Military Relationship Quotes – Motivation and Love

The military lifestyle requires its members to always be prepared for duty. In essence, this means that the choice for a relationship is a bit more difficult and certainly more complicated.

Military life is full of sacrifices: long separations from family, constant relocation and the possibility of unexpected homecomings. Together you face the worst the world has to offer, bringing out the best in each other and becoming more than friends.

The real deal is that unconditional love and the unbreakable bond between a wife or girlfriend of a military member. It’s hard to describe love in a military relationship because it’s different and unique.

I’ve put together a collection of military relationship quotes specifically aimed at military relationships. I hope they will help those struggling with the distance and time apart during their partner’s time in the forces.

As a military spouse, you must understand the difficulties that can arise because of the demands of military work. Your mental health and well-being are just as important as those of the entire populace in a country that is being served.

1. A successful military relationship is one in which each partner helps the other become the best person possible. Though sometimes, that means taking a risk and doing something different.

2. It doesn’t matter if your partner has been deployed for a year, a month, or even ten hours. The important thing is that you make the most of it by taking advantage and doing something romantic when your partner returns.

3. True partnership is built on trust, respect and the ability to look beyond yourself and see each other as you are. Working and thriving military relationship is one in which each partner helps the other become the best person possible.

4. A successful military relationship is between two people who make each other better, even when they don’t agree.

5. Communication and respect are the foundations of a military relationship. Without these values, military relationships are not sustainable.

6. Military partners must challenge each other, but they also need to support each other’s decisions. A good relationship is one in which both of you feel supported, even when you disagree.

7. You have a responsibility to one another to challenge one another but also to support one another’s decisions. This kind of honesty is critical to the health of your relationship.

8. Military relationships are different for many reasons, but perhaps the biggest difference is that the ones who serve must learn to focus on their partner’s needs as much as their own.

9. You need to trust each other and be supportive. You both want the best for your relationship, and compromise is crucial.

10. It’s a collaboration, a give and take, but when there is trust, you can work together to improve both aspects of your life.

11. We are taught to work together, not against each other. We should try to understand our differences and help each other reach our common goal.

12. The true mark of a true military relationship is how much each partner can learn and grow from the other.

13. Military spouses should share a special bond; they should understand what it means to keep a family together while following orders. A true alliance is one not only of mutual gain but of mutual respect.

14. Military spouses face unique challenges in life. It takes a special unity between partners to keep a family together while following orders.

15. Military spouses sacrifice a lot. They move frequently and endure the absence of their loved ones when they deploy. They keep their family together, which leaves uncertainty many times.

16. Military relationships understand what it means to share in the sacrifices and hardships of another. That is why we are proud to support military charities and important causes.

17. Military relationships are separated by distance but strengthened by love. They will be reunited someday; that is the focus.

18. Love knows no bounds, not even time and space. Military relationships navigate the distance with patience and understanding that they will be reunited one day.

19. Military couples share a special bond; the location of your partner is far from your heart, but the distance doesn’t compare to your love and admiration for your partner.

20. Stop for a second and think of the countless military couples in long-distance relationships. They love each other and want to express that by staying together.

21. For military relationships, distance is never a factor. No matter how long they are apart, the love they share is as strong as ever.

22. Just like any relationship, military marriage takes work. You must pay attention to your spouse and work hard to meet their needs. It’s simple. By showing them you care, you will show them you love them.

23. Military relationships are tested by long periods of separation and deployments to war-torn countries. Love conquers all, no matter how far apart they are.

24. When you listen to a military couple share their story of long-distance love, you are reminded that gratitude is a powerful force. They will encourage and inspire you that no matter how hard your own circumstances are, there will always be hope at the end of the tunnel.

25. While the distance between you and your lover may seem like an insurmountable obstacle, there are people out there who have gone through it before and survived.

26. Military couples face the toughest challenges and most difficult separations. While once apart, couples find comfort in the idea of being reunited and are committed to strengthening the bond.

27. Military relationships go through a lot. They sacrifice, worry, and miss each other. But they can overcome this because of their love for each other.

28. Family is important during deployment. The military family misses their loved ones and works hard to keep the relationships strong.

29. It’s tough, but you have the right people behind you. They are focused on that homecoming and will work tirelessly to make it happen.

30. By taking an honest look at your own insecurities, habits and relationship goals, you can foster a relationship that empowers you to be the best version of yourselves.

31. Military relationships are all about mutual respect, honesty and trust.

32. The most important thing you can do for your partner is your best version of yourself. Success in our relationships is about helping each other become better versions of ourselves.

