Major Rocks In Nigeria – migmatite, gneiss, migmatite gneiss,


        The Nigeria basement complex have been conformed to comprise of three major rock units of which are; migmatite, gneiss, migmatite gneiss, the schist belt and older granite  and younger granite complexes and  all of these are seen in different location of the studied area. From this description of rocks units and also the younger granite intrusion.


        The rocks exhibit great variation in the percentage of light and dark mineral components. These resulted from the protolith from which they were derived from and pressure temperature condition which they formed. 

GNEISS: These are metamorphic material of felsic and mafic composition which shows alternating colour of light and dark bands that yield a structure called gneissose foliation. They are medium to coarse grained. In respect to the already established geochemistry most of the gneisses are meta-sedimentary in origin as shown by their mineral constituent of aluminiosilicate, ioderite, and garnet. There are quartzo feldsparthic component which at time of deformation described as Augen gneisses due to their eye shaped structure. These lithologic or rock units are seen in location 1, 5, 6 and 11 within the studied area.

MIGMATITE: These rocks are mixture of gneissic – schistose rock with more or less foliated granites or granitites. They are frequently cut by granitic components. The rock units consist of quartzo-feldspathic portion and the dark coloured maffic portion which are identical with igneous and metamorphic rock respectively. From the conclusion drawn above, the migmatite are primarily of metamorphic material which cross-out a veined granitic material. In some cases, the migmatite gneiss are inter layered with amphibolite and banded iron formation.

        These rocks units are also encountered at location 1, 5, 6 all in Akwanga –Lafia road and Agbonju Hill etc. The migmatite have undergone series of fracture and folding as shown in most of the location within the studied area.


        This is a belt of meta-sedimentary material which are seen with subordinate mafic and ultramafic rock units. It is mainly of schist with major schist features of schistocity. It may be mica schist as seen as in location 10 and very well foliated and consist of k-feldspar, calcium feldspar, biotite and quartz. At the location are elongate enhedral shape minerals emplaced boldly all over the schist belt.



        The older granites of Nigeria are calc-alkaline in chemical composition.

        These are also granite rock seen to have intrude the basement complex.

        Analysis have shown that rock units were porphyritic/porphyroblastic, muscovite, granite, biotite granite aplite, quartz diorite etc. they show weak alignment of constituent platy minerals which a times result to their weak foliation. Older granite is seen within much location in the studied area.


        The younger granite is generally alkaline or basic granite composition and poor in an aluminum and mafic component and is called Jurassic in age.

        They mostly occur as tubular intrusion mostly within the sedimentary basement contact.

The rocks that are found in younger granite province are basalt, trachyte and phenolite.


        Simple pegmatites composed of microcline and quartz are wide spread throughout the basement complex. They form dykes in the migmatite – gneiss complex. Generally, there are only few centimeters or one meter wide and seldom more than a few meters long.

        Some of the minerals identified in the studied rocks include quartz, microcline, muscovite, biotite and plagioclase.

        Quartz is normally found at the center of microcline.

        This pegmatite was seen on outcrop at Agbonju hill.


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