This chapter deals with the procedure the researcher adopted to investigate the problem of this study. This procedure includes:

v  Research design

v  Area of the study

v  Population of study

v  Sample and sampling technique

v  Instrument for data collection

v  Validation of the instrument

v  Reliability of the instrument

v  Method of data collection

v  Method of data analysis

Research Design

            This study adopted descriptive survey design. Descriptive survey design, consist of those studies in which data are collected from small sample of a large population to enable the researcher describe in a systematic manner and interprets the characteristic features and facts about things that exist. (Abonyi, Okereke, Omebe and Anugwo, 2006). It is descriptive because information collected allowed the researcher to describe the situation as it exists as far as effect of teaching resources on the academic performance of junior secondary school student in social studies.

Area of the study

            The study was carried out in the 53 public secondary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government of Area of Ogun State.

Population of the Study

            The population of the study consisted of all the teachers of Social Studies and students. There are 159 teachers teaching social studies and about 683 students, hence giving rise to 842 populations in about fifty three 53 junior secondary schools in Abeokuta south local government area of Ogun state.

Sample and Sampling Techniques

The researcher used simple random sampling techniques by balloting replacement to select twenty three 23junoir secondary schools for this study. Names of all the fifty three junior secondary school were written and mixed thoroughly in a bowl, out of the fifty three junior secondary, twenty three of them were blindly picked and leaving thirty remaining  secondary school. Simple random technique was also used to select 69 social studies teachers and 138 student used for the study, thereby giving a total sample size of 201 respondents.

Instrument for data collection

            Instrument for data collection in this study was a structure questionnaire designed by the researcher. The instrument was divided into two sections, A and B. Section A was designed to collect information on personal data of respondents, names of schools, sex, educational qualification  while section B contained the question related to the research questions.

Strongly agree           =   SA

Agree                         =   A

Disagree                     =   D  

Strongly disagree       =   SD

Validation of the instrument

            To ensure the validity of the instrument (questionnaire) the drift copies of the questionnaire were given to three experts of Educational Administration and planning of Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. They criticized the initial draft of the instrument based on content, language and relatedness of the item of the relevant research question. With the correction the instrument was modified and finally adopted.

Reliability of the instrument

            To determine the reliability of the instrument, test-retest approach was used. Copies of the questionnaire were administered to forty one respondents in ten out of the thirty junior secondary schools not used for the study area. After two weeks interval, the questionnaire was administered to them again. The score were collected and analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlation co-efficient of 0.85 was obtained and this was high enough to consider the instrument reliable.

Method of Data Collection

            The instrument was administered to the teachers and students of the school personally by the researcher with the help of two research assistant. It was administered directly and collected on the spot to avoid high incident of instrument mortality.

Method of Data Analysis                                                                                          The data collected for this was displayed on tables and analyzed using the simple percentage for the purpose of comparing the data. The formula used in working out the percentage was % = f/n x 100/1

Where % = Symbol for percentage

                         F = Frequency of respondent

                        N = Total Numbers of respondent

                      100 = Base of percentage

                      1= constant

The percentage of each respondent was used to judge the acceptance and rejection of the item.


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