Love Quotes for Getting Back Together Quotes

Love is a beautiful feeling that comes at the moment when two minds meet and recognize the fulfilment of their dreams. Being in love is great. When you meet your special someone, the feeling you get is hard to describe. Their smile makes your heart melt, and the thought of them can reduce you to giddiness.

Have you ever loved someone who later left you and you desperately wanted to get them back? If so, you probably know how hard it could be to get your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend back.

Getting back together with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend can be easy if you know what to say. What quotes are better than this collection of love quotes for getting back together to get your ex back together? Well, nothing.

So, go through these awesome quotes and enjoy using them generously.

You’re my sweet love, and I regret whatever happened between us, to be honest. I hope we get back together and continue from where we stopped. I love you.

1. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. I think about you every day, bring you flowers whenever I can, and remind you that you are my world. All I want is to be with you.

2. I missed when we did simple things together, like a walk in the park, movies and cuddling on the couch. It is so hard to believe that we are apart. I don’t know what it will take for us to get back together again and if it will ever happen, but all I am asking for is a chance.

3. You gave me the love that no one else could give me; you made me fall in love with you. I’ll always love you, my love. I just want us to be happy, and if you are happy, that is enough for me. I don’t want you to be in pain or sadness because of me. Please, let’s get back together.

4. I miss you. I love you. I forgive you. I’m ready to get back together again. I just want you to know that I appreciate you. You have a place in my heart and soul that is of great importance. I will do anything you ask, as long as it does not hurt anyone or myself.

5. I have missed you and love each moment with you. I understand what you meant when you said that breaking up was the worst mistake. My arms are waiting patiently for your return, please come back to me.

6. I fall more in love with you every day. You are the love of my life, and I want to be with you forever. You are such an amazing and valuable person to me. I will always be there for you no matter what happens, I’ll always be here waiting for your return.

7. The day doesn’t seem real without you in it. Like I had woken up from a dream, but you were gone. This emptiness I feel, this hole in my heart hurts. I miss you so much. I need you back in my life. I will do anything to have you back.

8. I’ve been thinking about us lately. I miss you. I will always love you and want you back in my life. You are my soul mate, my lover, and my friend. Let’s not lose each other forever, please come back to me.

9. I know that sometimes I drive you crazy and make you want to pull your hair out. I’m sorry for that, but I’m not sorry for the love I feel for you. We are perfect together, no matter how far apart we may be, please come back to me.

10. You make me smile. You understand me like no one else. You hold my hand and help me through the hard times. You give me butterflies and make my heart melt. I see us together forever; we are soulmates.

11. We have been friends for a long time, and I appreciate that. You have always been there for me, and I think it is time to thank you for being such a good lover. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and helping me through so many tough times in the past. Please, let’s come back together, I miss you.

12. I want you to know how much I love and care about you. You were my first love, and I want you to be my last. Please come back to me. I miss you so much, and I can’t live without you. Please, let’s get back together.

13. You were the girl of my dreams, the love of my life, everything I’d ever need. And now, I’m just so sorry. I will do whatever it takes to make this right. Give us another shot, please? I’ll bring you flowers and whatever you may need.

14. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t care what has happened before this or what problems we may have in the future; I will always love you and I need you back in my life.

15. Here’s to our love and finding each other again. We’re older now and hopefully a little wiser. We may not hear it often, but we are so good together. I know you’ve moved on, but let me remind you of what you’re missing, I really need you back.

16. Your friendship, affection and love mean everything to me. You are my best friend, and I feel like we were meant to be together. I would do anything for you. You make my life complete. I couldn’t think of anyone more important than you. Please come back to me.

17. Love isn’t a strong enough word for how much I care about you. I will always love you; I have never stopped, and I never will stop. I don’t care about the time that has passed, only what is to come for us. You are everything in this world to me, please, let’s get back together already.

18. You are my dream man. When I touch your hand, my heart skips a beat. When I hear your voice, I melt. When you look at me, my insides rush over me, and everything inside of me screams ‘love’. Please, come back to me, my love.

19. I always think about you, no matter what I do. I miss your smile, and l want to cuddle up with you and never let go. When I see your face, I smiley, like when a kid sees a big cake. Come back to me, my love.

20. I guess it’s true what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder. I miss you so much. It’s killing me not to have you in my arms, we have to make this work. I want more than anything for us to be together again.

21. I miss you every day, darling. I still have not gotten over the loss of our love, and I never will. If there is any way that we can get back together, I will do my very best to do so. Being in your arms feeling your heartbeat next to mine are the best things to ever happen to me.

22. I miss you, my darling. I know we’ve had some challenging times lately. I know the future has seemed uncertain and worrying, but that’s all in the past now. You are the most handsome and amazing man I have ever known. I have never loved anyone else or even come close to what we have together. Let’s make this work.