33. Everyone wants to be supported and loved, but what if you could also help your significant other reach their significant potential? How much would that mean to you?

34. Relationships are not perfect. No matter how much you care about each other, there will be times when you’ll have to put your feet down and say no.

35. In military relationships, It’s easy to focus on your needs, but the greatest reward is helping each other become the best version of themselves.

36. In any relationship, we sometimes lose sight of the big picture. It’s easy to focus on ourselves, but we should think more about what others need and want.

37. Military relationships take a lot of emotional effort, but they can be incredibly rewarding when you can help someone succeed.

38. Successful military relationships are built on mutual respect and trust. When we put our relationship first, we make each other better.

39. There are no two ways: a strong and loving military partnership is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.

40. It’s a tough decision for anyone. However, regarding your most precious possessions—your family—no question that having a trustworthy military partner in your corner brings you security and confidence.

41. In a military relationship, when one partner is deployed, the other partner tries to give that person the attention and support they need.

42. Relationships are something special. When you’re in a military relationship, it’s even more important for the two of you to find a way to make it work. The best way is for you as a couple to be on the same page and understand each other better.

43. Whether you are a military wife, spouse, or a military veteran, you need confidence in your ability to create and maintain a relationship.

44. Military relationships aren’t easy. They’re hard. Make sure you put your best foot forward with a pattern that helps you meet the challenges of military life head-on.

45. It’s no secret that if you are a military spouse, a military family member or a veteran, you will have to continue learning and perfecting your relationship-building skill beyond your military time.

46. We could spend our whole lives trying to make someone happy. But the most important thing you can do for your partner is a better version of yourself. It’s the best way to enjoy life and grow in the process.

47. A lasting relationship requires two people willing to put forth their maximum effort. Learn how your military partner can show their devotion and how you can reciprocate.

48. Both partners must ensure the fire of love burning keeps burning. This means you must show them you are committed, loyal and ready for anything.

49. Military couples know what it’s like to be apart, but they need to also know how important it is to keep the fire of love alive.

50. When love is a part of a military relationship, both members must ensure that their love doesn’t stop. When the fire of love is strong, it’s never weak. Keep the flames burning for life.

Distance doesn’t have to be a barrier to a long-distance relationship. Love and support grow stronger, not weaker, with time. The strength of your love is what keeps you going. The distance doesn’t matter, as long as it’s real. A long-distance military relationship requires patience, understanding and trust.

51. The fire of love needs constant supervision to maintain its intensity; you need to always be there for your partner, and they need to be there for you.

52. Love is a battlefield, so we must be ready. A marriage based on love, trust and respect is bliss.

53. A marriage is a promise for the future, the commitment of two lives to each other. The loyalty of your lover will never be tested as you fight through life together.

54. No two people are the same. That makes us so beautiful and able to learn from each other, grow together and become better versions of ourselves.

55. Both partners in a military relationship must understand that no matter how stressful it is, the fire of love must burn as brightly as ever.

56. When in a military relationship, showing care to your loved ones is important. To stay motivated, keep the fire of love burning. So, find the best way to keep a fire burning!

57. There is a fire of love in every relationship, including military relationships. The challenge is to keep it burning strong, even when the winds change.

58. Keeping the flow of love and passion alive in a military relationship can be challenging.

59. Strong winds can’t always keep military spouses apart. It is our duty to fight through everything that comes our way and protect the fire of our love.

60. A fire of love is a healthy part of any relationship. But without care, your fire can go out. Don’t let your fire of love be put out.

61. Whether you are a military wife, spouse, or military veteran, you need confidence in your ability to create and maintain a relationship.

62. The truth is that if you are a military spouse, a military family member or a veteran, you undoubtedly still have to build incredible relationship-building skills beyond your military exposure or skills.

63. As a military spouse, you need to network and build relationships with others that can benefit your family for years to come.

64. When the relationship you’ve always dreamed about starts to go awry and you’re feeling confused, heartbroken, and hopeless, ask for help. There is no sense in suffering alone; seek help

65. Whether you need to build self-esteem, learn how to handle conflict, or discover communication skills for a new phase of your relationship, always seek the help you need.

66. The most important thing in any relationship is love. And if your partner doesn’t show it every day, you need to find a way to make that happen.

67. If you want a relationship where you feel loved and happy, you need to make that happen. Those relationships take effort. You have to make an effort too.

68. No relationship is perfect. But what’s important is that you and your partner work hard to make each other happy. It’s simple. By showing them you care, you will show them you love them.

