Love Is a Choice Not a Feeling Quotes

Love is a choice, not a feeling. In our hearts, we all long for that perfect love where there is no fear. That feeling where it just feels right and we know somehow there will never be any regrets. Love is not something you fall into or fall out of; you either commit to it or you don’t, it doesn’t just happen, it is made, don’t always assume love, rather labour for it.

Love is a lifelong commitment, not a feeling. In our hearts, we all long for that perfect love without fear. That feeling where it just feels right and we know there will never be any regrets and instead of assuming love, work toward it

Everyone wants to find the perfect love. But to find true love, it takes more than just a feeling to do so. The love is a choice not a feeling quotes you are about to read have been thoughtfully put together to help you take choice full postures in love matters and decisions beyond feelings.

The feelings are loud, the shrills are electrifying, they jolt the heart to a frenzy of ecstasy, but the Love is stable, faithful and consistent to the end, while the feelings fade out in the power of its noise. So it is a good conclusion to say Love is a choice and not a feeling

1. I want to say thank you for everything you do to make me laugh during hard times. You bring out the best in me and I know that in life we are going through things whether we like it or not, but you make me feel so special inside, and love is a choice we choose to make not a feeling.

2. The threads of love are made by the choices that you make from day to day and beyond the feelings you catch.

3. Love is true love when you can choose to express it in your daily life by being a person of kindness, generosity, tact, support and the light touch. Love is so much more than that lovingly feeling you catch in your heart when someone walks into the room.

4. True love captivates. It can’t be bought, forced, faked or bartered. Love is real and magical, and it’s rarely found in the place you expect, and it is not a feeling although it can be expressed in feelings love is a choice.

5. True love captivates. It can’t be bought, forced, faked or bartered. Love is real and magical, and it’s rarely found in the place you expect. It’s a way of life and the way you choose to live.

6. True love captivates. It can’t be bought, forced or faked. Love is real and magical, and it’s rarely found in the place you expect, and it is not a feeling. It’s something much deeper than that.

7. True love is captivating. It can’t be bought, forced, faked or bartered. Love is real and magical, and it’s rarely found in the place you expect. It is a powerful emotion, one that takes people on an incredible journey. And once two people are connected by this love, there’s no turning back.

8. Love is one of the most desired feelings that can be felt only by choice in the world — and it is the thing that can’t be bought, forced, faked or bartered. Love is real and magical, and it’s rarely found in the place you expect, but when you discover its secret location, you will be ready to take on anything.

9. Love is real and magical, and it’s rarely found in the place you expect. It’s not a feeling, although it can be expressed in feelings.

10. When you’re in love, you might experience passion and joy, but also feel sadness and despair. It all falls on our choices whether the love is worth it.

11. The world needs beauty, and pure happiness. I like to be a collector of little things and moments that makes us feel warm. A simple smile, a kind gesture or words of affirmation can go a long way. When all is said, love is just a choice.

12. You are my perfect match. You are the one I choose to grow old with and look back on life with for my whole life. You may not think it now, but you will see! Love does not just happen. Sometimes you have to make yourself the one who loves you first!

13. You are my everything, my entire universe. No matter what happens, I will always love you because as long as I live, my heart will beat only for you this is not a statement of feeling but a profession of choice.

14. You are dear to me, and I care for you deeply. You always make me smile, even on my worst days. I am so blessed to have found such an amazing girl like you, you are thoughtful, kind and full of love. I never want to lose sight of your smile and what it means to me.

15. When I met you I was afraid to love. My heart had been broken, I didn’t think it could be repaired. Then you came along and started healing me, piece by piece. You were there for me, helping me to pick up the pieces until we were both complete again. You saved me from a life of loneliness and gave me a chance at having love in my life again. I am so thankful every day that I found you!

16. I love you because you are my rock, my anchor in these times when nothing makes sense when there are no answers. Because without you I would be adrift and lost in a sea of confusion and this is why I will always cherish you. You’re my life preserver, my sanity, my light at the end of the tunnel.

