Michelle North Scholarship for Safety

Michelle North Scholarship for Safety

The HAI Michelle North Scholarship for Safety is presented to a pilot who possesses a commercial rating and exhibits an exceptional aptitude for safe flying and aviation best practices.

The scholarship was established in memory of Michelle North, a lifelong advocate for safety in the industry, to promote a greater emphasis on safety education and training in helicopter operations.

Annually, one scholarship may be awarded.

Michelle North Scholarship for Safety BENEFITS

The scholarship pays the registration fee for the recipient to attend a safety management system (SMS) course, which will be part of the HAI Professional Education Program at HAI HELI-EXPO 2022, in Atlanta, Georgia March 6–9, 2022.

In addition, scholarship recipients receive:

  • A complimentary full registration and hotel accommodations for the scholarship recipient to HAI HELI-EXPO 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia (travel expenses are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient)
  • Formally recognized at HAI’s Annual General Meeting at HAI HELI-EXPO.

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Michelle North Scholarship for Safety PREREQUISITES

  • The applicant must be a pilot who holds an FAA commercial helicopter rating or an international-equivalent rating
  • Applicants must already be working in the helicopter industry, either in the safety or safety management field, or be preparing to enter the safety or safety management field

Michelle North Scholarship for Safety Required documents

We ask all applicants to provide the following documents:

  • Pilot Information
    • Legible copy, front and back of your FAA or international equivalent pilot’s license
    • Class and date of your medical certificate (minimum 2nd class or international equivalent)
  • RESUME or Curriculum Vitae
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation
    • From your Employer, previous Instructor, or other who can attest to your aviation and safety background, training, and experience

Only completed applications that are accompanied with all required documentation will be considered.

All scholarship applications are due by midnight eastern time (UTC-5), October 14, 2022.