Marine Conservation Graduate Scholarship Program

Marine Conservation Graduate Scholarship

A maximum of about four scholarships at $2,000 each will be given to deserving female students pursuing graduate studies or research in the subject of marine conservation.

One scholarship ($2,000) for a graduate project in applied marine conservation biology will be given to a man or woman.

Women and men who are now enrolled in a graduate program that awards degrees in marine science or marine policy are eligible to apply.

These awards are not designed to cover tuition, living costs, or student debt repayment; rather, they are meant to assist independent study and/or fieldwork at an approved university.

The application should make it clear how the scholarship will help marine conservation. It is necessary to submit a research proposal outlining the conservation goals, procedures, and expected outcomes.

Sponsors and different eligibility

There are a number of sponsors and different eligibility criteria.

The WDHOF Scholarship Committee will select the award based on applicant eligibility criteria and reviewer recommendations.

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