Male Involvement in Family Planning in Some Selected Rural Communities in Enugu East Local Government Area in Enugu State, Nigeria

 – Male Involvement in Family Planning in Some Selected Rural Communities in Enugu East Local Government Area in Enugu State, Nigeria –

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Men involvement in family planning would increase its recognition,  acceptance and practice by people especially within the rural  communities.

This  is  because in rural communities in Nigeria including Enugu, men are still the gate keepers in our families who control power and major  decision  making.

Some  of  them decide whether their wives will practice  family planning or  not  and  the methods to be adopted.

This implies the men seem to have the finally say on the number   of children the family should have, the spacing, maternal health and  general level of reproductive health in the family.

In Nigeria male involvement in family planning from previous studies is low, pregnancy and delivery problems  are  treated as women affair.

Though men do not carry pregnancy, they are  the initiators of the process and therefore should be involved in family planning for better success.

The purpose of the study was to examine Male involvement in family planning in some selected rural communities in Enugu East Local Government Area in Enugu State, Nigeria.

The target  population of the  study  were 3320 men. Sample size was 360 men.  The  instrument  for data collection  was a researcher developed questionnaire which was also used as an interview guide for illiterate subjects.

Data were analysed  using descriptive statistics  such  as frequencies, percentages, mean and  standard  deviation.  Statistical  analyses was done using the statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.


1.1 Background of Study

Family planning is a way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily on the basis of knowledge, attitude and responsible decision by individuals and couples in order to promote health and welfare of the family, groups and thus contribute effectively to the social development of the country (WHO, 2011).

It involves practices that will enable couples or individuals to determine the number of children they would like to have, when to have them, that is both the timing and spacing and most importantly, those they have the capability or the means with to cater for. (Fumilayo and Kolawole, 2000).

Men are pivotal decision makers at all household level within the rural communities. The duty of men in the society seems supreme; especially in rural communities they are in charge of the family, they run the world  governments, they control religious organizations and they co-ordinate all social  systems. (Okeke, 2005).

Furthermore, they play vital role in pregnancy and delivery and transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

Onuoha  (2000)  stated  that African men are mainly responsible for deciding whether their wives will practice family planning and the methods to be adopted.

He further stated that the true position is that in traditional African societies, including Nigeria, men are  conferred with authority to determine who gets what, how, and when in the family.


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