May Quotes for Calendars – Motivation and Love

May is the fifth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is a month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The month of May is celebrated as a month full of festivals all over the world. May is a month of celebration, relaxation and hope.

The May calendar is loaded with major events, including a royal wedding, Mother’s Day, graduation ceremonies, proms and the UEFA Champions League final. It’s also the time of year when spring starts to come into bloom in many parts of the world. There are many activities taking place during May, so you’ll want to make sure that you’re prepared for all of them.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this month marks spring’s arrival. May is a month of beginnings and endings. It is a time for planting seeds, making resolutions and celebrating new life.

Below is a collection of May quotes for calendars that you can use to prepare yourself for the month.

Welcome to May; says the calendar! It’s a new month and there’s so much to look forward to. The weather is warming up, the breeze is picking up, and Mother Nature is smiling down on us all. She knows this month is a special one. It’s always special, but some might say it’s even more so this May.

1. Welcome, May. Welcome to the month of blooming gardens and blossoming friendships, of fresh-cut grass that smells of summer and flowers long after their season has passed.

2. Hello, May. Welcome to the month of fresh starts and new beginnings! There’s so much promise in this new month ahead.

3. May is here, and so are the adventures. New month, new memories. Happy May!

4. The month of May soars in like a butterfly and lets loose with a roar. You’ll want to dance, create, and dare to dream. Good thing it’s here to help you make that happen.

5. Welcome, May. A new month is a chance to reflect on what you’ve done in the past and plan for what lies ahead.

6. Welcome, May. May our friendship grow stronger and stronger each day, from this day forward.

7. Welcome to May! We hope you enjoy the month with all it has to offer.

8. This month can be whatever you make it. We hope May brings you exciting developments in every aspect of life.

9. Welcome, May! Welcome to a month of fresh starts and new adventures. We’re excited to see what you come up with this year.

10. Welcome, May. The month that’s here to shake up your routine and move you forward when you just don’t know where to start.

11. Welcome, May. It’s a fresh start to the year and it’s time to enjoy the spring season.

12. May, you’ve arrived. Spring is in full swing and the days are getting longer and warmer. Make the most of everything that May has to offer with a plan for getting fit, staying active and making healthier choices for your health and well-being.

13. May is the month of beginnings and endings, with fresh starts and farewells. Welcome, May!

14. May is the month of beginnings and endings! This is a time to reflect on your life’s past, make fresh starts, and rejoice in all that lies ahead. It’s an exciting time. Welcome, May!

15. Hello, May! We love this month for all the fresh starts and new beginnings. Let’s get started!

16. May marks the beginning of the new year with fresh changes and new beginnings. Be encouraged to do your best this month!

17. Hello May. You are a new month, filled with the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. We are happy about your arrival.

18. Hello May, welcome to this bright and amazing month. We know you are ready to shine.

19. Welcome to May. Be bold. Be daring. Be kind. Be reflective. Be mindful. And always celebrate what is beautiful about life.

20. May is all about taking risks, seizing opportunities and stepping out of our comfort zone.

21. Welcome, May. You’re here to stay for a little while at least, hopefully much longer than that. We know you can do it. On your mark, get set, and go!

22. May is here! May is always a special month. The spring flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and our brilliant minds are blossoming. Welcome, May!

23. May is a time of renewal, newness and growth. May you shine bright this summer.

24. It’s a new month, so it’s time to take action. Be proud of your accomplishments and diligently plan out your next steps. There is no need to feel overwhelmed; just pick one thing and do it today.

25. The month is at its peak, trees are blossoming, and the sun is shining bright. The perfect time to begin new things. Make this May a memorable one!

26. May this month be full of possibilities, happiness and love. May you experience the best in life.

27. Welcome, May. You are a breath of fresh air, one that brings springtime with it and a promise of better days ahead. Welcome, May.

28. Welcome, May! Time to celebrate the month of new beginnings. From blooming flowers and blossoming buds to spring showers and summer sun, welcome May.

29. Welcome to May, the month of new opportunities and growth. Let this be a month where you experience more than you’ve ever dreamed possible.

30. Hello. May is a time of dreams, new beginnings and potential… We are all just waiting for you to take it, a month that holds all of our hopes and passions, so walk out with confidence and a smile.

31. Welcome, May. It’s time to wake up and feel the sunshine on your face. It’s time to drink a cup of coffee, grateful for all that you have been given today. It’s time to go for a run outside and inhale deep breaths of fresh air. It’s time to remember that life is too short not to do what makes your heart sing!

32. It’s time for a new beginning, it’s time to dream. The world is yours. May you find what your heart desires as we welcome the month of May!

33. Welcome, May. Bring on the sun and brighten our days with endless possibilities.

34. Welcome May! A month full of warm weather, blooming flowers, and all-around good times.

35. May, welcome to the world! May is one of the most important months of the year.

36. Welcome to a month when we have permission to face our shadows, take on our challenges and surrender to what’s best for us – even if it’s not easy.

37. Welcome, May. We’re so glad you were born! You bring the promise of sunny days, blooming flowers and sweet blossoms. Come and join us on this journey of life.

38. Welcome, May. It’s a new month and a new season. Let’s make it the best one yet!

39. Welcome, May. It’s time to open up and bloom. Your life is about to be filled with vibrant colours and meaningful connections. Don’t worry about taking it all in at once—there’s plenty of time for exploration.

40. Welcome, May. Welcome to a whole new beginning of encouragement. To a time and season when we have the opportunity to meet ourselves head-on – with forgiveness, love and acceptance.

41. May the month of May bring to you the blessings of happiness and peace, the warmth and joy of love, and all good things. May your days be bright with sunshine, your nights be calm with moonlight and all your hours be large with friendship.

42. May is a month of happiness, with plenty of time and freedom to enjoy it. Welcome, May!

43. Hello, May! Welcome to the long summer days of sunshine and playing outside. Time to make new memories, celebrate traditions and make the most out of our gorgeous season.

44. May is the month that brings us into spring and helps us prepare for summer. It’s a time of renewal, beginnings and growth.

45. May is here and it’s time to get back to all the things you love, like spending more time outdoors, reconnecting with friends and family, and enjoying good food and new experiences.

46. Welcome to the month of May. Get your bounce back and head into the new month with a positive mindset. Don’t dwell on the past, be productive in the present moment, and look forward to what is to come.

47. Welcome, May! You are a month of powerful action, big opportunities, and big growth. Let’s get to work.

48. May, welcome to our family. We’re so happy to have you here and can’t wait to celebrate with you in this new month.

49. May, welcome to the world. You are so much more than we could have ever imagined and we are so happy that you’re here with us. May we keep this beautiful connection between us and may you continue to grow and thrive into an amazing person.

50. May, we’re pleased to welcome you to the month when the sun is warm and bright, the days are longer, and summer is right around the corner.

Hello there! Thank you for checking out the collection of May quotes for calendars. I hope you were inspired to hope for the best this month. Please don’t forget to share the post with others while also leaving a comment.

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