Love Knows No Colour Quotes

Today, we live in a world where people are being looked upon differently based on skin colour and race. As long as we recognize that we are all human beings and have the same basic needs, we can see the colour of love rather than labelling people based on anything else.

Love is a natural phenomenon that consists of strong, positive emotions: joy, affection, desire, and connection. We feel it for others, ourselves, food, hobbies and entertainment. 

For love to exist in the world on a broader scale, people need to be able to experience love despite differences. Without this diversity of understanding, love won’t be able to exist as we know it today. This love knows no colour quotes will open your eyes to the secrets of living a more fulfilled life

Love knows no colour, as people have a lot of preconceived notions about what love looks like, but it is more than just the physical attraction between two people. Love is a feeling worth fighting for, and It’s more of the person inside who has made you smile and brought a little sunshine into your life.

1. Love knows no colour; it’s just a feeling.

2. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise because love knows no colour. 

3. Love is for everyone, and everyone, as love knows no colour. Let your heart speak to the world; Love will find a way.

4. Love knows no colour. It’s not about who you love; it’s about who you are.

5. Love is a choice you make about who you want to be and who you will grow with and become. Love knows no colour, race, size or physicality 

6. Love can grow anywhere; in anyone, love is for everyone; love knows no colour. 

7. Love knows no colour; It sees what it wants to see, and thanks to that ability, it can take you from darkness to light and back again.

8 This is the one thing I know for sure: Love knows no colour. Colour is a construct of the mind; you can’t change someone’s mind—you can only change your own.

9 I believe that love is not colour, race, creed or what you wear. Love is universal. It does not care if you’re rich or poor, white or black; it still loves you the same.

10 Love knows no colour; the rainbow lights up your soul when you see each other.

11 There is no colour of love, religion, or creed Love is the greatest thing there is.

12 Love knows no colour. It only takes two eyes to see the beauty in yours.

13 Love knows no colour, but love is all you need.

14 There is no colour in love, only light.

15 Love has no colour; It’s pure, unadulterated emotion.

16 Love knows no colour, but it sure is beautiful.

17 Love has no colour, race or religion. Love is Love.

18 Love knows no colour. It sees the good in everyone.

19 Love knows no colour love can’t be contained in a box or placed on a shelf Love is the colour of sky and water Love is the sky, water and sky. Although life is hard sometimes, I think that love has no colour.

20 Love has no colour. It is a feeling that transcends all boundaries.

21 Love has no colour as it is the one thing that will always be there for us, no matter what.

22 The rainbow in your heart gives everything its colour, as Love knows no colour.

23 Love knows no colour; it only shines when you let it.

24 We all have a right to love and be loved. Love knows no colour, race or gender.

25 Love knows no colour, it cannot be seen or heard, but it’s always there.

26 A feeling of warmth, acceptance and kindness spreads through the heart like sunlight; Love knows no colour. 

27 Love knows no colour: it is the first thing God created and the last thing that dying people cling to.

28 Love knows no colour, so let’s never let other people’s perceptions of us colour our love.

29 Love knows no colour; when you feel it, you know. When you don’t, how do you know?

30 Love has no colour, it can’t be seen, heard or touched, but it’s there when you need it.

31 Love knows no colour, you can love someone for all the rainbow colours, and they’re still going to be blue.

32 Love knows no colour; it’s in the heart, not the hair.

33 Love knows no colour Love has no creed It’s beyond religion, race and gender Love is for everyone It belongs to me and everyone and everyone on Earth.

34 Love knows no colour. You don’t need a pretty face or fancy words to tell you how you feel about someone; all you need is how their face looks when they’re smiling at you from across the room.

35 Love knows no colour. It can’t be defined in words or pictures. It is a feeling that makes you feel at ease and fills you with hope.

36 Love knows no colour, and the rainbow of emotions touches your heart.

37 Love has no colour, race or creed. It means putting others first and treating everyone the way you want to be treated.

38 Love has no colour. It doesn’t matter where you are from, who you love, or your skin tone; Love is a free universal emotion that binds us together.

39 Love has no colour. It cannot be seen, heard, or touched, but it can be felt And for those who feel it, it is the most beautiful thing in the world.

40 The future is like an open book. Just write your name on the first page; Love has no colour.

41 For the deepest love, there is no colour. For the greatest love, there is no race. For the truest love, there is no religion; For the holiest love, there is no creed.

42 I’m reminded daily that love has no colour and is the most powerful force in the universe.

43 Love has no colour, it just is, And we’re all beautiful in our way.

44 Love has no colour, but it can be sweet or bitter as you decide.

45 You can’t choose the colour of love, but you can choose whether or not you’ll accept it.

46 Love knows no colour Love is blind, But don’t you forget that love’s not just a feeling; it’s a decision.

47 Love has no colour; it’s everywhere and everything.

48 Love knows no colour; love doesn’t have a preference Love is blind, and it sees no race, colour or sex.

49 Love knows no colour; it simply shines.

50 Love has no colour. It can only be defined by the hearts that share it.

51 Love knows no colour, race, religion or creed; It just is.

52 Love is colour blind. It sees no race, sex, or religion. It seems only one thing that two people are meant to be together.