23. I can’t wait to get back in touch soon. I love you more than words could say. You are the love of my life; you are my everything. You are the only one for me, and I never want to lose you. Just remember that I love you, and that’s all that matters.

24. I love you more than anyone will ever know, and I am sorry. From the day I met you, I knew you were the only one for me. I want nothing more than to be with you forever. You are my other half, my better half. I love you more than all the stars in the night sky.

25. You are amazing and deserve to be loved by so much more than me. I hope you find your way back to yourself; know that I will always have a special place in my heart for you.

26. I could not imagine life without you; I don’t want to. I want us to be together forever. I want us to grow old together, leaning on each other for support, sharing our love for one another every day. I want you to be mine.

27. Together, we take on the world. Don’t be scared of what is around the corner because nothing beats the feeling of knowing our love will last forever and always grow stronger with each new day ahead of us. Please, come back to me.

28. Loving you is like breathing; how can I live without it? I’ve never been happier than when we are together. When I look into your eyes, a fire ignites inside me and burns brighter each time I see you. I love you with every ounce of my being. Let’s make this work again.

29. Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. More and more of my memories are made with you and less and less without you. If I knew that tomorrow would be like today, there are many things I would do differently. But if I knew that tomorrow wouldn’t happen, I would still do everything the same.

30. I know things are hard right now, and I wish I could do much to improve them. The truth is, you don’t need anyone to make you feel worthwhile or loved. You already have that inside of you, and we all see it. Whenever you are ready, I am ready.

31. When you smile at us, it lights up the darkest room. When you laugh and talk, it fills up the saddest heart. I love you for you, sweetie. I’m done being angry at you. You can come back now.

32. To my sweetheart, I know it has been hard for you, but everything will be fine. I miss you and want to be the woman you always wanted me to be. I’m not sure what made you walk away from all we had. I promise to change for the best and make it up to you in any way possible. So please come back soon, my love.

33. I promise you that I will never stop loving you, no matter what the future may hold. Although we are apart now, I will always be here for you in your life. Even when we are not together physically, I love you with all my heart and soul. It’s always been you alone, my love.

34. My love for you is infinite, timeless and never-ending. I love you so much. Although distance may be between us, my heart will never forget you or stop loving you till my last breath on this planet. I love you, honey.

35. I hope that we can talk more and become closer. I can’t live without you; you are the love of my life. I hope to be able to see you in class and hold your hand. I love you.

36. Baby, I miss you so much. I’m sorry I broke your heart, and please forgive me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I want you back in my life. I’m serious this time.

37. I have never loved anyone else the way I love you. No matter what happened, no matter how much time we spent apart and who came between us, I will always love you.

38. You are my dream come true. You are so sweet and kind that I can’t help but fall more and more in love with you every day. You’ve gotten me out of bad days, and I promise to do the same for you. This gift shows my gratitude towards you and my love for you overflowing. Let’s get back together.

39. I’m thinking of you, and I wanted to say I love you. We have had some great memories, and I hope that we make more in the future. Thinking of how close we used to make me wish we were still close. Maybe someday, it will be us once again. And if not, at least know that I still love you.

40. I know that I hurt your heart when I left, but I never left you. You were my world, my universe. You were everything to me and still are. No one can love you the way I do, and you know it. You say they get you, but it’s not the same thing.

41. You are everything to me, more than words could ever say. The sun rises and sets with you in my life every day, just as sweet as the day I first set my eyes on you. We all do things that hurt each other, but sometimes we forget why we fell in love. Please, forgive me.

42. If you have one moment where you feel you want to reconnect, I would love nothing more than to be your boyfriend again. This is hard, but I promise we will make it through together.

43. Being without you is like a cold night without fire, a broken pencil without an eraser, a puzzle with no pieces. I love you, miss you and want you back in my life. I want to be yours again and for our relationship to work.

44. You mean the world to me. Come back to me. You left, yes, but please come back. I love you with all of my heart, and there’s no one else I want to be with.

45. I miss you. I never used to think that I could fall so deeply in love with someone again, but now I can’t imagine it any other way. I love you more than words can say, and I want to spend every day of my life with you.

46. I can’t wait to be able to call you my boyfriend again. I need you in my life; there is no one else who understands me as you do. Every time I see your face, I smile. I love when you hold me and kiss me, you can make me feel so good. I want you in my life again.

47. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can’t imagine being without you. You have made me a better man, shown me what true love is, and helped me through thick and thin. We’ve overcome so much together. I know we can get through this.

