Miles Morland Foundation Writing Scholarship 2022 Application Update

– Miles Morland Foundation Writing Scholarship –

Miles Morland Foundation is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for their Miles Morland Foundation Writing Scholarship. It is a fully-funded scholarship for all students.

About Miles Morland Foundation

The Miles Morland Foundation’s main aim is to support entities in Africa which enable Africans to get their voices heard. It is particularly interested in supporting African writing and African literature.

The Scholarships are open to anyone writing in the English language who was born in Africa, or both of whose parents were born in Africa.

Aim and Benefits of Writing Scholarship

Scholars writing fiction will receive a grant of £18,000, paid monthly over the course of twelve months. At the discretion of the Foundation, Scholars writing non-fiction, who require additional research time, could receive an additional grant, paid over a period of up to eighteen months.

Requirements for Writing Scholarship 


1. To qualify for the Scholarship a candidate must submit an excerpt from a piece of work of between 2,000 – 5,000 words, written in English that has been published and offered for sale.

You must send clear evidence that the piece you upload as part of your application has been both published AND offered for sale.

2. This will be evaluated by a panel of readers and judges set up by the MMF.

3. The work submitted will be judged purely on literary merit.

4. It is not the purpose of the Scholarships to support academic or scientific research, or works of special interest such as religious or political writings.

5. Submissions or proposals of this nature do not qualify.


Scholarship Requirement:

1. The only condition imposed on the Scholars during the year of their Scholarship is that they must write.

2. They will be asked to submit by email at least 10,000 new words every month until they have finished their book, or their Scholarship term has ended.

3. If the first draft of the book is completed before the year is up, payments will continue while the Scholar edits and refines their work.

Documents Required for Application

1. A submission of between 2,000 to 5,000 words as a Word document of work that has been published and offered for sale. Please send proof of publication.

2. Proof of publication and proof of sale.

3. A description of between 400 – 1,000 words about the new book you intend to write.

4. A scan of an official document showing that you, or both of your parents, were born in Africa.

5. A brief bio of between 200 – 300 words.

6. Please tell us how you heard about the Morland Writing Scholarships.


Application Deadline

September 18, 2022

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