MINING THE DYNAMITE IN YOU | Recognizing Your Force of Fulfillment


1.   The minute in you

2.   Locate the dynamite

3.   The mining tools

4.   Take the evaluation and know the value

5.   Preserve for posterity

6.   Release the dynamite

7.   Permit the explosion

8.   Don’t mind the size

9.   Be in charge


What are you looking for? What are you pursuing? What is it that has kept you busy since your life. What is that thing you think if you could be able to get will make you answer a fulfilled person in life. What are you working with and where do you think you can get all you want from? These questions and more of the likes kept on multiplying in my heart one morning as I woke up. At that moment, I knew that God has brought an almighty answer to the common questions that have been bugging men over the time.

To make the lasting answer more plain, and very accessible, God put a stirring within me as he helped the answer to be put in the form of a book.

The purpose of this book is to address areas in your life that need improvement and to stir up the God given gifts and call within you people have been endowed with certain mixture of abilities and opportunities that make them unique. No mixture is insignificant. There is something that looks infinitesimal that God has placed within each of us that courses us to cry out to be something outstandingly great.

This masterpiece in your hands signals a new beginning for you. It could be God’s way of saying: you are my mobile mine, my store of treasure. I want to announce to you. You have great worth. You are too valuable to be a loser. Now I have come to make you an icon par excellence in all aspects of life. See, you have all it takes to stand tall in life.

Friends, much have been said about the underlying treasures in man, but it is high time we lunched into the deep and have it all out to the plain surface. The ‘how’ is in this book and the ‘site’ is of the nearest proximity. Just allow the holy spirit of God direct you as you go through the fulfillment- bringing manual.

It is my prayer that as you go through this book, that it will appear as a tool with which God in causing the great, energetic, and mighty deposit in you to be mined for use in His kingdom and to the enriching of His work. Get set for a positive turn around. Go through it expecting God to bring to light the hidden treasures and qualities that make for fulfillment you have the informidable force of fulfillment in you. Recognize it!.


You can now see the possibilities of your dreams, expectations, and desire for a meaningful life. The one that is worth counting on, for results and positive lasting impacts.

God is interested in what your lives stand to give out and contribute to the world at large; as you take time to fully harness all the embedded forces within you. You can do all things…., and nothing shall be impossible for you.

Just as the name goes, MINING THE DYNAMITE IN YOU; you will get to know and recognize the value of what you carry, and that understanding will cause you to make sure its being mind and maximized.

You will also get to know ‘how’ you will go about the process. After cell the steps and stages involved, the wisdom to walk and live it all your days will be delivered to you.

Every chapter was written as divinely inspired so as to expose you to the ways of living life to the fullest by recognizing the stuff you are made of and tapping into it.

It will turn out to be an exciting adventure that will at the end bring home the very person God intends you to be. It will cause you to metamorphose into something that will stand the cynosure of all eyes. It is a journey into the realm of fulfillment, make it! I bet you, by the time you are true with this manual, you will see all your dreams, desires, and expectations come true. See you fulfilled!.



You can count the seeds in an apple,

but you cannot count the apples in a seed.

Men are lost into the forest of inferiority complex because of negligence and degradation of self and what lies on the inside of one. Why should that be? Do you know the worth of what has been divinely place on the inside of the physical structure- the body? It is bigger than the size you can imagine and it worth more than what you think. Though it may be small and as minute as anything you can think of, but it is might and can cause the whole world to be flooded with it if it is to be fully tapped.

Friends, you are bigger than what you think is your size and you worth more than whatsoever you think. If your can recognize the essence of the minute in you cannot but take over your realms and will reign supreme in your world.


Nobody makes you inferior without your consent and none can deceive you without touching your thinking faculty.

            Your size in life and what you can achieve is determined by the state of your mind and what is recycling in it. So, what you are is a function of the mind. You cannot be great until you think yourself great. It is all about the mindset.

            Never be pessimistic about whatsoever, that has to do with your life. That you cannot do it is because you have not made up your mind to try it. It is by trying those things that don’t work that you learn and get that thing that works. Wake up your mind to work with the minute in you, do that very thing you can, and you’ll see yourself working wonders. The monkey is not born with the agility of jumping from tree to tree with f
alling, but it is by trying and learning how to jump from breach to branch that the monkey learns how to jump form tree to tree without shaking. Just be excited with that small thing you can do and you will see yourself being fulfilled in no time.

            The mind is the control unit of a man’s life and God from creation placed a force there to be diving all the ‘becomings’ of man.


Guard your heart with all diligence

(every carefulness) for out of it cometh all the

issues of life.

Never allow some issues of life or engagements impinge on your heart function. Know it that how you share your heart is far more important than how you share your bodies.

As you learn to live more from your heart, you will discover the conquering force of fulfillment. As you work more from your heart, you will unleash the great force on your behalf. Let your heart-set, rather than your mindset, be your constant guide. Let your heart rule your head.


Major desires are those things you want with all your heart. Major desires aren’t objectives imposed on you by parents, friends or others. They aren’t “shoulds” or “ought –tos”. They are deep, intense, and powerful longings. They are persistent, ever-demanding, heart felt hungers or yearning that pierce you to the very core of your existence. The only one and easy way of identifying them is that they are always tied and fixed to a strong emotion in your heart- passion. Which is the reason why anything in your life gets done at a high level of success, satisfaction, and fun. The God-deposited dynamite force in you is the only strong force strong enough to keep and sustain the persistent effort and focus necessary to realize your major heart desires.

However, some people often do things because they felt they have to ought to, or should, not really because they truly want to. It could be because they felt it is a duty or obligation or because of some forms of fear.

Your life is too precious and your sojourn here on earth too short, to waste your life time and effort doing things that are not rewarding and fulfilling. Yes, at times you must do your duty or play your role with family, friends, employers, or country. But duty is pleasure when it aligns with desire.

You will always encounter some “have –tos” on your way to your ‘want –tos”- your major heart desire. That’s a fact. Some things or demands may be unpleasant, difficult, expensive, or even painful. But you won’t mind doing them if you are actually getting where you want to go or getting what you want to get.

If your heart is set on getting a particular certificate, you will have to take some courses even the ones you don’t like. If you want to get into shape, you will have to exercise no matter how difficult, if you want to lose weight, you will have to change your diet not minding your tastes and choice. If you want to own business, you will have to take certain risks.

However, you won’t mind the ‘have-tos’ while pursing your major and main heart desires because the rewards far exceed the price to earn: knowing that the prize is far more than the price, you will always choose to face the have-tos “at all cost.

When the “have-tos” aren’t getting you to your major desires, your life is less fulfilling. It may even be miserable. Only when you are pursing your major desires – those things that inspire you, get you excited and bring you joy, will you unleash the powerful conquering force of dynamite within you. You will experience profound joy, peace, balance, serenity, and happiness. As you pursue the desires of your heart, you will be happier.

What makes work work? When you don’t like it. When you love doing something, even if it is physically or emotionally demanding, you don’t mind the effort required; in fact you call it fun.

To experience and live a life full of enjoyable activities, day in and day out, you must know what you really desire. If you think you want something, but deep down in your subconscious that’s not what you really want, you will never attain it.

“The hand will never reach

for what the heart does not long for”  


Do you know what you desire most in your heart. Do you have a sense of what it will take to realize desires? Are you willing to pay the price? 

For example, suppose you want to be a certified chattered accountant.

You know that you need to go through and complete a course of study as well as pass certain tests or examinations to realize this desires. Now, you need to ask yourself. “Am I smart enough to learn what I need to know? Do I believe that the knowledge I need already exists somewhere in a class, a course, a book, a seminar, a mentor, or on the internet? “If you answer these questions with confidant yes, know it that you clearly have the ability and all it takes to become a chattered accountant.