48. There’s no one else that I want to be with; no one else makes me feel the way you do. All my life I’ve been waiting for you. I’m lost without you. Before I met you, I never understood what love was. You are my other half, and together we make a whole.

49. They say that the best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, weaknesses, mistakes and still loves everything about you; that’s you, my dear. I’m sorry for taking your love for granted. Please come back to me.

50. You were all that I had hoped for and more. You stole my heart and filled a void in my life. It’s weird because I never thought I would date, let alone fall in love again. You are such a loving person, and it makes me happy to be with you. You make me happy in a way nobody else can do. Please come back.

It’s so sad that it had to end that way. I’m sorry for whatever I might have done wrong. We should look past that and continue as lovers. You know I love you.

51. I know we aren’t together anymore, and I hope that someday you can see how much I miss you and want us back. You are an amazing person, inside and out. People are so lucky to call you their friend; you are the kindest hearted person I think I know. I wish we could get back together.

52. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I miss you more and more every day. Your laughter is like music to my ears, and your smile warms my cold heart. I want to feel your touch again and hold you tight. I hope we can work things out and put the past behind us.

53. You make me feel loved, safe and secure with only one glance at your beautiful face. You need to stop doing that and come back home. I miss you so much. I’m not going to live without you.

54. I want my old life back. Without you is like having a heart with no beat. They say it is better to have loved and lost than never have loved. I would disagree; as long as I loved someone like you, I would gladly surrender it because you are worth it.

55. You are the reason my heart beats and the only one for me. The love I feel for you is so overpowering that no man could ever compare. I love you with every ounce of my being and although we may be far apart, know that I will always love you.

56. I behaved like a child, and I’m sorry for that. I’ve missed us so much, not being those people we were before. I can’t wait to get ice cream with you again. As we walked down the street and held hands while chatting like teenagers, I felt alive again.

57. It has taken me so long to figure out how to say that I am sorry and miss you. I love you more than life itself and will do everything to make this work. Please come home, and we can talk, cuddle, and kiss endlessly. I miss you.

58. I’ve thought about what you said, and I miss you. You’re right; we do belong together. But I will do better this time around; I learned my lesson. You’re the love of my life, and I promise this time is different.

59. Baby, I love you; I do. Will you please reconsider and come back to me? I love everything about you and just can’t go another day without being with you.

60. I miss you more than I can explain. I think about you, always wishing we were together. Baby, you are my heart and soul, everything I have ever wanted. I love you, and I always will. Forever yours.

61. The days, weeks and months go by slowly and more painfully each day you are away from me. My heart aches for you to come back. Without you, I am incomplete. I need your love as much as the world needs oxygen.

62. I’m sorry that things didn’t end the right way. I want to make it up to you in any way you’ll let me. We are meant to be together. No matter what happens in the world, I will always love you.

63. I miss you. I miss the way you smile when you see me, your warm touch, and how you take my breath away every time I look at you. You are the sweetest person I’ve ever known. Please come back to me.

64. I’m in love with every part of you, your smile dances across my heart and brightens my day. I’d give anything to have you back in my arms. Your short time away from me has been excruciating, but I can wait forever for a taste of your love again.

65. I miss you, love you, and need you. Nothing makes sense without you. I’ll do anything to have you back. Please come back to me, baby.

66. You are my world, the only thing that I need. There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for you, and there is nothing that could make me want to leave you again. Your love has made me a better person. I need you always to know that you are loved and wanted.

67. I stand for love, and I stand for forgiveness. You and I will never truly be over until we give one another chance to find what we lost. I want to share a life and a home with you.

68. My life is empty without you, and I just can’t imagine going through the day without thinking of you, missing you, wanting to spend more time with you. Please, come back home to me.

69. My love, we’ve been in a tough place lately. I need you in my life more than ever. I love you and want you to know that although I’m angry about the past, it will not affect our future of us. We are stronger than ever, and I love you very much.

70. Hey babe, the past is behind us now. Let’s put it there and focus on the future. We’ve both made mistakes, but that shouldn’t stop us from moving forward. Let’s start over because I want to, not because I have to.

71. I miss you. I can’t stand to be without you. When we are together, it feels like we are one. But when you are gone, it feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. Baby, please come back; I can’t live without you.

72. I’m sorry. I know now that I shouldn’t have said those things to you and that I hurt your feelings. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me so happy. I hope we can get past this.

73. I know things are crazy right now, but we love each other if you think about it. I would give anything to spend every day together and wake up by your side every morning. If you choose to take me back, nothing will make me happier. I will wait forever as long as I can be with you again.

74. I want you to know that I miss how you used to hold me—the kisses on my cheek. The long nights in each other’s arms, everything was perfect. You had your demons, but I loved you anyway. Now that things are different, please come back and let’s fix this.

