Missing My Dad in Heaven on His Birthday Quotes

Death is a strange thing. I’m not going to try and tell you how to handle it or what to think about it, because all that would do is lead me to contradict you. Everyone has their own way of understanding it, and everyone handles it in their own way. It’s just like the rest of life: no two ways are exactly alike, but they’re all still good.

Being close to someone you love like your dad is something that you might take for granted, like most people. The assurance that he has joined the angels in heaven, in a better place filled with joy and laughter makes it easier for you to accept his absence.

The pain of losing your dad doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate him on his birthday. If you know this feeling and have lost your dad, then these missing dad on his birthday in heaven quotes below are for you.

On this special day, I wish you a happy birthday. I can never thank you enough for everything you have done. I know you are in heaven, watching down on us and I hope that we are making you proud. I miss you, dad. Happy birthday.

1. Missing you on this special day. Wishing that you were here to celebrate your birthday with me. Even in heaven, I know that you are with me like you always have been. You will forever remain my best friend, the only father I ever knew, and a shoulder to cry on. I love you beyond words can describe.

2. Dear dad, wherever you are, I want to tell you that I miss you so much on your birthday. You were there to guide me through my academic career the best way. Even though it has been years since we last saw each other, I still remember those tender and beautiful memories we made together.

3. Dear dad, today is your birthday, but here I am missing you the most. Today, a place inside me that has been empty since time immemorial starts hurting. My mom has tried her best to fill my fatherless void. But no one’s love can replace yours. You were my best friend then and you will always remain so. Happy birthday, dad. May you be remembered as the eternal star that shines.

4. Dad, I have grown up missing you every day of my life. The biggest source of sadness in my life is the emptiness in it. You are the biggest missing piece in my life. Happy birthday, dad.

5. We lost you too early and we will miss you forever. We all love you and you’re always alive in our hearts, happy birthday dad.

6. The day he left a big gap in my heart that words can’t express. The heartache of missing my father comes in waves like the ocean tides. Happy birthday, dad. You used to tell me that we are all-stars, and teach me to look to the sky at night and say, “Goodnight Dad!” Happy birthday my darling father, now in heaven.

7. You are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Happy birthday, Dad, I miss you always and think about you a lot.

8. Today you are celebrating your birthday. This message isn’t much, but when I remember that you have been gone for a long time now, my heart bleeds. What I really want to say to you is that the chain that connects our hearts will remain strong even if you are not there. You were a very special person and I am proud to call you my dad. happy birthday.

9. Dad, the days have never been the same without your voice guiding me through. You were always there for me when I needed you, and you are remembered by so many with fondness and love. You will be missed forever. Today brought back all the memory we shared. Happy birthday.

10. Dear dad, thank you for always being there for me. I miss you dearly, but I know one day we will be together again. I wish you all the best.

11. A good father, the best a man can have. I spent quality time with you and shared my dreams with you. As a token of gratitude on your birthday, I wish we could talk again, just like it was before.

12. From the day you left this world, I have always been thinking about you. You were my hero and my best friend. I love and miss you so much. I wish you were here to see me grow into a man now. But as long as you are in my heart, your shadow will never fade away from my memory. Happy birthday.

13. Alive or dead, you were the best dad anyone could ever ask for. I miss you and love you so much. Happy birthday.

14. My dad in heaven is always on my mind on his birthday and I miss him so much. I miss how you would read me stories in bed when I couldn’t sleep. I can’t wait to see you again when it won’t feel like a moment but an eternity.

15. My dear father in heaven, I wake up each day with a heart-aching feeling of missing you. You were too good to leave me all alone in this world. My prayer is that I will be able to see you again soon, celebrating your birthday with you each year.

16. Today is a special day for me. It is the birthday of my father, now in heaven. I miss and love him beyond words so whenever his birthday comes around, I give all my attention to him and pray he sees my love from where he lives.