17. Life is like a roller coaster with its fun, exciting and scary moments. There are many different paths we take on our journey and it takes love to learn from the good and the bad that we encounter along the way. We may find love when we least expect it or not see it coming all, but when we do find the right person, everything falls into place effortlessly.

18. We are here to build each other up and not tear each other down. If someone says you can’t do something, prove them wrong and make them eat their words. YOU can do anything you want to do! You only live once so make the best of it! Most importantly, remember that God loves you…and so do

19. A wise woman once said: love is more of a choice you make and not a feeling. I choose you and want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I may not always be the perfect man but I promise to love you no matter what. You’re the one for me! My soulmate, my everything, my joy in life. So from now on if there are any doubts in your mind about us just remember that I will always be here for you.

20. Love is a choice you make and not a feeling. It is the best feeling in the world when you find that special someone and know that you will be with them for the rest of your life. Love is something that most people are not fortunate enough to experience because it does not come along every day. Every woman deserves love and my heart aches when I see how many women do not have a man in their lives to love them. Every man deserves to be loved as well and nothing makes me

21. Love is a choice we make, not a feeling. We don’t love to be in love; we love someone to be in love with them. Love is something you earn, not something you feel.

22. Love is a choice you make without a single promise that it comes back. It is not just the best feeling, that makes you feel on top of the world, but it teaches you so much more. Every fear, every hurt can be healed with love. Love gives you wings to fly wherever you want to go. My love for you is endless and boundless, it feels eternal and endless in time and space, time has no power over our love because time will never erase the feelings I have

23. I was searching for a love I thought I needed and realized once I found you that I didn’t need it at all. Love is something we choose, not something we feel. With joy and happiness to last the rest of our lives I want you to know how much I love you.

24. I wish I could tell you how much I love you in ways that would make you understand just how lucky I feel to be with you. You have shown me what real love is and for that, I will be forever thankful.

25. I promise to love you with all my heart, for all my life. I choose you and will love only you, each new day. I love you now and I will always.

26. When love calls, answer! It’s never wrong, or silly, to follow your heart.

27. You are simply a dream come true. Thank you for choosing me. I am so lucky to have found someone as amazing as you. I love you more than words can say!

28. “You have to make a decision in life whether you are going to play it safe and be prepared to live with the consequences, or whether you’re going to go out on a limb. If you’re looking for love, go out on a limb.” — Sophia Bush

29. No matter how cold and dark the night may be, A little ray of light will always find its way. For the heart that loves, has its own sun and a compass for the mind. These are confessions stronger than feelings

30. I love you so much and want to be with you every day, through every season. I promise to be your faithful mate and loving wife. You are my best friend and the love of my life.

31. Love is a commitment, not a feeling. It’s an action, not an emotion. Do you know why we call it “falling in love?” It isn’t because we suffer some sort of accident and end up in another person’s arms. No, it is because we fell – off the precipice of normality and into the deep pool of emotion that is another person.

32. I see love as a commitment, not a feeling. I love you beyond words and hope one day you will understand what that means. Today I wish for no regrets because with you by my side.

33. I love you beyond words and hope one day you will understand what that means. Today I wish for no regrets because with you by my side, there is nothing in this world I fear.

34. Love is a commitment, not just a feeling. I love you beyond words and hope one day you’ll understand what that means. Today I wish for no regrets. With you by my side, I have the strength to make that wish come true.

35. Today I commit to no regrets because with you by my side I’m forever grateful. Love you for who you are.

36. Love is more than just a feeling, love is a commitment to another person. There are no words to explain how my heart feels every time I look into your eyes.

37. Our love is like a fairy tale. You are my medallion and I am your knight. You make me feel like words were invented simply to express how much you mean to me. The only thing that needs no explanation or reason is our love. I want to celebrate every moment of this life—big, small, happy and sad—with you

Love is a commitment and not a feeling, Love commits to the process of fighting through thick and thin on the foundation of a commitment to make things work, then the feelings that chicken out with a change in condition.

38. Having you by my side fills me with happiness and contentment I have never before experienced. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m on top of the world.

39. The day I met you, it all changed. My world was turned upside down, and as time continues to pass, I can’t help but fall deeper in love with you.