75. I miss you, and I love you. I want to be with you forever, and there is no way for me to fall out of love with you. You were my first love and will be my last. My heart belongs to you, and I can promise that we will be together again.

76. I won’t let you walk away or even see you cry. I want our love to be strong, and I want to stay with you always. So if you want me in your life forever, say the words, and we will reunite and never part again.

77. Let bygones be bygones, as they say, because they are just that. They are only bygones if you let them be. I am not saying to forget what was said and done in the past because we should learn from it but forgive and move on to better things. We can make a future for the two of us together.

78. I will always love you. Our time together was short, but it changed my life for the better. No one else will ever compare to you, and no one could have done what you have done for me. I’ll never forget the memories we made and the times we spent together. You will always be missed and loved by me.

79. I want you to know something. Even though I am saying goodbye, it is not because of anything you have done. So I just wanted to say that although we are getting back together, I want you to know that I am sorry. I am sorry that I couldn’t be the one you needed.

80. I love you with all my heart. I know I hurt you when I said those awful things and said that I didn’t love you anymore, but trust me, it is not true. When we first met, I knew that you were special, and of course, I was right. You are more than a lover to me; you are a friend that I love dearly. Let’s start over again, please.

81. I think about you every day and look for ways to be in your life. We can make each other happy. I miss your kisses and the way you touched me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I want to share my future with you.

82. Baby, I’m sorry for everything I’ve said. I hate that we’re not together anymore, and it’s all my fault. You’re amazing, and you deserve so much more than I can give you. Please take me back.

83. We were perfect together. It was like a fairytale come true. You gave me your heart, and I gladly accepted it with pride. Then something came between us. I see now the hurt and pain I caused you while we were apart. It pains me to know what my actions have caused. Please forgive me.

84. It has been so long since I last saw you. I felt my world shattered into pieces the day you said it was over between us. My heart ached, and it hurt so much, almost hurting me physically. Now, I hope we can move past it and get back together.

85. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I promise you that time did not heal all wounds while we were apart. We had our problems and fights, and we hurt each other so much, but I never stopped loving you. In my heart, I still feel love for you even after all you’ve done.

86. I know there have been times in our relationship when I made you feel like it was the last option I wanted. But I don’t want that; I’m begging you, please don’t leave me. The thought of never holding you again causes me so much pain.

87. I never thought it would be hard to let you go, but I was wrong. I miss the way you would look into my eyes and how your touch made me feel whole again. I can’t forget you. You are always in my heart. I hope that we can get back together someday.

88. No, I never meant to hurt you. That was never my intention, and I will always cherish you. You are my world and even though this may be a very difficult time in your life, know that no one cares about you more than I do. Please, come back.

89. I miss you so much. I wish we were back together again. I love the time we spent with one another, and I wish we could have that again. Will you please take me back?

90. I have made a big mistake. I hurt you, and I know that things will never be the same. Please forgive me and take me back; I promise I will never let you down again. I love you more than anything.

91. I’m sorry if I was harsh or cold towards you. If it were something that I said or did, I would love the chance to fix it. I want to talk and make things right between us again. I love you, baby

92. Life without you is like a broken pencil; no point. You are my favourite girl, and the only reason I feel the desperate desire to write a love letter. I love your beautiful eyes that see everything so bright and clear. I’m very sorry, and it would be my honour if you could come to see me.

93. I still remember meeting you and how you held my heart from day one. I miss us so much; I want to relive it all again. Why can’t we pick up from where we left off? I have grown to love you more the longer we spend apart and miss the good old times.

94. It’s hard to go a day without you. When we are apart, I think about you and only you. You have become my best friend, the one that I love with all my heart. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms once again.

95. I love you, I need you, I want you by my side. You have made me realize that I don’t ever want to lose you. We are meant to be together. No matter how far you are away, I will always love you.

96. No matter how long it takes, I’ll wait for you. I won’t lose hope and give up. If we meet again, my heart will surely pound, and our passionate kiss will burn the world down.

97. I am ready to fight for you. I will do whatever it takes to make this work; I would crawl a million miles if needed. You are my heart and soul. No matter how many miles apart we are, you are always with me. I will never forget all of the love we shared.

98. My baby, I miss you so much. Please come back. There is nothing without you. You are my life and my love. I can’t breathe without you. All I can think about is you, my love.

99. All I want is to be near you, hold your hand and tell you that I’ll always be there for you. I miss our kisses and the way we made each other feel. I know that the only one who can put a smile on my face is you. My heart is yours, darling, and I would love to share more moments again.

100. I was stupid for letting you go. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I don’t know what I would do without you. I have always loved you, and I never stopped, even when we were apart. You are my one and only. Please come back to me.

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