Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back Quotes

Love is a funny thing. It can make you feel like you’re floating on cloud nine, or it can make you spend your nights crying over someone who doesn’t love you back. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is painful, and your feelings aren’t invalid just because they don’t feel the same way.

When you find yourself in love with someone but this person does not love you back, sometimes it is because of their relationship status, sometimes because of the misunderstanding that happened between you two and sometimes for other reasons. However, this is not the end of all good things.

Though it’s painful to experience loving someone who doesn’t love you back because that person may have been a friend or just a crush. You might have had a crush on them or they could be someone that you’ve loved for as long as you can remember.

Whatever your story, the fact remains: they don’t love you back and that causes heartache. It’s only natural to feel pain and even grief over this loss thereby looking for ways to express this pain and hurt and that’s why I have gotten these loving someone who does not love you back quotes to help deal with this.

I don’t expect anyone to understand my pain when they have never walked a mile in my shoes or felt what it means to love someone who doesn’t love them back, my hearts ache and all I can do is grieve.

1. It’s okay if someone doesn’t love me back. The important thing is that I love myself and that I’m happy with my life.

2. Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you love them, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. You can’t force someone to love you. All you can do is accept if they don’t want to be in your life.

3. The hardest thing you’ll ever have to do in this world is to watch the one you love, love someone else.

4. I’m tired of the tears, I’m tired of the hurt and the pain, its not that I don’t care – I do, I’m just tired of not having your love.

5. It’s painful, to have one-sided love, and then to go through the pain of seeing them daily, but being in love, isnt a matter of do or die.

6. Don’t give yourself away for someone who doesn’t love you as much. Always believe in yourself because sometimes bad times can be good.

7. Falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you back and hoping they’ll fall in love with you one day is painful and heart breaking.

8. My heart is broken and I’m lonely, and I’m trying to figure out why the person I love doesn’t love me as much as I love them.

9. If the pain of your one-sided love is too much, let love heal your heart, fall in love with someone who loves you for who you are.

10. It hurts when you love someone so much, and they don’t love you back, it hurts when they say they’re sorry, it hurts when they say they can’t stay, it hurts when they say they love someone else.

11. Don’t give yourself away for someone who doesn’t love you as much as you do, you know its just too extreme. Just let it burn away and build a new you, don’t give your passion away for someone who doesn’t love you back.

12. It’s a sad thing to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back, it’s even sadder if they don’t know they’re not loving you back.

13. Falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you back is painful. As the seasons change, as the flowers die, and the leaves fall, and the time goes by, I always wonder how long will it last, if only you could just give me a chance.

14. It’s painful to have one-sided love but it’s better than no love at all.

15. It’s a very tough feeling to feel love and it’s a very hard feeling to get over when someone you love doesn’t love you back. You feel so confused you don’t know what else to do.

16. The pain you feel in a one sided love, could never ever justify, the happiness you feel when someone loves you too, that’s what you should never ever compromise.

17. Falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you back is an endless journey and a quagmire of deceit that you’ll never be free of, as long as you are that person’s friend.

18. It’s painful when the person you love doesn’t value you, and then they leave, you just feel empty inside.

19. You gave your love to someone who doesn’t love you as much, but it’s hard to see what’s true, you said everything will be alright, but you know deep down that it’s not.

20. It’s painful to have one-sided love. It’s even more painful to be in love with someone who doesn’t love you back quotes.

21. It’s sickening when you love someone who doesn’t care about you and there’s no one else to say, you deserve to be loved – so you don’t give yourself away for someone who doesn’t love you as much as you do.

22. I’m falling in love with someone who doesn’t love me back, it’s painful and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they don’t want to or maybe it’s because they don’t even try.

23. If it’s really love that you’re after, then stand in line, don’t make yourself a fool, but don’t let your heart break, don’t fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back.

24. It’s very tough to deal with unrequited love, your heart isn’t made to feel this kind of pain and when it does, it just lies dead inside you but as the day goes by, you are so much stronger and you know how to deal with it.

25. It’s painful to have one-sided love, you’ll feel so much pain because you’re not loved back, it’s never as good as having a love that’s entirely true.

26. It’s painful to love someone who doesn’t love you back. It hurts to love a girl or boy who has no feelings for you. It’s painful to love someone who doesn’t love you.

27. I’m in love with someone who doesn’t love me back, and I’m not even sure I can go through this but I can’t stop thinking about him, and I don’t want to.

28. Falling in love is painful and it’s hard to convince yourself that it will be worth the pain. If you love someone who doesn’t love you back, you’re in for a lot of pain, you just have to get through it.

29. It hurts so much when you’re on your knees and when you’re dreaming of a future with someone you love, it’s painful when the person you love doesn’t value you, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

30. It’s very tough to deal with unrequited love, it’s hard to move on when someone you love is heartless, it’s hard to say goodbye to someone you love who doesn’t love you back.

