Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Test Online 2022 Preparation

– MMPI Test Online –

MMPI Test Online: The MMPI Test Online 2021 is an important test that shows expertise and self-awareness from anyone seeking a key position in top companies and organizations. 

This article explains the MMPI test in detail, states its importance, and proffers a full guide on how to pass this test.

Currently, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test (MMPI) is one of the best tests to examine candidates for these key positions.

Xscholarship has provided details about the MMPI test online 2021, its importance, and a full guide on how to pass this test.

What Is the MMPI Test?

is a pre-employment screening test used worldwide. It was developed at the University of Minnesota in the 1930s by Starke R. Hathaway and J. C. McKinley.

The exam initially published in 1943, was later updated in 1989 to the now popular MMPI-2 exam.  

There are two other versions of the test; One for adolescents, the MMPI-A and a restructured version, the MMPI-2-RF. 

The exam must be taken in an assessment center with a psychologist present trained to administer the exam. MMPI-2 is offered in 22 languages.

Types of MMPI Test

There are just three types of MMPI tests online; , MMPI-2, and MMPI-2-RF.

1. MMPI Test

Also known as a multi-stage personality test, MMPI is a psychological test that examines various personality aspects. It is the most valid and most common personality test for examination and standardization.

The test comes as a questionnaire with over 500 different statements. Each of these statements demands an answer, whether right or wrong.

Test takers are expected to answer all questions within 1- 1.5 hours. Well, this type of MMPI test can be taken individually or as part of a group.

Also, test takers can choose to write MMPI test online or manually. Candidates must not leave more than 30 questions unanswered, or the test will be invalid.

This type of MMPI test is a significant test in deciding whether or not a candidate should be accepted. This particular type of test is used in addition to other psychological tests or interviews as a diagnostic tool

2. MMPI-2

This is a new version of MMPI. This type of MMPI test comprises 567 statements and, must be answered within 1- 2 hours.

MMPI-2 is the third most common in psychology behind the most common and achievements.

The origin of this test is traceable to a new standard based on 2,600 people who were from a more representative background than MMPI.

This brought about the addition of new topics that could help physicians interpret the results of the original clinical diagnoses.

Basically, there are 10 clinical scales that assess 10 major categories of in MMPI-2.

Also, the test comprises four validity scales that assess the candidate’s test-taking attitude. These scales tell when candidates answer the test questions truthfully and accurately.

3. MMPI-2-RF

This is the third type of MMPI test. This personality test consists of 338 statements and a publication on child custody laws.

scale intercorrelation patterns, and alpha coefficient values are similar to other populations.

What is it Used for? 

MMPI tests are used to help diagnose mental health disorders, but many mental health professionals don’t rely on a single test to make a diagnosis.

They usually prefer to gather information from many sources, including their own interactions with the person being tested.

The MMPI should only be administered by a trained test administrator, but the test results are sometimes used in other settings.

MMPI evaluations are sometimes used in child custody disputes, substance abuse programs, educational settings, and even employment screenings.

It’s important to note that using the MMPI as part of a job qualification process has caused some controversy. Some advocates argue that it violates the provisions of the (ADA).

What is the Format of the MMPI Test?

There are three variants as expressed above, but the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-2-RF are the two more popular variants.

Both the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF are untimed exams. The MMPI-2 consists of 567 questions which candidates generally complete in approximately 90 minutes. The test has nine validity scales to aid in the prevention of fake answers.

First published in 2008, the MMPI-2-RF is based on the 2003 Restructured Clinical Scales. The exam consists of 338 questions taken from the MMPI-2 and is taken in situations where the MMPI-2 cannot be administered.

Due to there being fewer questions, it usually takes a shorter time of about 35-50 minutes to complete.

The MMPI-2 remains the more popular of the two, being the third most popular psychometric exam behind the IQ test and Achievement tests.

The 4 Validity Scales of the MMPI

The MMPI-2 is not a valid measure of a person’s psychopathology or behavior if the person taking the test does so in a way that is not honest or frank.

A person may decide, for whatever reasons, to overreport (exaggerate) or underreport (deny) the behavior being assessed by the test.

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) contains four validity scales designed to measure a person’s test-taking attitude and approach to the test:


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Lie (L) – The Lie scale is intended to identify individuals who are deliberately trying to avoid answering the MMPI honestly and in a frank manner.

The scale measures attitudes and practices that are culturally laudable, but rarely found in most people.

In other words, people who make these items are often trying to make themselves look like a better person than they really are (or that anybody is). The scale contains 15 items.