69. If you love them, make sure they know it. They will appreciate you more by showing how important they are to you.

70. No relationship is perfect. That’s why it’s important to remember the small things in life that can make a big difference.

71. A military relationship is a two-way street. Your partner should put as much effort into it as you do. To create an everlasting relationship, learn to give your partner the attention they want and deserve.

72. Military relationships are hard. Don’t make it harder by having your partner feel like a second priority. With our relationship-building strategies, we can put in equally as much energy and get the desired results.

73. Relationships work best when you put in the effort. Create a lasting bond with your partner by showing them how much they mean to you.

74. You’re willing to do anything to keep that feeling alive when in love. By expressing your love every day, you will strengthen the relationship. A military relationship is only as good as the love between two people.

75. When you commit to a military relationship, there’s no guarantee it will work out. But if you have the strength to stay together for the long haul, you’re more likely to maintain your passion and love.

76. If you’re looking for a fire, look no further. There is no greater love than committing yourself to an existing relationship while putting your partner first.

77. When you’re looking for a fire, don’t settle for just any love. Instead, commit yourself to loving someone fully and putting that person first.

78. There is no greater feeling than coming home to the person you love. There is no greater satisfaction than proving to your partner that you’re dedicated to them and willing to go the extra mile for them.

79. The best way to love someone in a military relationship is by showing that person that you are willing to share the love, time, and resources. It’s a little and big thing, but you should try it.

80. It can be hard being apart from the one you love in a military relationship. Find out how to make the long-distance situation easier for both parties in this post.

81. The best way to love your serviceman/woman is by being there for them when they need it. I know you’re going to idolize that person and want to spend every second with them, but it’s important to take time out and appreciate each other.

82. Opposites do attract and opposites do a lot of compliments when in a relationship that involves someone who is away at work or in service. If you have a military member as your significant other, you need to be extra careful to show her that you care, but also by being affectionate and by making plans to spend time together.

83. If you are in a relationship with someone that you care about, but they are away working or in service, you should show them affection by being thoughtful and planning time together.

84. When someone is in the military, he or she will be away from their significant other for long periods of time. You must ensure that you stay close to your partner, and show them how much they mean to you by courting them and comforting them with your presence.

85. For those in the military, there can be long periods of time of being separated from family and loved ones. It is your job to show them that they are always on your mind by reaching out to them and making them feel comfortable with the fact that you still have feelings for them even during your time away.

86. Your military relationship is important. Commit to the one person who has been there for you through all seasons and challenges.

87. Your military relationship deserves the best. With all that you’ve invested, the unique gifts that you share will be a true testament to your love.

88. Commit to the person who knows you best, and loves you most. It’s clear your partner is special. Now make the commitment to spend your lives together.

89. Be sure to stay in touch with your significant other while you are deployed. Send them a letter or two; call them when you can. Remind them how much you love, need, and care for them. This will keep your relationship strong, and your lover will feel closer to you than ever before.

90. Military relationships are always in need of a little extra attention. Staying in love and in touch with your significant other while you are apart is a tricky task. When you’re apart, show that you care by sending flowers.

91. In order to maintain a healthy relationship with your significant other, you should do your best to avoid situations in which you can be easily tempted.

92. For couples of military personnel, finding a balance can be extremely difficult. However, with the right amount of effort and planning, those who care enough to make their relationship work will find that the time apart can provide just enough time for them to miss each other, and then be more fulfilled.

93. Commitment is powerful. When two people decide to take their military relationship to the next level, it’s as if they carve off a piece of their hearts and give it to each other.

94. When two people decide to take their military relationship to the next level, they carve off a piece of their hearts and give it to each other.

95. When two people fall in love with each other, they truly see past their differences and fall into a blissful state of unity. You can’t be in a committed relationship without committing your heart.

96. When two people decide to take their relationship to the next level, they make a promise. They promise to always be there for each other and protect one another.

97. Two bodies, two minds, and two souls united together to create a bond. A promise of friendship and loyalty that cannot be broken in a military relationship when there is commitment. Regardless of what the future holds, your promise will always be there to keep you together.

98. When the two of you become one, your lives will be woven together. Your promise to each other will be a binding contract, and no one and nothing can tear you apart.

99. A promise given is a promise kept. Swear to protect and serve your partner together through thick and thin.

100. Keep the fire of love burning in your military relationship because it will help you keep the passion alive long after you are back home.

It’s easy to forget that, despite being deployed in nasty war zones, your loved one is a human being who is experiencing the same fears and anxieties as you are. This little collection of military relationship quotes will hopefully inspire you to take a moment from time to time and reassure your partners of your love and support.

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