17. Today is your birthday, daddy. I miss you very much. I wish you were here with me. I can’t wait for the day we reunite in heaven. I look forward to that day. Until then, I hope you know how much you are missed.

18. I just miss you, dad. I wish you were here with us to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday in heaven.

19. I just wanted to say happy birthday to someone I haven’t seen in a long time. Hey dad, happy birthday. I know, you’re busy in heaven, but that doesn’t stop me from missing you.

20. You have always been there for me when I needed you most. You have been my greatest source of strength, and that makes me strong. Every day is a hard one without you, but I know you are in heaven looking down on me. Today is your birthday and I wish you all the love and blessings in the world.

21. Dad, God is merciful for granting you a place among the angels in heaven. I know, you suffer no more. All your tears, all your woes, have been washed in grace and mercy of God. You were my true hero whom I looked up to, but destiny had other plans. But even today, my eyes still shed streams of tears whenever I remember you and miss you. Happy birthday, dad.

22. Dear dad, I know you’re in heaven but happy birthday. I miss you so much because you were always there for me when I needed someone to talk to or someone to understand my pain or someone to listen to me without judging me or someone who would never leave me alone at any point in life.

23. Today is the day I miss my dad the most, it’s his birthday. I miss his unwavering support, his understanding and how patient he had always been with me. He is not here anymore, but in my heart, he lives on.

24. Dear dad in heaven, I wish you a very happy birthday. When I was much younger we celebrated your birthday here on earth. But since then, I have been celebrating it in heaven. Your absence is a great void in my life. I miss you and think of the many things you would have done to make me happy.

25. Dear dad, on this special day I wish you were here with us to celebrate your birthday. You were a great husband to mom and my father to me and my sister. Happy birthday in heaven dad, we all love and miss you each day of our lives.

26. Dad in heaven, I miss you so much! The love and support that you gave me is something no one can ever replace. Your smile on my birthday made my day special. You always gave me hope and motivation to go forward. I miss your constant guidance and your wisdom.

27. You are missed more than words can express. As I stand on your birthday looking at the stars, a thousand memories come to my mind. Each time I see the same shining star in the sky, I will think of you and remember how much I miss you. Happy birthday, dad!

28. I know you’re up there, Dad. I see all the stars that shine at night and I know that you are one of them. You will always shine upon me, and I’ll never be sad again. Happy birthday!

29. I wish you had not been taken away from us so early in your life. You would have loved to be here with your family and celebrate yet another of your birthdays. Happy birthday, Dad, we love you and miss you so much.

30. Happy birthday, Dad! I miss you so much. You were the one who took care of me when I was a child. All those great memories we had, still fills my heart with joy. After all these years, I still love you and will never stop loving you. Rest in peace, my dear father!

31. Dad, it has been years since you left us. Though the days seem to get better, the nights are still a struggle. I miss you, daddy! My greatest wish is to see you again so that I can tell you how much I yearn for you.

32. Beloved father of mine, you have left me behind, but I cannot feel lonely having you in my heart every single day. You are always around in my thoughts and feeling me through the wind that whispers your name in my ear. I know that you still hold on to my hand and give me strength from above.

33. You would have been sixty this year. But even in death, and now that you’re in heaven, you are still close to my heart and I miss you more than you can ever imagine.

34. On your birthday, though you’re in heaven, my greatest wish is to hold your hand and walk down memory lane. I love you and miss you dad!

35. Dad in heaven, you are so special to me. Even though we were not always on good terms with each other when you were alive, I still remember the days when we spent quality time together. I wish we could do all that again and live long as a family. Happy birthday!

36. Dad, you may be gone but the bond between us will remain forever. Wishing you a happy birthday in heaven!

37. Though you are in heaven I pray God touches your heart and takes you back. You have my love and prayers, God bless your soul. Happy birthday, dad!

38. To my beloved dad on your birthday, I am missing you more and more each day. I hope you are in a better place where you are happy and healthy.