F – The F scale (the “F” does not stand for anything, although it is mistakenly sometimes referred to as the Infrequency or Frequency scale) is intended to detect unusual or atypical ways of answering the test items, like if a person were to randomly fill out the test.

It taps a number of strange thoughts, peculiar experiences, feelings of isolation and alienation, and a number of unlikely or contradictory beliefs, expectations and self-descriptions. If a person answers too many of the items incorrectly, it will invalidate the entire test.

ntrary to some descriptions of the scale, F scale items are scattered throughout the entire test up until around item 360. The scale contains 60 items.

Back F (Fb) – The Back F scale measures the same issues as the F scale, except only during the last half of the test. The scale has 40 items.

K – The K scale is designed to identify psychopathology in people who otherwise would have profiles within the normal range. It measures self-control, and family and interpersonal relationships, and people who score highly on this scale are often seen as being defensive. The scale contains 30 items.

There are additional content and validity scales that have been developed independently from the core MMPI, but are often scored by a psychologist who is administering the test.

This article describes only these core scales used in the MMPI-2.

What are the MMPI Clinical Scales? 

The clinical scale is designed to state where an individual is on the ten different mental health scales.

Each scale relates to a different psychological pattern or condition, but there’s a lot of overlap between the scales. Generally speaking, very high scores may indicate a mental health disorder.

Scale 1: Hypochondriasis

This scale contains 32 items and is designed to measure whether you have an unhealthy concern for your own health.

A high score on this scale is an indication that you are worried about your health which in turn interferes with your life and causes problems in your relationships.

Scale 2: Depression

This scale has 57 items, and it measures satisfaction with your own life.

For instance, a high Scale 2 score is an indication that such an individual is dealing with clinical depression or having frequent suicidal thoughts.

The Scale 3: Hysteria

Scale 3 consists of 600 items and, it evaluates one’s response to stress, including physical symptoms and emotional response to being under pressure.

Scale 4: Psychopathic Deviate

This MMPI-2 test scale comprises 50 items that measure antisocial behaviors and attitudes. Individuals’ answers to these items will reveal if .

Scale 5: Masculinity/Femininity

The original purpose of this 56-question test section was to elicit information about people’s sexuality.

This scale stems from a time in which some mental health professionals viewed same-sex attraction as a disorder.

The Scale 6: Paranoia

This scale, which has 40 questions, evaluates symptoms associated with psychosis. It ascertains if an individual has: extreme suspicion of other people, grandiose thinking, rigid black-and-white thinking, and feelings of being persecuted by society.

Scale 7: Psychasthenia

This 48-item scale measures:

  • compulsive behaviors
  • symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Scale 8: Schizophrenia

Scale 8 of the MMPI-2 test consists of 7 items. The scale’s sole intention is to show whether you have, or are likely to develop, a schizophrenia disorder.

Scale 9: Hypomania

The purpose of this 46-item scale is to evaluate the symptoms associated with hypomania, including:

  • excessive undirected energy
  • rapid speech
  • racing thoughts
  • impulsivity
  • delusions of grandeur

Scale 10: Social Introversion

This item comprises 69 items that measure extroversion or introversion. This scale considers, among other things, your:

  • competitiveness
  • compliance
  • timidity
  • dependability

What is a Good MMPI Test Result?

Generally, MMPI test assessments are a significant indicator of certain psychological conditions. This makes it difficult to ascertain what behavioral patterns are spectacular to high scores.

However, 65 and above in MMPI assessments of psychological conditions are termed high scores.

Well, MMPI- 2 test result comes as an interpretive report. Scores are converted to normalized T scores on a scale ranging from 30 to 120.

These results are administered alongside other psychological tests to confirm the report of the MMPI test.

For the grading, MMPI uses six specific scales that serve as indicators of test validity.

How to Pass the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test?

Study guides will not provide you with the holy grail to passing this exam, but they might be able to give you some rewarding tips. One of which is to expose yourself as much as possible to the exam material.

This can be done by attempting MMPI questions and practice assessments. This process helps you to optimize your responses to suit the psychological profile best aligned to your desired job.

The MMPI Test Online is a well-researched and respected test designed to help mental health professionals diagnose mental health disorders and conditions.

It’s a self-reporting inventory that evaluates where you fall on 10 scales related to different mental health disorders.

The test also uses validity scales to help test administrators understand how you feel about taking the test and whether you’ve answered the questions accurately and honestly.

Depending on which version of the test you take, you can expect to spend between 35 and 90 minutes answering the questions.

The MMPI Test Online is a reliable and widely used test, but a good mental health professional won’t make a diagnosis based solely on this one assessment tool.

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