Love Is Better Than Hate Quotes

The world we live in is full of hate and self-centeredness. So much so that we’ve forgotten what life would be like with a pure heart and with pure love. No one can live their life in peace when they keep seeing around them hate, murder, and war.

As humans, we tend to think of love as something weak and tender, a luxury, not a necessity. And yet at the same time, we know that hate is wrong and weak. Although we know that hatred is wrong and weak, it’s hard to argue that love isn’t just as important or even more so.

When people think about love, they usually associate it with being romantic and kind, but it also means being able to empathize with others and understand their feelings.

We might not always have the power to change the hatred that exists in our world today but we do have control over how we react to it. Below is an eye-opening and enlightening collection of love is better than hate quotes about why love is far better than hate.

Love is stronger than hate. Always remember that. Even as the sun shines on a beam of light, love will always win over hatred and negativity. Love is better than hate because it brings out positive energy in people and makes them want to do more things that are good for the world.

1. Love is better than hate. You can’t control another person’s feelings, but you can always choose to love them. And in doing so, you become stronger and wiser.

2. Love is better than hate. Hate is not a strong enough word for what it does to your life and the people in it.

3. Love is better than hate. For while hate may flourish for a season, love will last forever.

4. Love is better than hate, so let’s act like it because hate is a waste of a life.

5. In a world full of hate, you need to know that love is stronger and better than hate. Love can change the world for the better.

6. Love is better than hate. Love overpowers hate. If you’re not sure what love is, start with the people in your life who make you smile and then look at everything else with a smile.

7. Love is better than hate. Trust that, even if things don’t work out how you want them to, Everything will be OK. Because maybe the universe decided it was time for two people to be together, and maybe it isn’t.

8. Love is better than hate because hate hurts, and love heals.

9. Love is better than hate. It’s always been, and it always will be.

10. Love is better than hate. Hate is never positive. Love will give you strength and courage when no one else will.

11. Love is better than hate because hate always leaves behind something you have to clean up.

12. Love is better than hate because love can make a difference.

13. Love is better than hate. It is better to be happy and make others happy than to be unhappy and make others miserable.

14. Love is better than hate because love is the strongest force of all.

15. Love is better than hate, and forgiveness is better than bitterness.

16. Love is better than hate. Choose love. It will never betray you.

17. Love is better than hate. And it’s worth fighting for. So keep your positive vibes alive and spread them around.

18. Love is better than hate because hate can’t multiply love.

19. Love is better than hate, and the whole world will know it soon enough.

20. Love is better than hate, and hope is better than fear, so keep it up.

21. Love is better than hate. It’s stronger than death. And it’s more powerful than any weapon on earth, for love never dies.

22. Love is better than hate because love means never having to say you’re sorry.

23. Love is better than hate. Love is better than fear. Love is better than anger. So let all your walls come tumbling down, fall to the ground, and love all will see.

24. If you don’t, love isn’t better than hate. It’s something that you do, instead of letting hate control your life.

25. Hate will never end hate. But love can change anything.

26. Love is better than hate, and the world needs more of it.

27. Love is better than hate because love is more powerful than hate. Hate does not exist in a vacuum. Conflicts must be resolved and it starts with you.

28. Love is better than hate. If you see something, say something.

29. Love is better than hate. I’ve experienced both, and they are not the same.

30. Love is better than hate, and hope is better than fear. Embrace the future and all its possibilities.

31. Don’t let the world bring you down, love always ends up being stronger than hate.

32. Hate can last forever. But love is like a virus that just can’t be contained.

33. Love is the greatest feeling known to mankind. Love is like an elevator-take it to the top floor and presses the button for forever!

34. Love is better than hate, so let’s start acting like it.

35. Love is better than hate. Trust is better than fear. Respect is better than violence.

36. Love is better than hate, kindness is better than bitterness, and empathy is better than judgment. Live life to the fullest and love people!

37. Love is better than hate. Hate is blind; love sees things clearly, whether good or bad. Love never fails.

38. Love is better than hate and better than indifference

39. Love is better than hate. Love forgives. Love encourages. Love never fails. The greatest gift you can give someone is the choice to love them freely.

40. Love is better than hate. Resistance is futile. Embrace the love and celebrate it.

41. Love is better than hate because love has no requirements.

42. Love is better than hate, hope is better than fear and honour is better than dishonour.

43. Love is stronger than hate. You are better than violence. You are love. And we will not be silenced by your fear and rage. We will always choose love over fear.

44. Love is the opposite of hate. Love is strength and courage and courage, not compromise. Love is hope, not despair. Love is a choice, not chance.

45. Love is better than hate…and the best part is that love doesn’t have to cost a thing.

46. Love is better than hate. If you love the people around you, they can’t hurt you.

47. Love is better than hate. Love is stronger than fear, love is kinder than anger, and love wins in the end.

48. Love is better than hate. It is a gift, given freely and unconditionally that leads to peace.

49. Love isn’t better than hate, it’s the only real thing that exists.

50. Love is stronger than hate. It’s better than fear. And together we can make a difference.

51. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.

52. Love is better than hate. For it builds bridges, not walls. It creates opportunities, not problems. And it’s the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.

53. Hate is learned behaviour. Love is a choice. Choose love.

54. Love is better than hate. And it’s time to pick up the phone and make a call.

55. Love is better than hate. It’s a lot wiser and stronger than it has any right to be.

56. Love is better than hate. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

57. Love is better than hate, the only negative thing is that you can’t choose whom to love.

58. Love is better than hate. And if you don’t love yourself, how can you expect others to?

59. Love is better than hate. Hate is not what it seems. Love is not a romantic term, it’s an action word

60. Love is better than hate. Love is stronger than fear. Love has the power of eternal growth.

61. Love is better than hate, but not as powerful. Love is stronger than fear, but not as loud. Love can be found at the moment and never lost.

I hope you have been inspired by this love is better than hate quotes above, please let me know in the comment section below. You can also spread the love by sharing this post with your friends, loved ones and social network. Thanks.

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