39. Happy birthday dad! I thank God for your love and care for me. I am missing you so much today. May God forgive all your sins and let you enjoy endless pleasure in the heavens’ kingdom.

40. I feel so lost without you and it has been a long time now. I wish heaven bestowed upon you longevity and made your last breath a sweet one. I pray that everything that happens in heaven is done exactly how you wanted it. Happy birthday, dad! I love you.

41. On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday! I know I will always love you daddy because no one can ever take your place in my heart. Always in my thoughts and in my prayers, I miss you so much!

42. I always look for your figure in a room, I always await your voice on the phone. I feel like you are with me all the time. No matter how much time passes, I still miss you. Happy birthday, dad!

43. You were that person for me, dad! And now that you are gone from this world and with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, I cannot believe that this is really happening! It feels like it was just yesterday that we spent time together at home but now, we have to wish you a happy birthday from so far away.

44. It’s a typical day like any other when I suddenly realize we’re wishing you a happy birthday when you’re in heaven. We all miss you terribly dad.

45. I vividly remember how you would wake up every morning and say, “It’s going to be a great day, the beautiful daughter of mine. Now, we’re wishing you a happy birthday from here when you’re in heaven.

46. How I longed for the day we can still chat as friends because you meant so much to me. I miss my dad in heaven on his birthday today, But I know everything is well.

47. My dad in heaven blessed my life to make me the best person I could ever be. Although you are no more physically with me, you are always in my thoughts and heart. Today is your day and I pray that it will be filled with lots of love, warmth, joy and happiness. I miss you, dad. Happy birthday!

48. Dear dad, I know you are in heaven but I still miss you so much. You touched my heart and made a difference in my life. The void in my heart, that you have left behind, can never be filled by anyone else. But I know we will meet again someday. Till then, happy birthday!

49. I am missing you, dad. Today is my birthday, and I know you would have given me a big hug. You were the one who made sure all my birthdays were special. Now I keep your picture and think about you as I blow the candles on my cakes. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

50. Dear dad, I wish you all the best on your birthday today. You have always been a great dad to me, and I will always carry your love within me. You’ve never disappointed me and always stood for what is right. I miss your presence so much.

There are a lot of things that I miss about dad. But mostly the times when he used to lift me up and sit me on his shoulders while we watched little league baseball games. We could not let anyone see us, because it was a “no-no” back then. I cherish those moments for eternity, happy birthday dad in heaven.

51. Dad, you may be in heaven but even there, I will find you. Heaven is a better place for a man who lived life to the fullest but at times it’s just not enough. I miss you so much and pray to God that we meet again. I love you, dad! Happy birthday.

52. There are a lot of things that I miss about dad. But mostly the times when he used to lift me up and sit me on his shoulders while we watched little league baseball games. I cherish those moments for eternity, happy birthday dad.

53. Dad, I miss you so much. Since you have left, I have lost all hopes in my life. All that I need is your hug to feel happy again and some words of wisdom to make me realize why it is important to live. I feel so bad that, even on your birthday, I am not with you.

54. My heart is grieving, my eyes are welling with tears and my stomach is in turmoil. I feel very lonely as if everything is gone, nothing exists anymore. Now, we’re wishing you a happy birthday from here when you’re in heaven dad.

55. Dear Dad, you are missed more and more as each day passes by. Each milestone I cross reminds me of our time together. I miss your hand holding my hand and the pride in your eyes when you saw me achieve something. That’s when I realized that being a father is joyful, but being a child is wonderful. I miss you!

56. I can still remember everything about you. You were my best friend and I miss you dearly. I wish I could see you walk up the stairways and hear your voice.

57. Wishing my beloved dad in Heaven, a very happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. and missing him so much, especially on this special day. I love you forever.

58. Dear dad, are you aware that it has been ten years since you left us? I miss you so much, and I long for the day when I will be able to see your beautiful face again. Happy birthday in heaven!