31. It’s painful when the person you love doesn’t value you. But it’s also painful when you don’t hear their voice. It’s painful when you don’t see them every day.

32. It’s alright to love someone who doesn’t love you back quotes. The love I feel for you comes from a place so pure and holy, I don’t care if you’re not in love with me, I’ll never do you wrong.

33. I love you, I love you for all the good things you are, I do love you, but your heart is not in love with me and I’ll accept that.

34. I have no regrets, ‘cause I did it my way. I learned my lesson, and I’m never gonna do it again. I’m never going to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love me back.

35. Whoever you are and wherever you are in life, please stop wasting your time and energy with someone who is not interested in you. Do not waste your time on someone who does not appreciate you.

36. I don’t know how to feel, it’s hard to breathe, it’s hard to think, it’s hard to clear my mind, it’s hard to concentrate, it’s hard to love, it’s hard to be close to you when I love you so much but you don’t.

37. Love is a lot like a shadow it is a beautiful and elusive thing yet, to some it is closely connected and to others, it is a thing of fear because they’re scared of falling in love and not being loved back.

38. It’s no more love but a felt emotion, a new sensation, I cannot put into words, a loss, a total loss because you don’t love me too.

39. Love is a beautiful thought, it’s a fantastic feeling, but if someone can’t love you back, there’s no need to hate.

40. Love can be like saddening when you love someone who doesn’t love you, but when you find your true soul mate, you’ll love them as much, as you do yourself.

41. I love him, but he doesn’t love me back, he says he’ll never love me and it pains me to my marrow, my heart bleeds for him.

42. I fall in love with someone who doesn’t love me back and I’m not sure if my heart can take it I’m not sure if I’ll survive it. I’m falling for someone who doesn’t love me back and I wish I never did.

43. I don’t know what it’s like to love you or to be loved by you, but I’ll never stop loving you, even if it hurts me so.

44. It’s hard to love a person who doesn’t love you back it’s hard to make them see what they’re leaving behind and it’s hard to also stop loving them.

45. I’m in love with someone who doesn’t love me back. I might not be able to tell him how I feel, but I’ll never stop loving him. And that’s because he’s the one who taught me love.

46. I love you but you do not love me back. No matter how much I try, I will never understand. But I truly wish I can. It’s painful to love someone who doesn’t love you back.

47. You’re not meant to walk alone, you’re meant to walk with the one that you love. So I wish you see it in my eyes how much I love you so we can walk together in love but wishes are not horses.

48. It’s clear that you don’t love me back, I can see it in your eyes. But I’m ready to let go and embrace the pain, it’s time to start moving on, and learn to live and not exist.

49. Sometimes I feel, that I can’t take it anymore. Sometimes I feel, that I’m going crazy. Sometimes I feel, that I’m unloved. Sometimes I feel, that I’m broken and it’s all because you don’t love me back.

50. One-sided love is a heartache, and it’s a hurt that never heals, and it’s a feeling that never goes, and it’s a pain that never ends.

51. The heart gets lonely when the other one doesn’t reciprocate the same love. This is the way I remember it. Love is like a burning flame, it can consume you or you can feed it.

52. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is painful, you have to accept love when you cannot find it, and you should be thankful you can love at all, keep loving and don’t give up hope.

53. It’s alright to love someone who doesn’t love you back, but don’t expect the same in return. Cause if you want to be loved, you gotta give love.

54. It’s not that bad to love someone who doesn’t love you back. Just keep hoping that one day, they will.

55. It’s hard to love someone who doesn’t love you back, it feels like the world is falling in, but you keep trying to find the answer, why they just don’t get it and love you back.

56. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is painful but that’s not how it’s supposed to be. Love is made to flow, when the one you love doesn’t love you back, it stops flowing.

57. I have a broken heart, I overthink and overanalyze, I can’t stop thinking about you, I feel that I’m in love with you, I’m just feeling lost and confused and it’s because you don’t feel the same.

58. I can’t control how I feel. I can’t forget how you make me feel. I just hope all these feelings will go away and I can breathe again.

59. I know love isn’t always enough. But it’s all I really know, and I’m trying to understand what love means to me and why you can’t love me back.

60. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is hard. It’s not easy, I know. I just can’t take it anymore.

61. Love you more, love you less, and love you more, I love you now, and tomorrow too, I’ll always be here waiting for you to love me back.

62. I love you but I know that you don’t love me back but I don’t mind bearing the pain because your love is enough for me.

63. You’re the one that I can’t forget, you’re the one that I wish I could forget, but if you love me or you care, please will you just let me know.