            If you can identify the intensity of your heart desire, you will be given more assurance on what you actually want. To help you asses   the relative intensity of your heart desires, a measurement device has been provided in the form of game of question. This simple assessment tool serves as a guide to finding and knowing your heart’s desires thereby causing you to always reflect on everything you would like to have, do, experience, become, or achieve in various areas of your life.

With every sincerity in you, try answering these questions to help you learn what you truly desire most.

Ø  What would I love to do if I had no obligation? And if only I had more time?

Ø  What makes me feel very happy and fulfilled?

Ø  What tugs at my heart or stirs my emotions? What am I pinning away for?

Ø  What do I love doing for others to benefit or be helped.

Ø  What characteristics would I like to have or strengthen?

Ø  What do I want with or from my spouse and children?

Ø  What do I want with or from others or people around me?

Ø  What do my best friend and I always do for fun?

Ø  What did I used to do that I can’t just do now?

Ø  If money is not to be my problem, what would I do?

Ø  What would I like to have that I don’t have now?

Ø  If I had that, what would it give me and how would it help me feel?

You must be very sensitive to the intensity of your emotional responses to each of the search questions. This sensitivity will help you accurately measure the intensity of your heart desires.

Intensity is everything as it relates or has to do with the achievement of your major desires.


< span>“Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle

yields to stern resolve”

– Leonard da Vinci

We all have the innate ability to achieve what we most desire, no matter what barriers exist. When your heart is set on something, you don’t give up. You tight, dig, and scratch until you get it. Something these things require blood, sweat, and tears. But when it is your heart- set, you will always find a way to make it happen.

Read the testimony of a man that had a strong resolution to become what he knew will make him fulfilled.

“I set out with great enthusiasm and determination to achieve the desire of being a public speaker. After encountering many obstacles, I decided I would start my own seminar company. Within two years, starting with no money and three like –minded partners, we built up one of the largest seminar companies in the world, earning fifty – five million dollars a year, teaching people how to invest in the stock market with the help, and tools, available on the internet. Today my family and I enjoy, a lifestyle that, at one time in my life, would have seemed totally impossible for me to achieve. I now know that anything is possible if it is a major burning desire”

– D. Scott Elder

Achieving a goal is not in writing the goal, it is in resolving with a strong desire to get to the goal. If your heart is not set to get it, it cannot come. I learned that ‘shoulds’ have no power to motivate; it is your heart –set that counts.

“Your own resolution to succeed is more

important than any other thing” 

This otherwise should be said that your resolution to succeed is far more important them your working to succeed.

It doesn’t   matter how small what you have is when compared with what you look forward to achieving or becoming, what matters is your resolution and heart – set to get it. The minute in you is your desire, your passion, and your resolution to become, don’t belittle it, don’t look down on it, it can make a giant out of the weak, it makes a great out of the small, and cause a barren tree to bear fruits again. It is your force of fulfillment which can take you to the place you most desired. It is a little struck of match which when ignited, sets ablaze and raze to the ground the thickest forest. Put it to work!


A strong desire for any object will

ensure success, for the desire of the

end will point the means.

– Willian Hazlitt

It doesn’t matter what you want or the size of your heart desire, what matters is the encouragement you give yourself. To very many people today, it is not that they cannot do something or get something they desire and yearn highly for, this case is that they lack the will power which is the force of personal self encouragement. No body encourages you doing something until you power your heart with your own encouragement. Always power your hear with words of encouragement, for in them lies the force of your fulfillment.

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.

            Until you know and assure yours that you can, you cannot. Recognize the force and efficacy of the minute in you and never underrate the result. Where you are doesn’t matter, what matters is your knowledge of where you are going. If you don’t know where you are supposed to be or where you are meant for, you die in where you are. This is what helped the seven lepers. They knew that, it is not wise for them to be there, and they encouraged themselves thereby powering their hearts. And they said one to another, let’s go out of this place, let’s quit this stage, for if we don’t, we die? The first person you need to encourage you is yourself. When you encourage yourself you achieve what you most wanted and desired and when that comes you become successful. Success of course attracts people to you, which will act as more encouragements to you because recognition has been given to what you are doing. No one likes identifying with a failure but a successful man is a friend of all. So if you wait for people to encourage you and help you become successful, you will become a failure. Encourage yourself, power your heart to success then and then will attentions be paid to you and your life.

“The starting point of all achievement and success is desire. Weak desires bring weak results, just as small amount of fire make a small amount of heat. When your desires are strong and powerful enough you appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve”         

– Napoleon Hill



There is a power under your control that is greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all your  fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you may desire.

Andrew Carnegie

There is an incredible energy and power within you just waiting to be located and unleashed by you. Just as a dynamite, it is a force producing treasure which when located and tapped into lets out an amazing energy. Akin to what lies inside you is the force of fulfillment. And force is the power to act effectively and to move against resistance. So your force of fulfillment is your innate ability to act effectively, to get what you seek by overcoming all obstacles and resistance in your way. By locating the dynamite in you, you can achieve amazing results.

Think of this. What portion of you “potential being” do you occupy? What part of you mind resource do you use? Would you like to know the source of all success? Would you like to make better use of your resources; achieve what you most desired to be, have, and do in life and gain greater success and fulfillment in your life ministry and work.

When you locate and unleash the conquering force, you will not only get all you can desire but they will locate you without stress.

This unstoppable force already resides within you. Everything you do, have, or become is a direct result of it. It is the force in your desire, locate it and never do without it and don’t try neglecting it.


            It is one thing to desire fulfillment in life and another thing altogether to get what will enhance and enforce your fulfillment. No matter how explosive and radiant a piece of dynamite may look you, it remains inactive until it is harnessed or mined. Give it all it demands, and make sure you get to it. It doesn’t matter the time you realized it or the time it took you to get it, what matters is your having it at the end. Just go for it, locate it with all it takes and the explosive will announce you in no time. Rise to the consciousness of the great force in you then will you engage it for the enforcement of your fulfillment.


            God himself is not ignorant of the force in man. He deposited it in you but you must locate it before it will be called into action. You must desire and aspire to let it out otherwise it gets expired. And the bible says.  

There is a vital force in man, and the inspiration

 of the almighty giveth him understanding.

Until you know that there is a vital force lying on your inside, you die unfulfilled. It doesn’t matter whom you are or where you are, when once you called the force into power through our knowledge of its existence and efficacy, you will stand tall to the witness of all in any world you find yourself.

It is a living and vital force, it is not far fetched, rather it resides on your inside. It is the force behind all your “becomings”. That is the God-give strength to work for what you most desired, to persist and persevere with your desire without slacking back. Walk into that your desire, and work towards the actualization no matter the size. No sooner had you dived into it than you will see it delivered to you. All it takes is your knowledge of the indomitable force.


You can trust and count on the force of the dynamite in you. It is living and mighty, strong and powerful. It can turn impossibility to possibility, make a way where there is seemingly no way. It can take you across oceans of tempest of life without a shake or slack. You have got to have it, trust it, count on it and believe that with that force in place in your life, you can take over any realm you imagine.

He is able to do abundantly, above what

we think or imagine. 

From this you know that even God himself is helpless and cannot come to your aid or think of doing anything for you until you desire for something. He cannot and is unable to do, until you think of something to desire for.

Desire is the force that overcomes the natural inertia that keeps you without change and result in life.