40. I love you with all my heart, soul and body. Welcome to the club! I can’t wait for all our future adventures together.

41. Sometimes I think that love is a dream and sometimes I think it’s a fairytale. But the beautiful thing about it is, no matter what, we’re writing our own happy ending with you.

42. Love is a commitment, not a feeling. As you grow in love, you will find that the circumstances that once seemed so important now seem so trivial. Your love will make room for all people and all things in your heart, even those things which at first sight may seem to be obstacles to your happiness. Love will tear down walls and build bridges. It will turn enemies into friends, and make room for life’s most difficult circumstances to become blessings.

43. Love is not a feeling. Love is a commitment, a decision, a promise. To love someone is to commit oneself entirely to that person. ― Gail Godwin

44. My love for you knows no bounds, it grows stronger every year and deeper every day. You are my best friend and I look forward to growing old with you. I will protect your heart, be there for you through the rough times, and cherish the moments we share. I Love You.

45. Some people call you shallow because you only care about his physical looks. You deny it, but deep down inside somewhere you feel so insecure because it’s really him that makes you happy not his body. You brush it off and say “you’re beautiful on the outside that doesn’t define who you are on the inside.” Blah blah blah. I mean if you were so shallow why are you still with him? Love isn’t a commitment to

46. Love is a strong commitment. It will be there through good times and bad. True love is beyond the trivialities of life. It’s higher than thoughts and words.

47. A relationship is not just about the feeling of love, but more so about the commitment that you give to each other. When we love someone, we are ready to fight for them anytime and are willing to make sacrifices for them.

48. ‘Love’ has different dimensions and is one of the most special feelings. A person who is in love shows extra attention to the loved one’s needs, desires, and preferences.

49. Ooh…loving someone is such a sweet feeling. It’s like you’re on your seventh heaven every time you see him or her every day or every morning. You just love to be with that person no matter what happens because you feel very happy and comfortable when you’re with him or her. And there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s why loving someone is the best thing in the world.

50. When you are in love, the whole world is bright and beautiful to you. Your mind, body and soul become one when you love someone from the depth of your heart.

51. Love is an incredible feeling, and when you find it, you will do whatever it takes to maintain it and your relationship.

52. Love is the surface of everything in life. A feeling that brings out a better version of yourself. It makes you feel great and good about your lover, it makes you feel your lover’s heart is becoming one through love. Love turns strangers into friends and friends into family.

53. Commitment means accepting the person the way they are, flaws and all. We pledge ourselves to each other, even on a stressful day, we show love instead of anger.

54. Romantic love is as essential to our well-being as food and water. It’s a primal drive, ingrained in us from millennia of reproductive success.

55. When two people love each other, they don’t look at each other, they look in the same direction.

56. Love is not just a feeling —it’s an action. When you love someone, you always want to see that person smile no matter what. Even though you feel tired and sleepy in the morning. You will still give a tight hug and kiss to your partner. Love is a choice that you can use for kindness, humility and courage. Love will always overcome fear.

57. Love is not just a feeling — it’s an action. When you love someone, you always want to see that person smile no matter what. Even though you feel tired and sleepy in the morning, when you wake up, give your partner a tight hug and kiss. Love is a choice that you can use for kindness, humility, and courage. Love will always overcome fear.

58. Love is not just a feeling —it’s an action. When you love someone, you do everything in your power to make that person smile, even if you’re tired and sleepy in the morning. You’ll still make sure to give a tight hug and kiss. Love is a choice that you can use for kindness, humility and courage. Love will always overcome fear.

59. Love is more than just a feeling. It’s an action. When you love someone, you want to see that person smile every day, no matter what. Even when you feel tired and worn out in the morning, you still give your partner a tight hug and kiss. Love is a choice that can be used for kindness, humility, and courage. Love always overcomes fear.

60. Love makes people feel happy, and happiness is contagious. When you love someone you will always want to see them smile whether you are feeling tired and sleepy or not. Even if it means giving a tight hug and kiss in the morning before getting out of bed because happiness is worth it. Love is an action that you can use for kindness, humility, courage, and every beautiful emotion under the sun. Nothing can erase love, as it will always overcome fear.

