Maintenance Practices Required for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Television by Electronic Technicians in Anambra State

Maintenance Practices Required for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Television by Electronic Technicians in Anambra State.


The study was carried out to determine maintenance practices required for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) television by electronic technicians in Anambra State.
In carrying out the research, five research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated for the study. The population for the study was 3209 persons.
This consist  of 11 electronic teachers in 10 Government Technical Colleges in Anambra State as well as 3198 electronic technicians in Anambra State.
All the 11 electronic technology teachers in 10 Government technical Colleges in Anambra State were used  for  study as well as 155 electronic technicians selected by simple random sampling.
Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. This consists of 153 questions (items) developed from the reviewed literature and used to elicit responses from electronic technology teachers and electronic technicians regarding the research questions.

Copies of the questionnaire were distributed by the researcher  with  the  help of six research assistants. 95 % of the copies of the questionnaire were returned.
Data collected were analyzed using mean while t-test  for independent  sample  was used to test the five null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.
After carrying out necessary analysis, it was revealed  that electronic technicians have  more knowledge  of the components that make up LCD televisions, possible signs of faults in LCD television,
Possible ways of troubleshooting faults in LCD television, as well as the important precautionary measure that should be taken in maintenance of LCD television than electronic technology teachers.


Background of Study
Every appliance used by man especially electronic appliances require maintenance for steady functionality, durability, and even aesthetic.
Maintenance is the process of     keeping equipment, tools, materials, or system in good working condition. Ogbuanya (2009) defined maintenance as the action taken to restore or keep an item in good functional order.
It involves decision making and planning by the personnel. Maintenance of electronic appliances can be in various forms such as dusting, lubricating, replacing burnt/damaged components, repairing, testing, using items for the purpose they are designed and following procedure for the operation of each appliance (Ogbuanya, 2009).
Different types of maintenance have been mapped out for the maintenance of appliances such as: preventive maintenance, predictive and corrective maintenance.   Preventive maintenance is systematic detection and prevention of potential faults before they occur (Bayle, 2007).
According to Operations & Maintenance Best Practices ( No Date), preventive maintenance are actions performed on a time- or machine-run-based schedule that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a component or system with the aim of sustaining or extending its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level.
Corrective maintenance can also be referred to as breakdown maintenance. It is the kind of maintenance given to equipment or facility when it cannot function as it is supposed to.
It is a response given to an unanticipated problem or emergency (Bayle, 2007). On the other hand, predictive maintenance is the type of maintenance that is carried out on an items/equipment when there is breakdown warning signal.
It involves arresting the situation promptly before there is any major breakdown that will demand corrective maintenance (Ogbuanya, 2009).
According to O and M (No Date), predictive maintenance differs from preventive maintenance by basing maintenance need on the actual condition of the machine rather than on some preset schedule.


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