Desire is the basis on which God acts. He is unable to do, only when you have not imagined or thought it. Then this finally returns to the saying that, what you don’t desire, you don’t deserve. Do you think you deserve it? Then, you must desire it.


The switch to the ability of God is desire.

If you ever want God to act in any area of your life, you got to do so by desiring. You put God to work by desiring for what you want him to do for you. So, until you desire for it, it remains far from you as the heavens are above the earth.

Locate the switch and put it on. That strong desire in you can cause wares if fully on.

For he is able to do abundantly above

all you can think (desire) or imagine

(inwardly visualize).

Whatsoever you have, came first in the form of desire. Anything, you had, have or would like to have, that thing first appeared and must still appear in the form of desire. You get it in the form of desire before it is tangibly delivered to you. Yes, until you can desire, you are not fit to receive from God.

The desire of the righteous shall not be cut off 

This follows that the access to receiving from God is through desiring strongly. Only those that desire rules the world of receiving.

Just as my first book goes, ‘Discovering the quality of life’, I want to say that you cannot live a quality life until you desire for such.

Set to live a life of meaning and quality by desiring strongly for one. It is the magnetic force of desire that draws all you deserve close and to you. Dare to desire it, it must definitely, come to you.


There is dynamite in you, locating and harnessing it is under the mercy of your choice. It is your choice; you choose to have it that way because that’s the best way you saw it. In self-image psychology the person you see is the person you will be. Begin to see yourself as someone who is well organized, efficient and effective.

Brian Tracy 

Whatsoever you were, what you are and would be, you choose to be.

You have been hearing people in many occasions say, the choice is yours’ in some issues, but never cared how close the choice is to you, rather you always feel you have no choice of yours’. Listen, it is your choice but you cannot make the right choice until you make some rejections. The choice is yours, yes! But you cannot use it until you undo and lay off some other things preoccupying the place of your choice making as it concerns your fulfillment in life.

What are those things that are odd to you when it comes to deciding on some issues or taking one thing in a million other things? To this I say that, if you don’t know what you don’t want, you might not be able to recognize what you want when presented to you among other things. Now, ask yourself ‘what is it that I don’t want? By the time you succeed in answering this question, giving yourself an answer that will clear every atom of doubt in you. You will find out that it will ease the process of choice making. Know what you cannot be at home with so as to know, locate and use that thing that will give your life a lasting shape, colour and meaning. It is your choice, know it, it is your choice and even in the actions of God there is a place for your choice and always want you to choice as man. God respects your choice and always want you to make a good choice. Just as we can see when God said.

I set before you life and death but I a advice you to choose life

So even in the midst of myriads of choices or options He still advice and try to help us make the right choice.

Yes it is true and even by myself I have set before you life and also death. But being aware of the options and the effects I strongly wish that you choose life and not death. From this, we know that God is never pleased with our wrong choices in life neither is he at home when the opposite of life is facing us. No! it is only our failure to use our divinely deposited power of choice making that normally make us see and have some of our expected, in life.

Dare to relive, locate and use this great treasure in you – the power of rightful choice making.

Know what you don’t want so as to shorten

your journey through recognizing and

choosing what you want out of the myriad of others.  



                                    I can do all things in him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13 RSV

It is not difficult to understand or know that no matter how strong you are, your knowledge and understanding about something that you cannot get one thing accomplished until you realize and it is registered in your heart that you have all it takes to embark on and finish that thing. No matter how good a tool meant for a work is, if the purpose is not recognized it cannot be used for the supposed work. No matter how sophisticated a weapon, it is still useless when the type of war it could be used to fight is not known.

Come on, there are tools you need to bring out, it is lying on your inside. And until those tools are used, nothing comes to the surface for manifestation. Discover something new about these tools and use them for optimum result in your life. They are the core tools you need to bring out or mine the great-awaited treasure embedded in you on creation. Take and use without looking back a
nd you will see yourself drive to your expected end in life.


It is false belief that in order to achieve success, an individual must and should trample upon everyone who stands in his way’. Success is the achievement of personal goals and should never in any way involve intentionally hurting someone else. In fact, sometimes the greatest success can be measured by the number of people we influence and encourage in their own pursuit of success. Why not help someone else achieve his goals while you are pursuing yours? Know it that, in the pursuit of ‘true success’, winning is a good thing, and its rewards are most enjoyable when shared with others.

            Winning is a concept which we must imbibe since it is so important for achieving success or being fulfilled in life. We must become totally and entirely comfortable with the concept if we want to quicken personal achievement and fulfillment. A person who does not have the zeal to win won’t! It is as simple as that.

            Since a winning attitude as the tool is the engine of achievement, let’s examine the three cardinal elements of a winning attitude: confidence, persistence, and enthusiasm.

            Having a winning attitude is not going through life denying reality and looking at everything through rose- coloured glasses. On the contrary, people who are true winners see things as they really are, whether good or bad and choose to respond with confidence, persistence, and enthusiasm! A positive attitude is not an act, a gimmick, or magic formular to be taken out and used at will. It must be developed and practiced its becomes a natural response.


What is Confidence?

Confidence is defined from Webster as: i: characterized by assurance, especially: SELF-RELIANT; 3a: full of conviction: CERTAIN: b: cock sure

            People who have confidence know they can do whatever it is that has to be done. Their confidence is an attitude about life itself. Confident people develop their self-assurance over a period of time by proving certain things to themselves from their own experiences, namely that they can usually do anything they need to do if they devote enough time, effort, and energy to the very task at hand. Confident people are not afraid to try, new things or take reasonable risks. How does one achieve this great sense of optimism? Obviously, no one is born with confidence, I believe it is a virtue acquired through a process.

            Our confidence comes from the things we believe about ourselves, and it either grows or diminish with the results we achieve and the attitude of people we round ourselves with. It has been proved that when it comes to personal achievement that there may be nothing more important than confidence. Confidence gives the ability to experience new things and to take chances. When people are confident, it is exuded in their attitude and is visible to others.


Mr. persistence is a man that believes that nothing happens spontaneously or instantaneously. He believes that there must be a stage of hanging on, staying on and waiting. He is never disturbed by the process because he is always after the end result or outcome which he is confident enough could be great.

            Yes, I say that fulfillment is sure in the place of persistence. It is the assurance in the form of force that keeps one in the process till the result is delivered.

Fulfillment in life is not spontaneous,

it is rather a process you go though 

Mining is a process, it is not executed instantaneously. You cannot answer a fulfilled man without great experiences. Experiences make up the greatest percentage of any fulfilled man’s life. It doesn’t answer to age only as people think.  To be fulfilled is not to be advanced in age and being heavily, bearded with gray bears and your head cover with gray hairs. No! it is a thing of the mind, the inner man. Don’t think it is taking time, just know that it is worth waiting for and good to be accomplished. Keep to it and you’ll have it!

There must always be a time of waiting after

logging in for a site on the internet, it is

either longer (slower) or shorter (faster), depending

 on the internet service provider (ISP); but if slow

 takes persistence in patience and how passionately

eager you are to use the site in search, for you to stay

on in wait for it to open.  

An individual who is persistent continues to do something in a determined way, even in the face of difficulties or oppositions. This is the hard part of the equation because there is nothing more difficult than pressing on in spite of something negative that has happened, mistakes that have been made or any member of other obstacles that can present or pose a temptation to quit.

            Quitting is not an option, and even if it is, not a better one and is deadly.

            Unfortunately, people usually begin more things than they finish, and if they don’t finish, they will not win! Nothing about success is certain except the result of quitting – it will guarantee failure every time. This result is constant anywhere any time. Quite unfortunately, human beings are masters at coming up with good, logical reasons for quitting, because they usually do not want to admit that they simply gave up!.