61. Love is not just a feeling it’s a commitment to a lifestyle. When you love someone, you want to see them happy no matter what. Whether you’re tired or sleepy, you’ll give that hug and kiss to your partner. Love is a choice that leads to kindness, humility and courage — it always overcomes fear.

62. Just look into those eyes and see a message of love, affection, and fulfilment. Loving someone means you will always want them to be smiling and happy. Even if you’re tired and emotional in the morning, you will still make them feel loved and cared for by hugging them tightly and giving them a warm kiss on their forehead. Love is a choice that we use for kindness, humility, and courage. Love can overcome all fears.

63. Love is a choice, not a feeling. When you are in love, you want your partner to be happy no matter what. Even though you feel tired and sleepy in the morning, you’ll give them a hug and kiss anyway. Love is an action that overcomes fear by being kind, humble, and brave.

64. Love is a feeling that you can use to be kind, humble, and courageous. It’s a great motivator that overcomes fear.

65. The best thing you can do for someone is to make them smile. When you wake up tired and sleepy in the morning because you’re busy with your own commitments and routine, do not forget to give your love a tight hug and a passionate kiss. It will brighten up their day.

66. True love is purely selfless. It’s a choice that you make to do something for another person, even when it’s inconvenient or tiring. Even when you may not feel like doing such things, true love is there to guide the way towards selflessness, kindness and humility. It can help us face our fears and is stronger than any obstacle on our path.

67. Love is the ultimate force that carries the entire world. From the dawn of time, way before even society had been born, our ancient ancestors met and fell in love for the first time. It took many years for our ancestors to develop the capacity for love.

68. Everything you are looking for, everything you could ever want… it’s in your arms. When love fills your heart, there is nothing more to hope for, no place to go and nowhere else to be than where you are at.

69. Love is your reason for the most mundane things. It’s the reason you feel so much. Love makes you feel warm and fuzzy, it makes you laugh and smile, it makes you whole. In love, it won’t matter what other people say.

70. Love chooses to run in your veins and keep you smiling and happy despite your trials and tribulations. Love makes the world a more beautiful place and will always conquer hate, it is not a feeling or a high shrill, it is a commitment you make to ensure you keep loving no matter what.

When love does not take action, then it is false, because the action you take Is the proof of sacrifice that approves that what you have is not just a feeling but Love. It is best to say that love is an action, not a feeling.

71. Love runs in your veins and keeps you smiling and happy despite your trials and tribulations. Love makes the world a more beautiful place and will always conquer hate.

72. Love chooses to run in your veins and keep you smiling and happy despite your trials and tribulations. It’s a commitment that brings beauty to the world and always conquers hate.

73. Love is what makes the world a more beautiful place and will always conquer hate, it is a commitment you make to ensure that you keep loving no matter what.

74. Love is a feeling that resonates throughout your life. It lifts you so high and helps you soar through the clouds. Love keeps you smiling and happy. It makes the world a more beautiful place and will always conquer hate. With love, you can do anything.

75. Love is a beautiful thing. It makes you happy and it makes you smile. Love conquers hate, and it lifts the world out of its sorrows.

76. Love is the strongest and bravest emotion a human being can feel. You’ll love your dog or cat until the day you die, happy and fulfilled no matter how much hardship you may experience. Love makes life meaningful, beautiful and happy. It beats hate any day because it is one of life’s greatest blessings.

77. Love listens. It shatters glass ceilings and silences critics, telling the world that we should always aim high and never give up on our dreams. Love doesn’t care about labels and it doesn’t see differences, just two people in love. Love is an action: it’s a commitment you make to yourself to love yourself and others, no matter what.

78. You and I, find each other never knowing how love would make a way for us. Love is what we choose to be, choose to feel, and choose to live by.

79. Love makes your trials and tribulations that much easier to deal with. Love is a wonderful feeling – it’s the thing that keeps our world spinning.

80. I want all your, smiles, gifts and hugs. I want you now and forever. Love is not a word- It’s an action. I promise to love you more each and every day!