64. One day, you’ll be falling in love, you’ll see your eyes, and you’ll see the tears in their eyes, and you’ll know, that you can’t stop loving someone who doesn’t love you back.

65. It’s painful to love someone who doesn’t love you back. It’s painful to wait for them to care. All you want is for them to love you back.

66. I’d give my soul to have you love me, and I’d do anything to have you say you love me, so if you love me then say it to me, if you love me, please let me know.

67. It’s not that bad to love someone who doesn’t love you back. You will be happy one day when you can have that person love you back.

68. Never give up on love. When you love someone and they don’t love you back, don’t give up. You just have to love them more.

69. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is hard, but hard is not the hardest part, you must work harder than that, work hard for a lifetime to see them love you back.

70. You’ll never know how much you need someone till you lose them.

71. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is heartache. It’s a pain that will never go away, and it cuts deep in your heart, but one day it will stop.

72. I love you, but you don’t love me back. I can try but I can’t make you love me. I can give you my love but you won’t give me yours.

73. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is painful, you can’t deny, you can’t hide, you have to face your reality, and accept that this is true.

74. I know this is love, I want to tell you, I know this is love, but you don’t want to know, I feel this love, but you don’t feel it at all.

75. It’s not that bad to love someone who doesn’t love you back. I love you but you don’t love me back. I want you to love me but it seems we’re not meant to be

76. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I don’t want to, but I know I will have to because I can’t stop this feeling.

77. Falling in love is easy, just close your eyes and do what you can, it’s a walk in the park, throw away your doubts and your fears, you’ll be happy you tried.

78. It’s alright to love someone who doesn’t love you back, though it’s painful, I just can’t stop. It’s hard to bear and it hurts to be but I’ll carry the scars for a lifetime.

79. I love you but you don’t return my love, I’m stuck in the same situation, I’m a dreamer and I just pretend all is okay.

80. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is a heartache you can’t escape from, that makes you cleave with the one who doesn’t love you.

81. If you love someone and they don’t love you back, don’t worry it’s ok they just might grow to love you and then they will love you back, you can’t be anything but joyful.

82. I cannot say if I am happy or sad. It is because the person I love is not loving me. I cannot express it. Sometimes love is not for the person you love.

83. Don’t waste your time loving someone who doesn’t love you back. And don’t waste your life proving them wrong.

84. I loved her and she broke my heart and I still love her even though she doesn’t love me. I don’t care that she will never love me.

85. You can love someone who doesn’t love you back, but you can’t make them love you back, you can only wait and hope, and hope the days come when they’ll love you back.

86. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is hard. You want to give them so much love but they reject you and tell you to go away.

87. I would have loved you to see the love I have had for you. In my life, I’ve been in love with so many people but I found the one I truly love but she doesn’t love me back.

88. I am in love with someone who can never love me back. He does not know to what extent I love him, and that is why he does not love me back.

89. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back hurts you more than anything else does.

90. I want to feel the warmth of loving someone who will love me back. I want to see the light of loving someone who will love me truly. I want to finally see the sparkle of loving someone who will finally love me back.

91. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back makes you crazy, it makes you sick, it makes you want to cry and pout, and make all the wrong moves to make them come back.

92. It’s easy to love you, though I’ll never be in your arms, and you’d never be in mine. You’d never hold me, kiss me and make me feel the way I want you to make me feel.

93. It’s hard to love someone else when they don’t love you back. Though loving them is worth the pain of unrequited love but it’s still a pain. because all the time would feel like you are losing your mind.

94. They’ll never know how you feel, the pain is always there, no matter what you tell yourself, just as long as you’re the one loving them.

95. Being in a one-sided love is like being on one of those rides at an amusement park. As you go up the second hill, you wonder if you’re going to have a good time. Then, you hit the top of the hill, and then you hit the bottom.

96. The effect of loving someone who can never love you back leaves you with the feeling of having been slapped in the face.

97. You can’t see the stars without the moon’s reflection you can’t shine without the light from the sun above you. I can’t be myself without you loving me back.

98. I know I’ve never been lucky in love, but I think that it is time I faced the reality, the reality that I can’t have the love that I want, so instead, I am going to face the reality that I can never be loved.

99. I love you, I’ll always love you, I’ll say it over and over again even though you don’t love me, I know it’s true.

100. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is hard, getting over that person is even harder, but it’s the only way to love them and live peaceably with them.

The world would be a boring place if everyone you loved loved you back, and that is why it is good to remember that it is possible to still love someone who doesn’t love you back. It can work out too. You see, sometimes it takes someone special to come into your life to make people realize how special they are.

Just because one person doesn’t appreciate your worth doesn’t mean that there isn’t someone else waiting in the wings who will. So hang in there and hopefully, sooner or later someone will make you realize how good your life really is.

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