53 Love has no colour, neither black nor white, but a sweet shade of pink, yellow, and orange.

54 Love knows no colour Love is just a feeling, a vibration that comes from the heart. The colour of love is something we all see in our ways because love in each one of us defines it.

55 Love knows no colour, language or nationality. It is a feeling that comes from the heart and spreads to the mind.

56 You can’t tell someone’s story with words; you have to show them; my story is love Love has no colour.

57 There is no colour line in love.

58 Love has no colour. It’s not about your skin or what the world will give you; it’s about God’s Love beyond all earthly circumstances.

59 Love is not colour specific Love is all in mind.

60 Sometimes, we need a reminder that love knows no colour.

61 Love knows no Color. It’s like a flower; who needs it when you’re with the person you love?

62 Love has no colour, so if you’re looking for it to be different, it won’t be. It is a feeling that transcends all boundaries, cultures and languages.

63 Let’s all take a moment to remind ourselves that love knows no colour.

64 Love knows no colour. It brings happiness and joy to every heart that believes in it, whether black, white, or any other race Life is beautiful when you have love in your life.

65 Love has no colour, race or creed. It’s a feeling that can unite even the most divided communities.

66 Love knows no colour. It is pure and simple, like the air we breathe.

67 Love has no colour. It sees no barriers, and sets no limits It can never be stolen or projected onto anyone Love is a force in the universe, always seeking to connect with the energy already there.

68 Love knows no colour; it is a feeling.

69 You see, love knows no colour. Love doesn’t care what you are or where you’ve been. Love is colour blind.

70 Love knows no colour. It is not possible to love something that does not exist. Love is a feeling of mind and body, an emotion or an act of will by which we wish happiness and well-being to another person.

71 Let’s celebrate the idea that love knows no colour. It’s a beautiful world full of possibilities, filled with endless opportunities for you to create your future.

72 Love is Love. There’s no colour; there’s no shape; there’s nothing but us.

73 We are the same colour on the inside Holding hands, feeling free and believing in love is all that matters.

74 Love has no colour, so you can love whoever it is. Just make sure you’re happy and be who you are–good and bad.

75 Love has no colour, so when you find it, let it show.

76 Love has no colour. It doesn’t matter who you’re with or where you are; Love always shines through.

77 Love has no colour. It’s simply a feeling, the way you feel about someone, No matter their skin colour, nationality, or who they choose to love; Love is Love, and that’s all that matters.

78 Love has no colour. It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are, how tall or short, how good-looking or ugly you are. Love is what matters the most in life.

79 Love has no colour; It’s a feeling bigger than sadness, anger and hate. Love is the reason why we smile when we’re sad.

80 Love has no colour. It’s a beautiful thing.

81 Love has no colour and borders, just the freedom to let it in.

82 Love has no colour, but a rainbow still shines bright when you look at it.

83 Love knows no colour. It cannot be seen, but it can be felt when you have the heart of a poet.

84 Love knows no colour. It will not allow you to be happy or sad, joyful or angry, good or bad Love is there for you in your darkest hours, when you feel abandoned and unloved. Love is there when you are alone, even if it never says a word.

85 Love knows no colour; it will not conform to the walls of society. Love is a burning desire to create and live together with another being in a way that is so beautiful they would not understand if you told them.

86 Love knows no colour. The eyes of love show us our greatest strength in the imperfections of life. 

87 No matter how simple the gesture or the moment, love knows no colour.

88 The world knows no colour if you can’t find love in it.

89 Love knows no colour; it is a feeling that makes you happy.

90 Love knows no colour Love is colourless, like light. It cannot be seen with your eyes but felt with your heart.

91 Love knows no colour. It is not a thing but an emotion between two people.

92 Love knows no colour; it’s all about the heart.

93 Love knows no colour. It only comes into existence when you choose to see beyond the obvious differences between two people.

94 Love knows no colour; All it takes is light and a chance.

95 Love has no colour Love is unconditional Love believes in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself.

96 There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow. There are no colours in it, but it is still awesome.

97. One of the greatest lessons you can learn is to love yourself. Love has no colour; it’s what makes us human.

98 Love is pure, unconditional, and has no colour. So grab the one you love and hold on tight. It’s time to let out that love!

99 You can’t see colour in love. You can only see the light or dark.

100 The colour of my love is the same as your eyes, and it’s bright enough to light up the whole world.

After reading through these love knows no colour quotes, I hope you saw that love extends its arm to all people and upholds their fundamental rights, regardless of gender and skin colour. Share the quotes with your family and friends. Thanks.

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