81. I want every last bit of you – your smiles, your hugs, your kisses. I want you now and forever. Love is not a word; it’s an action. I promise to love you more each and every day!

82. I want it all: your smiles, your gifts, and especially your hugs. I want you now and forever. You are my love and the best thing that has ever happened to me!

83. I want to be with you now and forever. I will love you more each and every day!

84. I want all of you to be my own. I want to tell you how happy I am for loving someone like you. You are just so special and I love you till the end of time.

85. Love is an action, refuge and strength in times of trouble. Love does not
fail, and it never gives up. It always hopes, always perseveres.

86. It doesn’t matter if the sun sets or never rises, I will always love you more than I do now. My love for you only grows stronger. Loving you is not a task but a passion.

86. Love is the most powerful emotion, and to be loved is one of the most beautiful feelings. True love is not characterized through words, love is an action, by which I will prove my affections with you each day of our lives.

87. I love you beyond the stars! Anyone can say I love you, but only a few people can prove it. I am very lucky to have found you in this world. Something so real like us could never be fake and something so right couldn’t be wrong!

88. You have my heart and my love. I love you whatever you do, forever and ever. My sweetheart, I promise to always be with you wherever you are.

89. You make me smile, you make me happy, you’re the best person I have ever known. I love you!

90. You are my darling angel and I love you. My heart beats with yours, and it beats for you.

91. Life is beautiful and I think that’s what inspires me the most. The way you love your family and friends inspires me to do the same.

92. It doesn’t matter if I feel loved or not, it is more of the action you show. It matters that you love me and I love you with all my heart. I thank God every day for bringing us together, you completed me.

93. I feel loved every time that you touch me and tell me how much you care. I thank my lucky stars that I found you, my love. You’re everything to me

94. I want to thank God every day to give me the most beautiful person in this world and that you love me with all your heart. My love, you will always be in my mind and my soul.

95. I love you, thank you. I’m so lucky to have you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have healed all my hurts and completed me.

96. I’ll be your hope, joy and peace. I’ll always be there to soothe you and ease the pain of your daily struggles. Let me help you carry your heavy burden because I know a place where everything is simple and easy to manage. And I love you very much, I’m glad that this is our journey together.

97. I will love you for the rest of my life and I look forward to spending more time with you.

98. Thank you for loving me and showing me how a woman should be treated. You are my dream come true.

99. I’m so thankful for you. I’m thankful for how much you love me and how amazing of a woman you are. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, and I won’t stop reminding you just how perfect we are for each other.

100. You make life so much better by being there. I love you.

101. No matter how many ways I say that I love you, it doesn’t compare to the feeling of being in your arms. When you’re away, I can’t think of anything else but see you again. No matter where we are or what we do, I’m always happiest when I’m with you.

102. The sweet song of love is sung for both of you and your beautiful soul. Through thick and thin, you were there to help me. The evil demon who tried to destroy us was defeated.

103. I’m so lucky you’re in my life. I fall even more in love with you every day. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to always cherish you and never take you for granted.

104. You are my lover. You are my best friend. You are my soul mate. I love you with all of my heart and soul. I love everything about you, your eyes, your lips, your touch that drives me crazy with just one kiss. I can’t live without you, because you’re everything to me. I don’t want to imagine a day without you by my side. We will be together forever and that is all that matters to me!

106. Love is a strong force a powerful dunamis that breaks down the refuge of lies and darkness, it is mightier and stronger feelings

107. Love is beautiful, a mighty force that breaks down the refuge of lies and darkness, it is mightier and stronger than any other emotion

108. Love is a strong, invisible force that breaks down the refuge of lies and darkness, it is mightier and stronger feelings

109. Love is a strong force that breaks down the refuge of darkness, it is mightier and stronger than all other feelings

110. Love is a powerful force that breaks down the refuge of lies and darkness. It is mightier and stronger than any other feeling.

This is why they say that “love is a choice, not a feeling” because to truly be in love with someone, you have to constantly make the positive decision to turn your negative emotions into positive ones like kindness and adoration.

So make the decision every day to feel love for someone who needs it; after all, love is something everyone deserves. You would do well to share this post further and drop a comment so we can know what you think.

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