            There is a certain quality a person must have to create persistence and be able to press on when circumstances are not favourable. This quality is desire and it is the fuel of persistence! To have the courage to overcome obstacles and difficulties, a person has to be filled with the “want-to” mentality. If you even want to succeed and achieve your set goal, it is necessary you check the level of your “want-to” as a factor that is constant in the course of fulfillment. Your answers to the following questions serve as the bench mark with which you can know your level of desire:

1.         Do you have a clear understand of your reasons for setting the new goals?

2.         Have you carefully considered the potential ramifications and benefits of them?

3.         Have you anticipated the potential situations that might tempt you to quit?

4.         Are you doing this for yourself, or only for someone else?

5.         Do you think you will enjoy doing what you want to do?


            If you have up to three-quarter ‘yes’ answer to these questions, you have a good level of “want-to” and it then holds that you will have success in completing your goals,. But if you have to opposite reaction to the questions, know it that you aren’t sure of you want to achieve let alone how to achieve them. The honest level of desire to do something is very important. It springs from the very deepest depth of your heart with everything about you geared towards the direction of the goal in question- Desire as a tight
and strong resolution to succeed is very important and must be considered any time you begin a new project or activity. The chances of finishing are excellent if you are confident and really want to do it. Just resolve to succeed in doing that, knowing that resolution to succeed is far more important than working to succeed.    


            We are inspired the more to do and accomplish something when we are enthusiastic about doing that. Lack of enthusiasm reveals a lack of desire, and as we have already discussed, a person who does not have the desire to win probably won’t.

            Enthusiasm as a real by – product of desire cannot be counterfeited. However, if you are doing something you know you must do to be successful, and you aren’t entirely enthusiastic about if, there is no reason to despair. In such condition, there is still hope, and that is in simply returning to the first point as, discussed in this chapter: confidence!

            Among all the three elements of a winning attitude, I believe confidence is the most essential element because you don’t have to be enthusiastic to be confident. Neither do you have to be persistent to be confident. But you need confidence to maintain persistence, and you need confidence to be enthusiastic too. So, if you are not persistent or enthusiastic as you ought to be, work on your confidence level. The fact is that, once you have acquired confidence, you have laid a good foundation for persistence and enthusiasm.

            It is very important to remember that we need help from others if we are to succeed or be fulfilled in life, and enthusiasm or lack of it will either inspire and encourage others, or dishearten and discourage them.

            It is normal that people are not always too thrilled about buying something from a sales person who is not enthusiastic about his or her product. If we aren’t enthusiastic about what we are or what we are doing, our lack of confidence will have the same effect on the people we may need to help us. Enthusiasm is contagious, and it generates credibility that attracts other people.

            You can mine that great thing in you to effect a change in your world. A winning attitude is the right tool that brings to surface without delay all it takes to make it in this life. It is not positive thinking- it is confident, persistent, and enthusiastic thinking. There is no stopping for a person with such an attitude! Let it be fully in you, and you see yourself riding on and forward in the course of fulfillment. You’ve got it.    





                                    Accept yourself and love yourself the

way God made you, for there is no mistake about

you in creation.

What should I tell you when you know that you’ve not believed in yourself, and have looked down on yourself when. You always think and say that nothing good can come out of your life. The mentality of “that is the way I am” has so much gripped you that you don’t think of anything great about yourself. Do you know your worth, your value and the force embedded in you? It is more than you can ever imagine, it cannot be correctly measured to know the extent the effect can go if it is recognized and realized.

You have so much degraded yourself and demoralized the force within you because you have not taken time to evaluate your life so as to know what it is up to and what the value is. You have so neglected the product of the great maker and consequently abused the purpose of the great product because you think that the physical size is all about it.

Know it, your life is too great that a mere knowledge of yours about that will cause the giant in you to rise.


Just like a quantity surveyor that never condemns until a proper evaluation is  taken on a particular material as it has to do with building and estate management. You have summarized your life and have drawn the conclusion in all areas, and you are okay with the result you’ve gotten so far just because you have not evaluated with every carefulness.

It takes evaluation to value, and it takes valuing a

thing to treasure it.  

You have not progressed because you think you’ve come to the end of the journey. You take bend for the end because you don’t believe in what lies ahead of you. Take time and evaluate your life. Look up yourself in the mirror and then you will know that the hand behind the image you see on the mirror cannot just be joking. Know that He cannot just sit down to mould such a sophisticated living thing in vain. After doing this, then you can talk to yourself saying; there must be something great about your life.

Evaluation is all it takes to know what God can make out of yourself, knowing that there is no mistake about you in creation. You are not the maker of yourself, neither do you give yourself the life you are living. You never knew you will be here, so seeing yourself in life should make you understand that there is a super being that is the reason why you are here and that knows the ‘why’ you are here.

You are a product of divine arrangement and you cannot help yourself but through understanding the force behind your existence. Your life is an offer, it is not just for your to live the way your like. It is a great offer for a great purpose. Don’t abuse it by living in ignorance of the value and what it stands to give out.


For you to know the real value of your life, one thing you mustn’t do is to compare your life with others. God created you in a way that you have no comparison and you cannot be likened to the next person to you. You are unique in value and in purpose. Never you think of anything as a close match. No!. you are the only person on earth and only you is meant to deliver what your life stands to give out to this world. God has so much fashioned you in such a unique and special way that you cannot be compared or matched with anybody. You have no match in this world and in the world to come. You are a single and the only product from the factory you came from. You have no mate and no single match.

A thing will always be lower than what

it is being compared with.

Your life will never appreciate until you stop comparing yourself with some other persons. In fact, life is a burden when lived in comparison with others.  And you never live life to the fullest when you live it in comparing with others. That is not what you were created forward you shouldn’t make it your duty neither. You are a single product from a monotonous market, stop looking for mates.


Live in continuous appreciation to God for what he made your life to be. You will never have a better reason to live a greater life until you start appreciating God for your life. Your life will keep depreciating if you don’t live it in appreciation to God.

The value of your life is more than you think. It is the tallest tree in the forest that doesn’t
fear being shaded upon by other trees. Don’t depreciate the value by ingratitude. The psalmist knew the danger of ingratitude and the good of appreciation and that made him say

I thank God for I am wonderfully

 and fearfully made.

He grew in the knowledge that the hand that made him was not out for an experiment with him, neither was he into a joke. He was so sure that the hand was out for something great and that he showed by taking a good time to fashion him the way he look. And in that excitement and gratitude to omniscient nature of the most high, the psalmist proclaimed that he is wonderfully and fearfully made.

You are glorious in appreciation, you are wonderfully and you are fearfully fashioned to show nothing but the glory of God. Live in this understanding and keep on thanking God who is the reasons behind your glorious existence.


Life is a marathon race, where competition is not the watch word or the best option but completion. In life, you don’t live to compete rather you live to complete. Getting fulfilled is what you should be out for and not to live in competition. You cannot get fulfilled competing in this life, you get fulfilled by living to complete your purpose here on earth.

Haven evaluated and known your value, the best thing is not to go into competition but to work towards completion. In life nobody cares for who you competed with and how you competed the question is always on how you completed.

Even if life is to be a place of competition, the noted awards will never go to the competitors but to those that finished strong.

Paul as a knowledge apostle in his concept knew it when he said, “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith and for me now is the crown of glory.

Life is not a race of competition, it is more of a race of completion. It is finishing that goes first. Life is not a rat race; it is a race in which only finishers are recorded.

You can compete without completing, but you

 cannot complete without competing.

