Manpower Development And Utilization In Nigerian Banks

Manpower Development And Utilization In Nigerian Banks.


Globally, there has been a growing recognition of the indispensable role of human capital formation in the attainment of organizational and societal goals.

Manpower development and utilization in the Nigerian banking sector is not only a challenge which has been facing the industry but has also contributed substantially in the bank failures in the past.

In the same vein, it is an established fact that human resource is an indispensable aspect of public administration and governance.

Training and development of banks employees has been abandoned in pursuit of profit objective that somersaults as a result of quality of employees in the banks.

This problem of human resources is compounded by the fact that while there is a lot of unemployment, there are many vacancies that remain unfilled because the available manpower do not match the requirements of the job.

Hence, the need for empirical study to examine manpower development and utilization in the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) has become imperative.

Hence, the study investigated Manpower Development and Utilization in Nigerian Banks using Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN). A survey research design was adopted and data was collected through both primary and secondary sources.

The population of this study is made up of 785 staff of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria who is working in the 39 branches of the bank in Nigeria in various departments. A Purposeful sampling technique was used to select the bank in the study.


Title Page                i

Declaration          ii

Approval               iii

Dedication              iv

Acknowledgments                 v

List of Tables                  vii

List of Figures             viii

Abstract             ix


  • Background of the Study                                          1
  • Statement of the Problem                                        5
  • Objectives of the Study                                             6
  • Research Questions                                                   7
  • Hypotheses                                                                  7
  • Scope of the Study                                                     7
  • Significance of the Study                                          8
  • Limitations of the Study                                           8
  • Definition of Terms                                                   9
  • Profile of the Multinational Oil Companies        10




  • Conceptual Framework                                                      13
    • Origin of Human Resource Development            13
    • Human Resources Management Defined            15
    • Manpower Development                                         21
    • Meaning of Manpower Development                   22
  • Approaches to Manpower Development                                      36
  • Training Needs                                                                                  39
  • Manpower Utilization                                                                      45
  • Manpower Development Programmes                                         48
  • Typologies of Training Programme                                               52
  • Training Programmes in Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria   57
  • Benefits of Leadership Training to Public Enterprises             63
  • Criteria for Determining Training Needs                                     67
  • Choosing Trainees for Manpower Development Programmes 71
  • Manpower Utilization and Productivity                                        72
  • Manpower Utilization in FMBN                                                     75
  • Membership of Committees and Junior Board                           78
  • Relationship between HRM and HRD                                          79
  • Theoretical Framework                                                     80
    • Human Capital Theory                                            80
    • The Expectancy Theory                                           80
    • The Goal Theory                                                        81
    • Attraction Selection Attrition Theory                   81
    • The General System Theory                                    82
    • The Wendel French Process Systems Theory      85
  • Empirical Review                                                                 86
  • Summary and Gap in the Reviewed Literature             88



  • Introduction                                         98
  • Research Design                                 98
  • Sources of Data                                   98
    • Primary Sources of Data         98

3.3.2 Secondary Sources of Data               99

  • Population of the Study                    99
  • Sample andSampling Procedure    100
    • The Sample Size                      100
    • The Sampling Procedure       101
  • Method of Data Analysis                 102
    • Document Observation         102
    • Questionnaire Instrument   103
  • Validity of the Instrument             104
  • Reliability of the Instruments       104
  • Decision Rule                                   107




  • Introduction                                                                                         109
  • Distribution and Return of Questionnaire                                    109
  • Data Presentation                                                                               111
  • Analysis of Demographic Information of the Respondents       112
  • Descriptive Analysis of Research Questions                                 117
  • Test of Hypotheses One to Three                                                    134



  • Summary of Findings                        137
  • Conclusion                                           138
  • Recommendations                             138
  • Contributions to Knowledge            139
  • Suggestion for Further Study          140



Human resource is an indispensable aspect of public administration and governance. Globally, there has been a growing recognition of the indispensable role of human capital formation in the attainment of organizational and societal goals.

Ndiomu (1992: 34) defines human resources as comprising “of men and women, young and old who engage in the production of goods and services and who are the greatest assets of the organization”.

There is no doubt the fact that no meaningful national development can be divorced from the quality of a country’s manpower.

Thus, trained and skilled manpower of any nation or organization are her or its greatest wealth and asset for delivering on the nation’s or organizational policies and programmes.


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