Modeling Lis Students’ Intention to Adopt E-Learning


Many today are in real pursuit of literacy. This is characteristic of students at a higher level of education than is the University level.

students are in great pursuit of information; they are willing to learn new things, ideas, technologies and also learn a new way of acquiring . This obviously occurs now that the world is turning into a global village. This is the world of information and communication technology (ICT).

In education, the computer has made tremendous impacts to learning. Information and communication technology and its use have impacted the way and educators acquire and deliver information (Eke, 2009).

These technologies have been applied in so many ways in the learning pursuit. They can come in electronic formats which are, learning via electronic means for learners.

This becomes e-learning. E-learning (electronic learning) involves the use of electronic media (the Internet, DVD, CDROM, Videotape, television, cell phones, etc.) for teaching and learning at a distance. (Engelbrecht, 2005).

An e-learning unit at the University of Nigeria Nsukka to promote and encourage the use of e-learning in teaching and learning, through a variety of academic activities.


Electronic learning or e-learning as popularly called has been variously defined by different authors. It goes like the name sounds. The prefix ‘e’ stands for electronic, and electronic learning is learning via electronic means. It is a web-based kind of learning. Web here entails learning online; learning via the world wide web.

This is actually another side of e-learning. Once synonymous with distance learning, e-learning has quickly evolved to include not only courses that are taught online and over a distance, but also to include traditional “brick and mortar” courses that have been enhanced with electronic elements (McLean, N. and Sander, 2003).

E-learning is simply a kind of learning that is enabled by electronic technology. It could be web-based learning, computer-based learning, or virtual classrooms and content delivery via networks, audio or videotape, satellite TV, video conferencing, CD-ROM, i-pods, emails, wireless and mobile technology.

Electronic learning is considered to be an adequate method for the training of human resources of contemporary organizations and enterprises; due to the advantages it offers (Cantoni; 2004; Driscoll, 2002; Kruse, 2004; Rosenberg, 2000a).

Elearning is learner-controlled, in which case the individual has authority over the learning environment; it is self-faced giving chance for students to work with their own timetable and learners can assess training when it is convenient for them, at home or in the office.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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