In every race, you see competition in every completion but you don’t see completion in all competition. Beloved. It is not competition but completion. Though there is little gain of experience in competing but there is all to gain in completing so, you better compete than compete.

You have not started manifesting because you have not taken time to evaluate yourself so as to know the value of your life and the great thing it stands to offer. You have so much neglected and looked down on yourself that to you it is an impossible thing doing something great with your life. Too many valuable are locked inside you but now I charge you to unlock the mighty giant in you, let it out to your world, never restrict it and you will see the effect go global. Just dare to place value on it and the action will beat all your imaginations?

You have not done anything or got anything accomplished in life because you don’t know what you have on your side; and you don’t know what you have because you have not evaluated yourself. So, evaluation gives room for function and function makes for production      



Nothing attracts appreciation and recognition

on a thing than its ability to serve the

present and would serve the future as well.

Yes! He ran fast and well and passed the baton perfectly to the partner on track. He had the agility and the experience that gave him the undeniable edge above their opponents in the race. Just as the case was, the baton was moving one to one speedily and perfectly as supposed, in the favour of the group. But at a point there was an obstruction, some how, the opponent out ran the winning group and took the baton first to the finishing line and so was declared the winner.

It is just this way in the management or preserving of what you have or discovered in your life, always treasured for the future. Just as the above track event scenario had it, every point in the stage is geared towards getting it to the next partner on line who is only successful at holding, speeding and passing the baton perfectly to the ready partner who still ensure the pass to the next staged partner. In this type of track event-relay race, success is seen in keeping the baton for the partner ahead to run with practically, though in a short form, what is being observed and seen is posterity in the event.

It is not only in passing and running with the baton, winning is seen in successful stage to stage pass of the baton between the partners till it gets to the finishing and winning line.

The great treasure in you is not for your family alone it is given for the whole of your generation to benefit from. The purpose is not a one-way traffic service, it is for all and sundry. Who knows whether it is mostly needed in the future, who knows if it was meant to redeem a particular future generation, and who can say whether it is for the development of some great destinies and talents in the nearest future. The ultimate is knowing that it is for the sake of posterity.

Knowing the purpose has to do with a personal deep thought about what one is out for in life. So, the knowledge is not literal or what has to do with understanding, reading and writing and knowing how to do them. It goes beyond that rating.

Meanwhile, understanding it in this way makes it pertinent to know the purpose. It is your personal pigeon to take time and know the vision (purpose) before writing. And of course you cannot write what you don’t know. Then, it takes knowing a thing to write it. Take time to know the nature, in and out of your purpose before you proceed into writing or keeping the reference. In all these, know this:

It is useless to keep track of time if there

is no end towards which you are moving.  


In this case, it has to do with writing as to keep record. What you write you keep record of and what the record is kept is for future reference. Nothing brings you to the memory of the world but the purpose you kept because you knew it. Your can keep your name echoing and reechoing in the past by simply keeping the purpose you discovered in your life.

Just know this; you are not fulfilled until your impact or your works are sealed for posterity. Think of the numerous people you hear their names today, you learnt what they did in the far past; and still now they are being respected and honoured because of something great they did in the past when you were not born. But as a result of the ability of their works to serve the present in the past and is still serving in the now which was the present in the then assumed future, they are being recognized and respected in memorial.

Strive to be fulfilled not at the level of being known in the present or in a life time only. But to still be labeled “fulfilled!” hereafter. Let your great past be seen in the future, for then will your works imprecate the generations.           


A good runner or competitor is never concerned too much about the beginning or the start of any competition but as well concerned about the end of it which is always in the near future of the race.

Fast to the front, keep on fast forwarding. The greatest part of lif
e is always in the future.

Never you be satisfied with the present achievements or normal condition of things. No! there is always a place called ‘there’ in life and that is where every meaningful man should aim at getting to.

Keep on pressing, until you get to the meeting point of life and purpose; for until the effect of the duo is seen, nothing happens. Just as it is seen in the life of the great apostle Paul when he said;

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet tohave taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heaven….. in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV)  

Here you see that Paul was not just pressing, but he was pressing with a strong purpose in view. He was never satisfied with the present achievements, he was really out to set and keep a great standard for posterity.

The highest it is investment is not in the present, it is investing into the future, that is the best and the highest investment one can ever embark on. Any time you invest in any form, always have the future that tests and confirms the strength of any investment. So, any investment that cannot stand the tests of the future is no investment.

God, the creator created everything with posterity in view; that is why all He created have been serving the various purposes till date, non-grow out of use and not even one has dropped in its level of usefulness.


You are never the first in a race, if you are not the first on your track or if you are not on your track to the very end. Define where you are and know it. You cannot get to the end faster by jumping lanes and crossing lanes. Just know it that, no matter how far the future looks, it is being drawn closer or seems closer in the place of focus. Don’t be a person who is uncertain about the future and hazy about the present. Stay in the groove but don’t make it a rut. Make something your specialty. You cannot find until you define. To finish the race, stay on the track.

I am most times astonished at most people’s life. As a result of lack of focus, they delegate the direction of their lives to others. Don’t try living your life like that, instead, “learn to define yourself, to content yourself with some specific things and some definite works; dare to be what you really are, and to learn to accept with good grace all that you are not” (Anonymous)   

To this, I urge, do all you can to finish well by staying on the track to the end knowing that once you are drifted out of your marked track, you are being taken out of focus and that amounts to frustration. You have so much worked to start life, so much have you put in to it, so to all these, it is expedient that you follow it determinedly to the very end.

Yes, there will be no output without input. But I still maintain that the glory of the input is determined by the output. Dare to make not only the present count for you but the future as well.

Think about this question: why did the bible advise that you do whatsoever your hand finds to do? And why seed time (sowing)? All these questions come and are answered with the ‘future’ at heart. The reason you do what you doing today is because you have tomorrow in view. In recognition and respect to the importance of the future as now, the bible advised that your hand slack not in doing whatsoever it finds to do.

What about seed time? It is only important and honoured just because of the result in the future and for the question it answers tomorrow. Haven known all these, you now know that life lived only in the now is nothing but shadow that doesn’t last. But when lived in reservation for the known future, time will never fail to keep the record for generational and eternal reference. Amplify the echoes of your acts for sure it must speak and not covered.


The past can never come back, it’s gone and never should be remembered; the present is not permanent, it is transient and is passing. You can only use it in view of the future. Now the future is always there ahead with its regenerational ability. You cannot plan for the part in the present, for the future. We all know; hope is not in the past nor for the past, and neither do you hope for the present; all is for the future.

Kept it, treasure it, preserve it for posterity, for hope is only for the future. Live for posterity, for it is only in that you should have hope.

For even that which was made glorious had no

glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that

excelleth. For if that which is done away was

glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious

seeing then that we have such hope, we use

great plainness of speech  

2 corith- 3:10-12

Friends, you can do it just dare it. Look above what you are seeing now. Take a look over the present, over the peripheral surroundings, go beyond the immediate, transcend the ordinary and the normal, take your eyes over the mirage, and see reality yourself.

You are living today because you were not satisfied with yesterday and is hoping to have tomorrow    

The future is always the full stop on every life. Nobody can be satisfied with the present, and that’s why the future is crucial. Live for the sake of posterity for it has the pen with which acts are endorsed for eternal reference. For the sake of posterity, preserve!



There is a drop of greatness in everyman which when recognized and released turns to a fountain.