59. My dad is in heaven, I wish we always stayed together. You were the kindest soul, and your memory shines through the people you have touched with immeasurable love. With the deepest flutters of our hearts, we miss you.

60. Dear dad, It’s your birthday today. I wish I was with you to celebrate. I miss you and love you.

61. I wish I could be there with you and celebrate your birthday in person. I know you must miss me a lot dad. The memories we have created together stay with me and keep me going. My love, hugs and warmth are extended to you this day by me and my family.

62. On this special day, I wish you a heartfelt birthday and a wonderful year ahead! I miss my father dearly, but happy times like this are the best way to remind me of all the good times we had together. My heart is always with you wherever you go.

63. Dad, you are missing your birthday. I love you so much, and I will be forever grateful for what you have done for me. My life was never easy that is why it was made easy by your hard work and determination. I cherish you as my father and a father that every child would desire to have. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Wish you a happy birthday!

64. My dad would have been pleased with all the progress I have made. My family and friends are on the verge of acknowledging my importance in their lives. My job is flourishing, but I will be happy when you come down from heaven to see the fruits of your labour. Thanks for depositing this lesson in me from a tender age. Today, I celebrate you.

65. Though miles apart, my thoughts are with you my dear dad today. I know that you are watching over us right now, looking down at us beaming in your typical proud father look, smiling as you reminisce over the wonderful moments we have spent together. I miss you so much, may God grant you His mercy and grace. I love you, dad. Happy birthday.

66. Today is a big day for our family, it’s your special day. I am missing you a lot on this day. I miss you every day.

67. It is not easy going a day without you, and I miss you. One day, I will be able to see you and spend more time with you. Until then, I love you! Happy birthday.

68. Today, I try to listen to the song that you used to hum very softly as if it will bring you back. I think how every time we would visit a new place and how you’d look at me with curiosity, yearning to explore something new. You loved me despite my flaws and I want you to know that I still remember your last words to me. I miss you so much, dad. Happy birthday.

69. My dad is in heaven, today I miss you because you are the best father a girl can ask for. Although you left me early, your footprints will remain indelible in my heart. I love you so much and happy birthday dad.

70. Dear dad in heaven, you are immensely missed by us all. We love you, dad. Happy birthday.

71. I am missing you dad. You have gone to a better place, and I believe that somehow God wants us to know that he loves us and will take care of us. I wish you a happy birthday dad.

72. It has been a while since you left me here, but I am missing you dearly. What we had was special and enchanting. You loved me and cared for me the most out of all those who came your way. We had a good time together, looking back, I wish we could do it all over again. Happy birthday, dad.

73. Today is my dad’s birthday. I miss him so much! I wish he were here with me. But I know God has a plan for him and his time had come. Happy birthday, dad.

74. I wish I could have shown you what your unconditional love had done to me. You were always there for me when I was down, and when I needed to be raised. There will never be another person to take your place in my heart. Happy birthday, dad.

75. Happy birthday, dad! It is your special day and I want you to know that I wish you were here. I still deal with the pain of losing you, but at least my life doesn’t feel as sad. There are no more tears flowing from my cheek, though the hurt inside remains. Mama misses you more than words could have told her in the past three years without you. Still, time makes things much easier to get through. Happy birthday, dad.

76. I miss you a lot on this special day, Dad. I love you so much and if I could, I would be by your side right now. I hope you are happy and in a very good place, my dear father.

77. My father is an angel now. He has passed away, but he is still with me; I often feel his presence in my life, home and workplace. Today, on his birthday, his memories are alive in my heart. I will always miss you, dad.

78. Dad, I miss you so much. And today, of course, brings back all those memories of our times together. Today is a special day for me and I wish I could see you one more time. Happy birthday, dad.

79. Dad, I miss you so much. How can it be 15 years since last I saw you? But your love for me is everlasting and my life is better because of your sacrifice. Happy birthday, dad.

80. Though I can never tell you how handsome you are, and I will never do justice to the man that you were. You shaped me into a person who knows what hard work and dedication are. I’m grateful for everything you have done for me. Happy birthday, dad.

