painful at the same time.

38. Love can be painful although it’s meant to be free and painless. The problem is that no one is perfect.

39. Love can be painful. It’s a fine line between being hurt and hurting someone else.

40. Love is painful. It hurts to watch the person you love being in pain, and it hurts to think of them being happy without you.

41. Love can be painful. It’s the strongest force the world possesses, yet it is the humblest imaginable.

42. Take a moment and think about the person who made you feel special in your life. Love can be painful but it is worth every minute of it

43. Love can be painful. It’s not all hearts and roses, and it’s not easy to understand but what love does is make you feel stronger than you could ever imagine.

44. Many people believe that love can make one happy and lovable, but it’s the other way around because love can be painful.

45. Love can be painful if you are not ready for it. So do your preparation and be ready to face any situation with care.

46. Love can be painful when you attempt to bend because it’s a process of never-ending compromise

47. Love can be painful because it’s not something that comes with ease. It’s a tangled mess of emotion.

48. Love can be painful. It’s one of the hardest things to do because you need to love yourself first before you can expect someone else to do that.

49. Love can be painful; love can be so hard. Love can cause you pain and heartache. However, love is also one of the most beautiful gifts given by God.

50. Love is a beautiful thing to cherish and take care of. Love can be painful, but the pain of not being loved is worse.

These love can be painful quotes listed above have helped many individuals to stabilize their relationships with their friends and loved ones. I strongly believe that they will help you too. You can share this post to help others too. 

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