You can’t imagine this! Just as I was traveling one day, I looked out of the bus and my eyes caught one advert post as the bus slowed down in the traffic jam; the advert from the Guinness breweries reads; the is drop of greatness in every man!. An for the rest of the journey, I kept on thinking about this one statement. Yes! You may not understand or read much meaning but I tell you to me I took time and dialoged it and I send that it is a truth many have nets come to know.

There is a small but ought thing in you, though a drop but when tapped turns to a fountain, it can make for an ocean, it might look like a little mustard seed but when sown go germinates and grows into a tall and giant talk true.

You don’t know yourself you have so neglected yourself that you don’t take yourself for any thing or think that anything great can still come out of you. Let me tell you, you are still the person you to people, taken to be the same thing and given that same little recognition you think is much because you have not allow the heat of the little ginger in you to come fully out. Do you know that in the midst of people that are as tell as the tree of Lebanon a short person can still be first to be seen and recognized. It is simple can be achieved by the person being able to release and allow the hidden treasure in him or her come to light. That will automatically and speedily stand the person talk above every other person.

Why you have not been recognized the is not because you are short but because you are short-sighted about the value of what you carry. It is met that they have not recognized but because, you have failed to first recognized yourself releasing the ener
getic dynamite on the inside of you.

As you go on in this chapter I will like you to take time and ask yourself some questions that will actually put your brain to work and thereby fast forward you result wise. Ask yourself: Why is it that some people that are younger to me are far ahead of me in life all wise? Why is that have not been able to attain this level I go much desire to attain. Why do I seem sleeping at this particular level? After asking yourself there question and many more questions that gonna multiply in your heart, I tell you that you will get to understand that there have to do with some facts which of course as a matter of necessity, you need to know.


Knowledge wise, I ask can there be any form of formation without information. Just as it is totally unimaginable and impossible to make an appellate without breaking eggs so also it is impossible to be well formed without good information. As the normally saying gives, if you are not informed, you be deformed. And if not all in any wdy you were informed I still say that if at that you are not rightly informed, you will be badly deformed.

First to be informed. There is no difference between you and the person that seems to have achieved much more than you, even though you are of the person that seems to have achieved much more than you, even though you are of the same age bracket. The one single difference lies on the time of information. That is who was the first to be informed.

Be if not, if I am first to be informed in a particular area or filed in life, I’m bound to grow and be taller than you in that area or filed I doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived before then or before me, it’s all about the first to be informed.

First to be informed will be the first to be

formed in the real life  

After the womb formation or formation of a child in the womb that leads to human birth, there is still another formation because as we all know; a child is not fully formed to a functional human being at birth. A person who can accept and take responsibilities. To this I maintain that there is still another formation process that a child goes through after birth physically. And this formation has to do with quality formation. As the blood is the natural raw material for child formation in the womb so also is information the raw material for this second formation. Until one is tuned in this care, he cannot take or assume reasonable responsibilities or take good initiatives.

What does information does in this respect? It has a way of re-leading the dynamite in you. As a re-leading agent, it awakens the sleeping giant inside of you. It stirs up and puts to work the great ideas in you.

After birth comes the real formation, it is not spontaneous but a process one goes you. Informing what helps one to be formed faster them others.

Information is a vital force in the formation of a man that will reasonable and needed in the society. Until you are informed, you cannot be able to release the potentials in you. Information is what empowers you over your ignorance; and makes you take advantage of time in life. Better information makes for better formation, so get informed and thereby get well formed.


Yes, imagination is good because it creates an abstract plan of what you desire or want. But if you remain on that level, you cannot get anything done, achieved or accomplished in life. Imaginary level is the level that you must teach as far as you think of fulfillment in life. You cannot really tangibly, and substantially get some thing achieved at the imaginary level. In as much as you imagine, take it to the filed of reality for actual implementation, application and manifestation. This is because, to the man that imagines or that live can imaginary life, everything seems easy and need not to be worked for. It seems and looks but it is not and will never be. And that is the irony of the whole thing.

To every imagination there a force. It is that force that helps one to achieve what he imagined in his heart. So, imagination in any respect is a mere day dream without the force that will make for the real actualization and manifestation of the golden and colourful imaginations. There is no substance in imagination until in being worked on. It is just like the shadow of the substance in view. Take a step out of that imaginary point, and you’ll see the dynamite come to light, even to the witness of all.

Breaker the imaginary line and get out of the bonds and grips of such life of immerge.


Do not be deceived life in governed by facts. Do you want to see all of life, just make up you mind to face some inevitable facts of life. Take time and hook into your life. You know some things that you can easily give birth to as a person beatify those things and work towards manifesting them as you face the facts that has to do with them.

Once you come to a place of self identify you have opened  up the flood gates of self-control and direction. You have literally defined yourself and what your life. Stands to release any time.

One important is that, if you do any wrong definition, you head for a wrong direction and no matter how long you have traveled on a wrong direction, the most sensible thing is to start all over again. This is because to continue on any direction; rightness is factual an fundamental and cannot be the subject of amendment. This is a fact. Make a noise and wishful reverse and I tell you will start seeing results. The choice is yours. Do you want to release those dynamites in you or wait as you waste with them. God has put in you everything you need to shave in as much as you allow their release. He allows you to call up any of the great forces he has deposited in you and its your choice. This is what exactly makes you different from a Robot.

Tell yourself, “there is something on my inside” and you’ll see yourself doing greater things that you can never imagine. For the fact that you’ve read up to this extent in this book shows that you are get ready to let the force out, to open up a rent for the out pour of the dynamite in you. So I enjoin you; don’t pull of off the track and stop when you can conquer those maintains with the mountain of confidence in your engine.


If you accept the fact that you will not be outstanding in everything you attempt, you will not be devastated when your best is not good enough.  

Are you ready to give out that thing in you?  Get and apply the pulling force that will actually make it work, and that is confidence in yourself, you cannot get anything achieved. Why remits are not forth coming in because, you have so looked down on yourself that you don’t believe that you can kill an ant. What a self-interpretation! When once you encounter confidence, get it into play and all you do will contact.

            You will find that your confidence has a contagious quality. It will spread throughout your sphere of influence. The bible provides some interesting examples of “confidence contagious” for instance, how many great killers do we know in Paul’s amp. Not even one. When Goliath defied the armies of God, they quaked with fear (1Sam 18:11). Daniel, a little lad that came to bring food to his brothers, sized up the situation, went out in faith, rejections all the armors of war and killed the giants David first registered victory over Goliath with confidence. He had a time understanding of who he was, what he h
as and the personality with him that is God.

            An after David the giant-killer became king, how many giant –killers rose in Israel? Quite a few. They were almost a common commodity in the army under David’s leadership. Let’s take a look at 1chronile 20:4-8.

            Then sibeca the Hushattiute killed sippari of the descendants of the giants and they were subdued. And there was war with the philistines again and Elhanan the son Jair killed Lahmi the bother of Goliath, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s been. And again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great statues who had twenty-four fingers and toes, six on each hand and sire toes on each foot; and he also was descended from the giants. And when he taunted Israel, Jonathan the son of shimea, David’s brother killed him. These were descended from the giants in Gath, and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.

            Why do you suppose there were no giant killers in Saul’s army? Of course one reason is that Saul himself was not a giant-killer. However, under David’s leadership they were memories, this has to illustrate the principle that it takes me to make one!? When you developed confidence, those around you, friends, family, and associates. Will increase in their own levels of confidence. Confidence breeds confidence. Meanwhile, when you developed cold feet, those coming after you are bound to fall by your weak steps.