81. You are always on my mind, even though you have gone to heaven. I miss you a lot and wish that you were here to celebrate your birthday with me. I miss you and a happy birthday dad.

82. Dad, you were the best partner in my childhood, life and even after. I hope you are resting well in heaven now. I miss you every single day of my life. Happy birthday, dad.

83. Thinking of you on your birthday and missing you so much. I pray that you will spend the day in peace with God and the angels. I hope that you are experiencing the joy of heaven right now. Happy birthday, dad.

84. Dear dad, it has been years since you left me alone in this world. Since you have gone, time seems to have stopped for me and the world has stood still. The one who walked along with you always and believed that there was nothing that two friends couldn’t solve together; today I miss you more than ever. Happy birthday, dad.

85. I can’t believe my dad left me on earth and went to heaven. I miss you so much. Happy birthday, dad.

86. It has been years since we lost you, but still, some days go by without missing you. I miss you so much because you were everything to me; family, friend and companion. Happy birthday, dad.

87. Dear Dad, is it only an illusion? Was it all a dream? Am I too tired to know that you are near? Where are you now? Is heaven as sweet as my mother described to me? Do you see mom often and where do you meet when she is not here on earth? I miss you so much.

88. Dear Dad, I’ll spend the day remembering the time we spent together. Without you around, my struggle to live a normal life has been difficult. With your loving presence, there is no need of fearing anything. Thank you for your sacrifices, happy birthday dad.

89. I am missing you today dad. Do you remember that time we went for a hunt together? I can still feel the breeze in my hair and the scent of the wood in the air. Happy birthday, dad.

90. I miss you, dad. Happy birthday. The best thing that can happen to us, is that we have someone like you in our lifetime. Knowing that I will never be able to embrace you and thank you for all the opportunities you have given me has been a hard pill to swallow. I will always love you, dad.

91. You were my father, my friend and my hero. You inspired me to do good things in my life. As you said: if we leave the world a better place than when we entered it then we have lived a worthy life. Your death will always remain painful because my life is all about you. Happy birthday, dad.

92. Dear dad, your birthday comes round again and I am missing you as much as I did last year and the year before. I do hope you enjoy your birthday in heaven, surrounded by everything you love and cherished. I do miss you a lot. Happy birthday, dad.

93. In my heart, I still feel your presence. I miss you so much on this day. Happy birthday dad in heaven.

94. Dad, every time I miss you, I think of all the happy days we had and I think about our conversations on the phone, your laughter and how it made me smile. Happy birthday to your dad in heaven.

95. Dad, you left us here on earth long ago, but I still feel your presence everywhere I go. You were the strongest and bravest man that I knew, and my kids are nothing less than your legacy. Have a great birthday in heaven.

96. Dear dad, It is my privilege that I get to celebrate your birthday in heaven. It is indeed a great blessing and I am thankful to God for such a wonderful gift. I love you and miss you. Have a fantastic day.

97. I realize I cannot give you a gift on your birthday. But I can give you the one that matters the most, unconditional love from my heart. happy birthday and may you rest in peace up there, Dad.

98. I wish you a very happy birthday dad. I am so glad that you have been such a kind person. I have so many memories of me sitting by your knee while we shared stories and reminiscences. I pray that you will look after me from above and guide me through life.

99. Dad, I know you would have loved to celebrate your birthday with me. The times we shared are some of the best in my life. I wish you were here. I miss you, daddy.

100. Dad, I wish to thank you for all you have done for me. It has been one year since you left us but I still feel your presence with me. Joy never dies and love never fades. Until we meet again. Love always from your darling son.

101. I am the unique product of our relationship. I am grateful for the values that you have nurtured in me. Happy Birthday, dad. You will forever remain in my heart.

I hope you found this collection of missing my dad in heaven on his birthday quotes helpful. Please let me know how you feel about this post in the comment section. Thanks for reading.

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