            What am I saying; confidence can provide the momentum you need to be the person God meant you to be. It is not a substitute for character, or skill or knowledge, but it enhances those qualities so that you can be a person who makes a difference. When you have knowledge or sill and the momentum that confidence brings, then things begin to happen in your affairs. The then line between ‘I can’ and cannot is confidence it is the force that pulls and throws out the energetic dynamite in you. Apply it, and you’ll be surprise at the remit your little self will give. It is just but confidence.



You may never unlock all the potentials

within you until priority becomes the concept.

This is just the truth. Until your heart is set and you mind made up to give out something in life, I tell you, you will live the whole of your life without being policed for a minute. Just like a balloon that never burst until a little rent is made; so also, all the potentials and great ideas in you will remain their useless until you rise up to their recognitions.

Read this story. A little boy who loved music was bitterly disappointed because he could neither play nor sing. One day he shared his disappointment with Amati, the violin-maker who said: “come into the house and you shall try. The song in the heart is all that matters, for there are many ways of making music. Some play win, some sing, some paint pictures, some carve statues, while others till the soil and grow flowers. Each sings a song and helps to make the music of the world. You can make music too.” It was this encouragement which stimulated Antomo Stradivarius to become the world’s greatest viola- maker not until you give room to the “can” in you, you can never get anything done in life. If you will you can and if you can you move mountains. The deficiencies you see in you do not matter, you are just seeing deficiencies but the truth remains that there is no deficiency in nay main seated by God. It is only man that sees life as being deficient of some things and that is why so many people die complaining and neglecting. Stop neglecting about one thing or the other that you think is not the way you want it. Just imagine, a little neglect may breed great mischief: for want of a nail a shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was cost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by an enemy. All for the want of a little care about a horseshoe nail.


The most miserable men in their world is the man that is satisfied with who he is at a time. Any time you stopped desiring and hunger not for a change I tell you that you are ready for a waste. A life time is not enough for you to become all that God wants you to be. Desire for a change from time to time. Hunger for more of the manifestation of what is in you. Something is always looking on your inside looking for a rent to be let out but most times you imprison it and keep on lamenting ‘why am I like this? All the great things will be struggling on their own to be announced, just because you have no hunger for a change. Develop the hunger to be that thing or that person you admire, and you’ll see something jump out of you to make you a celebrity. You must get crazy for that thing you want, you must get mad for it, you most rise up to whatsoever it demands and roll up your sleeves to give it what remits starts thing ceaselessly.

Dear ready, it is only a hunger soul that is made fat. In life, satisfaction is more obvious it there is hunger. It the hunger in not there, satisfaction cannot be desired. Hunger for it with the whole of you and you’ll see it live in response to what you want to be. It has not manifested because you have not hungered for it, you have not placed or made of a priority.

Thirst of the him, he doesn’t go after his prey or in search of prey or food until he is hunger. He makes sure that the hunger is there before he goes out because that will actually make fierce and aggressive and bent on what he wants for food because the hunger is there and must be satisfied. This is the reason why the bible said that the line never turns talk at his prey. Thirst for it and let your heart pant for it no the dace pants after the water brooks. That is when the explosion will come speedily. The hunger is the catalyst that speeds up the explosion and laps bare the greater you to the, witness to all. Hunger for a change!.


Your present situation might not comate or depict success or have traces showing that succeeding in possible, but know it that it is just a matter of time and the fruit will ripe.    

Most people are always being discouraged and caused to look down on themselves because what they are at a time doesn’t should that they have the hope of becoming what they desire or getting to the level they aspire for in life.

            Even though your present state is nothing to be compared to the glory to are expecting, but I still tell you to give it time. It must not be instantaneous or speedy as you think; but one thing is sure, at the fullness of time it will cozen out line blood from a cut never. Don’t defer your desire because of time. Just as it is said logging differed make the soul sick. No! don’t give up! Keep on working on that yourself sooner they later, the long expected you will be birthed and nothing, absolutely nothing will stop or inhibit the manifestation.

            If you know the glory that follows that thing, it your eyes are opened to see the you that is coming up, you will choose to wait for it against all odds.

            Just as the scripture says I will wait until my change come, thigh it takes time but I will wait for it.

Check the quotation or the bible reference.

Note this fact, when once you are discouraged on your ability, failure sets in. so discouragement with oneself is the only door through which failure beeps into a man’s l
ife. When you say yes ‘I can’ all you rawness will jointly say yes it is possible”. On the other hand, if you say No! I can’t they collectively join you to say never, it can’t be done. Don’t be discouraged, follow your dreams no matter the time it will take.


It is not all about being short in size, but the question is, are you not shortsighted? A short person is not in anywhere disadvantaged because what announces a man is not height or hugeness; what speaks volumes of a man is the explosion of what he has on the inside. The shortest person, and the most disadvantaged in life is not the dwarf; but somebody that is short sighted about what he really is so, it is far better to be short in size than to be short in sight.


As it is always being said, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are; but it doesn’t stop there. Your friends do not only say who you are but also who you would become. If the kind of friends you keep has such a strong influence over your life and desting, what is expected of you so as to make it an instrument and not weapon in your hands.

In friends, we have builders and destroyers. There are friends that can never make your count and there are those that make for a great advancement and achievement in life. Some friends will cause or help you expose the great deposits in you while some will even damp any sight of greatness noticed in you. When I discovered this solemn truth about friendship, I sat my self down, thought very well about my circle of friends and I decided to stop making or accepting more friends. I took time and sieved my friends, so as to make sure I have a positive and favourable influence from friend. Mind your friends, for they either make or mar your future. It is no more an issue of who you are but also who you would become; and that is why it goes thus: your friends, your future. Make quality friends, and make your future count for good.    


In life, we have different categories of people when considering the word taste as it has to do with the one’s modus operatic and style of living. It batters that most people that are having don’t have taste and severalty some that have are not haven. This is one irony if life.

For you to be annoyed in this life and for you to have value it doesn’t just in minding your friends you also need to have taste and stand and that you won’t compromise may be because of the changing phases of life. That doesn’t mean that changes will not come but even when they do, let your deviation from what you are really be not noticeable all that, that the effect be negligible. Stick to your taste and respect if for it is what tells the world the standard you are operations.

Note this, you must have to have taste. As a matter of fact taste should proceed having because you should ask yourself when I have what do I do, how do I look or appear and what do I love using so, teats as I’m saying is one’s steely of living standard of living and way of doing things which springs from one’s level of knowledge and enlightenment about quality.



The value of the dynamite is not a function of the size but the amount of energy inherent

Multiplication and fulfillment sterns from neglecting size in most cares. Meanwhile if you keep considering and looking on the size of what you have most times you cannot get anything done. You give life and speed to what you have of neglecting the size in the sense that it will make you see and believe that there is something greater than the mere size of that you carry or the stiff you are made of.

I asked a friend if mine what she thinks her life can offer as a blessing to her generation and the answered and said; I don’t just know what this my life can give out. When I tried to find out what made her give such reply, realized that she never believed that her life is big enough to give out something great and good for the people around her. She so much believe that what is in her as a person is so menial and negligible that it cannot offer nothing reasonable. At this knowledge of miner, I cried within me and I started talking to her so as to build confidence and trust in her for what she has as a person.

This same mentality hunts many people all over the world and that is why so many are recalled because they believe that it is not yet time for what they have to start working as a remit of believed underdevelopment and immaturity of what they carry. Beloved to help fight this there are something you must do so as to checkmate and watch angrily against such deadly mentality and life.


Your life is so present the viewpoint you here about if. And that is why the way you see yourself and how you believe in yourself goes long way in determining what becomes of your life.

In psychology, there is what called the humanistic perspective? This aspect of psychology as concerned and the theories as propounded by Carl Rogers has it that human beings naturally embrace a positive view, which in turn affirms the inherent dignity and goodness of the human spirit. This theory emphasize the role of conscious posture viewpoint about oneself, as well as its role in manifesting the individuals creative potential and inborn string for self-actualization the totally realization of one’s human potential.

For instance, if you want to help somebody become something you lowly, the first step you take is towards changing the viewpoint of that one so as to have what you expect. So as to have whatsoever you wan toto chemise in your life or around you starts with change in your viewpoint about it. To this I tell you that you cannot become what you have not imagined or seen in yourself inwardly become. That is to say that what you image you emerge.


The believes of other in you and what your life starts to offer does not matter as much as your own personal believe in yourself and what you can do or your ability. It doesn’t matter what the challenge is, the handle before you or the mountain, as long as you believe in yourself, you can loafs stand the challenge, scale the bundle and surmount the mountain before you. Tap into the secret of believing in oneself and you will see yourself doing wonders with the negligible potential force inherent in you. You will see that you will be a surprise to people around you and even to your own self. Just believe!


A song writer wrote, I know that I can make it, I know that I can stand, no matter what may com my way… no mater the steam of encouragements from people, until you take to yourself and rise up to your challenges as a result of self –encouragements, you cannot be fully encouraged to keep on.

Lean to speak to yourself, motivate yourself and always listen to the inner voice within you saying you can, you can you can! Failures stands with self discouragement and success starts with self encouragement as well. It doesn’t face of odds, keep encouraging your self for it is the gear of every mind and man that is headed for fulfillment and success. Even when everything around you is speaking discouragement; refuse to be discouraged and never you quit. Make sure you maintain your encouraging attitude and non-quitting move towards your chase and pursuit. As long as these are obeyed, sooner than later you will se yourself arrive at, your expected coal. Never be discouraged!


If a close friend of yours never believed of your may be because of your size or your smallish stature, know if that you cannot grow or productive in the company of such a friend. Such a company can only succeed in running down your potentials and slowing down your speed to fulfillment. Never you allow anybody to take down on what you are or the way you look. Don’t be intimidated may be became of your size for if you give room to intimidation and got gripped by it, you end up becoming a toy and the hands of men without any freedom of expression in any way. It is better to be feared and respected because of what your are as a result of what is in you than to be feared became of physical size. It you build up respect for yourself an a result of your physical size and outlook, that one is just a mere castle in the air but if you build for yourself frame, name and respect as a result of what you are springing from what is in you, it remains as long as you leave even after life. What is in you makes you to big and great to be despised unless you chose to do so by looking down on yourself as you mind your physical size.


What announces a men is not physical, height or hugeness. It is not base voice or other physical admirable fruits. What announce a men is the tapped dynamite in that one. Had it been that fulfillment in life answers to physical outlook in terms of size, height or body building, many fulfilled and respected men and women today in the world couldn’t have been noticed not to take of being know. It if is that fulfillment has to do with height, Mr. Bao Xishur who is the tallest men in the world today could have carried the whole. But there is something in everymen that sounds louder them any voice or sounds higher them any height to be imagined and that is what this tallest man knew and understand. And in Bao Xisher’s understanding of this uniqueness and the unseen height of everymen, he choose to get man and to a women called Xia who is not up to his waist in height. Just imagine.

In the filed of fulfillment in life everybody is of the same size and height, it is only those that have tapped and maximized the uncommon potentials in them that sand talk among others


It is not in size or height. The factor in not size, height or admirable bodybuilding; it is in the knowledge of what is in you and the quest to mine it to the fullest.

Until you reglet and despise what is in you nobody despises you. Don’t think that thing you normally do at ease with every sense and of feeling fulfillment is just a child’s play; it is a force that could drive you hence to self-actualization end fulfillment if only you don’t look down on it.

Always know that tinge and gingemtic vehicles are not always the stringer or the fastest. It is not always on the forceful building of the body, the real thing that everyone lookers for is in the engine of the vehicle. In as much as the building matters, disappointment comes in once the engine is found to be of low quality and cannot perform up to expectation. Once they real thing inside is fully mined and maximized, every other thing follows. As the dynamite in you is mined by the reason of your taking to the things outlined in this manual, I see your life experiencing fast leap into fulfillment and all your long expected heart and life needs met.

The size of the mustard seed is a hill of challenge

before the sower, which when surmounted ushers

 him into the realm of bountiful years of harvest.




The speed of the boat is not determined by the size

of the oar but by the strength and skill of the boatman

You are the sole determinate of everything that happens in your life and around you. What you don’t allow or permit can never happen in your life and anything you don’t let out of your life or make manifest can never surface in any way. Recognize the force of fulfillment in you and take charge of it. Never you allow anything in life intimidate always know that you have something in you to you have something in you to face any situation in life there is a force in you that in equal to every demand that life would place on you. Be in charge.


“Move gold has been mined from thoughts

of men than has ever been taken from the earth”

When you take the time to change your thoughts about your life you automatically change your way of life and upgrade your living.

Thinking is a mechanism with which you fully harness the greatness in you. Gold mines tap out. Stock markets crash. Real estate investments can go sour. But a human mind with the ability to thing well is like a diamond mine that never runs out. It’s price less.

Take charge of your thoughts and change your life. If you change the way you. Think you improve not only your life out also the lives of all the people around you. Taking charge of your thoughts as to channel it to the right positive given is a great investment in yours. It is also the greatest present you can fine someone else, because it represents the gift of unlimited potential.

Often times people are reasons why their lives are the way they are, they desire the change out they don’t to anything different or think differently so as to effect a change. They merely hope that things will turn out to be good with time and they become more frustrated when they don’t.

Recognize that it is only when you takes charge of your thinking and make the might changes in your thinking pattern and the things you think on that things begin to turn out right in your life.


“People will never attain what they

cannot see themselves doing”

You can never become what you don’t believe you are to get a task or project accomplished, the belief in your personal ability is what should change first, and should be rightly in place.

It is not enough to have friends and people that believe in you it is more rewarding to have a strong belief in your personal abilities. If people or friends believe in you and you never believed in yourself you cannot make any headway but you could make great thing happen when people and friends don’t believe in you but you believe in yourself strongly and comincingly.

What you expect from yourself changes as your belief change so if you want to change your life for better, change your beliefs for better.

A belief is not just an idea that you posses; it changes an individual’s expectations. Be careful with what you think about yourself, for the quality determines what comes or becomes of your life take charge of your belief system!

What you think about yourself matters as much as what you become in life. The belief system is the processing unit and until it is well controlled it cannot give out something reasonable. It is all about your belief.


A story was told of a man that walked into a fortuneteller’s tent at a carnival and paid for his palm to be read for him.

“I see many things” the fortune tellers said “Like what?”

 the man asked

“You will be poor and unhappy until you are forty five” she stated “Oh”, he said dejectedly. Then he had a though. “What will happen when I’m forty five?”

“You will get used to it” Our expectations have tremendous impact or effect on what we become in life or the outcome of our lives. Ben Franklin said, Blessed is the who expects nothing, for he shall receive it undoubtedly negative expectations are a quick route to dead end thinking which is equal to an empty life. How many successful people do you know who are apathetic or negative? Positive expectations bring a positive attitude. They produce excitement, conviction, hopeful desires, confidence commitment, and energy; all characteristics that help a person to achieve success. If you would like to possess these qualities in greater abundance, then make your expectations about your life excellent.

Excellent expectation makes for excellent thinking and excellent thinking begets an excellent attitude and that is the making of an excellent life.  

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